juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
Juliet smirked after a moment of waiting. This time she got her. There was no attack, no breech is her bubble. Everything was going as planned. Relaxing against the back of a container, Jules was ready to wait until she heard the woman throw-up or trip, a clear sign of oxygen poisoning. However, the first thing she heard was the sound of wind picking upland looking over her shoulder everything pieced together. An aerokinetic. Of course, that’s how she was able to stop her attempt of deoxygenation. 
Well, at least she hadn’t noticed her yet, Jules thought right as she heard the woman’s voice. Fuck. For a moment the two woman’s eyes caught. The PRIME’s face stayed blank as the Maverick smirked at her and walked away. All Juliet had now was making sure the girl didn’t notice what she was doing to her. Slowly making her way to the container the woman was opening. Only a few more minutes, and the stranger would be so sick, knocking her out would be like taking candy from a baby. Standing against the far side of the container, Jules waited, once again, to hear something that makes it clear she wouldn’t be ready for a fight.
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Mavericks 10-06-16 | open
Victoria didn’t hear anything. Something was wrong, she couldn’t have gone from not being able to breathe to nothing over a few seconds. Whoever did this still had to be around. With a wave of her hand she made the wind around the shipyard harsher. She needed to get this opponent out of hiding, since it seemed they specialized in long range combat. 
She didn’t notice anything different in the air. Perhaps a smell that was a little different, but then again, it wasn’t as if she knew how oxygen smelled. She knew she needed to gain the high ground if she should scout out her opponent, so thats what she did. She ascended and hovered up even further, leaving her body floating several meters across the containers. It was dark, however, so it was hard to see if there was anyone hiding behind the containers. A shortness of breath overcame her, but not like before. She cast it off as an after effect of having ascended to another air pressure. 
With another swift hand movement, the wind below her increased and she looked for signs of anyone, and that was when she spotted it. Hair flowing in the wind. Brunette from what she could tell. “Peek-a-boo.” her lips formed a smirk and she descended from her hovering position again, taking a firm stand on the container E3. She decided to let the girl hide and instead do what she was there to do. She opened the container, her head maybe feeling a little heavy from the exposure to high levels of oxygen, but nothing noteworthy yet.
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
Juliet kept her eyes closed as her back kept tightly against the container. Her concentration stayed on keeping oxygen out of the woman. It wasn’t to draining considering how often she used this skill and it was going well until something swept over this area letting oxygen flush in. Standing in confusion, Juliet checked to see if something was wrong with her but, she could stillness the woman through the particles. In fact, she was jumping down. Swiftly, moving to the other side of the container. Being unseen was all Jules had as an advantage.
The girls voice echoed around in the silence. Any other night, Juliet would leave her alone. She didn’t get off on fighting or particularly enjoyed but tonight was different. The thought of leaving her there was like not scratching an itch. Jules needed this. Whether it was a need for a distraction or just a want to feel in control, Juliet did not know. But right now she did not really care. Closing her eyes again, Juliet sent a bubble of mostly oxygen around the woman’s head. All she had to do was stay hidden long enough for the Maverick to feel the affects of the poison.
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Mavericks 10-06-16 | open
The container was empty and this had just become a hassle to do. There were at least 63 other options from when she had scoured the terrain, but her Tracking comm had already revealed the closeness of one of the right containers which had her smirk a little. She heard the noise again though and peaked outside the container, only to raise herself to stand on the top of it. She looked around but saw no one. She sighed, but knew it didn’t mean that there wasn’t anyone around. 
Just as she was about to close her eyes and sense where the other person would be, she suddenly felt like she was out of breath, and as she tried to inhale, it was just as if she wasn’t getting any oxygen in. This was what _she_ usually did. Was someone copying her? It was incredibly unpleasant, hence why she didn’t do this, ever and with a wave of her hand, a burst of air rushed to her, forcing air through the bubble of no oxygen and down to her lungs. God, this conduit had to be put down. The wind around her grew wilder as she got down from the container to get away from view. “I don’t want to fight you.” She called out then. A lie in some capacity, but it also had some truth to it. She leaned against the container behind her and took a deep breath. She was still out of breath from the other’s attack. If she could just locate them. “Let’s not do this.” she called out again. Hoping the other would be stupid enough to either show themselves or leave.
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
Juliet decided to take this mission alone. As she left the briefing room, the girl kept her head down making sure not to catch eyes with anyone she knew. She didn’t want to have to watch out for anyone’s back tonight. It wasn’t that she wanted to be reckless as much as she wanted to be alone. Looking, over the email before heading out to the shipyard, Jules felt a sense of calm rush over her. Maybe, she did want to be reckless. Juliet decide to just pick a container at random. Leave it all to luck. She strolled through the maze of containers looking for one of them that caught her eye. About fifteen minutes into her search, Juliet finally found a place to start, but just as she was about to open the container up a loud bang made her freeze. 
