My Business: The Effective negotiations Workshop (Sevastopol, Crimea)
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Our week-long training has ended. It was organized by My Business Center (made for entrepreneurs of Sevastopol) and Consulting company “Inspirate with Success”.. 
Six days of “Effective negotiations" are in a past already)..  I am grateful to all the coaches, trainers and the participants. I want to share my experience who couldn’t make it to the training or they did not know that  SUCH AMAZING things take place in Sevastopol. Best part is it’s FREE!!! (funded by our government).
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Aren't we cool?!! 
I’ll start with the team. The reason behind it that any business, any City or any process is represented by its people (!!!). It’s a matter of chance that we all met at the same time and the same place in spite of being so busy in our respective lives. We shared common objective “To improve Ourselves” and to learn the art of introducing/presenting ourselves and make our lives better in general (for ourselves and for others too).
So I start (not in order of importance).. Here we are!!....
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Ivanna (this is the name (with))) Kuzmenuk, eco-estate “Khutor Ilicha”
There were more than 15 humans, amazing but at the first day I had a common task exactly with this wonderful woman... According to the assignment of the speaker Olga Sergeeva, we had to come up with a joint business startup that would unite our current areas of activity.. kind of project of my dream))
I am as a massage therapist and Ivanna is as the owner of the contact museum in Chernorechie (her FB page here, phone number here +7 978 748-53-55) have came up the following..
EthnoSpaHotel “7 Worlds”))
Yes, it will pay off in many years.. Yes, it is more for curious tourists who do not want to save on impressions.. It is for those who want (not only) to relax with family and friends in nature.. Except previous.. We will …
.. feed you delicious food.. will be served with national dishes of seven cultures from all over the world, 
.. you can choose any method of recovery (for example, only with us.. in our Spa center.. will be available a purely Russian fixing of the abdomen, postpartum swaddling women and a real bath with fragrant broom; fans to relax in Indian way (Indian Panchakarma) of treatment with all the pleasures of massage at 4 hands, etc.; who want Chinese scraping massage guasha, please, welcome to us; fans deep massage with the pain.. can visite Thai(or)Hawaiian massage, your body will be pressed by feet, elbows and other massagist’s parts)))) Of course, we will not ignore other cultures.. Perhaps, the most exotic type of baths that’s known today..is Japanese variation..
you will immerse yourself in the culture where you will live in.. our Contact Ethnomuseum+SPA+Hotel will provide you with rooms in the chosen by you style, will give you the opportunity to communicate with representatives of these countries (YES! all administrators, waiters, massage therapists and other staff will be Russian-speaking foreigners from China, India, Hawaii, Thailand, etc.))) Isn't it great?)))
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Klementy Martov (rescue service, landscaping)
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Olga Pimanova (advertising, exclusive souvenirs)
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The next participant requires special mention. I have saved his number as “Great Vadim Dvornikov” and he is like this only (without any exaggeration). Well let me prove it to you.
(still writting)
And you? Do You Want to become an effective negotiator?!!
Second stream is coming soon..
6-day course in a real life starts November 30th in Sevastopol (contact phone +7 978 032-66-79, Olga Sergeeva) and 
6-week online course will be since December 1st, click here to book..
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By the way..
.. it’s a pleasure.. that my FB post with russian version of this review-report was reposted 50 times.. OMG! Haha..it’s success!!))) Do you agree?))) Hug you, world. I Share with You..because it’s the main point of Life (in my private opinion;)
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God Rode The Brooklyn Subway
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Marcel Sternberger was a methodical man of nearly 50, with bushy white hair, guileless brown eyes, and the bouncing enthusiasm of a czardas dancer of his native Hungary.
He always took the 9:09 Long Island Railroad train from his suburban home to Woodside, N.Y., where he caught a subway into the city.
On the morning of January 10, 1948, Sternberger boarded the 9:09 as usual. En route, he suddenly decided to visit Laszlo Victor, a Hungarian friend who lived in Brooklyn and was ill.
Accordingly, at Ozone Park, Sternberger changed to the subway for Brooklyn, went to his friend’s house, and stayed until midafternoon. He then boarded a Manhattan-bound subway for his Fifth Avenue office.
Here is Marcel’s incredible story:
The car was crowded, and there seemed to be no chance of a seat. But just as I entered, a man sitting by the door suddenly jumped up to leave, and I slipped into the empty place.
I’ve been living in New York long enough not to start conversations with strangers. But being a photographer, I have the peculiar habit of analyzing people’s faces, and I was struck by the features of the passenger on my left. He was probably in his late 30s, and when he glanced up, his eyes seemed to have a hurt expression in them. He was reading a Hungarian-language newspaper, and something prompted me to say in Hungarian, “I hope you don’t mind if I glance at your paper.”
The man seemed surprised to be addressed in his native language. But he answered politely, “You may read it now. I’ll have time later on.”
During the half-hour ride to town, we had quite a conversation. He said his name was Bela Paskin. A law student when World War II started, he had been put into a German labor battalion and sent to the Ukraine. Later he was captured by the Russians and put to work burying the German dead. After the war, he covered hundreds of miles on foot until he reached his home in Debrecen, a large city in eastern Hungary.
I myself knew Debrecen quite well, and we talked about it for a while. Then he told me the rest of his story. When he went to the apartment once occupied by his father, mother, brothers and sisters, he found strangers living there. Then he went upstairs to the apartment that he and his wife once had. It also was occupied by strangers. None of them had ever heard of his family.
As he was leaving, full of sadness, a boy ran after him, calling “Paskin bacsi! Paskin bacsi!” That means “Uncle Paskin.” The child was the son of some old neighbors of his. He went to the boy’s home and talked to his parents. “Your whole family is dead,” they told him. “The Nazis took them and your wife to Auschwitz.”
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Auschwitz was one of the worst Nazi concentration camps. Paskin gave up all hope. A few days later, too heartsick to remain any longer in Hungary, he set out again on foot, stealing across border after border until he reached Paris. He managed to immigrate to the United States in October 1947, just three months before I met him.
All the time he had been talking, I kept thinking that somehow his story seemed familiar. A young woman whom I had met recently at the home of friends had also been from Debrecen; she had been sent to Auschwitz; from there she had been transferred to work in a German munitions factory. Her relatives had been killed in the gas chambers. Later she was liberated by the Americans and was brought here in the first boatload of displaced persons in 1946.
Her story had moved me so much that I had written down her address and phone number, intending to invite her to meet my family and thus help relieve the terrible emptiness in her life.
It seemed impossible that there could be any connection between these two people, but as I neared my station, I fumbled anxiously in my address book. I asked in what I hoped was a casual voice, “Was your wife’s name Marya?”
He turned pale. “Yes!” he answered. “How did you know?”
He looked as if he were about to faint.
I said, “Let’s get off the train.” I took him by the arm at the next station and led him to a phone booth. He stood there like a man in a trance while I dialed her phone number.
It seemed hours before Marya Paskin answered. (Later I learned her room was alongside the telephone, but she was in the habit of never answering it because she had so few friends and the calls were always for someone else. This time, however, there was no one else at home and, after letting it ring for a while, she responded).
When I heard her voice at last, I told her who I was and asked her to describe her husband. She seemed surprised at the question, but gave me a description. Then I asked her where she had lived in Debrecen, and she told me the address.
Asking her to hold the line, I turned to Paskin and said, “Did you and your wife live on such-and-such a street?”
Yes!” Bela exclaimed. He was white as a sheet and trembling.
“Try to be calm,” I urged him. “Something miraculous is about to happen to you. Here, take this telephone and talk to your wife!”
He nodded his head in mute bewilderment, his eyes bright with tears. He took the receiver, listened a moment to his wife’s voice, then suddenly cried, “This is Bela! This is Bela!” and he began to mumble hysterically. Seeing that the poor fellow was so excited he couldn’t talk coherently, I took the receiver from his shaking hands.
“Stay where you are,” I told Marya, who also sounded hysterical. “I am sending your husband to you. We will be there in a few minutes.”
Bela was crying like a baby and saying over and over again. “It is my wife. I go to my wife!”
At first I thought I had better accompany Paskin, lest the man should faint from excitement, but I decided that this was a moment in which no strangers should intrude. Putting Paskin into a taxicab, I directed the driver to take him to Marya’s address, paid the fare, and said goodbye.
Bela Paskin’s reunion with his wife was a moment so poignant, so electric with suddenly released emotion, that afterward neither he nor Marya could recall much about it.
