At the mention of cookies, a certain light flickered in the boys eye. “Cookies?” He asked. Though, still a bit wary, the boy stood up, “Could you show me?”
Jaime nodded, noticing the boy’s fear despite tell dark surrounding the two. “Kaden, cool name.” He paused for a moment before starting down the steps. He paused on the fourth step up, glancing back to the kid. “You know what always helps me sleep? A full belly. I saw some cookies downstairs if you’re hungry.”
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“Kinda?” The boy questioned himself. “The monster down stairs...”
“Is he a ghost in the house?” Rose asked, confused as to who he might be talking about. “Who hurt him?”
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His fear was obvious, though he attempted to hide it. Kaden wasn’t very fond of the men in the house. “Kaden...”
“Yeah, me too,” the living boy said with a tired grin, pausing a few feet in front of the kid. “I’m Jaime. What’s your name?”
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“H--He doesn’t want anyone to know.” 
“Your friend?” Rosalie questioned, tilting her head to the side. “Who’s your friend?”
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“It’s scary down there... m--my friend got all clawed up.” He noted, eyes flickering to the door leading to such a place.
Rosalie furrowed her brow at his response. “Why don’t you just stay in the basement?” She suggested. “That’s where I stay. I know a lot of people are scared of it, but it’s not that bad. If you ignore the mean ghosts, they usually ignore you.”
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Kaden watched the man carefully, keeping sight of his every move. “I--I couldn’t sleep.”
Jaime squinted as the light flashed on him, lifting up a hand in a poor attempt to block the light from his eyes. “Alright, walking slowly,” he said, walking over in slow steps. “What are you doing by the stairs?”
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His body fell limp to the gravitational pull that ha just been placed on him, dazed eyes drifting from object to object, but somehow always returning to the blue of the Californian sky. For some reason, he liked this feeling, even if it was small. He felt somewhat free, even if he was more trapped than he could ever be. The blunt had grown on him, making him feel not as wary of it as he had been before. Who could feel opposed to this level of freedom? 
His eyes caught sight of the boy mimicking his earlier actions, and a small, encouraging smile graced his lips. Though, it probably looked more like how a dog would grin at you after you rub his tummy in just the right spot. “It feels funny, right?”
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Dark brown hues following Kaden as he toppled over, Leo’s lips parted as his expression held that of curiosity. For a few seconds, he simply sat there and studied the other young male. After watching how many times Spencer had gotten stoned, weed didn’t look all that appealing to Leo. What’d finally reeled him in was the fact that the drug (intended for the living) seemed to affect spirits the same way… like food; one could eat it, alive or dead, and feel full. Curious, he decided to conduct a little experiment — and Kaden was yet another who’d proven his theory to be true. Better yet, he was a kid, like him, who’d never smoked before. Eyes shifting back down to the joint, the small brunette turned his hand and slowly brought it up, finally deciding to try it for himself. It only took a few minutes for the drug to kick in. Sights falling back to the other boy again as he lowered the little rolled up thing, expression questioning the curious sensation he was feeling as he allowed himself to focus on Kaden.
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suddenly, kaden’s light darted to jaime, his shaking hands held strong as he tried to compose the most stern face he could, but failing miserably. ‘ y-yeah... slowly. ‘
Half asleep, Jaime stumbled out of his room, in ‘dire’ need of something to drink. Although the gangly boy didn’t have his glasses on, he noticed a faint light coming from further down the hallway. What the hell? He thought to himself, squinting to try to see if there was someone, anyone around the light. Suddenly, a voice. He stopped in his tracks “Uh, yeah?” His voice went higher on the last syllable, his phrasing sounding like a question. “Is it alright if I go down the stairs?”
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when she stepped closer, he instinctively scooted back, the fear of being hurt once more controlling him. ‘ i---i don’t have a room... ‘
“I’m Rosalie,” the blonde said with a small smile, taking a few steps closer to the boy, “It’s nice to meet you, Kaden… What are you doing sitting at the stairs all by yourself?”
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His attention immediately flew to the railing above him. He could could see the outline of someone--- a girl? His voice was soft and subtle, “I’m Kaden... Who are you?”
At night, when the house was most quiet, Rosalie liked to wander around– It was really the only time she could get out of the basement without running into all of the college kids. She was up on the second floor, walking through the hallway when she came to a sudden stop, hearing a voice coming from the staircase. “I’m here,” she said quietly, taking a few steps forward. “Who are you?”
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“—Is anyone there?” The boy called. It was half past midnight, most of the house was dead asleep, but yet here he was, alone by the stairs, only a flashlight to accompany him. He had heard footsteps down the hallway, not knowing if they actually belonged to a resident or if they were purely his imagination.
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“—Is anyone there?” The boy called. It was half past midnight, most of the house was dead asleep, but yet here he was, alone by the stairs, only a flashlight to accompany him. He had heard footsteps down the hallway, not knowing if they actually belonged to a resident or if they were purely his imagination.
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Send an emoji to learn how good/bad my muse is at that particular skill!
🌷 — taking care of living things
Though he likes to think he’s incredible at this skill, the hard truth is that no, he is not. He once had a pet lizard that he found in his backyard. He put it in a glass cage, and after two days of forgetting to feed it, the little sucker died. Plants are the same way, That boy can’t keep a flower alive for more than an hour.
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“---Is anyone there?” The boy called. It was half past midnight, most of the house was dead asleep, but yet here he was, alone by the stairs, only a flashlight to accompany him. He had heard footsteps down the hallway, not knowing if they actually belonged to a resident or if they were purely his imagination.
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“If you can imagine it, you can do it.”
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“.... I don’t want my friends to die.”
“I don’t know, but you’ll be a little bit safer here. Maybe…”
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“Lets... Wait. The danger will come to us!”
“Well, should we wait to see if there’s anything or anyone to save? Or, should we look around now?”
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