justalb8 · 6 months
Social Media Governance: promoting professionalism in communication.
Week 10: Social Media Governance
In today's interconnected society, social media has become indispensable for both individuals and organizations. From sharing updates to engaging with audiences, social media platforms offer endless opportunities for communication and outreach. However, this great power also comes with significant responsibility, highlighting the increasing importance of social media governance. Newberry (2023) defined social media governance as a comprehensive set of policies, systems, processes, and approval procedures. This governance encompasses all structures and institutional processes used to manage interdependencies among various stakeholders, primarily groups (Linke & Zerfass, 2013).
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Newberry (2023) further emphasized the critical role of social media governance. Firstly, it serves to safeguard brand reputation - maintaining a consistent social media voice and brand identity across platforms helps followers easily recognize and interact with your content. This clarity also aids followers, customers, and potential clients in distinguishing official brand channels, reducing the risk of being misled by fraudulent social media accounts. Secondly, social media governance minimizes risks by addressing security considerations. Although not every brand will face reputation crises, no organization is immune to crises, irrespective of the stringency of security protocols.
Given these factors, it's evident that social media governance demands careful planning from the outset, while also acknowledging associated risks and operational challenges. So, how can social media governance be effectively managed? Establishing brand standards, clear approval processes, and policies stands out as the pivotal step for companies and businesses. Additionally, closely monitoring user feedback and adopting responsive communication strategies are crucial. Moreover, training in management practices and social media planning can streamline operations. Finally, implementing security measures to mitigate fraud, hacks, or data loss is imperative.
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In recent years, social media governance tools have become commonplace, particularly among global companies and businesses. A notable example is the Meta Business Suite, designed for social media and advertising management on Facebook and Instagram. This tool facilitates communication strategy development, advertising tracking, metrics analysis, and operational oversight. Bredava (2023) advocated for leveraging Meta's analytics and supplementary tools to enhance marketing strategies on these platforms, enabling error identification, correction, and optimization of content and activities.
In summary, social media governance is a fundamental task for individuals, businesses, and companies alike. Utilizing supportive tools, planning, and policy establishment can significantly enhance the effectiveness and precision of communication efforts.
Newberry. C 2023, 8 Must-Haves of a Smart Social Media Governance Plan. https://blog.hootsuite.com/social-media-governance #:~:text=Social%20media%20governance%20is%20a,social%20media%20policies%20and%20guidelines
Linke, A., & Zerfass, A. (2013). Social media governance: Regulatory frameworks for successful online communications. Journal of Communication Management, 17(3), 270-286.
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justalb8 · 6 months
Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live Streaming: Outstanding growth globally
Week 9: Gaming Communities, Social Gaming and Live Streaming
In recent times, the gaming landscape has seen a significant shift, moving from individual pastime to a vibrant communal experience. With the rise of gaming communities, social platforms, and live streaming, gamers worldwide have found new ways to connect, collaborate, and share their enthusiasm for gaming.
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Viewed as social entities, gaming communities are clusters of individuals bonded by skills, expertise, and knowledge, functioning as virtual meeting points for discussions, tip-sharing, and camaraderie. Whether through online forums, Discord servers, or social media groups, these communities foster a sense of belonging and unity that transcends geographical and cultural barriers. Gamers can engage in communities centered around specific games, genres, or platforms, fostering a supportive environment where enthusiasts can revel in their shared passion for gaming.
The advent of social gaming platforms has revolutionized the gaming experience by integrating social features directly into games. Titles like PUBG, Fortnite, and Among Us have become emblematic of social gaming, offering players avenues for interaction, cooperation, and competition with both friends and strangers. From collaborative missions to multiplayer battles, social games promote teamwork, communication, and engagement, blurring the lines between gaming and social networking. Through online functionalities, players can connect with others across the globe, and it's essential to facilitate the addition or creation of in-game content (Wardhana, 2021).
