juqpeaz · 3 years
making fangs fogarty sad is objectively morally worse than dragging people by their ankles to get a lobotomy actually, kevin was not wrong there
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juqpeaz · 3 years
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juqpeaz · 3 years
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juqpeaz · 3 years
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juqpeaz · 3 years
i’m so rooting for them to go hard with archie’s standing up to the military plotline i want them to do american idiot for the musical this year. let jughead say a slur
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juqpeaz · 3 years
Malachai saying "Fuck it" and just. Starting to date Jughead would include:
Malachai is utterly shameless and has no inhibitions about showing PDA; His affection can be either very rowdy or soft.
Sometimes it's just an arm relaxed over a shoulder, other times it's throwing Jughead over his shoulder and taking off to ditch school
Jughead not being entirely open to dating the guy leading his father's most fearsome rival gang at first, but there's only so much a boy can endure.
Having some macho heathen yell obscenities as he drives besides you from his car while trying to run errands walking is far from enjoyable
So yeah, at first Jughead thinks Malachai is just fucking around, or trying to get back at FP through him
He comes to find out that Malachai is not, in fact, fucking around when he was jumped by some Gargoyles and Malachai got wind of it
(He has scouts looking after Jughead. Its for protection. Riverdale is a hell pit and Jughead cannot be left alone, he's like the flame to a moth when it comes to attracting trouble.)
Malachai makes them bite concrete and apologize, which. Hm.
"I just feel like that was an uneccesary amount of trauma." "Maybe, but trauma is very necessary for my fun."
It makes me laugh that Malachai is described as a "bad boy" in his Riverwiki page. That implies he'd look at at the pretty writer boy, ask "so is anybody gonna try and corrupt that?" And not wait for an answer
Jughead is so pretentious and prissy, thought, that not even the devil himself could corrupt this guy. "You've NEVER smoked a fucking cigarette?" "No! I don't like the taste."
That, of course, results in shotgun kisses.
Malachai smirking devilishly, hand curving around Jughead's nape and leaning closer to blow smoke into the other boy's mouth, parted in slight shock. "What about now?"
"... You're insufferable. " "And you love it."
Dirty jokes. So many dirty jokes.
Both being so extra; Jughead may be dramatic but Malachai is a whole Broadway play
Malachai annoying the FUCK out of FP by always petting his lap and inviting Jug to take a seat. Which he takes, of course.
Jughead refusing to take sides and instead proposing an alliance; Standing on opposite sides and eating eachother like dogs as the people in power watch and grin is NOT what the Southside should stand for.
Give Malachai a ranch and an engine and you'll get the smoothest running vehicle in town; Jughead always goes to him when his bike needs a fix.
Mal only accepts payment in make out sessions (and cuddles)
Jughead being his side driver in every race. He drives recklessly because it makes Jug hold his hand for dear life (and cuss him out later)
Car hood kisses for the win
Shovel talks. So many shovels you could open a funeral home. Somehow Betty's the most effective.
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juqpeaz · 4 years
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At this point I'm just fucking around
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juqpeaz · 4 years
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"He was a punk. He did ballet. What more is there to say?" Jugpea AU-- Jughead Jones is the only boy in school who does ballet. Sweet Pea, the town's delinquent boy and leader of the young Southside Serpents, falls in love with him
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juqpeaz · 4 years
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(long, drawn out sigh) cant forget my roots i guess………..
anyway jughead jones is trans and ace and also he has a super cool bf named sweet pea because i make the fucking rules now
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juqpeaz · 4 years
im putting this here bc im scared of saying it on my main but if you thought that adam and chris shouldve gotten together at the end of 4th man out you Missed The Fucking Point Bro
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juqpeaz · 5 years
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hyperfixation of the week: these 2, I love them.
