juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Juliet Week has officially ended for this year….
We want to thank everyone for all the amazing things that were created, and thank you for the reblogs! We wouldnt have Juliet Week if not for all our followers!
And remember, dont worry if you didnt get something in on time— we are happy to reblog any work throughout the year.
We hope you had a splendid time, and until next year, take care!! 🐾 💕
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Alas, we have reached the final day Juliet Week 2024…. To wrap it up on a sweet note, Day 7’s prompt is:
“Family” :)
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
We might just learn some superb secrets today….
It’s Day 6, “Hellhound Lore”!!
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
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Day 5 Fierce
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Watch your step, because today is Day 5 of Juliet Week: “Fierce”!!
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Have you ever been curious about hellhound social dynamics?? Me too! Let’s find out more because today is…
Day 4: “Hierarchy and Dominance”!
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Have you ever been curious about hellhound social dynamics?? Me too! Let’s find out more because today is…
Day 4: “Hierarchy and Dominance”!
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Invisible Lake of Hell
Alright! Just when you think I couldn't be more ridiculous after the nail-trimming fic...
Please enjoy my photorealistic drawing of Juliet relaxing on an inflatable ducky on the invisible lake in hell;
Which Crowley's R&D demons made using sulfur hexafluoride SF6 (something obviously is plentiful in Hell), a colorless, odorless gas which is more dense than air, and also, has the added benefit of making one's voice super deep.
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@juliet-hellhound-week, day 3: invisible
I wanted to draw Juliet swimming backstroke in the invisible lake of Hell but that's beyond my abilities :)
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Be on the look out for Day 3 content… it may be hard to find because today’s prompt is “Invisible”!
((Sorry this is posted late! The queue didnt work??))
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
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Day 2 Claws and fangs
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Because the art piece I worked on was not as good as I wanted, I wrote small ficlet.
Day 2 Claws and Fangs
Juliet looked at the remains of her latest hunt, the souls papa had told her to retrieve were already on their way to the depths of hell.
Her nose twitched as stench of sulfur joined the blood soaked air of the dimly lit parking lot, her prey had fled to.
She slowly backed away from its remains, her glowing eyes dimed and her dark form disappeared in the shadows.
The hellhound didn’t have to wait long for three demons she could smell. Demons who, as far as she was concerned, had no reason to be here.
From her shadowy corner, Juliet got a look at them, before they could spot her, they were lower level demons, there was no way Papa had sent them.
He always sent messages with other hellhounds; Or came himself.
The delicious sent fear and unease wafted in the air, as the intruders found the mess she had made. Juliet
One of the demons unsheathed a long dagger, and beckoned others to look around.
Juliet sat poised and more than a little excited at the prospect of fun she will have with them.
The hell hound stared down the dagger waved at her in greeting. “You see this? This will flay you just like you flayed that poor bastard. You don’t want that, do you Juliet?”
A low growl rumbled in her throat, the menacing red glow returned to her eyes.
“Now, you will be a nice girl, stay exactly where are and tell us what we want to know.”
Juliet bared a hint of her blood stained fangs, her tail twitched. Papa always thought he was a bit too impatient, but this demon was irritating her; besides she was supposed to join papa after being done here.
Without giving the demons in front of her time to prepare, Juliet lunged forward at the one holding the knife.
Her claws sunk in his shoulder, almost ripping his hand off.
It wasn’t exactly easy for a hell hound to kill a demon, but Juliet was both trained and experienced. By the time the remaining demons recovered from her initial attack, she had finished the one beneath her.
The hell hound felt moment towards her side and leapt in front of the demon diving for the dagger.
Before either of them could move, the third demon left whatever poor thing he was possesing, dark smoke of his form circled the parking lot before escaping through a dirty vent.
The hell hound had her teeth buried in the neck of the one remaining, before he could follow the suit.
Juliet looked at the remains of her latest hunt, whatever poor thing the demon had possessed was on its way to hell.
