jupii-478 · 5 days
If you are LGBTQ+, Dionysos is your God!
If you are a POC, Dionysos is your God!
If you are an immigrant or foreigner, Dionysos is your God!
If you are a woman, Dionysos is your God!
If you are oppressed or downtrodden, Dionysos is your God!
With a touch of His finger, chains fall away!
With the tremor of His cry, the houses of the tyrants crumble!
We have no king but Bakkhos!
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jupii-478 · 8 days
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the only picture of me i’ll ever show on here (probably)
Lord Apollo <33
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jupii-478 · 8 days
Petition for the Greek Temples to be rebuilt, so that I can pray to the gods in all their glory
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jupii-478 · 8 days
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This popped into my head the other day.
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jupii-478 · 18 days
there is such a pang of guilt inside me every time i dislike myself, i know thats just lady aphrodite trying to bloom brighter flowers so i may see how lovely i can be, but i need to give her a stage first, i need to set the dirt
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jupii-478 · 21 days
i am finally moved in!! sort of. i’m staying with my grandparents for a bit until we get this one house and it could take a few months… moving is tricky.
i would like to thank Lord Hermes though for not letting anything of mine nor my family’s be broken in the move!! <3
i’ve been trying to remind myself that praying doesn’t need to be complex, the gods understand we’re human, all that stuff, but i still feel bad. every time i get into something new, i do so much research beforehand and never let myself be anything less than perfect. (i really gotta let that go…)
i’m working on toning it down a bit and reminding myself that there’s a lot i’m doing/going through right now and it’s okay to not be praying every single day. breaks are good. especially if it’s for mental health.
things like this always start out rough for me, but i’ll get it eventually. and i absolutely CAN NOT try and worship every deity😭 that’s how i get burnt out. i would love to if i could, but is it really possible? no. so i’ll stick with praying to just Lady Aphrodite, Lord Ares, Lord Apollo, and Lord Dionysus for now. i can do more once i’m actually ready for more lol.
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jupii-478 · 21 days
The gods know more than you think. (thinking loudly is a crime)
Before I got into Hellenism and drowned myself in it, like many people, I was into just Greek mythology. But… I.. did something a bit more..artistic.. with my love for it.
I wrote stories.
I wrote fucking stories with some gods as the main characters.
Ironically enough, it was about a girl that loves Greek gods only to then find out they’re very real.
When I started working with and worshiping deities, I was like oh man, I hope they never find out about that.
They did.
I first found out through Helios, as he made a joke that I knew his personality well because I wrote about it. I proceeded to scream in mortification, and he just said I was a good writer. Having a god call you a good writer doesn’t take away the mortification of knowing they know you wrote about them.
Then Hermes brought it up and I almost screamed again. I asked how he knew and apparently… I think loudly.
If you need me, I’ll be at the nearest highway.
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jupii-478 · 22 days
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digital offering to Lord Ares <3
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jupii-478 · 22 days
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digital offering to Lord Dionysus <3
(i have a play coming up so im praying to him more than ever lol)
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jupii-478 · 1 month
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digital offering to Lady Aphrodite <3
(happy mothers day to Lady Aphrodite and to all the many other lovely women in my life!!)
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jupii-478 · 1 month
My (preferred) way of pouring a libation
First of all I wash my hands, sometimes I even take a shower
I tidy the room, giving an offering is inviting the God to your house, you generally wouldn't invite a guest into a messy home
I light the Gods candle and pray, for Ouranic Gods I do this standing up with my palms facing up. I "call" the God (eg. For Apollo I say "hear Lord Apollo, son of Zeus and Leto, twin brother of Artemis, God of the arts, music and healing... Etc etc and mention some myths) list things I did to strengthen my relationship with the God (if I have ever written a prayer to You, given a Libation, Offered art... Etc.) according to the prayer format I based this on this is where you are supposed to read a hymn, I don't really do that though (I don't remember where I got the format from either, I can try to look for it if anyone wants it)
I then pour the libation into a glass or cup for the God and pour some into a different cup for myself, I spend some time to talk to the God as I would with a guest who I invited for tea
I leave the libation on the altar/the makeshift temporary altar I made if I'm away from home, I leave it there for a few hours.
If the libation is water, I pour it out into a houseplant, for other libations I would pour them into the ground outside or a plant pot with just dirt in it but since I cannot do that I pour it down the drain thinking the phrase "I'm disposing of the physical offering but the spiritual offering remains"
How do you make libations? Also any tips are welcome :)
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jupii-478 · 1 month
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digital offering to Lord Apollo <3
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jupii-478 · 1 month
Tarot Card Associations for Hellenistic Deities
Fool - Dionysus, Hermes, Pan, Ate, Gelos, Momus, Horme
Magician - Hephaestus, Hermes, Hecate, Aristeaus, Circe, the Muses, Apollo
High Priestess - Hecate, Persephone, Hera, Circe
Empress - Hera, Aphrodite, Demeter, Hestia, Gaia, Rhea
Emperor - Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Ares
Hierophant - Demeter, Persephone, Hecate, Hestia, Hera, Gaia, Rhea
Lovers - Aphrodite, Eros, Dionysus, Adonis, Hera, Philotes
Chariot - Hermes, Charon, Iris, Morpheus
Strength - Athena, Ares, Heracles, Nike, Bia, Kratos, 
Hermit - Hades, Hestia
Wheel of Fortune - Hermes, Tyche, the Fates, Zeus
Justice - Athena, Themis, Nemesis, Astraea, Apollo
Hanged Man - Hermes, Harpocrates, Prometheus, Psyche 
Death - Hades, Thanatos, Dionysus, Charon, Persephone, Ares
Temperance - Athena, Demeter, Artemis, Harmonia
Devil - Dionysus, Pan, Comus, Ate, Priapus
Tower - Ares, Poseidon, Deimos, Phobos, Eris, Moros, Enyo, Hybris
Star - Aphrodite, Artemis, Astraea, Urania, Hermes, Eos, Hesperus
Moon - Selene, Artemis, Hecate, Nyx, Hypnos, Erebus
Sun - Apollo, Helios, Hemera, Hyperion 
Judgment - Zeus, hades, Athena
World - Hermes, Demeter, Gaia, Hestia, Harmonia, Pan, Tyche
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jupii-478 · 1 month
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NOT A HELLENIC POLYTHEISTIC RELATED POST (i promise i’ll post again soon)
i just wanted to share these pictures i took!! :)
i got to see the aurora borealis at my apartment last night and holy crap was it gorgeous. these will be my last few days at my apartment (i’m leaving tuesday) so i’m so glad i got to see this.
this is my first time seeing an aurora borealis ever!! its honestly just so beautiful. <3
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jupii-478 · 1 month
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going out in the sun today as a devotional act to Lord Apollo. the weather has been super nice so I wanted to make the most out of it!!
(+ a picture of some really pretty daisies i saw while walking and hanging out with my friends outside <3)
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jupii-478 · 1 month
not a therian, but gods i love this. We love Lady Artemis <3
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jupii-478 · 1 month
Just to clarify, if anyone who follows this blog doesn’t stand with Palestine, you aren’t welcome here. This isn’t a political blog, but this isn’t a politic issue. It’s a human rights issue. Free Palestine 🇵🇸🇵🇸
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