justkeepswimming17 · 2 years
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
585K notes · View notes
justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
flying fish
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
I'm back...sorta.
I stopped working out and eating right but reflecting back as to the why I can only say I self sabotaged.
I've been self sabotaging myself for so long I don't know how to stop the cycle.
I think a lot of it is because I still feel like I don't deserve happiness and when I get close to it I completely shut down and run from it.
However, please do not misunderstand me, I don't feel like my weight attributes to my happiness and my size determines how happy in life I get to be. No, this is far more complex than that. I am learning to love myself at every stage of my life regardless of weight however the acceptance part I still can't get a grasp of.
I mean how can you be accept at nearly 250lbs when not even your own Mother does.
I'm still growing as a person and realizing that my mother's opinion of me doesn't matter, it's a difficult task because all I want is her approval. But I know that I will never be her perfect daughter. Slowly but surely I am learning to grasp this so that I can move forward and actually live a happy and healthy life.
With that being said, I started eating better, cleaner and trying to work out before work. This is week 2 of this and I've been finding that as much food as I feel like I consume I am undereating which is not something that I am striving to do. When I mean undereating I mean heavily under eating as not meeting not even 1000 calories for the day.
I am not counting calories but counting fullness. So, how full does this food/meal leave me? Is it leaving me alert and full until my lunch or snack time? Which so far honestly these foods have. Yet I am still going to continue tweaking my eating because undereating and depriving my body of food is NOT my goal.
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
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4K notes · View notes
justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
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Potter / Malfoy
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
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244 notes · View notes
justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
IG bodyxlee
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
They look sooooo in love ❤❤
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Niecy Nash & Jessica Betts for The Advocate (2021) photography by Ser Baffo
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
Yes please!!
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3K notes · View notes
justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
Omg the diversity I'm at work and I have chills. Yall this beautiful we need more on screen diversity.
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Marvel Studios’ Eternals | Official Teaser
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
Awwww please tell me there's a part 2
planned — loki
a/n: I should be studying for a test but instead I’m writing because I’m too anxious for that | also thank you so much for 700 followers, you all are truly so amazing 
follow the instagram for writing updates/interact with me <3
summary: you are a princess longing for romance who is only destined for an arranged marriage. when you meet loki - who you are warned and instructed against pursuing - everything becomes a little more mess.
word count: 6351
requests are open
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Ever since you could remember, your life had been planned for you. From the moment you were born, your mother and father had a whole life that they believed you were destined for: take your proper roll as the princess until one day you were to be wedded to a prince of another kingdom. Lessons were shoved at you on how to be a lady and such, while you daydreamed for more. For the most part, you allowed it all, the dresses, the awkward balls, the manners, the meetings with princes from other realms. The one thing they could never take away from you was your library and your attitude. As much as your mother despised the way you spoke to others, you refused to let people walk over you. In her mind, a princess was to be beautiful, intelligent, kind and silent unless spoken to. Unfortunately, you only gave her three of those, and the kind part varied upon the circumstances. 
Today was a day like many others, filled with you hidden in the library, a book clutched in your hands as you avoided the inevitable: the ball to be held later tonight. After many years of you hiding in the vast library, you would have thought your mother would have the ability to find you in the matter of minutes, but she did not. In her defense, the library was the size of some realms entire kingdoms. Shelves full of books were littered all across the room, the topmost shelves only accessible by a very tall ladder. The shelves were placed not in an organized fashion leaving a maze to be looked through in order to locate someone. This is how you were able to escape so many of the awful plans your mother had signed you up for. In your youth you would cower here for only a couple minutes before running to your mother, fearing the consequences. Now, you hid until the events were over unless you were found and drug there against your will. 
As previously said, today was just that. You were laid out on your favorite little sofa, fingers gripping the sides of a romance novel teaming with angst. Your eyes scanned the book as quickly as possible, the suspense written on the pages leaving you wanting more. At this time in the day, you should have been headed towards your chambers, letting your ‘lovely ladies’ - you refused to call them maids, believing that was belittling to them - bathe you and begin to get you ready for the ball tonight. You in fact were doing the exact opposite. Tonight would be another night filled with dashing princes whom cared nothing of you or your opinions, but instead wanted a beautiful lady to stand next to them, quietly. Your mother and father would introduce you to the men, praying to every god above that you would act accordingly - you never did - and you would disappoint them as usual. 