Her snout was covered in blood, so were her claws, it dripped from her theeth. The hell hound ran her tounf over her fangs, as she walked towards the dagger, she had been threatened with. She studied the dagger carefully, sniffing at it and then at the rest of the place, making sure she wasn’t spied upon.
The hell hound took off in the night, Papa needed to know what had happened.
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
@juliet-hellhound-week, here is a ridiculous little story for the Juliet Appreciation Week day two prompt "claws and fangs."
It can be considered a backstory for this awesome outfit drawn by @1967-impala
(This took place in the AU after the end of my fic “Heart of a Hellhound”.  Having defeated their enemies and restored their families, Castiel and Jack and Kelly were living in a cabin in the woods, Crowley reclaimed hell, and Castiel and Crowley were good friends.)
“Why is my new suit not yet ready?” Crowley barked at his tailor, most displeased.
“It’s not my fault, your majesty.”  His tailor spread out his hands.  “I’ve had to restart it three times.”
“Because you screwed up the seams?”
“No, each time it was perfection. But look what happened to them.”
The tailor led Crowley to the back room, where three identical suits hang on three mannequins.
Indeed, the suits were elegantly shaped, beautifully detailed, each one more handsome than the next.
…Except for the part where the front or back or both had been thoroughly slashed in five long, clean lines.
Crowley had a pretty good idea what happened.
“Juliet!” He summoned his head hellhound.
A frenzy of loud clicks and clacks announced the arrival of the beast; when going to see Crowley, she doesn’t bother to retract her claws for stealth.
“What’s up, Papa?”
“Did you do this?” Crowley pointed at the shredded suits.
“Oh yes!  The fabric feels so nice under my claws!”
“Juliet, these are my suits.  You must not destroy them.”
“Pfffft.  They look great with the slits.  You should wear it on a date.”
“Do you hear me?  You are forbidden from touching my suit.”
But Crowley knew that his admonishment went in one ear, and out the other.
So when it happened again three more times, Crowley finally had enough.
He went to Juliet’s favorite woods, and found the tree stump Juliet liked to scratch her nails on.
He performed a transmutation spell and altered the tree’s substance from wood to a kind of coarsely ground angel blade material.  Like an adamantine sandpaper.
Whistling, he went back to his throne, and waited.
Soon, he heard a blood curdling howl. 
Crowley was starting to feel a little uneasy.
Then the hellhound was standing in front of him, red eyes glaring at him accusingly.
“I know it was you, Papa.”
She held up a paw.
“Look what you’ve done to me!  Look!”
Her nails were filed down into neat, smooth half moons. 
“Why, Juliet, your nails are so pretty!” Crowley suppressed a laugh.
Juliet threw her massive head back, and howled bloody murder once again.
“Papa, why do you betray me?”
Crowley huffed.
“Betray you?  I’ve improved you!  People pay good money to get their dog’s nails trimmed!  There are television commercials!”
"I am defenseless now!"
"Oh, aside from your sabor teeth, your fire breath, and your invisibility cloak? Besides, all our enemies have been vanquished, who do you even need to defend yourself against?"
Inside, Crowley was indeed feeling guilty.  But he was determined not to let Juliet walk all over him this time.
Juliet barked and growled, whirled around like a beast possessed, and scratched furiously at Crowley’s throne—realizing, to her further horror, that her trimmed nails were only able to leave shallow incisions on the upholstery.
Realizing that no amount of tantrum was going to bring her razor claws back, she stopped, gave Crowley a tragic stare, and disappeared in a black smoke.
Crowley decided to let his spoiled hellhound cool off for a few days.  She’ll forget all about it, he thought.
When Juliet was nowhere to be seen for three days, he started to worry.
Crowley went to Juliet’s own suite in Hell, with a sweeping view of the burning sulfur lake.
There he found a note that Juliet left for him.
