just-someones-diary · 10 months
Winter starts for me, when I fall five times per day. Fckng ice
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just-someones-diary · 10 months
Just had a dream with five Talias Al Ghuls. Four of them were mirrored to each other and one at the center, three of them also were in process of delivery baby. I forgot almost all 'deep' this dream had, but my brain was like "bitch, this is literally genius, we should write fic about it"
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just-someones-diary · 11 months
“we have nothing left in common” what is that even supposed to mean. literally has passed less than a year since we started being friends. the only thing you had in common with me was a fandom? or did I do something wrong and you very nicely decided not to tell me about that? How was I supposed to know that something was wrong if you never told me or did that at the very last moment? and now you fucking threw me away twice, and I feel absolutely stupid and humiliated. and the worst thing is, I still want to be your fucking friend. I can't imagine what I'll do without you
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