Letting her instincts take over, Jules slid herself right up again the side of a container. She snapped her eyes shut and tried to sense out a body in the air by feeling the open spaces the oxygen molecules left. “Just my luck.” Jules murmured before thinking. On the container just right of her was someone standing on top. An unfamiliar voice called out. Not one she knew from PRIME. A Maverick, then. The words of the PRIME Kings echoed in her head. Right now, she had the advantage. Jules knew where the Mav was but not vice versa. Taking in a large breathe, Juliet created a space of no oxygen around the girls head hoping to knock her out quickly.
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Mavericks 10-06-16 | open
Victoria wasn’t a night person. She was the type of person that went to bed early and then got up early the next day. She was productive like that, so when she’d been called to the Mavericks base in the middle of the night, you could say she was a little annoyed. Getting briefed on the mission and handed a tracking comm, she headed out. It wasn’t going to be a tough mission. Just seek and retrieve. At least the power shortages would stop once they completed this. A short flight later and she landed on one of the containers at the shipyard. She probably shouldn’t have worn heels if she was going to run around this place all night, but there she was. She fished up the from the pocket in her dress and turned it on. 
“#initialising tracking comms …” 
She decided to check the container she was on first, to rule it out. D-2 it said, but she was stopped in her tracks after hearing an unfamiliar voice. “Who’s there?” she called out, to see what was going on. She was runner, she didn’t work with a team, at least not tonight. 
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
Juliet rolled her eyes at him, giving a stare as he commented on her nickname. Sarcasm easily fell into her voice, “What? You have struggles too? No! I can’t believe it.” A laugh joined into her voice at the end of her sentence but, she went on. “You should make a campaign with that. Have slogans like ‘I put my shoes on one at a time just like everyone else.’.”
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“Your nicknames are still rather lacking, love.” Lance countered with a grin, not bothering with contradicting her statement since he knew that it was most likely right “What they don´t seem to realize is that we are not so different. I mean, surely I can destroy one or two blocks in a flash but that doest not meant that I don´t face the same struggles they do everyday.” He mused.
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
“What could possible happen that would be worth remembering? Give me one situation that I would want to remember.” Jules smirked as she slammed the glass back down on the counter. Closing her eyes for a moment, Juliet let herself enjoy the small buzz before nodding to Cyrus. “Don’t worry. I promise nothing much has changed. I’ll walk you through it.”
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“Seems counter productive. What if something happens you want to remember?” He questioned as he took the second shot down with ease. There had been a time in his adolescence that he turned to drink in order to try to deal with issues of the past. It didn’t work. “No, no this is fine. It’s just been a long time since I’ve done anything like this”
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
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Task #005
FACTION: PRIME | Mavericks | Neutral | Other GENDER: male | female | trans* | cis | agender | gender-fluid | other SEXUALITY: heterosexual | homosexual | bisexual | pansexual | asexual | demisexual | other ROMANTIC ORIENTATION: homoromantic | heteroromantic | biromantic | panromantic | aromantic | greyromantic | demiromantic DESIGNATION: human | conduit | forced conduit | successive | Sequence EDUCATION: high school | college | university | GED | other
LIVING SITUATION: lives alone | lives with parent(s) / guardian | lives with significant other | lives with a friend | drifter | homeless | depends on verse
EYES: blue  | green | brown | hazel | grey | other HAIR: blonde | brown | black | red | ginger | grey / white | multi-color | other BODY TYPE: skinny | slender | slim | built | curvy | athletic | muscular SKIN: pale | light | fair | freckled | tan | olive | medium | dark | discolored
POSITIVE TRAITS: affectionate | adventurous | athletic | brave | careful | charming | confident | creative | determined | fearless | generous | honest | humorous | intelligent | loyal | modest | patient | selfless NEGATIVE TRAITS: aggressive | bossy | cynical | envious | fearful | greedy | gullible | jealous | impatient | impulsive | insecure | irresponsible | possessive | sarcastic | self-conscious | selfish | unstable | clumsy | rebellious | emotional | swears
TYPE: psionic | elemental | biological | kinetic | enhancements | fundamental | energy | mimicry | sensory | technological | emotional | physiological | customized | spatial | rare | destructive | controlled | wild | automatic THREAT LEVEL: passive | low | moderate | high | destructive | danger to others | danger to self | security risk | environmental hazard | stealthy | unknown | shot to kill | contain | neutralize
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
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Task #004
Call Me - Blondie                                     
Age of Worry - John Mayor                     
The Show - Lenka                                   
Style - Taylor Swift
Wasted - Tiesto
American Idiot - Green Day
Walk Alone - Rogers and Hammerstein
Cough Syrup - Young the Giant
Cherry Bomb - The Runaways
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
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Task #003
1. Juliet is a PRIME 2. Juliet’s full name is Juliet Heather Rapier 3. Juliet Is 28 4. Juliet had a picturesque childhood 5. Juliet’s powers manifested at the age of nine 6. Very few know that Juliet is only apart of PRIME to find information on her father 7. Juliet keeps it hidden that she hates her laugh 8. Out of all their powers Juliet wishes they had telepathy 9. At the same time Juliet wished they didn’t have Oxikinesis 
 10. Juliet has a mutt with golden fur 11. He is not a conduit 12. Out of everything, Juliet really likes rock climbing. 13. Juliet once hurt her brother by tackling him while playing football 14. Juliet has one brother 15. If Juliet were an animal she would be an owl 16. Juliet has a bad habit of repressing her emotions by not taking things seriously. 17. Her father has always been someone that Juliet respects because of his selflessness and ability to maintain his dignity and composure in tough situations. 18. Juliet has always been interested in those who can spend their day doing nothing 19. Juliet works as a coffee shop owner. 20. Juliet has considered the possibility of children and wants at least two.