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Live streaming has emerged as a pivotal force in the gaming industry, enabling gamers to broadcast their gameplay to a global audience. Platforms such as Twitch and YouTube provide avenues for gamers to showcase their skills, entertain viewers, and cultivate communities around their content. Streamers engage with their audience through live chat, fostering interaction and a sense of community among viewers. With the rise of esports, live streaming has become an integral aspect of competitive gaming, allowing fans to follow their favorite players and teams in matches. Notable streamers include Ninja, Shroud, AuronPlay, and the most renowned Vietnamese streamer, MixiGaming.
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The remarkable growth of gaming communities, social gaming, and live streaming has democratized gaming culture, making it more widespread, diverse, and accessible to all. Whether one is a casual gamer seeking connection with friends or a content creator aspiring to build an audience, the gaming world offers limitless opportunities for connection and creativity. As technology advances and the gaming industry evolves, one thing remains certain: gaming transcends being merely a pastime—it's a global phenomenon that fosters connections among people.
Wardhana, M. I 2021, Learning through a social gaming platform. KnE Social Sciences, 221-226.
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justalb8 · 6 months
Filters and AR on Instagram: are they really useful?
Week 8: Software literacy: Instagram Filters
Today, on popular social media platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat, filters have become a ubiquitous feature, offering users a plethora of options to enhance their photos and videos with imaginative effects. What initially started as basic adjustments such as brightness or contrast has evolved into a diverse range of filters capable of completely altering the atmosphere and visual appeal of an image. These filters, incorporating Augmented Reality (AR) technology, enable users to perceive the real world with virtual objects seamlessly integrated or overlaid (Azuma, 1997).
Reflecting on the historical evolution of filters, AR has been present since the 1960s, predating the era of modern technological advancements. The popularity of AR surged in the 2010s, paralleling the improvement in smartphone quality and accessibility. The exponential growth of AR continued with the introduction of Snapchat filters in 2016 and the widespread success of games like Pokémon Go.
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Among social media platforms, Instagram stands out as a prominent leader in developing AR features for its users. Instagram filters serve as a means of self-expression, offering users the opportunity to infuse their posts with creativity and personalization. From filters inspired by vintage cinema to romantic animations, users can express themselves uniquely, reflecting their mood, style, and narrative preferences. Filters empower individuals to exhibit creativity without necessitating advanced photo editing skills, thus simplifying the content creation process.
Despite the creative and personalization benefits that filters offer, they also present certain limitations, particularly concerning their influence on self-perception and beauty standards. While filters can spark joy and creativity, they may also perpetuate unrealistic beauty ideals and distort reality. Striving for perfection in online imagery can engender feelings of insecurity or prompt harmful comparisons. Javornik et al. (2022) highlighted in their study that AR face filters may depict an idealized version of a person with heightened realism, achieved through enhancing facial features or applying "beautifying" filters. Such alterations, albeit temporary, may disrupt self-perception, creating a stark contrast between one's authentic self and the idealized version, leading to decreased tolerance for personal imperfections.
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In conclusion, Instagram filters offer users a multi-faceted experience extending beyond mere image enhancement. They serve as instruments for creativity, self-expression, and societal impact, enriching the platform's visual storytelling capabilities. As users continue to explore the boundless potential of filters, it is imperative to approach them with mindfulness, considering their implications on self-image and societal notions of beauty.
Azuma, R. T 1997, A survey of augmented reality. Presence: teleoperators & virtual environments, 6(4), 355-385.
Javornik, A., Marder, B., Barhorst, J. B., McLean, G., Rogers, Y., Marshall, P., & Warlop, L 2022, ‘What lies behind the filter?’Uncovering the motivations for using augmented reality (AR) face filters on social media and their effect on well-being. Computers in Human Behavior, 128, 107126.