“I remember only that when I left the phone, I walked to the mirror like in a dream to see if maybe my hair had turned gray,” she said later. “The next thing I know, a taxi stops in front of the house, and it is my husband who comes toward me. Details I cannot remember; only this I know—that I was happy for the first time in many years.....
“Even now it is difficult to believe that it happened. We have both suffered so much; I have almost lost the capability to not be afraid. Each time my husband goes from the house, I say to myself, “Will anything happen to take him from me again?”
Her husband is confident that no horrible misfortune will ever again befall the. “Providence has brought us together,” he says simply. “It was meant to be.”
Skeptical persons will no doubt attribute the events of that memorable afternoon to mere chance. But was it chance that made Marcel Sternberger suddenly decide to visit his sick friend and hence take a subway line that he had never ridden before? Was it chance that caused the man sitting by the door of the car to rush out just as Sternberger came in? Was it chance that caused Bela Paskin to be sitting beside Sternberger, reading a Hungarian newspaper'
Was it chance - or did God ride the Brooklyn subway that afternoon?
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Paul Deutschman, Great Stories Remembered, edited and compiled by Joe L. Wheeler
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What's your opinion?
The patient insists that the operation should not be performed by me, but by some female surgeon. And the second surgeon who is a woman. And in general that all members of the operational crew are female.
Some ethical paradigms in your feed. At the reception a girl of 28 years with her husband. Dressed in a niqab (not to be confused with hijab). The girl has a surgical problem, the operation clearly shows.
He and his spouse are so much more comfortable because because of their personal idiosyncrasies and religious preferences, they perceive their nakedness (even partially) towards a man very painfully. The deployment is planned as part of the OMS*. One important note: such a team is organizational, but it is possible.
As an administrator and surgeon, I should:
1. To fulfill the request (and why, she asked).
2. Refuse gently (sorry, we're already sewing, it is technically impossible to form a team among you).
3. It's rude to decline (and when you requested that everyone in the brigade have Mormons, Seventh-day Adventists, or ZZ top bears?)).
4. Cheat (how much will she remember under anesthesia?)).
5. Offer to operate commercially (what you want for your money and sorry for your taxes).
6. Another one.
by Alexey Kashchew
(Head of the Neurosurgery Department of the University Clinic at the Lomonosov State University, Moscow)
*OMS (insurance) = it means free (government pays).
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Let’s grow together
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Calling on a partner at a higher level - be prepared for the consequences.
If you call into your life a person with a consciousness much higher than yours, be ready to drop all doubts, fears, habits, stereotypes of thinking and behavior.
Because a person who, before meeting you, was moving forward with a great worked out speed, will not stop for you. It may slow down for a short period of time. But it won't slow down to make you feel more comfortable with all your garbage in your head.
Be prepared to feel inadequate.
Because, moving at a speed of 12 km per hour, you met a person who squeezes 70 km per hour. And if you are not ready to move forward faster and more efficiently, discarding all the trash in order to catch up with your partner, do not expect him to slow down to your level.
Because a relationship is, first of all, a complete interpenetration and co-creation, and not a school for pulling up Losers.
And when one of the partners is not accelerating, the one who has been moving at a speed of 70 km per hour all this time will have to move on. And it will come off and fly away. And a partner who has chosen his habits and stereotypes will miss the chance to achieve what he dreamed of when he called himself a highly developed partner.
Get ready to blow your brains out, throw out all the trash.
And do it around the clock. Because a person with a high speed of development on the machine constantly detects and throws garbage out of himself, without thinking that it can be difficult. Because for this person the meaning of life and play is in effective development and self-knowledge.
Indeed, the faster the development - the stronger and deeper the opportunity to express the Source of the One.
And in this case, on the scales of such a person there will be movement forward towards the goal or slowdown to see if your brains have woken up.
Awareness of the responsibility of the one who is lagging behind is the subconscious request of the "Fast" to slow down constantly.
- I am who I am. I find it difficult. I used to live like this. Develop yourself, and I will develop my own way. I can not. I do not know why. It just doesn't work out. I forget. These are all habits. Etc.
- And why did you then call on a highly developed partner?
If you are NOT READY to drop everything and move on, let go of the one who is ready to slow down for you. But if you are READY to change your life and yourself forever and irrevocably - do it, and do not think about it!
And if this happens for a year, two, three .. a person of fast speed slows down and becomes not so fast. When you ask your partner to slow down for your sake, realize that the longer you delay, the longer you think, the faster the Spark dies out in the Fast, which for the sake of love and faith in your strengths decided to slow down. And soon you will not see in him all that for which you called him into your life.
The Swift has the same share of responsibility on the scales, because he has to choose between the Inner desire to Move forward to the Source, faster and easier - and you, who thinks. and is waiting for the desire to develop in you to awaken?
Here, wait, it will wake up, and I will definitely be able to catch up with you, repeats "Slow". "Fast" only sighs and feels how the Spark melts. He knows that the limit will come, after which he will have to leave the "slow", because the craving for the Source is all that he really has.
The love of a partner is temporary, material values ​​are temporary, and the Thirst for the Source is eternal.
And the "Fast" will choose the Source - something that he always did. He will leave Slow and move on. Because on his way he already meets a lot of "Slow" and "Not moving". This is not a reason to stop.
Do not manipulate “Fast” through phrases: What are you Highly Developed, if you can not slow down for me. How can you leave when I love you! "
Do not manipulate phrases about Love when you yourself are unable to discard stereotypes and habits in order to start moving faster, choosing Love over Fear. Because a person of High Consciousness and Open Heart can sacrifice years of his life for you. Believing that you will wake up one day.
And when you wake up, you can see that the spark has gone out in him. Everything that was in him, he gave you. And then you change places. Be aware of what you are doing every moment of your life.
 Be yourself. Choosing Yourself - Choose Love
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Desired so long..
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Universe.. here is..I have a deal for you)...
Times you me again pulled from another depression (and named it as "corona")))..  and I noticed that my long-awaited wishes began to fulfill, let's then I'll make a full list of you.. Yeah.. I decided to be impudent so impudent:D
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All of a sudden..who knows..may be it will work)) But first of all..
Thank you for..
.. my excellent health at 41.
.. the incredible luck to be only there and with those who need me and I need them.. most.. at the particular moment..
.. an amazing team and the atmosphere of a cozy Spa 5mirov, where I apply my main talent as a massage therapist.. .. and I have plans to return to the temporarily forgotten talent of teaching the massage skills to beginners.
.. long-awaited documents, without which I was not well and very restless for the last 6 years: diploma of a Junior medical worker (Hooray! I finally finished this fkn Med.College))) + Russian Passport..our headache of recent 5 years
.. very unusual people in a difficult time for everyone... who go with me forward to dreams... by the way... let's back to .. dreams;) Universe! Are you ready?)) I will voice even most incredible desires(!;)
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I really want to
.. your help in my private life . . I'm really grateful for the number of princes)).. (especially, the variety of countries is amazing, I rated your sence of humor))).. But please.. let's move from quantity to quality))) help me tenderly to weed out the excess.. carefully, painlessly for everyone) you know me, I'm amorous, but it's time to go deep.. More precisely, I think I've made up my choice..only say me please.. where to get a magic stick, that shows me the safe path to Him)))
.. peace, work, spring.. Here, I think, it is clear(?): a) peace at the Donbass and... in the whole world)) I am for world peace! b) I want to work at a different level (want to be owner The Massage School+Hostel+Spa center in one business project + my own public organization), c) I dream about following.. not to lose this amazing state of infinite desire to help and inspire people and myself..
.. material prosperity for myself and my beloved people.. a house in Sevastopol and on the South coast, an apartment in Moscow, a dacha in Italy or Spain.. well, and little things.. like a car for me, a motorcycle for son.. the rest.. can be rented by me,.. to not distract on)))) what else is there? uh ..haha. Give me brains probably))))) to meet all these gifts from you worthy.. to keep it and generously share with others, and do not forget to thank you for all the abundance..
.. and.. and one more thing.. last year, if you remember... I have being obsessed with the dream of holding co-creation festivals.. in different directions (under the working name "Smart Fest") gathering in one place people whosing songs with meaning (smart music), engage in health with an emphasis on prevention (smart health), work with a soul (smart work).. not just for money... and.. the most important, I want to comminication with people that never stop in self-development (smart selfimprovment)... OMG,, adore ppl like this.. how interesting they are!! I want to collect as often as possible on a regular basis.. under the one roof. Please help me assemble a team.. everything is still very raw in my head, but I know you has picked up the point... give me the strength and wisdom to develop this idea and to bring it to the end.