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
Jules gave Chris a coy look, “What makes you think I’m drunk, huh? What makes you think I have deep dark secrets?” Her voice was soft as she rested her forearms on the bar. Sure, maybe she was a bit drunk and maybe she did have secrets but, what was the fun in admitting it. 
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Chris downed the last bit of his drink, which he usually would enjoy. But this was not the time to enjoy shit. Laughing quietly, he placed the empty glass down and shrugged his shoulder. “It was the best toast, admit it. No? Not work. Fine. Then tell me your deepest secrets while you’re drunk.”
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
Juliet smirked over at Miles as he gave her a compliment but at the next question the brunettes face relaxed, “No. I’m not doing anything today. Why? What do you have in mind?”
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“Indeed you do.” Miles sighed and shook his head with a teasing smile. “I like the way you think, Juliet.” he then said trying to think of a better name, however that was highly irrelevant. “You know what? We can find a name sometime else. What’re you doing. Are you free?”
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
Juliet shot her drink back before she processed his words. Once it dawned on her what he was saying, Jules chocked and coughed out, “That is not a good toast.” She reprimanded, slapping his arm. As she played with the empty glass in her hand, she mumbled “One can only hope but... But! This is not a time to talk about work.”
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“On not finding a mutilated body in like, a week.” Chris offered with a shrug as he took the glass of whiskey and allowed the amber liquid to run down his throat. “That’s something at least, right? Not that we’re any closer to finding the killer, but maybe he was in a horrible accident and died.” 
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
“God! I don’t know, Chris.” Juliet sighed out as she lifted her glass up from the table. “This shouldn’t be this hard. Don’t over think it.” Her voice became encouraging as she gave her friend a small smile. “Just the first thing that comes to mind.”
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“Why would you want to forget anything, otherwise?” Chris didn’t wait for an answer before he shrugged it off. It wasn’t his business anyway. No need to dig further. “Being one day closer to dying? I don’t know. What do you toast to? There isn’t anything to be happy about these days.”
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
“Why not?” Jules shrugged as she easily avoided answering the question. Looking over at Cyrus, the girl immediately noticed how uncomfortable he looked. “Are you sure? We can go somewhere else, if you want. A bar isn’t the only place to drink.”
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“Why do you want to forget?” Fit in. The words jingled in his mind as he looked at the woman, his coworker, and smiled somewhat forcefully. Bars were really not his scene “Uh- sure. Another round.”
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
Juliet rolled her eyes over at the man next to her. “Why does something have to make me desperate for one? Can’t I just want to have a good time for the hell of it?” She mused over at him, widening her eyes before a grin seeped through the facade. As a bartender refilled their glasses, Jules mocked “How kind. So, what should we toast to this time?” 
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“What got you so desperate for a night out that you won’t remember anyway?” Chris asked with a small, amused grin on his face. After a couple of drinks, even this PRIME rook managed to loosen up a little for once. Dropping a few peanuts into his mouth, he shot a look at the woman. “Sure, it’s on me.”
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
“Here is to a night I will, hopefully, forgot!” Juliet cheered as she sloshed back her drink. With a laugh, the girl slammed down her shot on the bar and smiled at the person she was drinking with. “Another round?”
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
“Yea, The first few months is basically all training. They will whip you into shape in no time. After that, it’s just practice and repetition. I do suggest not just being scared of the big agents. Everyone here gets where they are for a reason. “
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“Well, we all can’t use our adorable…ness to keep us out of the way of flying bricks all the time. Good thing they’re teaching me how to fight better, not bad if I do say so myself but being able to use the weight of those big scary looking agents against them is one thing. Whooping them is quite another.”
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juliet-rapier-blog ¡ 8 years
A small laugh escaped her lips. “Well, Mr. Sunshine, you should still be prepared.” Jules mused quietly as she leaned into him. Covering their heads with the umbrella. “We may be integral but, that does not mean they like it. ” 
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Lance offered the girl a crooked grin, a noncommittal hum reverberating through his throat “I guess that I forgot that now every other person can literally alter weather.” He shrugged “It’s funny that a couple of years ago people were running wild about us conduits and now we are an integral part of today´s society.”
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