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justalb8 · 6 months
The impact of Influencers on Body Modification
Week 7: Body Modification on Visual Social Media
Social platforms like Instagram function akin to virtual galleries where individuals showcase their distinctive identities, lifestyles, and personal expressions. Among the myriad of content shared, a notable trend that garners attention is the alteration of one's body. This encompasses various forms, from tattoos and piercings to more daring modifications such as implants, all showcased proudly on visual platforms.
What was once considered taboo or subtle, body modification has now become mainstream, with millions of users globally sharing their experiences and creative endeavors. On platforms like Instagram, users meticulously curate their content, presenting their modified bodies as artistic expressions and reflections of their personal identities.
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A captivating aspect of body modification on visual social media is its intersection with celebrity culture. Influencers, though they may have smaller but dedicated followings, often center their online personas around their modified bodies, promoting specific aesthetic pursuits and detailing the meticulous efforts required to maintain a certain appearance. These influencers serve as catalysts for trends and conversations surrounding body modification, influencing perceptions of beauty and individual expression. According to Crosswell (2019), Instagram's algorithm continuously reinforces images and accounts if users have previously engaged with similar content, facilitating repeated exposure and automation. Additionally, Crosswell notes that influencers wield power, deriving from users who are intrigued by, connect with, idealize, and idolize them.
However, beneath the surface of these appealing images lies a complex set of issues. The emphasis on aesthetics can sometimes lead to the objectification and sexualization of modified bodies, shifting the focus from personal expression to seeking validation through likes and comments. Furthermore, continual exposure to carefully curated online personas can reinforce gender stereotypes and unrealistic beauty standards, potentially impacting body image and self-esteem negatively.
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Despite these challenges, visual social media also offers opportunities for discussion and celebration of diversity. By questioning meticulously crafted ideals of perfection and unrealistic beauty standards, users can foster an inclusive and accepting community. The key lies in shifting the focus from external appearances to the stories and motivations behind body modifications, thus promoting self-acceptance and individuality.
Crosswell, E 2019, Social media influencers and body fascination.
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justalb8 · 6 months
The Connection between Social Media Influencers and Slow Fashion
Week 6: Social Media Influencers & Slow Fashion movement
In this week's topic, we will learn about social media influencers and slow fashion as well as the connection of these two concepts.
Social Media Influencers (SMIs) encompass a varied group of individuals who have garnered recognition on social platforms, indicating that these creators have formed a dedicated audience beyond their immediate connections. Achieving acknowledgment is accomplished by constructing a network through content creation and strategic self-presentation methods (Booth & Matic, 2011). The capabilities of these influencers are understanding ethical and legal issues, understand human, cultural and social issues and act accordingly. Be responsible when using information and technology.
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According to Jung (2022), “Slow Fashion” refers to a movement and philosophy concerning the production and consumption of clothing, prioritizing quality, sustainability, and ethical standards. It entails decelerating the fashion cycle in both production and consumption phases. “Slow fashion is an alternative to fast fashion; it is sometimes referred to as "eco-, green-, slow-, and ethical fashion" (Zhen et al. 2017)
The goal of the slow fashion movement: 
Sustainable development 
Enhance the economic, social, and environmental aspects of the fashion industry and fashion production 
Improving the fashion industry's supply chain 
Focusing on the well-being of workers 
Environmentally friendly resources, renewable/recycled materials
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Influencers within the realm of slow fashion possess the capacity to engage a wide social media following through their content and employ various strategies to present their content to fast fashion consumers. This aids in disseminating the concept of sustainable fashion to individuals beyond the realm of dedicated sustainable fashion enthusiasts (Sarah, 2023). According to a report of Sopify in 2023: 61% of consumers trust product recommendations from influencers, while only 38% have faith in branded social media content. It's evident that influencers wield significant influence over the attitudes of their followers, particularly in the realm of fashion. Yet, the capacity of influencers to support the slow fashion movement hinges on their genuineness and dedication to sustainability. Authentic enthusiasm and expertise in the field are essential for influencers to generate a favorable influence and ignite significant transformation within their audience. An example of this connection is Tiffany Ferguson - a YouTuber. The impact of social media, rapid fashion, consumerism, and other social issues, phenomena, and philosophy are all covered in her videos. 