Sighing, you closed the book, leaving your fingers inside of it as you mind lingered to what was in store for you tonight. None of it excited you. Even more to your dissatisfaction, Lady Mia had found you, one of your ‘lovely ladies.’
“Princess y/n,” she begun, capturing your attention.
“Lady Mia,” you groaned, tossing your head back.
“I do apologize! Your mother has told me to find you and prepare you for tonight,” she gently smiled at you. Lady Mia was one of your favorite people in the whole kingdom. She was one of the few who understood you and your hatred for what was to come of your life. She would always indulge your imaginative mind, letting your ramble off about what you dreamed your life could be.
“She knew you would find me,” you muttered, scowling off into the distance. 
“I do apologize, Princess,” she spoke in a defeated tone. 
“No need for an apology, Mia. I am sure she left you with no choice,” you sighed, leaving the comfy sofa behind and standing erect in front of her. “Must we get ready?” you asked, trying your best to give Mia your most heart-wrenching puppy dog eyes.
“Miss y/n, you know your Mother will threaten to place me elsewhere instead of caring for you if you miss another ball,” Mia reminded. She was right. Your mother had told you your behavior had gotten completely out of hand. You were the last of the princesses that you knew of who were still at their own kingdom and not married. She was getting tired of your antics. A loud, defeated huff of air left your pursed lips as you outstretched your arm to interlock around Mia’s.
“Fine, but only for you, my sweet Mia,” you sighed.
“I do adore you loyalty to me,” she lovingly spoke, leading you weaving through the library.
“You are one of my lovely ladies, Mia,” you stated with a smile. Mia looked down at you with a loving gaze. Mia was one of the older of your ladies. She was absolutely beautiful to you. From your earliest memories, Mia was the one who cared for you. She had cradled you during your sleepless nights, allowed you to sneak out to the library past bedtime as long as you read quietly and stayed in her sights. You were attached to her hip since the day she began caring for you. She was no more than twelve years older than you and you had always seen her as a sister. All of the your other lovely ladies were around your age, just around five years older than you. Lady Mia was the only one who had been with you since birth and she was also your entire world. “You are also quite possibly my favorite,” you added, gazing over to her as she smiled warmly at one of the guards who passed by, speaking into his earpiece of your whereabouts. 
“That is only because I allow you to do as you please,” she chuckled.
“No, that is not the only reason!” you scoffed. “You allow me to be more than what my mother and father have planned for me.” Her smile remained on her rosy lips as she guided you towards your bathing room. 
“That is because I believe you deserve the happiest life,” she stated, glancing to see no one around. “And I am not saying I disagree with the Queen or King, but I am just saying that you see life differently than they do.” 
“What is the difference in how we see life?” you questioned, furrowing your brows at her. 
“The King and Queen see life as a King and Queen does. There is a certain destiny that any member of royalty has in store. As a princess, your duty is to marry to a Prince and secure a peaceful alliance with another kingdom or realm. That is what your mother did and what she has planned for you,” Mia explained, turning down a hallway. “You, my little blossom, dream of more. You do not desire an arrangement; you crave passion and affection. You want a romantic affair.” 
As usual, Mia knew you more than any of your own family did. Not only did she care for you, but she listened to you and interpreted your actions and choices to understand you. Where your mother saw you as stubborn and defiant, Mia saw you as strong-willed and brave.
“So what do you suggest for me to do?” you questioned, halting in front of your door to look at her, intently. 
“That is not for me to decide,” Mia stated, simply.
“Well then, what would you do if you were me?” you rephrased, hoping for her to give some guidance. 
“I would allow my favorite lady to get me ready for the ball,” she smirked, causing you to roll your eyes. 