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juqpeaz · 5 years
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true story
(jug’s bfs are reggie & sweet pea, and moose’s bfs are kevin and fangs, no i dont take constructive criticism)
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juqpeaz · 5 years
what your favourite riverdale ship says about you
by nate juqpeaz
add any more in the notes!!
bughead: you have a crush on jughead jones. you wish you were betty cooper. cole sprouse is so hot am i right
jarchie: all jarchie stans fall into 3 categories: fetishisers, projectors, and normal people. (if you’re getting defensive me abt calling you the first two, you’re the first two)
varchie: you’re horny. stop it youre like 12
veggie: you wish you were rich, and like same, but still
barchie: you wish you were betty cooper again
beronica: youre valid thats what that says
jeronica: youre edgy and you hate betty
core ot4: indecisive but valid nonetheless
choni: you wish you were toni or cheryl (or ur straight up just here for the wlw which, big mood. very valid btw)
cheryl/anyone that isnt a girl: congrats! i diagnose you with lesbophobic
joavin: you can’t let go of the past
mevin: you’re on thin fucking ice
kangs: you kinda really want joavin back, or you love musicals
kevin/any other boy (kughead/karchie/keggie): you just want kevin to be happy
kevin/any girl: boom fella! homophobic
swangs: you dont care about the core 4. same
sweetvee/swetty: stop projecting and selfship you coward!! its okay to do that you know! its 2019! just make a self insert and go apeshit! ill reblog it!
falice: you’re fucking insane. i dont know if youre valid or not. keep living i guess
any other parent ships: you’re normal and i love you
any form of inc*st or p*dophilia ship: you’re a fuck and i hate you
bonus: my crackships under the cut owu 
btw im all of these at once- so dont worry if youre any of these. i feel ur pain
jugpea: i diagnose you with projection syndrome. you have a type
swarchie: enemies > lovers is your favourite trope
regchie: you’re into jocks
reghead: you had a crush on your childhood bully and you’re not over them yet
mevangs: indecisive. i love you
fughead: projection. you are the rarepair master. also yr soft. i appreciate that
swangsvin: you wish you were kevin keller
sweghead: you wish you were reggie, sweet pea AND jughead all at once. iconic
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juqpeaz · 5 years
Right Here(Jugpea)
So this is some more omega and alpha. There is a mentions of eating disorders, so please watch for that. 
Things had been getting better, and he didn’t think that it was ever going to, so things were looking up. Things were looking better, and him and his dad were figuring things out. He even got to know Sweet Pea, which was the greatest part of it all, it made things so much better, he made things better. At first it was rough, he couldn’t seem to swallow any food for weeks, and every time he did, he ended up throwing it back up. His body became weaker with each day, and it got to the point where FP had to bring him to the hospital where they gave him a IV, which was about the only way he could get some nutrients. It was hard, but he finally started eating again, and he was able to go back to school again, which is when he got to know Sweets.
He was the kindest alpha Jughead ever meant, and he made this feeling surge through Jug, he was something else. Usually all the alphas at school just gave him a look and tried to get him to mate with him, being an omega, they all knew that Juggie was easy to cave. They all knew that he was easy to corrupt and make theirs, but that didn’t make him feel any better, it broke his heart, and his self-esteem.
He was a sensitive person to begin with, but when he knew that he was an omega and he went through his first heat, everything got so much more intense, and the things that set him off seemed to be growing. It was tiring, but he got use to that, and then he meant Sweet Pea. He was kind, caring, and he gave soft smiles rather than growling when he walked by. It made him feel like he was worth something, and it made this soft warmth go through him when he looked at the alpha. He felt like he was worth something, and that was more than he could asked for when it came to an alpha. He knew that he would have to mate with someone at some point, and it was scary until he meant Sweets. He made Jughead feel like he could calm down for once, it made him feel like he was able to relax around him, and he felt comfortable. Sweet Pea made him feel again.
