simao-campos · 10 years
Patuá de Acauã - Receita de pimenta do Luiz Fernando
Pimentas: cumari amarela, malagueta vermelha e murupi alaranjada (100g de cada)
Duas cebolas brancas médias
Um vidro médio de azeitonas sem caroços (como as vendidas a granel nas feiras)
Dose de cachaça
Dose de azeite
Retire os cabinhos das pimentas antes de lavá-las em água corrente. Colocar todos os ingredientes num liquidificador e bater até obter uma pasta uniforme. Colocar a pasta obtida em diversos potes / vidros com tampa para uso posterior.
Para durabilidade:
Prefira cebolas mais novas (firmes) e azeitonas verdes novas (frescas).
Coloque um filme de azeite após colocar a pasta de pimenta processada no vidro de destino, para evitar contato da pasta com o ar.
Conserve em geladeira - a cebola pode fermentar!
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simao-campos · 12 years
NYTimes: The Virtues of a Second Screen / Virtudes de um segundo monitor
Interesting piece in the New York Times / Artigo interessante no New York Times. Quote: "Survey after survey shows that whether you measure your productivity in facts researched, alien spaceships vaporized, or articles written, adding an extra monitor will give your output a considerable boost — 20 percent to 30 percent, according to a survey by Jon Peddie Research." Então, um segundo monitor pode aumentar a produtividade em 20%-30%...
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simao-campos · 13 years
Managing passwords in Windows 7
A rather obscure mechanism to have access to several hidden password in Windows 7 is to run the windows stored password management utility. Open a "Command prompt" window and type the following command: rundll32.exe keymgr.dll, KRShowKeyMgr It can be quite handy!
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simao-campos · 13 years
Change default action for PowerPoint slideshow in Windows 7
It is not trivial to change the default action under Windows7 for a PPS/PPSX/PPSM PowerPoint slideshow. I normally do not like seeing those slideshows with the normal presentation, it takes ages! These are the steps to change:(Attention!!! Editing the registry may render your computer inoperable! Proceed with care!)
Type regedit in the Windows 7 search box
Search for the following registry key for the PPS and PPSX entries, respectively:     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\PowerPoint.SlideShow.8\shell    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\PowerPoint.SlideShow.12\shell     HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Classes\PowerPoint.SlideShowMacroEnabled.12\shell
For each of them, change the default action from Open to Edit by double-clicking on the (default) variable that shows on the right-side panel and change the value data field from "Open" to "Edit" (without quotes)
If you do not have a definition for Edit (see by expanding the tree under "shell"), it may not work. In that case, you need to create it, see PS2 below.
That should do it! PS1: to check which application is associated to a certain file type, open a MS-DOS command prompt window (type "cmd" in the Windows 7 search box) and, in the command prompt, type  assoc .extFor example, for .pps:  assoc .ppsWhich returns:.pps=PowerPoint.SlideShow.8(then use the string returned after the = sign with regedit, as above) PS2: to create a new action under "shell", do as follows:
export the stem "New" to a file (by default, a .reg file)
edit this .reg file using an ASCII editor: a) change "New" with "Edit" b) change the "Command" definition, deleting the /n from the string
save the modified file
double click on the .reg file you just edited, accept all windows that pop up
That should do it!
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simao-campos · 14 years
Fregatura - Nono Polidori
Stefano's nono used to say: " .. e la vita, dura è dura, è na fregatura ... diceva u poru babbo... " Which in standard Italian would be: "...e la vita, è dura è dura... è una fregatura ... diceva il mio povero papà" Life is hard, hard, but a swindle - already used my poor dad to say. A vida é dura, dura, mas um embuste - já dizia probre papai.
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simao-campos · 14 years
William Safire's Rules for Writers
Remember to never split an infinitive. The passive voice should never be used. Do not put statements in the negative form. Verbs have to agree with their subjects. Proofread carefully to see if you words out. If you reread your work, you can find on rereading a great deal of repetition can be avoided by rereading and editing. A writer must not shift your point of view. And don't start a sentence with a conjunction. (Remember, too, a preposition is a terrible word to end a sentence with.) Don't overuse exclamation marks!! Place pronouns as close as possible, especially in long sentences, as of 10 or more words, to their antecedents. Writing carefully, dangling participles must be avoided. If any word is improper at the end of a sentence, a linking verb is. Take the bull by the hand and avoid mixing metaphors. Avoid trendy locutions that sound flaky. Everyone should be careful to use a singular pronoun with singular nouns in their writing. Always pick on the correct idiom. The adverb always follows the verb. Last but not least, avoid cliches like the plague; seek viable alternatives.
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simao-campos · 14 years
TechRepublic: Microsoft Office add-ins that will simplify your work
Microsoft Office add-ins that will simplify your work The right add-in can provide helpful features and make existing Office capabilities easier to use. Susan Harkins has rounded up a selection of handy add-ins for various Office applications. Read more http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/msoffice/?p=3626
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simao-campos · 14 years
TechRepublic: How do I use Sysprep to create a Windows XP image?