“That was not the answer I wanted,” you chuckled, following her through the door she had opened for you to enter. 
“I am aware, my dear, but this is a talk for another night when you are not already late for your own ball.” Sighing, you accepted your fate of attending the ball. “Now, get in the shower and clean yourself up so we can try and get your presentable quickly,” Mia instructed. You followed her direction and cleaned your body and hair. Once your had dried off your wet skin, you wrapped up in your chamber robe, letting the silky smooth material touch your soft skin as you sat in front of the mirror. Busily, your ladies worked on your hair, letting the long stands freely hang down your back. They worked quickly on your front strands, curled the pieces that framed your face as they braided some of the other front pieces and connecting them at the back of your head, gold ribbons shining through the woven pieces. Mia always incorporated the style you preferred for every occasion. Never had you liked the look of looking completely sleek, always preferring to have your hair done but also looking a little messy and not perfect. For makeup, you adored both a natural look and a dramatic look. For tonight, they had gone with an in-between of the two. They had accentuated your gorgeous face by adding blush to lift your face, mascara to lengthen and draw attention to your long lashes, a light shade of nude toned pink to plump and gloss over your lips, brushing your eyebrows into place and lastly putting a glowy substance to the highpoint of your face to leave your skin glowing. 
Right after they finished all of that, you were swept over to your closet where you dressed yourself in your undergarments before your ladies helped you get into your gown. Luckily, you were being helped into a flowing gown instead of one of the more poofy designs. The whole dress was a cream color with a gold lace pattern covering the entirety of it. The top part was a corset that hugged your curves perfectly and cutting low near your breasts. The straps rounded over your shoulders and the rest of the gown hugged slightly around your hips but fell loosely around your legs. It was completely breathtaking. As your upper half was tied tightly into the top part of the dress, golden heels were placed on your feet and a golden tiara, was secured on the top of your head. Once you were tied into your gown, you let out a deep sigh. 
“You look absolutely beautiful, my little blossom,” Mia grinned, adoringly at you. 
“Thank you, Mia,” you smiled meekly, curtsying at her compliment. “Thank you very much, ladies.” You gave them a genuine smile in an effort to show your gratitude.
“It is our pleasure,” they chorused in response. Silently, they scurried out of your closet, whispering amongst themselves as they exited. Defeatedly, you stepped out of the sight of your mirror as Mia remained in the room with you. 
“I overheard the ladies speaking whilst you showered,” Mia started, capturing your attention. 
“What were they gossiping about this time?” you giggled.
“Loki Odinson,” Mia answered, leaving you with a peculiar gaze. “I am correct when I say that you have heard of him?” 
“I have,” you answered, narrowing your gaze in curiosity. Loki Odinson had been spoken about in all the kingdoms. The God of Mischief had given himself quite the reputation across many realms. Trickster, evil, devilish, and so on. He was an eligible bachelor that many were warned against pursuing, not that he was known to care much. He was mostly unimpressed with most maidens, especially any from Midgard or mortals. That of which, you were: mortal. What your people lacked in mystical powers or strength, they made up for in innovation. 
“And the tales of him?” she pressed. This time you nodded in response. “I would advise against interacting with him, my princess.” Unable to distinguish what was laced in her tone, you settled on not focusing too much on trying to interpret it. 
“Mia, you are aware I rarely interact with any of the suitors,” you rolled your eyes.
“He is not a suitor. Your parents have strictly forbidden the possibility,” Mia corrected, watching you intensely. 
“Why is that?” your voice laced with frustration.
“Well, for one his is a prince but not the first heir to the throne of Asgard. His brother Thor is, whom your mother and father have warmly welcomed to the palace already. Secondly, he is a devilish trickster, my little blossom,” Mia explained.
“As to be expected, Thor is one of the most sought out Princes. Exchanging me for an alliance with Asgard is a dream of my Father’s,” you bitterly spoke. No wonder they had turned your closest ally against you for tonight. “And do you actually agree with them for once?” you asked Mia, feeling your heart sink a little.