When the eating disorder started, he didn’t mean for things to get so bad, it was supposed to be a one time thing. It was supposed to happen once, but it kept going and going. At first, he just stopped eating, he stopped eating and he ignored the pains in his stomach. But then he got to the point where he’d eat and eat, and shove something down his throat to make it come back up, he knew then that something was wrong with him, that he needed help. He didn’t get that help though, cause he was scared, and his dad was overwhelmed with work again. He didn’t want to make things worse than he already had made them when he found out that he was an omega. He didn’t want to be the cause of anymore pain, but that’s all he ever seems to be, so it got worse and worse, until he finally passed out on the bathroom floor one night. His dad found him in the morning and took him to the ER, where they said that he needed to get help. He fought and fought, but his dad sent him to a therapist, making him talk about everything that was making him do this to himself. No one understood why the hell he would do this to himself when he was already skinny, but that wasn’t it at all. He just wanted to have control over something in his life, because he knew that being an omega meant that he didn’t get to have that control again,and that he would never have it again when he mated with an alpha. It was scary and he thought the best thing to do would to be to find some sort of control. The eating disorder gave him that control and made him feel alive, until he almost died of course, and then he knew that he had to stop. It took forever before he was able to eat, or look at himself in the mirror, but he got there, and he went back to school. He meant Sweet Pea and things got better from there on out. Him and Sweets decided on mating awhile ago, but they hadn’t acted upon it, and they weren’t going to until after high school, but they would get there, and they wanted to so badly. They loved each other and nothing was going to change that.
Things were so good, so amazing. Jughead was so so happy, and he couldn’t be more blessed than he was right now. Sweet Pea made him so happy, so fucking happy. Tonight made him remember that.
It was movie night, and although Sweets got to pick the movie, it was still good, because they weren’t really watching much. Jughead had his face nuzzled into the taller boys chest and was dozing off slightly while his boyfriend was running hands through his hair. He was so tired, which was of because he was coming up on his heat, so he shouldn’t be tired, he should actually be really horny right now. But, he didn’t feel like having sex tonight which was already weird. Sweet Pea knows when he has his heat, and when he does, he is all over him. He doesn’t mind or anything, Sweets loves having sex with his boy. It was a blessing and it was amazing every single time. It never got old, and it was really weird that he didn’t feel up to it tonight. They haven’t had sex during Jughead’s heat yet, because the boy wasn’t really ready for that ever, not for the alphas knot. It was understandable, and he wasn’t going to push the omega. Usually Sweet Pea got him through it by holding him, letting him rut against his thigh, or fingering, because God, Jug was a sight when that happens.
Jughead fell asleep pretty quickly, and Sweets wasn’t far after him, but he turned off the TV and let FP know that he would be staying the night, which he got the response of NO SEX. he chuckled and closed his eyes, pulling his boy very close to him and kissing his temple.
Jughead woke up with strong cramp in his stomach, and he felt like someone was kicking him. He huffed and walked into the bathroom, looking into the mirror, lifting his shirt to see if something was wrong or maybe if there was a bruise there for some reason. Nothing. With a sigh, he walked out into to living room, feeling really sick. He sat on the couch, trying to breathe through it, but one more stabbing pain to the stomach cause him to cry out. He heard Sweet Pea wake up with a growl, and then his heavy walking down the hallway.
“Baby, what’s going on? God, baby are you okay?”
Jughead whimpered and reached for his alpha, curling up into his arms and wrapping himself around with his limbs.
“It hurts…alpha it hurts. Please.” Sweet Pea picked the boy up and walked out to the truck, not hesitating to bring him into the hospital. He sped down the street and rushed his boy into the ER, calling out for help, glaring at anyone that dared to look at his boy the wrong way.
Sitting in the waiting room was the hardest thing that he had to do, but since he wasn’t family and hadn’t mated with him, he wasn’t allowed in the room. It made him pissed and he nearly started a fight with one of the nurses. But, he sat down and tried to breathe through the anger.
After nearly three hours, the nurse called him back, saying that his boy was asking for him. Before entering the room, he told Sweets to be gentle with the boy and hear him out, that he was in a bad place right now. Sweet Pea was worried now, worried that this was something far worse than he thought that it would be.
His boy was curled up on the bed, blankets wrapped around him.
“Hi baby boy, what’s going on love?” The boy perked up and reached out for his mate, letting the taller boy take him into his arms and lay with him. The omega didn’t say anything for awhile, and he just shook, tears streaming down his face. Sweets needed to know what was wrong, he couldn’t do it anymore.
“Jug, baby boy, please tell me what’s going on?” The boy sniffled and looked at him in the eyes.