... well, it's enough so far... if I forgot something, I'll finish it later.. now let's go to sleep;)
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Music is not only a sound background
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Well.. I decided to gather this collection in a far 2012 ..
Dreaming, eating, drinking, creating ..
All this may be done with the music. I can not imagine life without her. The birds singing, the sound of the ocean, the whisper of the forest, .. peaceful breathing in a dream or the laughter of a child ... and just silence is the most beautiful music in the world.
But the mood is changing, and in different circumstances I want to plunge into a certain atmosphere .. Music really helps. At least to me :)
Probably everyone in different periods of life had their own favorites among singers or music band. These music mixes are usually changing on my player, and sooner or later you want something new. I had to work hard to collect the best of the best, possibly encompassing my entire conscious life and all musical styles according to my moods. Therefore, do not be surprised please of a sharp change in musical genres (and sorry for so different levels of recording, it's not my fault:)
I am looking for who adore music like me :) Share, I will be glad to know the preferences of anyone. Thanks in advance for your feedback. 
Enjoy (russian version the same post is here)!
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JACKNOBLE (my FB friend)
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The world of illusion, deceit, flattery and hypocrisy in humanity. Often times, people tend to justify their personal achievements in life as a result of their great efforts. As long as this assumption may look true in a normal parlance, this is logically incorrect.
Hard work pays as we all know, but it is never a true determinant to greatness (Eccl. 9:11), hence you have to keep track of other factors that will help in building your personality.
Some people emerged just by share providence, while some came to lime light by climbing the ladder of success through hard-work and consistency in their choice of career. As a result of this, a lot of people spent time, energy, money and other resources in maintaining streams of friends so that they could get there sooner, hence, building an imaginary world.
Most often, people boasted of who they know, network of friends they keep around them and their social statuses in life. A case study is the social media world, a world of fake identity, deceit and hypocrisy in the highest order. This does not necessarily mean that, credible and sincere people are not found on social media, NO, don’t quote me wrong. Imagine an individual having a facebook account with over 4,000 friends, but non can visit or place a call to say hi. More than these numbers on Instagram, Tweeter, Skype, Badoo, etc. This is building a world in illusion. Some times you feel lonely with well over 10,000 invisible, unreachable and unknown entities in the disguise of friends. Even those you know physically as close friends, may turn to be nothing rather than nodding acquaintances, better still – fair weather friends, this is an irony of life.
This is my philosophy in life “No friend is too busy to visit, call or text you, it depends on where his/her interest lies at that moment”, this is also hypocrisy in humanity. At death, people visit graves with flowers to show how much they loved, cherished or missed the person, those words and acts are vanity to the dead, it would have been much important when this person was still alive, this is hypocrisy in human form.
Funny enough, 31st December of every year is always unique, a lot will make vows, resolutions and covenants on so many issues in life, but as seconds moved to a minute, minutes to an hour, hours to a day, then days to week, weeks to month, they willingly and unwillingly violated what had been vowed upon due to pressure or unpleasant situations.
The hypocrite in human forms are the praise singers everywhere. Visit the political cycle, you will see these in millions. Contact business associates, you will see betrayers and cheaters, visit offices where colleagues are, you will certainly see hypocrisy in humanity. Also, among brethren in the same faith, exists praise-singers, sycophants and high level of hypocrisy in human form. Prov. 28: 23 says “Whoever rebukes a man will find more favour afterward than he who flatters with his tongue”. Why flattering whom you called a brother or sister. Why deceiving the one who confided in you. Why the betrayal? Why only working closer to those you are sure of getting proceed from, is this not hypocrisy in our generation?. When was the last time you call to know how your friend is fairing? Because calling him now may not bring a sort of benefit. No one knows tomorrow sir or madam, that rejected stone may be the messiah tomorrow. I have come to realize that, people only want to be identified with the success you carry and not you in person, be careful not to be deceived. It is worthy to note that, “a true friend is one who stands by you through thick and thin”. Also, “a friend who understands your tears is much more valuable than a lot of friends who only know your smiles”, be warned. People perch around success like flies perching around dead and decay things. Honestly, you may think you have friends around you, let ill-luck or disaster strike at your door, you would barely count friends.
Always know that, the long calls people placed on you does not mean that they lack what to do with their time or you are so important to them, “No one is too important or indispensable and no one is too inferior either to be neglected (“you are you, while I am I”). Enough of this hypocrisy in humanity! Defined who your friends and associates are? Set boundaries, specifications, criteria and benchmark them. It is far better walking alone than walking among multitudes without directions.
Hypocrisy in humanity will limit your speed in life. some would be road bumps distorting your acceleration, some would be a sharp curve in your journey, some would be like Nigerian police in collecting money at each check point, many would not care how you faired, only strategizing on how to extort from you. Others would only smiled with you when they sight you, but forgot you as soon as sharp corners covered your back. Now, who is your friend, associate and brother?
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I'll start with myself (went to quarantine))))
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Increasingly, I pay attention to the fact that I spend too much time on social networks.toils.. I don't know why.. not enough attention in real life.. or I shifted priorities from quality to quantity.
Conclusion is: I'm getting stupid in front of my eyes No one thinks for more than a second about my thoughts in posts.. after viewing or even "like" it.. I'm already silent about the fact that 90% of "friends" are busy with their own ways of asserting themselves..
Well, I don't know how to dose.. I remember there was a period.. I drank beer with my husband every day.. It was the world Cup.. insensibly.. just a little.. day per day.. and, at some point, I realize that I can't do without it…
It was the same with ice cream last summer.. I bought ice cream after every massage work day.. day after day.. during whole summer... It was very difficult to stop doing it.. With Social networks will be more difficult, of course.. but I must try..
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Plan: only Live communication!
Very useful quarantine at my medicine college since yesterday started.. and since Monday (23/03-6/04) the same starts at work.. in our
SPA "5 Worlds"
where I work. So I'll take a break from social services.networks, from virtual relationships, from everything and everyone.. I don't like myself at all lately.. So, the plan is:
spring, the weather is a miracle.. I live in Crimea! but I was not  in the hiking since last January, it’s horror!..
it’s necessary to open bike-season, the 2020 season!
dancing has been beckoning again lately.. the workouts with Cindy Crawford are not enough for my body..
+ I need start doing smth by hands)).. soul wants handmade creativity.. I even bought yarn, but I take it.. home from work and back.. during two months..
+ I want to read books more actively again..
!! I had not been watched any new good movie.. during 4 months.. time to catch up.. etc.
Came.. to life without social networks it’s necessary to mentally prepare myself))) Decided!)) Tomorrow!)) I'll start. Probably a drug addict says to himself the same words or.. an alcoholic.. until the first temptation.. from the outside)))) ((((
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It's time to do it.
Step # 1: Decision made and announced
People, I need a break.. I’m not me now.. I haven’t done this for 10 years of my active Internet life ..
Step number 2: I deleted all social networks from my phone  this morning 
(vk,fb, telegram), except instagram and this blog.. my video/audio-thoughts I will publish.. as before. Call me who wants +7 978 796-13-74 (I still in viber, coz my mommy is there).
Step number 3: I am looking for like-minded people!
I will be glad to LIVE communication. Have a nice weekend, people!
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5 steps to successful love
Satya Dan Un-boring family's psychology (April 22, 2014, Samara)
Hello. In fact, I am very happy to be here.
We were walking before to here.. and I thought.. Samara is an amazing place.. I've remembered that as a child I wanted to have "a little candle factory" in Samara))... You remember, right?) (auth. quote by Ostap Bender) There is no little factory yet, but.. Samara is here)) 
(still writing)
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Finances sing romances (c)
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Where did the expression "Finance sings romances" come from?
Answer 1: “I think it was written by Pushkin.. All his pocket money were given to the Gypsies. The second option is the Declaration of an investor who has invested all his money in a musical theater.”
Answer 2 “ " Apparently, the author is unknown, but now there are new interesting expressions on this topic 
subject: "pockets write novels", "purses sell themselves by the river" .. also without a signature..” Source
A sore subject for everyone, don't even argue.. Someone can talk beautifully..
