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Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro rightly calls out the double standards of the "international community", and expresses his solidarity with the student protests for Palestine.
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vikas-room · 7 months
if you liked omori, please consider supporting melon kid (who recently came out with a thread describing workplace mistreatment by omocat) on ko-fi
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apocalypsegay · 1 month
ppl who say "marcille is attracted to falin's masculinity" sound like theyre snorting industry grade copium. she is NOT attracted to short hair falin i can assure you. its weird how much ppl try to erase this aspect of her character for feel-good milquetoast shipping content instead of confronting it.
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Imagine the chaos if individual states enacted cruel laws like this.
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rejectingrepublicans · 2 months
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Vote Blue and replace Cancun Cruz with Democrat Colin Allred.
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hussyknee · 7 months
Video description:
Preface reading: "Rafeef Ziadah, 12/11/11, London". The video begins showing a young woman on a stage, her hair cut in a sharp, short bob, wearing a gauzy black dress with red accents to match the stage wall behind her. She speaks into a mic in a blend of Canadian and Palestinian accents:
Transcript: "I'll start with this poem I wrote. This poem—when the bombs were dropping on Gaza I was the media spokesperson for the coalition, doing a lot of the organizing, and we'd stayed up to about six o'clock in the morning perfecting every soundbite and by the end of—you know most Palestinians get tired and start pronouncing our "P"s as "B"s so we could become "Balestinians" by the end of the day. So I was practicing my "P"s all night, and the next morning one of the journalists asked me, "Don't you think it would all be fine if you just stopped teaching your children to hate?"
I did not insult the person, I was very polite, but I wrote this poem as a response to these types of questions we Palestinians always get."
Today, my body was a TV’d massacre. Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits. Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits filled enough with statistics to counter measured response; and I perfected my English and I learned my UN resolutions—But still, he asked me, "Ms. Ziadah, don’t you think that everything would be resolved if you would just stop teaching so much hatred to your children? Pause. I look inside of me for strength to be patient but patience is not at the tip of my tongue as the bombs drop over Gaza. Patience has just escaped me. Pause. Smile. "We teach life, sir." Rafeef, remember to smile. Pause. "We teach life, sir. We Palestinians teach life after they have occupied the last sky. We teach life after they have built their settlements and apartheid walls, after the last skies. We teach life, sir." But today, my body was a TV’d massacre made to fit into sound-bites and word limits. And— "Just give us a story, a human story. You see, this is not political. We just want to tell people about you and your people so give us a human story. Don’t mention that word: “apartheid” and “occupation”— This is not political. You have to help me as a journalist to help you tell your story which is not a political story—" Today, my body was a TV’d massacre. "How about you give us a story of a woman in Gaza who needs medication?" "How about you? Do you have enough bone-broken limbs to cover the sun? Hand me over your dead and give me the list of their names in one thousand two hundred word limits." Today, my body was a TV’d massacre that had to fit into sound-bites and word limits and move those that are desensitized to terrorist blood. But they felt sorry. They felt sorry for the cattle over Gaza. So, I give them UN resolutions and statistics and we condemn and we deplore and we reject and— These are not two equal sides: occupier and occupied. And a hundred dead, two hundred dead, and a thousand dead. And between that, war crime and massacre, I vent out words and smile (not exotic), smile (not terrorist) And I recount, I recount a hundred dead, two hundred dead, a thousand dead. Is anyone out there? Will anyone listen? I wish I could wail over their bodies. I wish I could just run barefoot in every refugee camp and hold every child, cover their ears so they wouldn’t have to hear the sound of bombing for the rest of their life the way I do. Today, my body was a TV’d massacre And let me just tell you, there’s nothing your UN resolutions have ever done about this. And no sound-bite—no sound-bite I come up with, no matter how good my English gets—no sound-bite-no sound-bite-no sound-bite-no sound-bite, will bring them back to life, no sound-bite will fix this. We teach life, sir. We teach life, sir. We Palestinians wake up every morning to teach the rest of the world LIFE. Sir.
End transcription.
I think this twitter thread gives some necessary political context for the poem, so you can really understand the cruelty and barbarity of that question, and why Western media insistently shies away from "political" answers:
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Cursory Google check corroborates all the info except for the number of peace settlements Israel's rejected. I can't find the exact number off the first page of Google and my head is throbbing too much to look deeper. I'm going to leave that for y'all to fact check.
(I went and looked Rafeef Ziadah up to check whether she's still alive (because that's what we do with Palestinians now) and she's safe in London, teaching Politics and Public Policy at King's College. You can find the rest of her poetry here.)
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museumofferedophelia · 9 months
The same men who deny women their reproductive rights are mortally terrified of having their own reproductive rights violated.
They're terrified by the idea of a "crazy girlfriend" who pokes holes in condoms or lies about being on birth control in order to "baby trap" them into marriage or child support.
They're horrified by the idea that someone could use them and their bodies without regard for their rights or opinions. That they could be denied control over whether they want to have a child or not. That someone could force them to become a parent and they would have no say in the matter. They're never shamed for these fears.
The assertion that one should have control over their reproductive rights is only considered valid when it comes from a male.
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troythecatfish · 2 months
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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and i know this could be said every year but this year is going to be EXTRA disgusting with zionists chiming in. it really speaks to just how much they've stolen, co-opt'd and whitewashed mlk's legacy. smfh.
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smashing-yng-man · 1 year
Treating people decent and equal is better than posting Bible verses everyday that aren't even practiced.
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mahvishs · 4 months
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Happy Women's Day🤡
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wistfulpoltergeist · 2 months
Let me put it absolutely clear. Helping Israel by hitting Iran missiles and drones in the air area of third countries (of the THIRD COUNTRIES) isn't an escalation. But hitting russian missiles and (Iranian, btw) drones in the Ukraine air area to save Ukrainian lives is suddenly an escalation. Don't tell me you really care for Ukraine and stand with Ukraine and etc, US politics. Because you don't.
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freepalestinesposts · 6 months
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The unbearably disgusting hypocrisy of the American administration
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ohsalome · 9 months
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