“My, the eating disorder, it made something go wrong with my heat. It, I don’t really know what’s wrong, or what it is called….but I can’t….I can’t get my heat anymore, Sweet Pea.”
He was confused right away, because he really didn’t know that it that could happen. He didn’t know that it was a thing, and he didn’t know what this meant for mating, or having pups. Because, this was really against everything that he was taught throughout school. An alpha wasn’t really supposed to deal with this, and he could smell the fear coming from Jughead, the fear of what might happen.
“I…. I get it if you don’t…don’t wanna be with me anymore. I understand if you don’t wanna mate with me anymore, cause I can’t…I can’t carry your pups or anything. I’m so sorry that this happened, I’m so sorry. This is all my fault and I deserve this, but you don’t, you deserve to mate with someone that can have your pups, not me. I am so sorry Sweets.”
Jughead was sobbing by now, tears streaming down his cheeks, his whole body shaking.
Sweet Pea needed to stop him right then, knowing that his boy thought that he was going to leave him, but that wasn’t happening. He loved his boy, he loved him so so much and this wasn’t going to change a thing. He couldn’t stop loving his boy. Jughead was his life, and he loves him so so fucking much. He cannot imagine the pain that he was going through right now, he can’t imagine what he’s dealing with and the amount of pain that he was going to have to deal with. But, he was going to be there to help him through it.
“My love, sweetheart, this wasn’t your fault and you do not deserve this. No one deserves this,  I love you so much baby boy, so so much. Nothing will ever change that love. I am here, right with you, I am always going to be right here. We’re going to figure this out, and you’re going to be okay, we’re going to make you okay again my love. I love you so much baby boy. So much, and I promise, I’m right here my baby boy.”
The night was spent in tears and small whispers of love until the sun started to rise and his boy fell into a deep sleep. He only fell asleep when he knew that Sweet Pea would be there when he woke up.
He would always be there. He would always be right here.
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juqpeaz · 5 years
Not Enough(Jugpea)
I am so sorry for this angst, I do apologize, the next one up will be better, and our boys will be in love. I am so sorry, but it was requested, so I wrote it. Enjoy!
Warnings: Cheating
Guilt is a terrifying thing to feel. It’s never been Sweet Pea’s friend, but it’s always been there, just not this bad. Not this all consuming. He isn’t sure how to make it stop, or how to turn off his conscience. He was being stupid, he did something so stupid and it hurts to think about what he’s done. How could he have done this to the boy that he loves so much, that loves him so much?! It wasn’t even because of the drinks or the party, he knew what he was doing, he knew what he was doing and how much it was going to hurt the boy back home.
College is no longer a place that Sweets likes being at, he doesn’t like hearing about the parties, and he doesn’t like going to them. Jughead never liked going to parties or interacting with people that weren’t Sweet Pea, and a few others that he had gotten close to. Sweet Pea will never understand why he went to that damn party, he just doesn’t get what he was thinking, maybe his brain shut off that night and he wasn’t thinking straight, but that really isn’t an excuse and he knows that. Fuck, he knows that okay?
He hasn’t been able to look a Jughead all week, not since Saturday, and it’s becoming noticeable, the boy has been giving him odd looks, and trying to get his attention all week. He even made Sweet Pea dinner on Monday night, he was being so kind and sweet, just like he always was, he was being that perfect boyfriend that Sweets had met on high school, the precious boy that would do anything for him. God, he was perfect, but he fucked up and he needed to tell the boy, he needed to get it off of his chest and forget about keeping it a secret, because Juggie doesn’t deserve that. He doesn’t deserve to be cuddled up to a cheater in the middle of the night, or to kiss him awake in the morning. He shouldn’t be wearing a cheaters clothing around campus when there’s another guy laughing at him because he slept with his fucking boyfriend. Jughead shouldn’t be a walking joke around campus, because Jesus he deserved so much more than this, and it was going to break his big heart when Sweet Pea told him what he did. Why did he fucking do it?! Regret is a common thing to feel now, and Sweet Pea can’t even hold his boyfriend at night anymore, not without feeling like he was getting him dirty, like he was giving him this lie of a hug, this lie of a kiss. He felt so wrong and dirty, and his dreams were consumed by another man’s touch, another person’s clothes on the ground, someone that wasn’t his beautiful boy. What the hell did he do, oh God?!