"Money is not the main thing in life”
But Oh my.... WHAT makes us happy? Only whether the Joy of small Things (such as a breathing child nearby.. or a pleasant atmosphere in the house.. like comfort, mutual understanding with relatives, etc.)???
Don't you want to?!..
to buy your baby high-quality (read - expensive) toys?
to travelling.. to go once a year (or better every three months:) on a trip with your favorite people?
to eat well (fruits and greens, relatively healthy dairy products and sweets are expensive!!!), it's cheaper to eat fast food and all sorts of crap!
to surround yourself with quality things long-live predmetami... house, car, appliances, furniture.. clothes.... in a design AS YOU want, and not as the CIRCUMSTANCES require?!
Everything in my life is in contrast.. sometimes thick, sometimes empty.. In my memory there were three hard long periods of lack of money:
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My childhood..
In 80's-2000s, the famous "Perestroika" (when you watch your school teacher on the market selling household chemicals.. it was very sad, a little bit ashamed, but  "normal”:(
"Crisis of the 2000s” (when even millionaires committed suicide: (my friends of friends told me different stories.. Horror.
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Conscious period
But, if in childhood, the feeling of helplessness is additionally suffocating.. When you grow up, some healthy anger takes over.. People around me say: “There is difficult at all times".. I don't care how everyone supposes... I WILL LIVE COMFORTABLE LIFE.. MY child WILL not starve. Such thoughts are very sobering..
When I got married.. I thought like.. I am behind my husband's back.. and it seemed you can hang your legs and just wait.. wait for a rich life.. Never I wanted to strain myself.. I only was pushing Him to make more money.. Was He lazy or inspired to hard working? We had sometimes only "the breadcrumbs".. but sometimes we travelled to abroad Thailand-Sri Lanka... But I always The source of Money was Alex (my hubby:)
Next were.. Death of her husband in 2013.. then the Donbass war in 2014 (it was turned many people's lives upside down).. Who was able to recover, and now he is "on a horse".. who doesn't.. still blames everything and everyone for the losses.. You know? There will always be circumstances (of various scales.. the war in the country or something small.. usual).. Or Some People around us..can prevent us from being happy (or making good money etc.)
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What did I do after these DIFFICULTS?
I changed my living place, made my Hobbies (massage, massage training + organization of massage parties) my main source of income. Of course, there is still no stability.. net income varied from zero (during the formation period in Sevastopol in 2014) to 70,000 rubles per month.
But it is important not only to be able to get money as a result of inspirating work (which brings unthinkable pleasure.. not only money!!!).. It is also important to be able to spend and save correctly (it's mean "financial cushion" is needed).. And with this I have serious problems:) Were... Until today;) go To the main idea of this post..
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You can't know everything in all areas.. That's why I reach out to people who know more than I do in one area or another.. First it was the husband.. Today, in terms of Finance, I admire a Woman who has a lot of experience in earning, increasing and, importantly, saving money.
Tatyana Stepanovna (a business coach, a current millionaire, a mother of two children, a happy wife and grandmother).. Well, how not to take the chance of?..
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Fate (or just a Case?)
We were introduced by my colleague from Simferopol in 2014, with whom, in turn, I became friends at the annual festival " Autonomy of Health” (Romana Romanenko). Then I was looking for a place to conduct a training seminar on Hawaiian massage with Lyudmila Volkova (Odessa).
The event I planned had two stages.. in two different places.. one was held on the basis of “Eski-Kermen "(near the village of “Red poppy", Bakhchisarai, stunning photos were taken by Inna Darda)..
I am glad that all participants liked everything.. yes.. it was an unforgettable summer.. Here are just some of the rave reviews:
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Svetlana Makarova (Alushta):
I bought a massage table the next day, I give a massage to my father and family, they are delighted.
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Anna Solyannik (Kiev):
Thank you very much for an unforgettable week by the sea. This is a lived story, a fairy tale! And tears and laughter! ))))) When you are surrounded by such People, you start to believe in miracles! Everything that happened. "this is incredible!"!! Words can't describe it! "Mahalo"(hawaiian "Hello"), My "Aloha"(hawaiian "family") to all-all-all!!!
Well.. The second stage of the festival for masseurs was held on the basis of Tatyana Stepanovna “Starfish” (between Saki and Evpatoria).
In short, everything was magical... because the place is magical.. and all because.. that the mistress is a Sorceress:)
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Back to the topic of the post.. I decided to take my financial education seriously.. with an emphasis on saving and increasing money. Fortunately, Tatyana Stepanovna is not so far away now.. We don't need to go to Simferopol..
On Saturday, in Sevastopol will be a second meeting with entrepreneurs (current or potential), where I am going (with my son! it's time for him to start earning:) That's all I wanted to say..
Good luck to all in good endeavors!
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русская версия
The night .. woke up around 2am.. January 22nd.. 2020:D HAHA 
It is difficult not to believe in the magic of numbers when there is so much “2″ around you during life.. By the way “2” -> is my number according numerology.
More over, today is a special day, not only because of the beauty og numbers in this date.. I have been waiting for this day for 7 years!!.. But later about it.. First about "2” and magic dates this year..
I was born 02/01/1979 = 2 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 9 = 29 = 2 + 9 = 11 = 1 + 1 = 2.
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As the most feminine among all numbers, the 2 is also the most underestimated -- at least, when it comes to power and strength. After all, she is almost always gentle, tactful, diplomatic, forgiving and understanding. Certainly, she likes to keep the peace and will avoid confrontations as much as possible.
If you look at the shape of the 2, however, you will recognize a symbolic representation of the ultimate survivor and an extremely resilient force. Her shape, as if bent on a knee with her head and back bowed in humility and servitude, makes it easy to dismiss her as weak and powerless. This is in stark contrast to the power and pride of the mighty and masculine 1, who will not bow for anyone at any price. However, when enough pressure is applied to the powerful warrior we see in the number 1, he will break and shatter and be done with.  Source
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On the other hand, when the humble and feminine 2 finds herself under attack and burdened with a crushing weight, she will bend, she will bend as much as needed. And when the weight is removed, her elastic, flexible nature allows her to come right back up, seemingly with little harm done, and she will continue to play her role. Source
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02.02.2020 a unique space portal will open, which appears once in a Millennium 
I don't know what will be mysterious in my life on February 2 this year.. although the forecasts are promising.. (Fantastic but in english part of Global Internet I didn’t find any info about this date.. so I’m forced to translate russian text):
This year we have one magic date -> 02.02.2020. It is the most important day in the modern history of mankind from the point of view of numerology and not only. 
 ⚜ There will no longer be a date like 02/02/2020. This symmetry gives rise to a new energy. On this day, you can change your entire life and the monetary energy of the fate of your family! 
⚜ All mirror dates in numerology have names. In Pythagorean numerology, the number 2 denotes energy, not only of real physical and mechanical phenomena, but also internal, subtle energy, the energy of the mind and psyche.
⚜ The date 02.02.2020 is a mirror energy date. What energy you put in this date, this will be reflected.
⚜ This is a very important mirror date in modern chronology, everything related to this date is related to the number 2: only 2 digits are used, in each half, each digit is repeated 2 times, and so on. At the same time, the sum of the digits of the date 02022020 is equal to 8 -> this is a symbol of money and infinity according to Eastern practices, which further strengthens the magic of the energy of this day.
⚜ Since there are no similar dates in the future, thousands of years, the energy laid down in the date 02.02.2020 will be reflected in all subsequent generations. This date is called "Gate of Destiny".
⚜ It is important to adjust this energy in your favor. In numerology, this date is the most magical day for creating an impulse to acquire wealth and transfer the energy of money across the entire family of people who will act correctly.
⚜ The "gate of Fate" opens on the last day, in which there are 4 deuces, and there is a deuce at the same time in the day, month, and year, before the "Gate of Fate" day. This date was 22.12.2019. It is from this date that the energy for the 02.02.2020 pulse is laid down.
⚜ During the open gate of Destiny, you must make an investment or start a business. Bank deposits, real estate purchases, or car purchases are not suitable. During this period, you can not do serious spending at all. It must be an investment in a business!
⚜ It is necessary to start a new energy multiplication process with money. Your actions during the open energy portal will be the strongest impetus for successful investments and business prosperity.
⚜ On the very day of 02.02.2020, you need to prepare and be surrounded by successful people with a good mood, get into such a company. Pay attention that the meeting place should be in a place with an expensive interior and people should be in beautiful expensive clothes.