How do I use Sysprep to create a Windows XP image? Deploying Windows XP on a large number of workstations can become a tiresome chore, but you can help speed the process along using Sysprep. Read more http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/window-on-windows/?p=2866
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simao-campos · 14 years
TechRepublic: Select files in Windows Explorer with checkboxes (Windows 7)
With one little tweak, you can change in Windows 7 the behavior of Microsoft Windows Explorer to allow multiple file selection with checkboxes. Read more: http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/window-on-windows/?p=2878
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simao-campos · 14 years
TechRepublic: Common Windows issues you can fix with a registry hack
Sometimes, configuring Windows to meet your needs requires a trip to the registry editor. Here's a look at some simple hacks that can save you time and prevent a variety of problems. Read more http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/window-on-windows/?p=2842&tag=nl.e064
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simao-campos · 14 years
L'humour d'une hôtesse d'Easyjet
Have you travelled Easyjet recently? (Easyjet is a discount European airline) In French with French subtitles. http://www.tdg.ch/hotesse-easyjet-craque-2010-07-31
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simao-campos · 14 years
Randonées en Suisse
Ponte ligando o vilarejo de Loex a Lignon, cruzando o rio Rhone. Esse é o ano da caminhada (randonée, em francês) na Suíça. Aqui, algumas fotos
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simao-campos · 15 years
Karbido - The Table
Normalmente não faço posts de música, mas hoje assisti na RSI2 (TV Suíça, em italiano), no programa "Paganini" parte de um show de um conjunto chamado Karbido, "The Table" (há quatro partes, vi a "West"). O interessante é que é um quarteto que toca ao redor de uma mesa, e toca a mesa. (Se se perguntam, não, não é música clássica, muito pelo contrário...) A mesa é equipada de instrumentos de corda e percussão, e performance é fantástica. Consegui achar uns trechos no Youtube, mas não fazem jus à grande tela. Pelo menos podem lhes dar uma idéia do grupo. Se tiverem chance de assistir, recomendo vivamente! Aqui alguns desses links: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hks0935BDFU&feature=PlayList&p=4C5C0A426EF9799D&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=5 http://video.google.com/videosearch?hl=en&q=%22The+Table%22,+Karbido&um=1&ie=UTF-8&ei=7uRUS-y6NIaknQOyjIXYDw&sa=X&oi=video_result_group&ct=title&resnum=4&ved=0CBsQqwQwAw#
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simao-campos · 15 years
Let's look at things from a different perspective, shall we?
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simao-campos · 15 years
Como copiar atalhos (shortcuts) na pasta "All Users" no Vista ou Windows 7
Quem estava acostumado a copiar atalhos (shortcuts) para a pasta que afeta o desktop e o "Start | Programs" no Windows XP deve ter notado que no Vista e Windows 7 isso não funciona mais. A razão é que a pasta "genérica" "All users" não existe mais...bom, na verdade, mudou de lugar. O que se deve fazer é utilizar os paths indicados nas Ilustrações  A e B, abaixo. Se precisar de mais detalhes, veja a dica de Mark Kaelin no TechRepublic, "How do I copy shortcuts to the All Users folders in Vista or Windows 7?", de onde essa dica foi inspirada. (Note correção no último item da Ilustração A). A situação é similar para as costumizações para um usuário em particular, veja a Ilustração C para a pasta "Programs".
Ilustração A
Desktop path
XP folder location
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Desktop
Vista and Windows 7 Junction Point location
\users\All Users\Desktop
Vista and Windows 7 Folder location
Ilustração B
Start Menu path
XP folder location
\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu
Vista and Windows 7 Junction Point location
\users\All Users\Start Menu
Vista and Windows 7 Folder location
C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
Ilustração C - para um dado usuário "Fulano"
Programs path
XP folder location
\Documents and Settings\Fulano\Start Menu
Vista and Windows 7 Junction Point location
\users\Fulano\Start Menu
Vista and Windows 7 Folder location
C:\Users\Fulano\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs
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simao-campos · 15 years
Seeing is not believing
I read this interesting article on the (engineering) IEEE Spectrum Magazine, "Seeing Is Not Believing" about ways to recognize manipulation ("doctoring") of digital pictures. Maybe you'll also like it, see at: http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/computing/software/seeing-is-not-believing/0 For a collection of doctored images, some of which you may know, see the "Online collection" linked from: http://www.spectrum.ieee.org/computing/software/a-tour-of-photo-tampering
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simao-campos · 15 years
Cruzar ou o quê?
Curiosas podem ser as situações cotidianas. Passo a pé por um cruzamento bastante movimentado todas as manhãs, e o sinal de pedestres, programado, tem o seu ritual. Nessa direção em particular, os carros viram à esquerda, em frente ou à direita. Nesse instante, um pedestre pode passar a pista no sentido contrário que está bloqueada pelo tráfego virando à esquerda. Aí, na ilha do meio da pista, pode esperar que se libere o tráfego que segue em frente, ou vira à direita. Ou esperar que o sinal feche a acenda o verde dos pedestres. Banal. Mas hoje, apesar de as outras mãos estarem apinhadas de carros, não havia nenhum vindo dessa direção particular. Estranho. Mas assim é a gente: uns, sem pensar, esperam o sinal verde dos pedestres. Outros, passam em todo ou em parte, aproveitando toda oportunidade daquele instante. Há os que se põem surpresos e ficam filosofando sobre o porque daquele vazio. E ainda quem cruza e fica matutando o que terá ocorrido, e como se liga o seu percurso ao de outrem. Como cruza você?
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