jun221 · 3 years
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Welcome to my fanart blog! Thank you for watching my works and giving me your impressions. I paint and upload them at the pace as walking or as melting fallen snow by basking in warm sunlight.
On the occasion of Sonic 30th year.
Happy 30th anniversary, Sonic! 19 years have passed since I became a fan of “the stories”.
When I was a kid, I was completely absorbed in the adventure tales of Sonic and all the characters, and I’ve enjoyed them of the games or Sonic X over and over again. I especially loved them written by Shiro Maekawa. I was born and raised as the first of four children of slightly overprotective parents. My father was strict with his children and I assumed my mother loved only my sister and brothers, so I was an introverted girl and felt lonely. For being in this home environment, I could sympathize a lot with Chris, the main character of Sonic X. This was the one of the reasons why I admired once-sonic and the others. They loved being free to do anything, living lives on their own ways and looked so alive. Sonic team didn’t used to express heroism which praised for positive outlooks and being strong, but they created touching stories made me sad inside and stirred up my imagination back then. These stories have grasped my heart and mind even now.
I drew sketches of the characters with a pencil on notebooks many times then. I started to draw digital images on ipad this year because I wanted to congratulate Sonic for his 30th anniversary. I also created my blog on this occasion. In my girlhood, I had only longed for contributing my fanart to Sonic channel, Japanese official website of Sonic series, and I could fulfill my dream in 2021; I submitted my illustrations twice and SEGA carried both of them. I really enjoyed drawing my works :-)
When we got into troubles or get depressed, Sonic and his friends gave us courage in our hearts and pushed us forward like following winds. In former stories, they were noble, had each firm beliefs, and put their thoughts in powerful and gentle words. Every one of the characters had unique personality. Although they lived and ran as free as they could be like strong winds, their words and attitudes towards lives never left those who felt lonesome behind, and sticked close to our hearts. They showed something like signposts for people to lift our faces and to move forward, and these guides sometimes would have became invaluable to their lives. I think my favorite and the coolest Sonic and all the guys are in that era, and they have been still in my minds. I am sure that the flowers in my heart, which “the stories” have fertilized and raised, will never wither.
I’m not criticizing present Sonic series, but to tell the truth, I’m confused about the differences between what they are and what they used to be. However, I’m not giving up and dreaming of the day when I can see Sonic and the all again as great as what they were then in the games.
Thank you for reading to the last.
Have good holidays!
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jun221 · 3 years
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189 notes · View notes
jun221 · 3 years
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Fly into freedom.
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jun221 · 3 years
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Kings of Emeralds
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jun221 · 3 years
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I wanna be a wonderful girl〜♪
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jun221 · 3 years
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