⚜ Be sure to find out that in the place where you will be, there is a person with the final sum of digits of the date of birth equal to 1, this is a symbol of the beginning and everything new. To enhance the effect, try to spend this day not at home, the energy of money is the energy of movement.
⚜ Energy is always amplified next to water as a powerful energy accumulator, your desires and mood will charge the water and it will always help you and your family; the more water there is, the better. The lake, the river, or rather the sea will be charged with your energy and the energy of your kind. But don't be in the sea at this moment, money is the energy of the Earth, money needs a Foundation. 
⚜ At 22 hours and 22 minutes-make one material wish and all the energy of this day will focus on it. This is the moment that millennia have been waiting for. 
⚜ Make a charitable donation on this day and it will increase your charge for wealth. The magic of the second of February 2020 is that this day is also the 10th lunar day. On this day, it is best to start new things, this is the growing phase of the moon. This day is energetically strong at the same time and in numerology and astronomy.
In General, what you believes - what you get.. Well.. Let's come back to my today... In my unusual January 22nd..
I'll start with the fact that two days ago (20.01.2020) I was told the news that I had been waiting for 7 years! I'm going to get Russian citizenship today.
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I do not even know.. I've imagined this day so many times.. how many difficulties are behind us.. not less and ahead.. BUT I'm sure of one thing - > I'm doing the right thing!
There is no nostalgia as such.. Except that.. felt sad yesterday when I made (with love:!) playlist Ukrainian Music for a Soul).. Gratitude.. memories.. I feel smth like that! My friends and relatives are not going anywhere.. Trips to the Ukraine will wait for me.. so... Everything will be fine..
Be Happy All!
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Love for Men/Women
русская версия
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I regularly read my hided spiritual mentor (you didn’t know that, Anton Gritsenko, isn't it:). 
So.. The other day I came across a post about such a discussion on Anton’s “wall” .. It is amazing how some unambiguously answer such complex (in my opinion) questions..
Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh 
The love of a man is only a part of his life; there are many other things that need to be done. 
The love of woman is her whole life. For a man, this is not so. 
For a man, love is one of many things. He would like to write poetry not because he loves; He would like to paint a picture not because he loves -> this occupation has for him some personal value, nothing connected with love. And having set off a picture, music, he would have wanted to go deep into love and forget; This is his vacation. See the difference: the love of a man is his place of his vacation.
When he is tired of the world, from a thousand and one things, he wants to fall into the energy of a woman, in her warmth and dissolve. 
Remember: he loves only if he has a rest, and then he can write.. write poetry, compose music or dance. For him the love is a necessary basis to do other things.
For a woman - all the way around: she will do other things, because she loves (his Man). If she doesn’t love, she ceases to do anything at all.
There were different answers, one of them made me think of it..
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Am I “a man” (?) 
The first thought was this ... because I have so many features, to some extent male:
Obsession (I mean not only obsession of favorite job!) 
Competition (sometimes it is to the extremes - win at all costs). It’s especially sad when the one you are competing with is a beloved man .. It ruined my relationships before.. I make conclusions living on.. There is a hopeness that I will not allow such stupidity in current relationships (she is going to throw this rake away))))))))) I must be Happy, finally!)) Here is..
Attitude to sports (sometimes I’m ready to hard work till losing consciousness.. to prove to myself and others that I can) 
Body shape (proportions of shoulders-waist-hips)
Haircut (short). I’ve gone half my life with long ones .. But at the age of 30 I decided to start experimenting .. first my relatives reacted like “God, Julia, you escaped from the orphanage”.. And then, they were used to it.. (even During my attempts to growing my hair longer.. to make myself more feminine), they were saying “listen, but you’re losing your personality.. you are more cute with a short haircut... when you make your hair long, you look like.. boring.. too usual :)” Hehe.. ya.. More over.. how convenient it is! .. in my pace of life:)
Concentration on one thing (I read somewhere that a woman’s brain is so arranged .. that we are physically capable of doing a hundred things at once .. But men are able to do only one thing at the one moment). BUT... in my case, it’s not quite like that.. I really can do a lot of things at the same time.. when I AM CONCENTRATED only superficially on these current deal.. For example: on 3 things (listening to music with a meaning + preparing to eat + chatting with someone in social network).
BUT.. I noticed that when I immerse myself in some process .. then when distracting (for example, I write a post that is important to me... and at that moment my son is coming from the street and he is trying to talk to me) I am incredibly annoyed that I was interrupted.. 
Because I HATE stopping halfway) But for the last couple of years I’ve been trying to keep track of this moment and as a rule I control bad emotions.. BUT before that.. I was doing it rudely, telling my son “I'm busy, let's talk later” (and this offends him !!!!  shame for me!)
And sometimes I take a deep breath, exhale and switch to a new event (I’m listening to my son, as in that example .. and when he finished, I return to what I did before:) This outcome is more correct, from all points of view, agree?:)
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+ Aura specifics (like a projector HDtype)
In addition..  Probably all this is due to the peculiarities of our aura.. We should, by our nature, concentrate on something / someone alone.. That's why I deep like only one person or action at some exact moment.
In general.. I think in described-above-context, I am -> both.. the man and the woman.. It all depends on.. 
in what situation am I, 
in what mood am I, 
what exactly is the subject of hot discussion (something daily-casual, like who will take out the garbage.. haha.. or It is a global clarification of relations with my Man (BF/Husband): for example, Can I work in our family or... Do we need have more children and if it is, Can I work mixing house work with my business of dream).. etc. 
It was was full answer.. not like before I wrote “depend on”:) Satisfied
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русская версия Fidelity -> it is in the head. It is not subject to either circumstances or alcohol. Fidelity is a state of exclusion and alienation from noisy companies and various affairs. Fidelity is messages late at night, despite the boisterous fun. Fidelity is the realization and feeling that you are in the wrong place and with the wrong people. Fidelity is in your head. Fidelity is in her head. Fidelity is a memory.  This is a light smile on your face and desire, a wild desire to dissolve as quickly as possible in a hug that is dear to your heart. Fidelity is a decision.  Firm and confident.  Inner.  Completely unconscious, but from that the very present.  Not pathetic and only verbal.  But silent and doable. Fidelity is harmony -> balance of mind and sexual idyll. Fidelity is fullness.  The completeness of the relationship. Fidelity is not opposing temptations. Fidelity is a different perception of seductive situations. Only loved ones can be faithful. Only happy people can be faithful
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Lost on Dress Parade
русская версия
Mr. Towers Chandler was pressing his evening suit in his hall bedroom. One iron was heating on a small gas stove; the other was being pushed vigorously back and forth to make the desirable crease that would be seen later on extending in straight lines from Mr. Chandler's patent leather shoes to the edge of his low-cut vest. So much of the hero's toilet may be intrusted to our confidence.
The remainder may be guessed by those whom genteel poverty has driven to ignoble expedient. Our next view of him shall be as he descends the steps of his lodging-house immaculately and correctly clothed; calm, assured, handsome—in appearance the typical New York young clubman setting out, slightly bored, to inaugurate the pleasures of the evening.
Chandler's honorarium was $18 per week. He was employed in the office of an architect. He was twenty-two years old; he considered architecture to be truly an art; and he honestly believed—though he would not have dared to admit it in New York—that the Flatiron Building was inferior to design to the great cathedral in Milan.
Out of each week's earnings Chandler set aside $1. At the end of each ten weeks with the extra capital thus accumulated, he purchased one gentleman's evening from the bargain counter of stingy old Father Time. He arrayed himself in the regalia of millionaires and presidents; he took himself to the quarter where life is brightest and showiest, and there dined with taste and luxury.
With ten dollars a man may, for a few hours, play the wealthy idler to perfection. The sum is ample for a well-considered meal, a bottle bearing a respectable label, commensurate tips, a smoke, cab fare and the ordinary etceteras. This one delectable evening culled from each dull seventy was to Chandler a source of renascent bliss.
To the society bud comes but one début; it stands alone sweet in her memory when her hair has whitened; but to Chandler each ten weeks brought a joy as keen, as thrilling, as new as the first had been.
To sit among bon vivants under palms in the swirl of concealed music, to look upon the habitués of such a paradise and to be looked upon by them—what is a girl's first dance and short-sleeved tulle compared with this?