The following Saturday, Jug looks at him with tears in his eyes, and arms wrapped around his stomach. Sweet Pea usually loves kissing his boyfriend, and when Jughead takes his sweater off and giggles against his lips while climbing into his lap. He loves it. He used to love it so much, but putting his hands on the boy’s bare skin makes him feel like he’s tainting the boy, making him dirty and used. It’s an awful feeling, one that he never thought he would feel when it came to his boyfriend, but he just can’t. So he pushes the boy off and scoots off the bed, standing up and running a hand through his hair as the smaller boy curls into himself, a tear slipping down his cheek, cause’ he knows, he knows that there’s something wrong with this. That there’s something wrong with Sweet Pea, he has to know by now, he’s a smart guy, and Sweets really thinks that this is it. But, Jughead has always surprised him.
“Did I do something wrong…or, are you not like…into this anymore. I don’t understand what I did wrong Sweets, you’re never like this, and I wish you’d tell be what I did instead of making me guess all week.” His voice is so small and hurt, and what the fuck? He thinks that he did something wrong, that this is his fault, that Sweet Pea is mad at him for something. Oh God… his poor boy, this poor boy. What has he done?
Sweet Pea doesn’t know what to say, he doesn’t know how to tell Juggie what he’s done, but he doesn’t deserve to have this to himself anymore, so he turns back around and looks down to his feet, not able to look at those blue green eyes.
“That party last weekend, the one that Fang’s and I went to, the one that you didn’t want me to go to. I, God… Jug, I fucked up, and I’m so so sorry baby. I don’t know what happened, or what I was thinking, cause I love you so much I do, but I was drunk and he was there, and I couldn’t find Fang’s. We hadn’t been together in so long ya know? I got scared that maybe I wasn’t enough for you anymore, and I know that you’re busy baby, I know that, I wasn’t thinking. He was just there, and I don’t even know his name, I swear, I was thinking of you the whole time, and I just missed having you. I’m so sorry love. I don’t know how to fix this, it’s been gnawing at me all week and I didn’t know how to tell you about what happened. I didn’t want to hurt you, not more than I already have. You didn’t do anything wrong Juggie, not a thing, this is… it’s on me okay…”
The boy was silent, looking at the wall in front of him, shaking his head a little. Those big eyes filling with tears that slipped down his cheeks. He looked so broken, so ruined and Sweet Pea wanted to hurl, he wanted to hold the boy in his arms and make him feel okay again, but that isn’t what Jughead would want right now, so he didn’t. He backed away and sighed, running a hand through his hair, trying so hard not to break himself.
“Was… was I not enough? Did, did I do something that made you think I wasn’t, that I didn’t want you?” Sweet Pea shook his head quickly, sighing again. He didn’t have words, and he didn’t have a way to make this better. The smaller boy let out a small sob before pulling his sweater back on along with his shoes. He bowed his head and walked past Sweets, a hand over his mouth in attempt to quiet his sobs, each of them like a knife to the taller boy’s heart.
“Baby, please….let’s talk about this okay? Please don’t go, we need to talk about this…please love. I am so so sorry.” Jughead whipped around, a hand raised, but he slowly put it back down. Shaking his head, he looked at the man that he loved more than anything in the world, the man that had showed him what real love was. The guy that held him through every nightmare, that kissed him breathless when he got an A on an exam, the man that always tried and failed at baking him chocolate chip cookies when he was craving them. He looked at him and let a small sob leave his throat, looking down on himself, feeling like an idiot for thinking that he was enough for someone like Sweet Pea, for someone that deserved so much more than he could give.
“There’s….nothing to talk about Sweet Pea. I wasn’t enough, that’s that.”
The small boy was out the door before he could say anything to him, the only thing he left behind was the little snake necklace that Sweets had given him for their one year anniversary.
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juqpeaz · 5 years
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| ༊*·˚ jugpea moodboard ↬ two serpent kings au
pictures not mine; filter by polarrhs on instagram
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juqpeaz · 5 years
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a boy……….. love him
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