“I never disagree with my King and Queen, my dear,” Mia gently spoke. “But I do not disagree with them with this, no,” she answered. Betrayal shone through your eyes as you looked at her. “Thor is one of the best suitors you could find, Princess. He is very honorable man.”
“Who will expect someone quiet on his arm and to serve him as a wife,” you scoffed, bitterly. Tears brimmed in your eyes as you stared at the one woman who always stood by you, abandoning her loyalty to you in an agenda to sway you to succumb to everything you fought against all these years. “If you will excuse me,” you sniffled, holding your head high as you headed to exit the closet. “I would like to be left alone on my walk to the ballroom.” Hurt was written all across Mia’s face as you stormed past her and out of your bedroom. The guards stood by your door spoke into their headsets as you journeyed down the enormous halls. With each hall you turned down, guards stood at each one, speaking into the headset. Rolling your eyes, you knew they all were on duty to ensure you actually attended. This just heightened your rage. Sighing in defeat, you knew there was no escaping the ball without Mia. With her loyalties with your parents tonight, there was no way out. Cursing under your breath, you tried to sneak into the ballroom through the already open doors, avoiding a grand entrance that was surely planned for you. Right as you turned the hall, you saw your Mother standing, a knowing gaze on her face. Damn her. 
“Darling, you know this is not where you enter,” her voice was filled with irritation.
“Well, the festivities have already begun! I did not want to interrupt that, Mother. Just trying to embrace my role as the silent, well-mannered servant you beg me to be,” you sarcastically retorted, noticing the guard to the right of her trying to hide the amusement from your comment. Silently, your mom looked you up and down, visually not pleased with your appearance.
“That is not the dress I instructed to wear,” she snapped, glaring at you. 
“So sorry, Mother. I did not want to wear a dress sent from hell itself while you imprison me to suitors,” you rolled your eyes.
“Enough,” she coldly snarled, shaking her head after to try and gain her composure of mannered lady back. “That is enough of your absolutely disrespectful behavior. Now follow me and smile before we enter,” she instructed. She snatched your arm in hers, tugging you down the hall towards the other door. The guards that stood outside the doors knocked twice to announce that you had arrived. Horns blared from the other side of the door, quieting the chattering and music. The loud yell of a guard announced your arrival and name before the doors began to open. At the last second, you tugged your arm out of your mother’s grasp, shoving a meek smile on your lips. Horns elicited more ear-shattering notes as the doors fully opened to reveal an obnoxiously large crowd in front of you. You walked in sync with your mother until you made it to your seats at the front of the room. All had risen at your arrival and once you had stood in front of your chair, the music began playing again and everyone went back to chattering. 
“Thank you so much for gracing us with your presence, dear,” your father teased.
“She is absolutely out of her mind. She is not in the gown I insisted on and she-” your mother angrily let out, her eyes completely enraged as she kept the smile on her cheeks to appear happy. 
“My love, not tonight,” your father sighed, grabbing her hand and giving her a reassuring squeeze.
“Is this the night you finally rid of me, Father? Where I become someone else’s problem instead of yours?” you got out through gritted teeth. While your voice sounded angry, your eyes showed the true hurt you felt. 
“That is not what this is,” your father sternly spoke. Right as you went to open your mouth, your father’s spoke over you. “Odin!” he warmly greeted, turning your attention towards the family stood in front of you. Instinctively, you curtsied, bowing your head down for a moment at the King and Queen of Asgard. Your mother hugged and air kissed Frigga and you stood, awkwardly. 
“Oh, it is so nice to see you again, Frigga,” your mother warmly spoke as the left each other’s arms.
“As you,” Frigga smiled warmly before turning to look at you. “Princess, y/n,” she greeted, kindly. Gulping, you smiled over to her.
“Queen Frigga,” you respectfully spoke, going to curtsey before her hand touched your bare arm and gave it a gentle squeeze.
“No need for that, my dear,” Frigga smiled, stopping you.
