justforaskingmaro · 2 years
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justforaskingmaro · 4 years
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Commission from Shimazun! Sunset spots her beau (and beau’s jealous friends) in the gym, and shows her stuff to an audience of varied reactions!
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justforaskingmaro · 4 years
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Commission from Shimazun! Sometimes, post-siren Adagio feels grumpy, bad and depressed in the mornings, and Sunset, being aware and considerate, wants to do everything possible to cheer her up a bit!
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justforaskingmaro · 5 years
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Sketch commission from mlp-hearts!
My one and only ship having a very happy lazy day afternoon at home and such.
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justforaskingmaro · 5 years
NSFW commission from Apricalico
Hi, had one more commission made from him. Due to being NSFW, cannot be posted on Tumblr anymore. The commission is not super-explicit - genitals are not shown but dreaded female-presenting nipples are. It is  meant to be erotic and heartwarming, rather than porn. If you want to, you can see it in https://derpibooru.org/2056820  or alternatively if that does not work/be OK for you for whatever reason, also in http://imgbox.com/hmWFMZU1
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justforaskingmaro · 5 years
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Commission from apricalico, two versions! Please note this is a follow-up to the third one, that I reposted here in case you haven’t seen it. So that comes “first”.
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justforaskingmaro · 6 years
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Commission from mlp-hearts!
A scene from my so far unfinished/unpublished fanfic.
IF you want some info, Adagio has pulled Sunset to the stage for a duet, in Adagio’s new music career’s first concert. In the fiction the siren is now a “good person” or maybe “decent” or at least “understands doing siren thing to living things is wrong” and they are very much in love, neither of those two which happen without problems or immediately. But the author is dead as they say if you have your own scenario.
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justforaskingmaro · 6 years
Watching from other side of the world because of your updates. He did not win yet. Polls predicted this result closely and have it that the second round is too close to call. There’s at least a chance he might not win. Your country needs you there to vote on 28th too. I wish the best for you all. 
I have voted, now I am going to have as much beer as I can get my hands on, draw pokémon commissions, and cry.
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justforaskingmaro · 6 years
Elections in Brazil are this Sunday (Oct 7) and we…. are in kind of trouble… as an actual fascist is competing and has super high vote intentions
Picture it this way: if Trump is evil. Bolsonaro is the Devil himself. I’m saying that as an informed person who lives in Brazil and has plenty of indo on Trump, as the US is pretty much the center of the world. A comparison is possible. Do not take my word for it: The Economist just did a dossier about him, and I reccommend you take a look for yourselves there and other sources.
Bozo’s supporters are callous, violent, and have not/will not stop attacking people on the street, both verbally and physically, and spreading the fakest news you’ve ever seen (it’s actually Russia levels of firehosing). A large part of those people support/justify the 25 year long military dictatorship we had in Brazil (1964-1985), which featured torture, persecution, and whose culprits were given amnesty.
And I need you to know that in Brazil, voting is mandatory for anyone between the ages of 18 and 60. If you can’t vote, you still need to go to a voting station and justify not voting. Although there are strict rules about propaganda near/inside voting stations, i gotta remind y’all
violent fascists are going to vote.
and all kinds of people are going to be there
I might be over-worrying, I’m legitimately scared about skirmishes and violence in voting posts.
We need to have information about this spread around the internet. There’s little normal people can do except learn about the political landscape in your backyard. Keep in mind that, if elected, he’ll be close to Trump in many regards. Keep in mind that he defended torturers publicly, and was blatantly racist, sexist (even inciting rape in public towards a colleague), and LGBTphobic.
Let that sink in for a moment.
Please inform yourselves. This is not something far away in world (although that deserves your attention too). This is going to affect all the Americas directly. You need to know what’s happening.
Also, please, check on your Brazilian friends. make sure they’re safe. If the fascist is elected, there’s a good chance some will try to flee the country, or will have to be in hiding. Trump is bad enough, Bozo will be a lot worse. We don’t have the eyes of the world on us, like America, violence can run free.
People who want to add info: please do
PLEASE share this post and/or more info on what’s going on, but keep in mind that this is about the Thingo, not about supporting your candidate (we’re all to be on the same side on this specific point)
Bolsominions don’t interact
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justforaskingmaro · 7 years
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Commission from apricalico!
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justforaskingmaro · 7 years
If you publicly and unreservedly condemn the actions of Nazis in Charlottesville and elsewhere, including everything from quiet hate speech to vehicular terrorism, can you please reblog this post.
I think a few friends, a few followers, every Jew who happens across this post and my own heart could do with knowing that there are more of you out there than there are of them
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justforaskingmaro · 7 years
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We mourn. We remember.  We stand with the LGBTQ community against hate and violence.
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justforaskingmaro · 7 years
Tumblr ruins a good thing part million. And to think those GODDAMN people think they simply do good things and fight injustice. How can they be the opposite mirror image of rush limbaugh types with zero awareness is hideous.
On Final Note
Keep reading
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justforaskingmaro · 8 years
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Reblog if you support romantic same sex relationship themes and gay characters in childrens entertainment!
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justforaskingmaro · 8 years
66% new 33% returning.
In market research, does WotC ask any questions that specifically tell participants to give a preferred ratio between New Planes and Returns? Possible answers could range from All New, to 1/4 Returns & 3/4 New, to a 50-50 split. Could be useful info.
Let’s do it here. What percentage would you like new worlds and return worlds? List as follows:
New World __ % Return World __ %
The two percentages should add up to 100.
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justforaskingmaro · 8 years
No he isn’t since superman will stop her. Unfortunately. Since it’s the kind of thing he does.
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JL8 #216 by Yale Stewart
Based on characters in DC Comics.
Like the Facebook page here!
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justforaskingmaro · 9 years
I want to come out to my very christian opinionated family. I will write everyone’s URL in a notebook and present it to them with a letter at the end once it’s complete. Please, I need your help.
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