Up Broadway Chandler moved with the vespertine dress parade. For this evening he was an exhibit as well as a gazer. For the next sixty-nine evenings he would be dining in cheviot and worsted at dubious table d'hôtes, at whirlwind lunch counters, on sandwiches and beer in his hall-bedroom. He was willing to do that, for he was a true son of the great city of razzle-dazzle, and to him one evening in the limelight made up for many dark ones.
Chandler protracted his walk until the Forties began to intersect the great and glittering primrose way, for the evening was yet young, and when one is of the beau monde only one day in seventy, one loves to protract the pleasure.
Eyes bright, sinister, curious, admiring, provocative, alluring were bent upon him, for his garb and air proclaimed him a devotee to the hour of solace and pleasure. At a certain corner he came to a standstill, proposing to himself the question of turning back toward the showy and fashionable restaurant in which he usually dined on the evenings of his especial luxury.
Just then a girl scuddled lightly around the corner, slipped on a patch of icy snow and fell plump upon the sidewalk. Chandler assisted her to her feet with instant and solicitous courtesy. The girl hobbled to the wall of the building, leaned against it, and thanked him demurely. "I think my ankle is strained," she said. "It twisted when I fell."
"Does it pain you much?" inquired Chandler. "Only when I rest my weight upon it. I think I will be able to walk in a minute or two." "If I can be of any further service," suggested the young man,
"I will call a cab, or—" "Thank you," said the girl, softly but heartily. "I am sure you need not trouble yourself any further.
It was so awkward of me. And my shoe heels are horridly common-sense; I can't blame them at all." Chandler looked at the girl and found her swiftly drawing his interest. She was pretty in a refined way; and her eye was both merry and kind.
She was inexpensively clothed in a plain black dress that suggested a sort of uniform such as shop girls wear. Her glossy dark-brown hair showed its coils beneath a cheap hat of black straw whose only ornament was a velvet ribbon and bow.
She could have posed as a model for the self-respecting working girl of the best type. A sudden idea came into the head of the young architect. He would ask this girl to dine with him. Here was the element that his splendid but solitary periodic feasts had lacked. His brief season of elegant luxury would be doubly enjoyable if he could add to it a lady's society. This girl was a lady, he was sure—her manner and speech settled that.
And in spite of her extremely plain attire he felt that he would be pleased to sit at table with her. These thoughts passed swiftly through his mind, and he decided to ask her. It was a breach of etiquette, of course, but oftentimes wage-earning girls waived formalities in matters of this kind. They were generally shrewd judges of men; and thought better of their own judgment than they did of useless conventions.
His ten dollars, discreetly expended, would enable the two to dine very well indeed. The dinner would no doubt be a wonderful experience thrown into the dull routine of the girl's life; and her lively appreciation of it would add to his own triumph and pleasure.
"I think," he said to her, with frank gravity, "that your foot needs a longer rest than you suppose. Now, I am going to suggest a way in which you can give it that and at the same time do me a favour. I was on my way to dine all by my lonely self when you came tumbling around the corner.
You come with me and we'll have a cozy dinner and a pleasant talk together, and by that time your game ankle will carry you home very nicely, I am sure." The girl looked quickly up into Chandler's clear, pleasant countenance.
Her eyes twinkled once very brightly, and then she smiled ingenuously. "But we don't know each other—it wouldn't be right, would it?" she said, doubtfully. "There is nothing wrong about it," said the young man, candidly. "I'll introduce myself—permit me—Mr. Towers Chandler. After our dinner, which I will try to make as pleasant as possible, I will bid you good-evening, or attend you safely to your door, whichever you prefer."
"But, dear me!" said the girl, with a glance at Chandler's faultless attire. "In this old dress and hat!" "Never mind that," said Chandler, cheerfully. "I'm sure you look more charming in them than any one we shall see in the most elaborate dinner toilette." "My ankle does hurt yet," admitted the girl, attempting a limping step.
"I think I will accept your invitation, Mr. Chandler. You may call me—Miss Marian." "Come then, Miss Marian," said the young architect, gaily, but with perfect courtesy; "you will not have far to walk.
There is a very respectable and good restaurant in the next block. You will have to lean on my arm—so—and walk slowly. It is lonely dining all by one's self. I'm just a little bit glad that you slipped on the ice." When the two were established at a well-appointed table, with a promising waiter hovering in attendance, Chandler began to experience the real joy that his regular outing always brought to him.
The restaurant was not so showy or pretentious as the one further down Broadway, which he always preferred, but it was nearly so. The tables were well filled with prosperous-looking diners, there was a good orchestra, playing softly enough to make conversation a possible pleasure, and the cuisine and service were beyond criticism. His companion, even in her cheap hat and dress, held herself with an air that added distinction to the natural beauty of her face and figure.
And it is certain that she looked at Chandler, with his animated but self-possessed manner and his kindling and frank blue eyes, with something not far from admiration in her own charming face. Then it was that the Madness of Manhattan, the frenzy of Fuss and Feathers, the Bacillus of Brag, the Provincial Plague of Pose seized upon Towers Chandler.
He was on Broadway, surrounded by pomp and style, and there were eyes to look at him. On the stage of that comedy he had assumed to play the one-night part of a butterfly of fashion and an idler of means and taste. He was dressed for the part, and all his good angels had not the power to prevent him from acting it. So he began to prate to Miss Marian of clubs, of teas, of golf and riding and kennels and cotillions and tours abroad and threw out hints of a yacht lying at Larchmont. He could see that she was vastly impressed by this vague talk, so he endorsed his pose by random insinuations concerning great wealth, and mentioned familiarly a few names that are handled reverently by the proletariat. It was Chandler's short little day, and he was wringing from it the best that could be had, as he saw it. And yet once or twice he saw the pure gold of this girl shine through the mist that his egotism had raised between him and all objects. "This way of living that you speak of," she said, "sounds so futile and purposeless. Haven't you any work to do in the world that might interest you more?" "My dear Miss Marian," he exclaimed—"work! Think of dressing every day for dinner, of making half a dozen calls in an afternoon—with a policeman at every corner ready to jump into your auto and take you to the station, if you get up any greater speed than a donkey cart's gait. We do-nothings are the hardest workers in the land." The dinner was concluded, the waiter generously fed, and the two walked out to the corner where they had met.
Miss Marian walked very well now; her limp was scarcely noticeable. "Thank you for a nice time," she said, frankly. "I must run home now. I liked the dinner very much, Mr. Chandler." He shook hands with her, smiling cordially, and said something about a game of bridge at his club. He watched her for a moment, walking rather rapidly eastward, and then he found a cab to drive him slowly homeward.
In his chilly bedroom Chandler laid away his evening clothes for a sixty-nine days' rest. He went about it thoughtfully. "That was a stunning girl," he said to himself. "She's all right, too, I'd be sworn, even if she does have to work. Perhaps if I'd told her the truth instead of all that razzle-dazzle we might—but, confound it! I had to play up to my clothes." Thus spoke the brave who was born and reared in the wigwams of the tribe of the Manhattans. The girl, after leaving her entertainer, sped swiftly cross-town until she arrived at a handsome and sedate mansion two squares to the east, facing on that avenue which is the highway of Mammon and the auxiliary gods. Here she entered hurriedly and ascended to a room where a handsome young lady in an elaborate house dress was looking anxiously out the window. "Oh, you madcap!" exclaimed the elder girl, when the other entered. "When will you quit frightening us this way? It is two hours since you ran out in that rag of an old dress and Marie's hat. Mamma has been so alarmed. She sent Louis in the auto to try to find you. You are a bad, thoughtless Puss." The elder girl touched a button, and a maid came in a moment. "Marie, tell mamma that Miss Marian has returned." "Don't scold, sister. I only ran down to Mme. Theo's to tell her to use mauve insertion instead of pink. My costume and Marie's hat were just what I needed. Every one thought I was a shopgirl, I am sure." "Dinner is over, dear; you stayed so late."
"I know. I slipped on the sidewalk and turned my ankle. I could not walk, so I hobbled into a restaurant and sat there until I was better. That is why I was so long." The two girls sat in the window seat, looking out at the lights and the stream of hurrying vehicles in the avenue.
The younger one cuddled down with her head in her sister's lap. "We will have to marry some day," she said dreamily—"both of us. We have so much money that we will not be allowed to disappoint the public. Do you want me to tell you the kind of a man I could love, Sis?" "Go on, you scatterbrain," smiled the other.
"I could love a man with dark and kind blue eyes, who is gentle and respectful to poor girls, who is handsome and good and does not try to flirt. But I could love him only if he had an ambition, an object, some work to do in the world. I would not care how poor he was if I could help him build his way up.