“As you wish,” you breathed, standing straight once more. Behind her stood their two sons. Thor and Loki. Thor had his eyes trained on your mother and father while Loki’s gaze was on you. The second your eyes met his, your breathing hitched in your throat and your heart began beating out of your chest. His pale skin contradicted the dark black and green attire he wore. His jet black hair matched his clothing and made his ocean eyes all the more icy blue. What every tale of him failed to mention was how breathtaking he was. Nervously, your shaky breath made your chest heave up and down as you took in the man.
“y/n,” your mother’s voice snapped, a cheery tone faked over her irritation with you. Quickly, your eyes jolted to see Thor stood in front of you.
“Princess, y/n,” Thor chuckled, seeing the crimson color taking over your cheeks.
“My apologies,” you mumbled, forcing a smile. Your mother’s eyes shot daggers at you as you nervously cleared your throat. “Your highness,” you greeted. Loki stepped in front of you next. Mischief sparkled in his eyes as he stood before you. “Your highness,” you greeted, again.
“Loki,” he corrected, staring at you. 
“Lovely to meet you both,” you smiled, looking at the both of them. 
“The pleasure is all mine,” Loki smirked, earning a glare from his brother. Not that you could be bothered to truly look at Thor for much longer than a couple seconds. Loki had captured your undivided attention.
“Well, we leave you to chat and such,” your mother beamed, following your father and Frigga and Odin off into the crowd. As soon as they were not in listening distance you rolled your eyes.
“Princess y/n, I have heard many wonderful things about you,” Thor began, kindly.
“I highly doubt that,” you stated, leaving Loki to snicker and Thor with a shocked look. “I am most unbearable to be around,” you added, leaving your chair and heading off into the crowd. Weaving through the people seemed easier than it was. With most of the guests drinking and the loud music coming from the band, it was a challenge to get through. An arm gently guiding your lower back snapped your gaze over next to you. There stood the charmingly handsome dark haired man, aiding you through the crowd.
“You are quite the princess,” he chuckled from beside you.
“What are you implying?” you asked, narrowing your eyes and trying to ignore the feeling of his hand against you. Just a small touch had you completely on fire.
“That you might be the most breathtaking woman I have ever laid eyes on,” he swooned. Defying the racing of your heart, you cautiously looked to Loki. “And I applaud the bitter exterior you give to the suitors,” he added, admiringly. Shock took over you for a moment as you halted your pace, turning to look up at him.
“What are your intentions here?” you bluntly asked, narrowing your eyes.
“My intentions?” he chuckled, raising an eyebrow. “I only met you but a moment ago, I cannot tell based off a moment if I’m going to fall in love with you or if I’d just love to pleasure you-“
“That is not what I meant!” you rushed out, flustered by his words. The smug look on his face mostly irritated you. Mostly. “I meant why are you here?” As he looked down at you, his eyes sparkled in the lit ballroom. 
“I would not be a good brother or son if not attending a possible arrangement for Asgard,” he answered, a playful smile on his lips, “Not that I am typically either of those.”
“An arrangement,” you repeated, rolling your eyes. 
“Does that not please you?” Loki asked, curiously.
“Not in the slightest,” you sighed, turning your gaze around the room, trying to pinpoint your parents so you could try and devise an escape plan. 
“Why is that?” he questioned, scanning your features as you looked out to the crowd.
“I am certain Thor is a noble man, but I do not want to be some servant wife who is silenced constantly. I do not want to sit on a throne next to a man who just desires an object by him. I am not a woman capable of being silenced,” you answered, turning your gaze back to the prince in front of you. He listened intently to each word you said.
“As much as I may despise my brother, I do not believe he would silence you, Princess,” he admitted.
“You despise your brother?” you asked, quirking your head in curiosity. 
“You ask this as if you do not despise your own Mother and Father,” he chuckled, smirking down at you.
“I do not despise them,” you argued, pursing your lips at the man.
“Then why do you not turn around and go speak with them and Thor?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. Your lips parted as you tried to come up with another excuse, but truthfully, he was right. 
Shaking your head, you breathed out, “It was lovely meeting you, Loki. If you would excuse me.” Your eyes set on the guards stood over by your parents and Loki’s, there was good number of them, meaning the halls would have less. It was time to escape.
