just-tofeel-alive · 10 years
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A year ago Anthony Green saved me from taking my own life. I was convinced that no one would’ve cared if I was gone and yet this stranger did what he could to secure my safety. If you or someone you know suffers from depression, don’t take it lightly or assume it’ll go away if ignored. Take the time to listen or talk to someone, even if it’s someone you barely know. You can save a life. #anthonygreen #circasurvive
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just-tofeel-alive · 11 years
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just-tofeel-alive · 11 years
When he pulls out after u had Chipotle
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just-tofeel-alive · 11 years
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just-tofeel-alive · 11 years
Opinion is really the lowest form of human knowledge. It requires no accountability, no understanding. The highest form of knowledge is empathy, for it requires us to suspend our egos and live in another’s world. It requires profound purpose larger than the self kind of understanding.
Bill Bullard (via unconditionedconsciousness)
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just-tofeel-alive · 11 years
I think seeing Anthony Green play Seven Years may be my favorite moment at a concert ever. How he mostly sings the backing vocals and had the crowd sing the lead, it’s so cool. Never have I felt a closer connection between performer and audience. The emotion is so real and powerful. I wish I could experience it again.
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just-tofeel-alive · 11 years
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After a week of spending several hours on an oil pastel piece. It’s on a 16” x 20” canvas. I finally finished tonight at 1 am. I started around Sunday or Monday. It felt like I took long since this week has been busy. I’ve been having to move plans around due to work and making time for friends I don’t see too often and having unexpected things come up.
The piece isn’t perfect but I put a lot of time into it.
I made it for my girlfriend. Today is her birthday and her favorite musician is Anthony Green. She loves all his other bands he was in or has at the time which are Saosin and Circa Survive. She also loves House Of Leaves and Safecamp.
I’m so tired from this busy week. But I can’t wait to see her and spend the day with this girl. I love her so much. She loves me so.
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just-tofeel-alive · 11 years
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just-tofeel-alive · 11 years
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You don’t owe me a thing, I’m just trying to be, so just stop answering for me.
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just-tofeel-alive · 12 years
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just-tofeel-alive · 12 years
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“This is the kitchen. This is where we cook our meth.” -Anthony Green from Circa Survive
Click here to watch Circa Survive give an exclusive tour of their tour bus!
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just-tofeel-alive · 12 years
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just-tofeel-alive · 12 years
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what have i become, my sweetest friend?
everyone i know goes away in the end.
And you could have it all, 
my empire of dirt..
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just-tofeel-alive · 12 years
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i decided to make something for Anthony Green's quote about the safecamp symbol<3
“When people see that symbol—train-hoppers, walkers, whoever—when they see it, they know it’s a safe place where they can get fed. We wanted to throw that sign up for everybody that listens to music who wants to find some place they can go where they’re not going to get judged and where they can be a part of something. It doesn’t have to be a scene. It doesn’t matter what they wear. It doesn’t matter what else they listen to. Nothing fucking matters. You’re welcome here, no matter who you are and no matter what you do. As long as you’re not a dick. At the same time, it attracts those people who really are looking for it. For everyone else who doesn’t know, they just see an X.” - Anthony Green
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just-tofeel-alive · 12 years
I have this problem where i want to be everywhere im not.
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just-tofeel-alive · 12 years
You keep it on the inside,
'cause that's the safest place to hide.
All of your friends are gone,
And you were barely holding on.
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just-tofeel-alive · 12 years
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