juliebeesblog-blog · 5 years
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Teacher in Japan
In Japan, teachers are higly respected and support by their community and receives higher salary than other civil service. Unlike here in Philippines, teachers are always blamed for the students wrong actions, and here Teachers sees as lowest professions due to low salary and overload paper works and lot of responsibilities. Teacher in Japan are highly respected due to their contribution why their country become highly organized and well-disciplined country. It is because during primary level, they teach to their students about goodmanners and right conduct, instead of pure academic subject. It is because they focus on molding the child into a better person and responsible individual.
According to a study about cooking schools , teacher in America like to spice their class with gossips, jokes and any other story, while teacher in Japan focus only on their lesson which result to organized classroom.
Their salary is constant , it is because they received salaries from their government and from the local government. It is constant even the economics states of their community is unstable. Unlike here, low salaries because the government prioritized other civil service.
Why does teacher here in our country, mostly disrespected today? Is it due to their salaries they received? Is it because they are friendly enough with their students? If in Japan, teachers received high respects from the people its served. Then, we can also achieved it. Be a teacher with all your heart and be helpful and approachable in everyone. An effective teacher and efficient teacher in every-day, outside or inside your classroom.
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juliebeesblog-blog · 6 years
Blog #3
Historical Development of Teaching as a Profession in the Philippines
Our educational system has been colonized for how many times, in a very long years by the Spanish, American and Japanese.
Being colonized and controlled by those colonizers, results to different ways , techniques and strategies of learning and teaching , from home To classroom, from parents to soldier and a teachers, from different characteristics of curriculum and its major cintribution.
Through their influences we adapted some of their culture and beliefs, that we encounter because it is now intact and embodied to our daily life and continuously transfer and adapt by the younger generation. Just like the K-12 program, which is the standardized educational system of Asian Countries. Due to globalization, we are being colonized unconsciously.
After all, the history of our educational system is important , because it signifies and proof the progress abd development of it. Wherein, it becomes our guide and basic foundation of our own educational system, from learning to teaching. Through them, we can vision and acquires knowledge about the process of development if how, why and what are the educational system before which we can relate our educational system in terms of progress and betterment .
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juliebeesblog-blog · 6 years
Blog #5
What does society expect of teachers as Professionals ?
Effective and efficient
H-ighly equipped with a beautiful heart
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juliebeesblog-blog · 6 years
Blog #4
The Teaching as a Vocation and Mission
Things happens for a reason, just like us.
We live in this world with different purpose in life.
We exist and contribute to our everyday living.
We have different functions in our society.
But the main question is , what is our life' s true calling?
Is it how the way we live now or how the way We live and enjoy life?
Ever since, teacher's passion is to teach , they are called to teach well. They teach, to make a difference through their students. They never wish to be recognized by the society as an outstanding individual , because for them showing respect is more than enough. They never asked a praise, because they better choose to witness the growth of each and everyone of their students, because they believe ," Your success is my success". It's always about us.
They are the person who secretly love you and always believe in you, who encourage you to be the best version of yourself. What they always wanted is to make a quality in public school, a fertility ground rather, where students are able to grow well. Teacher always trying to address, in order for their students to learn. Why? Why they kept on on investing a lot of efforts? It is because they love to see you grow as a better person, because they believe you are worth it, it's always yoy, always about us.
"Life call has always been to love" and love is everywhere, it has no gender and full of hopes as well it is for everyone. When we strive to love, our purpose become clearer. Continue to hope and determine our own context and believe always in love and yourself. Remember, your student won't remember you just because you are intelligent and able to teach, but rather choose to be a teacher that will be remember as mark who touch their heart, soul and mind, as an amazing teacher who take care of them, and who loved them unconditionally.
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juliebeesblog-blog · 6 years
Blog # 2
Teaching as a Profession
Nine Elements of a profession
I can say that teaching profession fullfill all the elements of a professio. You want to know why? Its simple, because they can be , whatever the society , events, and happening demands them to be. They possessed different levels of knowlegde and abilities with exclusive hidden talent that comeout and witness when needed. They are living with walls, where they are some limitations for them and they are like walking in stage, where they actions are being judge by the society.
Profession like teaching requires long years of initial professional education and continuing development after the long arduous initial professional education, in order to gain experience and knowledge to be better, effficient, and effective future educators, to see and to gain knowledge which help to develop the techniques and strategies, which guide them to be a successful educator, who not just teach , but to teach well.
Professionalism is differ from professionalization. Professionalism means all the skill, good judgement, and polite behavior that is expected from a person who is trained to do a job well, while professionalization is a job that requires special education, for training or skills. Professinalism refers to the characteristics of being professional, it is the way you act and behave in society, while professionalization refer to the process of being expert or master in specific areas , to be well equipped and prepared for all your responsiblities.
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juliebeesblog-blog · 6 years
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Blog # 1
A Journey of a Student Teacher
When I was young, I have many choices and to become a teacher is one of my choice.
Teaching for me is a kind of profession that requires hardwork and to be responsible. It demands long patience and deep understanding. Exactly, I don't know why I choose this profession, I only know that I'd love to teach young, adorable , and sweet kids and maybe because they are my happiness . I love to share my knowledge and abilities as long as I can, as long I am capable or even beyond my abilities. I want to mold their young minds, in a proper manner and prepare them well on pursuing their own dreams.
That's why I choose to start my journey as a student teacher in Central Luzon State University as a center of excellence.
Where according to the mission of the university . They help me to develop and improve, to be globally competitive , work ready, socially responsible and empowered human resources , who value life-long learning; and to generate, disseminate and apply knowledge and technologies for poverty alleviation, environmental protection and sustainable development.
Which mold me to be a better person and lead me to be a professional and licensure teacher. I know this would not be easy, that this journey is full of ups and down, curves, sacrifices and hassle , but I know in the end, all the struggles worth it.
As I am like a finish product, who is capable to teach effectively and efficient educator that mold and guide young children to be successful in the near future, and impart not only knowledge , but also values and principles in life , that they will adopt and pass to the next generation.
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