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Slow fashion is the opposite of fast fashion. Instead of focusing on year-by-year fashion trends of big companies like H&M, Zara, etc. slow fashion aims for sustainability, savings, as well as environment protection. Maybe slow fashion will not bring us beautiful, trendy outfits, but instead will be timeless outfits that can be used for a long time or recycled. It is not difficult to understand that slow fashion will be a fashion trend in the future.
Booth, N. and Matic, J.A 2011, Mapping and leveraging influencers in social media to shape corporate brand perceptions. Corporate Communications: An International Journal, 16(3), 184-191.
Jung, S & Jin, BE 2022, “Slow fashion branding: understanding what consumers value most,” The journal of brand management, vol. 29, no. 2, pp. 141–149
Lai, Z., Henninger, C. E., & Alevizou, P. J 2017, An exploration of consumers’ perceptions towards sustainable fashion–a qualitative study in the UK. Sustainability in Fashion: A Cradle to Upcycle Approach, 81-101.
Sarah, K 2023, 15 Sustainable Fashion Influencers To Follow In 2023. https://www.sustainably-chic.com/blog/sustainable-fashion-influencers.
Sopify 2023, How To Use TikTok Influencer Marketing To Increase Sales. https://www.shopify.com/blog/tiktok-influencer-marketing
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justalb8 · 8 months
Digital Citizenship - Hashtag, Politic and Activism
Week 5: What is Digital Citizenship? Hashtag Publics, Political Engagement and Activism
Week 5, will be the topic of Digital Citizenship: Hashtag Publics, Political Engagement và Activism. Digital citizenship refers to the proficiency in navigating digital environments with a focus on safety, responsibility, and active, respectful participation in these online spaces. It involves the capacity to use digital platforms in a manner that ensures one's own and others' well-being while engaging constructively and courteously in the online realm (MediaSmarts, 2023)
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Hashtag Publics
A hashtag is a term or phrase preceded by the hash symbol (#) and is employed in a social media post to assist individuals interested in a specific topic in locating it when searching for a corresponding hashtag or tag that begins with #. Its purpose is to attract attention to the post and foster interaction (O’Brien, 2023). Clearly, hashtags coordinate discussions, provide context, and enable people to participate in conversations and request information. They can convey emotions or topical relevance, persist over the long term or be transient, either created by users or predefined (Burgess, Galloway & Sauter, 2015). An illustrative instance is the Black Lives Matter hashtag (#BLM), which, according to research, has been used in nearly 9 million posts with #blm, #blacklivesmatter (best-hashtag, 2023). From this, it is evident that hashtags are tools used by individuals in posts to attract more attention and interaction on social media regarding trending topics. Hashtags can connect people globally around an event or issue that is widely discussed on social media.
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Political Engagement 
The intent or objective of political engagement can vary and may involve facilitating citizen input to decision-makers, enhancing individual political efficacy, mobilizing community groups, or fundamentally reshaping societal and political values. Many assert that active involvement in politics benefits democratic institutions and enhances organizations in civil society (Vromen, 2017). The Internet has brought about profound changes in how citizens engage with politics, transforming the practices of stimulation and organization. Political engagement has transcended traditional methods, with the advent of digital technologies allowing individuals to participate in online activities, express opinions on social media, and contribute to discussions on political matters.
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Modern digital activism boasts widespread and immediate impact, surpassing the speed of traditional activism (George & Leidner, 2019). Digital activism holds the potential to significantly amplify both online and offline civic activities. Motivation is a crucial aspect of digital activism, capable of energizing movements and influenced by accessing and utilizing digital communication (Suwana, 2020). Social media, as a robust tool, not only attracts like-minded individuals but also plays a substantial role in increasing community awareness and influencing public participation in activities. It enables individuals to contribute to a movement by engaging with features and relevant content spread on social media platforms, subsequently creating and sharing their own content pertinent to that movement. With diverse communication methods available (text, images, videos, etc.), social media stands as a potent instrument for users to generate, distribute, and exchange content.