But, sister dear, the kind of man we always meet—the man who lives an idle life between society and his clubs—I could not love a man like that, even if his eyes were blue and he were ever so kind to poor girls whom he met in the street."
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"The Sound Of Silence" (originally by Simon & Garfunkel) Hello, darkness, my old friend I've come to talk with you again Because a vision softly creeping Left its seeds while I was sleeping And the vision that was planted in my brain Still remains Within the sound of silence In restless dreams I walked alone Narrow streets of cobblestone 'Neath the halo of a street lamp I turned my collar to the cold and damp When my eyes were stabbed by the flash of a neon light That split the night And touched the sound of silence And in the naked light I saw Ten thousand people, maybe more People talking without speaking People hearing without listening People writing songs that voices never share And no one dare Disturb the sound of silence "Fools," said I, "You do not know Silence, like a cancer, grows Hear my words that I might teach you Take my arms that I might reach you" But my words like silent raindrops fell And echoed in the wells of silence And the people bowed and prayed To the neon god they made And the sign flashed out its warning In the words that it was forming And the sign said "The words of the prophets are written on the subway walls And tenement halls And whispered in the sound Of silence"
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The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry
russian version
One dollar and eighty-seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty- seven cents. And the next day would be Christmas. Della felt so bad she sat down on their shabby little couch and cried, but that didn’t help either. Drying her eyes, she walked to the window of the small apartment. The furnished flat at eight dollars per week was all that she and her husband Jim could afford on his weekly salary of twenty dollars.
But tomorrow would be Christmas Day, and she had only $1.87 with which to buy Jim a present. She had been saving every penny she could for months, with this result. Twenty dollars a week doesn’t go far. Expenses had been greater than she had calculated. They always are. Only $1.87 to buy a present for her Jim. She had spent many a happy hour planning to buy something nice for him. If she had only been able to save more money, she could have bought something line and rare, something that deserved the honor of being owned by Jim. Whirling from the window, she stood before the mirror. Her eyes were shining brilliantly, but her face had lost its color. Rapidly she pulled down her hair and let it fall to its full length. Now, there were two possessions of the James Dillingham Youngs in which they both took great pride. One was Jim’s gold watch that had been his father’s and his grandfather’s. The other was Della’s hair. Della’s beautiful hair fell about her, rippling and shining like a cascade of brown water. It reached below her knee and made itself almost a garment for her. Then she did it up again nervously and quickly. Once she stopped for a minute and stood still while a tear or two splashed on the worn red carpet. She quickly put on her old brown jacket and her old brown hat. With a whirl of skirts and with the brilliant sparkle still in her eyes, she ran out the door and down the stairs to the street. She walked down the street until she saw a sign which read: “Madam Sofronie. Hair. Goods of All Kinds. Second Floor.» Della ran up the stairs, arriving at the top panting.
Entering the small shop on the second floor, she was greeted by a large, pale lady. «Will you buy my hair?” asked Della. “I buy hair.» said Madame. “Take your hat off and let’s have a look at it.» Down rippled the brown cascade. “Twenty dollars.» said Madame, lifting the mass with a practiced hand. “Give it to me quick,» said Della. She passed the next two hours ecstatically, searching the stores for Jim’s present. She found it at last. It surely had been made for Jim and no one else. There was no other like it in any of the stores, and she had turned all of them inside out. It was a platinum watch chain, simple and clean in design, but of obvious quality. As soon as she saw it, she knew that it must be Jim’s. She had often seen Jim look at his watch secretly because he didn’t want anyone to see the old leather strap that he used in place of a chain. If Jim had had that chain on his watch, he would have been proud to check the time in any company. 
They took twenty-one dollars from her for the chain, and she hurried home with the 87 cents change. Reaching home, Della got out her curling irons and went to work fixing her short hair. Soon her head was covered with tiny, close-lying curls that made her look wonderfully like a young schoolgirl. Looking at her reflection in the mirror, she said to herself: “If Jim doesn’t kill me before he takes a second look at me, he’ll say I look like a Coney Island chorus girl. But what could I do — oh! what could I do with a dollar and eighty-seven cents? I had to cut my hair. If I hadn’t cut it I wouldn’t have been able to buy Jim a present.’’ At seven o’clock the coffee was made and the frying pan was on the back of the stove, hot and ready to cook the chops.
Jim was never late. Clutching the watch chain in her hand Della sat on the corner of the table near the door. Hearing his step on the stair, she turned white for just a moment. Remembering her short hair, she whispered: “Please, God, make him think I am still pretty.” The door opened and Jim stepped in. He looked thin and very serious. Poor fellow, he was only twenty-two — and to be burdened with a family! He needed a new overcoat, and he was without gloves. Stopping inside the door, he fixed his eyes on Della, and there was an expression in them that she could not read, and it terrified her. It was not anger, nor surprise, nor disapproval, nor horror. He simply stared at her with a peculiar expression on his face.
Running up to him Della cried, “Jim, darling, don’t look at me that way. I had my hair cut off and sold it because I couldn’t have lived through Christmas if I hadn’t given you a present. I just had to do it. It’ll grow out again — you won’t mind, will you? My hair grows awfully fast. Say ‘Merry Christmas!’ Jim, and let’s be happy. You don’t know what a nice — what a beautiful, nice gift I’ve got for you.» “You’ve cut off your hair?” asked Jim. “Cut it off and sold it.” said Della. “Don’t you like me just as well, anyhow? I’m me without my hair, amn’t I?”
Jim looked about the room curiously. “You say your hair is gone?” he said, with an air almost of idiocy. “You needn’t look for it,” said Della. “It’s sold, I tell you — sold and gone, too. It’s Christmas Eve, darling. Be good to me. Maybe the hairs of my head were numbered,” she went on with a sudden serious sweetness, “but nobody could ever count my love for you. Shall I put the chops on, Jim?” Jim seemed to wake out of his trance, quickly hugging his Della. He drew a package from his overcoat pocket and threw it upon the table. “Don’t make any mistake, Dell,” he said, “about me. I don’t think there’s anything in the way of a haircut or a shave or a shampoo that could make me love you any less. But if you’ll unwrap that package, you may see why I was so startled.”
Ripping open the package Della screamed with joy when she saw the present it contained. But then her cry of joy quickly changed to hysterical sobs as she held her husband’s gift. There lay the set of combs that Della had worshipped for so long in a Broadway window. They were expensive combs, she knew, and her heart had simply craved and yearned over them without the least hope of possession. And now they were hers, but the long tresses that they were meant for were gone now.
Hugging them to her bosom, at length she was able to look up with dim eyes and a smile and say: “My hair grows so fast, Jim! I’m sorry I cut it. I would never have done it if I had known you were giving me the combs, but I had to because… Oh. Oh!” Remembering her present Della jumped up and held it out to him eagerly in her open hand. “Isn’t it a dandy, Jim? I hunted all over town to find it. You’ll have to look at your watch a hundred times a day now. Give it to me. I want to see how it looks with the chain on it.” Instead of obeying, Jim tumbled down on the couch and put his hands behind his head and smiled. “Dell,” said he, “let’s put our Christmas presents away and keep them a while. They’re too nice to use just now. I sold the watch to get the money to buy your combs. And now suppose you put the chops on.»
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Projector 2/4 (analize of life)
русская версия
Well, Diary .. while I'm exiciting, I have to write down my thoughs.. Otherwise I can’t concentrate on anything ... everything haunts yesterday's post on VK about 2/4 projectors ..
The day was overcast, the trip had to be canceled .. But my day off is worth its weight in gold.. so a couple of hours for revelations and will rest ..
Unfortunately, photos on tumblr are no longer allowed to be added (although, the irony is that my content also contained my childish photos haha). But ok..
Someone in the subject of the HD (Human Design) will read anyway,.. but who is not... can be free go;)
PS My Love, I don’t recommend you to read this either,.. You will think that I’ve lost my mind .. But if you will.. remember.. I'm not in a sect, trust me:D Well, let's go..
I am Yulia Litovchenko, I turned 41 years old 10 days ago and now I am in the state of Absolute Happiness (in my understanding!), I hope I will maintain this state for a long time,.. better for Entire Life .. no..better during all the following lifes (haha, YES!))) But back to the topic of HD.