“I have run away from Hell.  Goodbye forever.”
Crowley groaned and picked up his cell phone.
“Hello, Crowley.”  Said the gravelly voice on the other end of the phone.
“Hello, Feathers.” Though worried, a smile cracked involuntarily on Crowley’s face.  “Is Juliet over there with you?”
A beat of silence, and then, “No?”
Crowley’s smile grew bigger.
“You are a terrible liar. ”
“I am sorry, Crowley.  I don’t know what happened between you two, but she made me promise not to tell you.”
“It’s alright.  Let her stay with you until she comes to her senses and comes back.”
“Crowley, she was crying.  With tears!  Whatever you did, you should apologize to her.”
“How come you never choose my side?”  Crowley’s voice dripped with hurt feelings, and he enjoyed immensely the minutes of awkward stammering as the angel tried to redeem himself.
A week later, Juliet returned to Hell.
However, instead of a defeated, demure pet that Crowley expected, Juliet sauntered in with head held high, and eyes gleaming like rubies. 
“Juliet!  Did you have a good time at Castiel’s house?”
“Of course!  They treat me like a queen over there!”
Juliet stuck out her plump belly.
“Look! Jack fed me honey cakes every day!”
“You are a hellhound.  You can’t get fat.”
“Take it back!  Hellhounds are supposed to have pot bellies!”
“Fine, congratulations on your pot belly.”
“And Kelly knit many sweaters for me, and didn’t mind it at all when I shredded them.”
Crowley groaned.
“Ah… still mad at me about your nails?”
“Not any more.”  Juliet twirled in a tight, elegant circle, like a triumphant ballerina. 
“Now, look and weep at what Castiel did for me with his grace.”
She held up a paw.  Her claws had grown back sharper and stronger than ever, glistening menacingly like five daggers.
She walked over to the throne.
“No…  Don’t you dare, Juliet.”
With eyes directly on Crowley, Juliet brought down her claw in one smooth swipe, and rent the upholstery into oblivion.
Another two weeks passed, and it was time for Castiel and Crowley’s monthly meeting (or date, if you’d like).
“Nice suit,” Castiel didn’t usually understand fashion, but the dark grey and burgundy combination was so dashing he would have to be blind not to notice.
“Thanks,” Crowley beamed.  “Now, show me your blade.”
Castiel wasn’t sure if it was some kind of innuendo, but he agreeably drew his angel blade.
“What for?”
“I want you to stab me.”
“I will do no such thing.”
“Come on.  I assure you, it’s fine.”
Castiel frowned, and made a gentle slash at his suit.
“Oh Cas.  I asked you to stab me, not to tenderly caress me.”
Seeing that the suit remained pristine, Castiel understood the purpose. 
This time, he drove his blade forward with some real force.
He could always heal Crowley if necessary, he thought.
The blade was stopped at the burgundy vest, and could not penetrate it.
Castiel was pleasantly surprised.
“You made an angel blade-proof suit.  I am impressed.”
“My R&D demons and my tailor made a good team, don’t you think?” Crowley grinned proudly. “Protection sigils, woven into the fabric, with efficacy against a wide range of weapons.” 
“I take it you are now invincible to demon knives, salt, holy water, etc.”
“Yes.  Most importantly, my suits are now indestructible by hellhound claws.”
So this was how Crowley invented armored suits that were warded against all supernatural forces.
--and he made matching armor for Juliet too, of course!
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Get ready for Day 2 of Juliet week!
“Claws and Fangs”!!
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juliet-hellhound-week · 7 months
Reblogging for this week!
For day 1 of @juliet-hellhound-week, “hellhounds through history”, i decided to do something based off of Ancient Greece, since hellhounds were a part of the mythology. What if Juliet had her own vase? 🐾
The back says “η Ιουλιετα” which means “Juliet” :)
Part 2
More info and ID below!
Also! Size reference because its tiny!!