C. O’Brien. (2023). How to Use Hashtags Effectively on Social Media. https://digitalmarketinginstitute.com/blog/how-to-use-hashtags-in-social-media#:~:text=A%20hashtag%20is%20a%20word,your%20posts%20and%20encourage%20interaction.
Burgess, J., Galloway, A., & Sauter, T. (2015). Hashtag as hybrid forum: The case of# agchatoz. Hashtag publics. The Power and Politics of Discursive Networks. Nova York, Peter Lang, 61-76.
Vromen, A. (2017). Digital citizenship and political engagement (pp. 9-49). Palgrave Macmillan UK.
MediaSmarts. (2023). What is Digital Citizenship?. https://mediasmarts.ca/digital-media-literacy/general-information/digital-media-literacy-fundamentals/what-digital-citizenship
George, J. J., & Leidner, D. E. (2019). From clicktivism to hacktivism: Understanding digital activism. Information and Organization, 29(3), 100249.
Suwana, F. (2020). What motivates digital activism? The case of the Save KPK movement in Indonesia. Information, Communication & Society, 23(9), 1295-1310.
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justalb8 · 8 months
Aspects of Reality TV
Week 4: Reality TV Case Study
Hello everyone, continuing the discussion on Tumblr from week 3, this week 4, we will talk about Reality TV, sounds familiar, right, because most of us have at least watched Reality TV once. In this blog post, we will discuss various aspects of Reality TV. Reality television is a type of television program that aims to depict the behavior of ordinary people in their daily lives or in situations, often created by program producers to represent everyday life (CollinsDictionary, 2023). Reality TV provides unedited, unrehearsed, and unscripted content, showcasing situations faced by ordinary people or participants in everyday life (Chan & Jekinson, 2017).
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While watching reality TV in general is associated with entertainment, specific programs may appeal to different psychological needs (Reiss & Wiltz, 2004). A particular aspect of reality TV is that it allows the audience to experience a "real" world through observation of others' challenges and difficulties. The natural curiosity of viewers about others is a crucial factor in the appeal and excitement of these programs (Godlewski & Perse, 2010). Indeed, reality shows like The Amazing Race or Single’s Inferno or hidden camera programs always create a sense of wanting to accompany the characters on TV for the viewers. It's not just curiosity, but also empathy and admiration from the audience. Reality TV can also be seen as a program that brings comfort and enjoyment to viewers.
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In many countries around the world, such as the United States, South Korea, possibly Vietnam and England,…, Reality TV shows are considered a cultural phenomenon, exerting a significant influence on the watching audience. The reality TV ethos of new television is very fitting to the context of American television and similar subjective forms of new freedom are not found, at least not in a similar way, in other television contexts (Stiernstedt & Jakobsson, 2017). Once considered a harmful trend, Reality TV has now become an entertainment industry (Berman, 2022).
Over time, with social media and technology advancing rapidly, Reality TV is losing its initial allure, but nonetheless, it still has a place in today's society. It is not just about real situations and social connections but also the entertainment value of the program, content, and characters that remain fundamental factors for Reality TV to continue attracting viewers.
Reiss, S., & Wiltz, J. (2004). Why people watch reality TV. Media psychology, 6(4), 363-378.
Godlewski, L. R., & Perse, E. M. (2010). Audience activity and reality television: Identification, online activity, and satisfaction. Communication Quarterly, 58(2), 148-169.
Chan, M., & Jekinson, A. (2017). Influence on Reality TV Show on Moral Development. INOSR Arts and Humanities, 3(1), 9-14.
Stiernstedt, F., & Jakobsson, P. (2017). Watching reality from a distance: Class, genre and reality television. Media, Culture & Society, 39(5), 697-714.