Human Design about me
I already wrote posts about myself in the context of Human Design. It was not so often, but they were ... But it’s normal.. Be cause necessary much time to realize something new events which happened in mylife.. to understand myself.. 
I’ve survived two great depressions (historians, excuse me, a word comes up :))))) and I can safely talk about “Not-Self Theme”, about the “Importance of Expectation of” (right people, events, etc.).
Type:  Projector
Projectors are non-energy types and make up roughly 20% of the population. Unlike Manifestors and Generators, they are not here "to do." As Generators are the great builders, Projectors are the great guides and they are here to help the other types (and particularly Generators) manage their energy. Energetically Projectors absorb and take in the other in a very focused way. 
They are here to be recognized and to recognize the potential in those around them. The strategy for a projector is to wait for the correct invitation. It is that invitation, the one that recognizes their unique potential, which calls out the power of the projector. When a projector tries to push the river and make life happen for them, they meet resistance and this resistance can leave them with a bitter taste. The true goal for a projector is success, and not bitterness, but this can only be achieved when they are being recognized for who they are. Source
Not-Self Theme:  Bitterness
Well, now about the past experience until now.. It's sad mostly.. In my childhood, my desire was to be noticeable.. but it was expressed in constant grievances (which often remained inside, did not always come out in form of tears or words).. 
I remember ery clean the feeling of a lump in my throat is habitual feeling. All the time I felt:
a resentment for no-one appreciates me.. how I expected (my words, actions, etc. toward them) 
a resentment for they laugh on me, or rude toward me, or offended from me what I can’t give, or they skip what I think very important, or people just forget something that I need.. etc, etc. 
Why?! After all.. I wish them the best things, because I know (?) WHAT they want.. 
Strategy: Wait for the Invitation
Oh yes, the best long-term relationships with people -> came on NOT MY initiative, this is a fact: 
1996-1999 The first Boyfriend (we studied for 10 years in the same class, but did not “see” each other until we started hanging out in the same company before graduation evening (Big Event for every pupil).. Amazing fate.. I thought then.. I guess I found my husband in this human:) But I was wrong.. Sergey was only the First Great Love.
2000-2013 The marriage: It was starting amusely.. Who knew that this human will become the one of the key people in my life.. Alex (Generator) had radically changed me (without setting such a goal, I suppose!:) I say “amusely” be cause there were a series of events which were happening “by chance”.. Oh yes .. it was fun.. sometimes sad.. but, definitely, informative:)
2014-2020 After death of husband.. war was starting and I changed my living place.. In Crimea different relationships were..
I’m a girl-easy-to-be-in-love, so I turn my attention away, when a current partner was seriously screwed up.. But before that, I am completely immersing in him... Perhaps this pushes men away me.. and pushes them to make mistakes (+ someties I am excessive sincere, telling about previous relationships,.. Men don't like when women compair them.. It is superfluous when forming personal life from scratch:(
Now I’m full in love with the person who found me on the network.. in The Amazon international chat.. We both understand that our common future is under the Big Question.. But I like behaving miself outside my previous templates.. For example -> I always worry about: what was or what will be.. BUT His supporting words are: “Why YOU think about future?! Who saw IT!? Let’s live HERE and NOW!!!". Yes, jan (Hashir is the Manifestor 4/6).. I try, My Love, really try!
I don’t know who is type of Sergey (my first BF), but.. I guess Manifestors “attack” me during life..haha.. (my mom is Manifestor, my helper-and-close-friend Viktor in Sevastopol is the same type... now Hashir is my “controller”))). Maybe it is because of a certain “roof” in my body graph (+ channel 64-47).
Incarnation Cross:  Right Angle Cross of Tension (38/39 | 48/21)
According info about it.. I need My Deal of Life.. Business or Hobby which will inspirate me.. And, amazing, I have it finally!! Judging by the signs now and the previous experience, MINE IS
-> learning a massage (I love new courses, especially organized by me;) 
-> giving massage, 
-> teaching (massage or maybe not to only massage.. I like to transfer experience, come up with individual approaches in the process of explanation, etc. (You know? Ppl in HD say that the best teachers are projectors:),
-> sharing everything that I like to ppl (fortunately, Internet technologies nowdays allow us to share your thoughts with millions ppl:) That’s why I have this blog, VK and FB pages.. It is very important for me.. For me like  Projector 2/4. But not less important to get a backlash from them.. These are my beacons, how to behave further.. So.. when I have not been recognized somewhere or by someone.. during a long time.. I leave this place or this human. Sorry. It is my natureness.
Profile:  Hermit - Opportunist (2/4)
As the Opportunist: I like to be teached by people (I learn smth, then I transform skills or knowleges (accrossing it through myself), and then I share with others). 
As the Hermit: I need to hide from people in some place.. the lonelyness is necessary for me.. to rest from everyone.. to accumulate strength, to be inspirated, etc.
Authority: Splenic
Everyone has intuition.. and everyone says sometimes: “Damn it .. I predicted it..” when bad situations happened. But Projectors (by the way, there is only 20% us on the Earth Planet) must “hear intuition”... I am not an exception.
It used to be like this: I felt -> but I did the opposite (in 70% cases), because brain is always (?!) right -> then I was disappointed, but I made conclusions -> then everything is going on like before (stupid way, agree?:)
BUT when I met with HD, I try now: Do as “spleen”/intuition says.. Or it is God, or the Universe, or Absolute, .. OR MY Heart, or Soul.. What is your prefere name of THIS Magic HELPER?:)
Definition: Split
I would also note a sense of duplicity in specific segments of my.. 
personal life.. for example, uncertainty in female tactics (sometimes I want to feel competitive state.. that’s why I argue with a man, prove/demonstrate Him that I’m not less cool in something... But sometimes I want to relax.. become weak, insecure .. be sometimes even like a capricious or nothing-knowing-child),
professional activities or just intellectual/spiritual growth.. Sometimes I want to listen/hear as more as possible from ppl.. I like to learn.. The position of an eternal student is pleasing for me .. But!.. Sometimes I start sharing.. what I accumulated (as it is happening right now.. in process of writing this post:)
even in raising my son.. From one side.. I want to be friend with my son (he is 16 years old now),.. I allow what other parents would consider unacceptable.. And he appreciates this.. as result he shares with me many things.. BUT.. From other side.. unnecessarily I am strict sometimes.. and I am principled, demanding, etc.
lifestyle, manifestation of emotions .. I have constant swings.. Oh “poor” people around me.. Mood swings, changing priorities.. But who knows me for a long time (family, friends).. they just wait, “when I stop doing like that”. The same situation with my food, my sport.. There is no constancy.
yeah.. this "Definition: Split” is everywhere in my life.. I hope it is normal for me (?) haha
I think we are changing depend on which people are near us.. I mean according to the laws of the energy exchange, ppl have influence on us by their closed centers.. And often we do what ppl want.. not we want at this exact moment.. 
For example, my “G center” is opened.. and it always forces me to love by way of my Partner considers, not by My own way (understand?)... OR my “Throat center” forces me to say WHAT human wants (who is nearby me) but NOT MY Opinion I want to tell..
Find your analyst (mentor) in HD
I have done. Haha, he still does not know about my choice:))) So.. He recommends Projectors.. 
Do not make decisions (especially fateful) immediately on the spot.. Because there is not the fact that it WAS YOURS.. 
Sleep separately (if it is possible.. in another room, or even on another floor).. to better relax in your own aura,.. to think about everything..
I adore Victor Kryuchkov, he is projector 5/1, I have common “spleen center” and “Ajna center”. Surely, one day I will go to him to listen my individual HD-info and I want to visite his The "Living your design" online course for Projectors. It seems..
I’m mentally ready to get more details about myself.. Although I am in the experiment for more than 3 years.. Individual reading of a body graph is expensive.. But the information is worth it.. We all knows.. When we really want something..  you get it.. And all necessary resources you find almost without difficults.. So
material opportunities will appear once.. there is enough time to postpone 350-450 euros.. I need it to the fall of 2020 (when my long-awaited acquaintance with my Teacher in Human Design will happen;)
Well .. That’s all.. I guess.. If I will remember something more, I’ll add. I hope my experience (sometimes bitter) will help to somebody to learn himself. Thanks for attention!:) Happiness to all!  
PS pics for VK & FB my pages and other stuff I’ve got here):
Human Design (Дизайн Человека Здесь и Сейчас)
FAQ по Реальности
Human Design (Dubravka Radonijic)
Wellness Force
Dating in HD
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