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[Image description: The first attachment is a video of a small orange and black vase being rotated. The front side is a drawing of Juliet from the collar up. The back has flower-like decorations and says “ΗΙΟΥΛΙΕΤΑ”. The second attachment is an image of the small vase from the video next to a larger vase with a sharpie in front. The height of the large vase is about half of the sharpie, and the small vase is about one fourth. End image description.]
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juliet-hellhound-week · 8 months
The second part of my “Hellhounds through History” for @juliet-hellhound-week! While the other vase was more of a dedication to Juliet, this vase serves more as a warning to unfortunate souls….
The design, including the running person and the style of Juliet is based off of real vases.
The words are “ευλαβεισο την κυνα του Ταρταρου• ο δαιμων η Ιουλιετα”, which means “Beware the dog of Hell, the demon Juliet” :)
Part 1
More info and ID below!
I wrote the words in boustrophedon, which is the writing system used in Ancient Greece where every other line is reverse with flipped letters. It’s not totally accurate because I had to use lowercase instead of all caps, or else the letters wouldnt all fit lol.
As mentioned in my old Crowley edit post, i chose “Tartarus” instead of “Hades” to translate “hell”, since the place of Hades is the afterlife in general, and Tartarus is the place of torture. And of course, “daimon” doesnt have the same connotations as English “demon”, but its the best fit! I chose “ευλαβεισθαι” instead of “φυλασσομαι” because it means “to fear, beware, have reverence for”, etc, rather than “to beware, watch, keep guard, avoid, etc”.
Size reference because it is small and im proud how well they still came out! :)
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[Image description: The first attachment is a video of a small orange and black vase being rotated. The front side is a drawing of a stylized Juliet chasing an Ancient Greek soldier. There are also words that say “ευλαβεισο την κυνα του Ταρταρου• ο δαιμων η Ιουλιετα” in the boustrophedon writing style. The second attachment is an image of the small Juliet vase next to the larger vase from the video with a sharpie in front. The height of the large vase is about half of the sharpie, and the small vase is about one fourth. End image description.]
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juliet-hellhound-week · 8 months
Boosting for the new week’s start!
Excerpt from Jorge Luis Borges' 1957 book "The Book of Imaginary Beings", "Cerberus"
.... Hesiod's Theogony gives Cerberus fifty heads; for the greater convenience of the plastic arts, this number has been reduced, and now it is common knowledge that Cerberus had three heads. Virgil mentions the creature's three gullets; Ovid, its triple bark; Butler compares the three crowns of the diadem worn by the Pope, who is Heaven's doorman, with the three heads of the dog who stands at the gates of Hell. Dante gives the creature certain human characteristics that make its hellishness even more terrible: "his eyeballs glare a bloodshot crimson, and his bearded jowls are greasy and black; pot-bellied, talon-heeled, he clutches and flays and rips and rends the souls. They howl in the rain like hounds". The beast bites, barks, and shows its fangs "a-gloat". ... According to the most ancient texts, those who enter Hell are greeted by Cerberus with its tail (which is a serpent), while the creature's three heads devour those who try to leave. A later tradition has it bite those who arrive; in order to pacify the beast, it was customary to put a honey cake into the dead man's casket. In Scandinavian mythology, a bloody dog named Gamr guards the house of the dead and will battle the gods when the wolves of hell devour the moon and the sun. Some give this dog four eyes; the dogs of Yama, the Brahmin god of death, also has four eyes. Brahmanism and Buddhism offer hells filled with dogs which, like the Dantean Cerberus, are torturers of the souls of the dead.
Illustration by Peter Sis, translated by Andrew Hurley
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@juliet-hellhound-week Juliet may dispute some of this...
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juliet-hellhound-week · 8 months
Reblogging for the start-over week!! :)
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I tried really hard to come up with something for today's prompt, for all the prompts, I couldn't.
But really wanted to make something to start the week with.
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