Berman. (2022). Reality TV Has Reshaped Our World, Whether We Like It or Not. https://time.com/collection/reality-tv-most-influential-seasons/6199108/reality-tv-influence-on-world/.
Collins. (2023). Reality TV. https://www.collinsdictionary.com/dictionary/english/reality-tv
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justalb8 · 8 months
How does Tumblr function as a digital community?
WEEK 3: Digital Communities: Tumblr Case Study 
Digital communities, also known as virtual or online communities, are digital spaces where individuals gather to engage, share knowledge, and establish connections. These communities offer members a secure environment to discuss common challenges, seek solutions, and share personal stories. Through connections, members can support one another and form relationships based on shared experiences. Additionally, digital communities empower individuals to express themselves and have a voice in the online realm (Michelle, 2022). These communities are often seen as an advancement from traditional online communities, providing inclusivity for anyone interested in joining.
Within the multimedia landscape, Tumblr serves as a unique and secure platform for self-expression, particularly for transgender and gender-diverse individuals, in contrast to mainstream platforms such as Facebook and Instagram. It also appeals to young LGBTQ+ individuals and those with diverse gender identities who deviate from conventional narratives (Marquart, 2010). Considering the characteristics of a public space, Tumblr aligns with this category for several reasons, with two key factors illustrating how Tumblr functions as a digital community.
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Tumblr - A platform combining flexibility, imagery, uniqueness, and openness.
Tumblr stands out as a platform that blends multimedia flexibility, visual emphasis, individuality, and openness. Its introduction marked a departure from traditional blog platforms, offering a space where "creatives" could engage with less effort than long-format blogs and with fewer constraints than other social media platforms (McCracken et al., 2020, p. 4). Tumblr has effectively empowered marginalized voices, providing a space for community-building and personal expression.
The platform serves as a digital arena for expressing evolving identities that eventually manifest in reality. Users regard Tumblr as an open and safe space, allowing for the disclosure of sensitive information, fostering understanding, and sharing personal revelations. The community on Tumblr embraces personal information, creating an environment where individuals feel heard and accepted (Haimson et al., 2021).
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Web-Blogging and Anonymity
In the realm of web-blogging, Tumblr users, like those on other platforms, can share various media types, such as text, images, quotes, links, audio, and video. The posts are tagged with keywords, enabling users to search for and engage with content that resonates with them. Many users feel more authentic on Tumblr than on other social media, allowing them to freely express their interests without restraint or fear of judgment (Hillman, Procyk & Neustaedter, 2014).
The anonymity provided by Tumblr influences users in two main ways. Firstly, "discursive anonymity" allows users to express opinions with relatively low consequences, fostering self-disclosure. Secondly, anonymity restricts the potential audience for a Tumblr page, as users can create content separate from their legal names, reducing the likelihood of discovery by family, partners, or employers. Tumblr's features, such as the option to hide blogs from search engines, provide users with control over their online presence (Shorey, 2015).
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Michelle, 2022, What is an online community?, Guild.co, viewed 21 January 2024, <https://guild.co/blog/what-is-online-community/>.
Marquart, E. (2010). Microblog sensation: The growing popularity of Tumblr. Journal of Digital Research and Publishing, 2, 70-75.
McCracken, A., Cho, A., Stein, L., & Neill Hoch, I. (2020). a tumblr book: platform and cultures (p. 405). University of Michigan Press.
Haimson, O. L., Dame-Griff, A., Capello, E., & Richter, Z. (2021). Tumblr was a trans technology: the meaning, importance, history, and future of trans technologies. Feminist media studies, 21(3), 345-361.
Hillman, S., Procyk, J., & Neustaedter, C. (2014, June). 'alksjdf; Lksfd' tumblr and the fandom user experience. In Proceedings of the 2014 conference on Designing interactive systems (pp. 775-784).
Shorey, S. (2015). Fragmentary girls: Selective expression on the Tumblr platform.
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