justhoups · 2 years
Никога няма да успея да достигна всичките ти очаквания. Но и никога няма да спра да се опитвам.
Искам да ме погледнеш и да видиш , че мога да бъда това което обичаш.
Искам да ме погледнеш и да видиш , че мога да бъда достатъчно добра.
Искам отново да ме гледаш с онзи поглед , влюбения , очакващия .
А не с това безразличие и неприязъм с което ме гледаш сега.
Преди когато се заглеждаше в мен усещах че през главата ти минават позитивни и хубави мисли.
А сега в редките моменти в които те хвана че си се загледал в мен , буквално виждам и чувам как си задаваш въпроса “защо съм още с нея” или “не знам какво изобщо обичам в нея”
Тъжно е как стигнахме до тук. Как от съобщения “ обичам те” и “липсваш ми” , които си изпращахме през 10 минути , сега вече дори не си пишем когато не сме заедно.
Как се прегръщахме и се радвахме един на друг когато се видим ( дори и да сме били разделени само половин час ) , сега дори не се поздравяваме когато се видим . Просто се качвам в колата и тя потегля без да се издума и дума , камо ли да се сподели прегръдка или целувка.
Тъжно ми е и ме боли.
Знам какво ще кажеш.
Аз съм виновна , че се стигна до тук.
Аз съм виновна че се чувстваш така.
Аз съм виновна , че си станал такъв.
Аз съм виновна , че не съм достатъчно добра в нищо.
Добре .. може би си прав.
Причиних ти много болка , обещах ти много неща , които не спазих , нараних те по много начини и сега нямам право да се оплаквам.
Знаеш ли , понякога ( в повечето случаи ) искам да ме мразиш. Искам да ме обвиняваш за всичко и неприязъма ти да се насочен само към мен. Предполагам така ти е по лесно. Предполагам така ще те услесня и ще го преживееш по лесно. Защото е по лесно да съхраниш себе си мразейки , отколкото обвинявайки се .
Затова и в този пост няма да има думите “но” , “обаче” , “ама” и прочие.
Може би в следващия.
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justhoups · 3 years
Depression may feel like:
There’s no pleasure or joy in life. A person with depression may not enjoy things they once loved and may feel like nothing can make them happy.
Concentration or focus becomes harder. Making any kind of decisions, reading, or watching television can seem taxing with depression because people can’t think clearly or follow what’s happening.
Everything feels hopeless, and there’s no way to feel better. Depression may make a person feel that there’s no way ever to feel good again.
Self-esteem is often absent. People with depression may feel like they are worthless or a failure at everything. They may dwell on negative events and experiences and be unable to see positive qualities in themselves.
Sleeping may be problematic. Falling asleep at night or staying asleep all night can feel nearly impossible for some people with depression. A person may wake up early and not be able to go back to sleep. Others may sleep excessvely, but still wake up feeling tired or unrefreshed, despite the extra hours of sleep.
Energy levels are low to nonexistent. Some people feel like they can’t get out of bed, or feel exhausted all the time even when getting enough sleep. They may feel that they are too tired to do simple daily tasks.
Food may not seem appetizing. Some people with depression feel like they don’t want to eat anything, and have to force themselves to eat. This can result in weight loss.
Food may be used as a comfort or coping tool. Although some people with depression don’t want to eat, others can overeat and crave unhealthy or comfort foods. This can lead to weight gain.
Aches and pains may be present. Some people experience headaches, nausea, body aches, and other pains with depression.
Many people mistakenly believe that being depressed is a choice, or that they need to have a positive attitude. Friends and loved ones often get frustrated or don’t understand why a person can’t “snap out of it.” They may even say that the person has nothing to be depressed about.
Depression is a real mental illness. Those who have depression cannot simply decide to stop feeling depressed. Unlike typical sadness or worry, depression feels all-consuming and hopeless.
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
I don't know how many times I survived myself without telling anyone.😔
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
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justhoups · 3 years
“I'm just a would've been, could've been, should've been, never was and never ever will be."
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justhoups · 3 years
I don’t get mad anymore, I just get really quiet. Why keep talking when nobody is really listening to you?
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justhoups · 3 years
I dont talk anymore. i dont want to. i have nothing to say. i have nothing to contribute to a conversation. words escape me and i dont care that they do. i can go entire days without muttering a word. i just want to be left alone, now. 
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justhoups · 3 years
When I feel unwanted, I distance myself.
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