junker-radio · 7 years
Now this is some unjust treatment!
I dance around in my skivvies and I'm "disturbing the peace" and "wrongfully exposing meself" but some TRONGO wearing a curtain and his smalls is some kind of American HERO?! THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!
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junker-radio · 7 years
“I tried being romantic and throw pebbles at your window but I accidentally threw a too big rock and now your window is broken, please don’t sue me.“
“I tried being romantic and throw pebbles at your window but I got the wrong house and hey you’re really cute and now I’m flustered“
“ I tried being romantic and throw pebbles at your window, but you opened it at the wrong time, and oh my gosh are you okay?? IS THAT BLOOD?“
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junker-radio · 7 years
Having no sources of intimacy in your daily life and therefore resorting to learning as much as you can as a way to pass the time is such a sad cycle, every single day its like what can I become obsessively interested in this time to vaguely simulate companionship and a temporary sense of purpose that I know will eventually make me feel even more alone because even if I find meaning and enjoyment it is completely irrelevant to and isolated from everyone and everything else
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junker-radio · 7 years
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sharing is caring
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junker-radio · 7 years
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Meet Ladybeard, A Cross-Dressing Wrestler And Death Metal Singer From Australia
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junker-radio · 7 years
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junker-radio · 7 years
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→path to enlightenment
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junker-radio · 7 years
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I guess omnics can open their mouths after all
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junker-radio · 7 years
Take care of yourselves. Achieve your dreams. It’s not too late for any of you.
I never had a chance in the creative world. I’ll be happy to see other’s success. I love and care about all of you. I’m rooting for you. Do it.
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junker-radio · 7 years
I may as well give up art and storytelling too because no matter how easy I make it for myself ,no matter what advice I memorise to convince myself to do it, I can’t.
I don’t want to work hard for a good, wonderful future.
That’s sad.
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junker-radio · 7 years
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Currently my thighs…
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((I really enjoy bird memes))
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junker-radio · 7 years
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stop bullying junkrat mains 2k17
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junker-radio · 7 years
Sorry I was suddenly gone for help knows how long. I had two sudden trips back to back, but the rat is among you again!
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junker-radio · 7 years
Book of Mormon
Book of Mormon: Favourite Joke?
Cor, I can’t pick just one...
Get this! Two mates are climbin’ out of th’ asylum, hey? And the first cobber says, “Oi, I can shine this light across so’s you can escape cross th’ rooftops with me!” Second drongo isn’t too shore. “What d’ya think I am, crazy?!”
“You’re just turn off th’ light once I was halfway across!”
Why’d the monkey fall out the tree? IT WAS DEAD!
What’s an Australian kiss? S’like a French kiss, but it’s down undah!
Why’d Tigger stick ‘is head in th’ loo? HE WAS LOOKING FER POO!
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junker-radio · 7 years
Ballet (˶◕‿◕˶✿)
Ballet: I want you to notice me
COR! I’ll notice ya! I’m noticin’ ya right now, hey? 
Why’s yer face so grey??
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junker-radio · 7 years
Are you still a rat because i'm just imagining you going on adorable tiny and explosive ratventures with the local rodent population. Maybe even enough to fuel a 13-episode cartoon if you pace them right
Oi! I’m still a rat! And nobody seemed to want t’ help me figure out how t’ change back! HELP ME, GODDA--
*Sqaueak, sqeak, sqeeeeeuk!*
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junker-radio · 7 years
I wish more foods were named in the same vein as “I Can’t Believe Its Not Butter!”
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