“I do believe I could be of service to your plan to leave the ball,” Loki smirked. Quizzically, you stared at him for a moment. 
“And I am to believe this is done with pure intentions? What is in it for you, Trickster?” you asked, bluntly. His jaw tightened a little as he grinned down at you.
“I have not decided yet, but I am infatuated by you, Princess,” Loki answered, taking a step closer to you. Shakily, you inhaled as he came in closer proximity to you.
“Well, if you are useful, I would not hate your company,” you admitted, giving a shy smile.
“Follow me, then,” he smirked, signaling for you to place your hand in his. Before you could say a word, the two of you were outside in your garden. Furrowing your eyebrows, you looked up at the man next to you. “I can be useful,” he shrugged as you let go of his hand. 
“How did you-” you began to ask, stepping to the side to look him up and down.
“Why do you think I have gotten such names as Trickster, darling?” he chuckled as you processed what just happened. 
“I never gave it much thought,” you shrugged.
“That only hurts a little,” he teasingly spoke, making a smile play at your lips. 
“I never gave you much thought either,” you continued, turning away from him to look out at the city before you. The moon shone in the sky, casting some light on the two of you, along with the hues from the city lights below. Little outdoor lights hung along the trees around, shedding some warm light on the garden.
“That is quite the disappointment,” he admitted, watching as you took steps away from him and just took in the greenery around.
“Oh, Prince Loki, do not be coy and act as if I should have. That would be the same if I asked if you had thought of me,” you answered, turning over your shoulder to see him taking steps towards you.
“It is not because I have thought of you,” he stated, catching you off guard. Your eyes narrowed as you spun around to look at him. He stood there, right in front of you, devilishly handsome in the moonlight. 
“I highly doubt the God of Mischief has given any thought to a mere mortal Princess like me,” you snorted, shaking your head up at him, disbelieving.
“Oh, you would be surprised, Princess y/n. You have created quite the reputation for yourself,” Loki smirked.
“And what reputation is that?” you asked, eyes shining with amusement. For once in your life, you had enjoyed the company of a Prince. While it was not the prince that was lined up for you that night, a Prince nonetheless.
“You are known as one of the most stubborn, hard to please, but breathtakingly gorgeous woman in all of the realms,” he answered, a smirk on his face and a dimple morphing on his face.
“I did say I am unbearable to be around,” you cleared your throat, taking a step away from him to try and calm the racing of your heart. 
“How self aware of you,” he chuckled, causing your to drop your jaw in playful shock.
“Loki, that is not very kind of you!” you laughed out.
“I am not kind, my princess,” he stated, his grin widening. 
“I am not either,” you smiled.
He took a step closer to you, his arm close enough for his fingers to brush against the smooth skin of your hand. “No, you are kind, y/n. You just want more for yourself than your parents have in store for you,” he corrected, a small smile on his lips as he brought a hand up to push a stray hair out of your face.
“How do you know so much about me?” you questioned, craning your neck up at him. 
“You told me,” he answered.
“I never told you-”
“I can see it in your eyes. I see the way you look at your Father with disdain. The way you defy your Mother every chance you get. The way you looked at Thor, the way I assume you look at every other Prince who you are forced to speak with. You want more than to be shipped off to a Kingdom for marriage,” Loki spoke easily, his eyes roaming your face as you stared in shock up at him. His tone was so knowing, so understanding that you could feel yourself melting into his presence. No man had ever even thought to ask or notice the slightest detail about you and Loki had done it within an hour of meeting you. 
“You, Loki Odinson, are quite observant,” you mumbled, staring up at him.
“That is what comes of being the runt of the family,” he chuckled.
“Is that why you despise your brother?” you asked, softly.
“One of the reasons, yes,” he answered. A small silence fell over the two of you as you both just stared at one another. The mischief in his eyes faltered as pain shone through them for just a moment. Without realizing what you were doing, your hand came to take hold of his hand hung by his side. It was the only comfort you could think to give in that moment as you gave his hand a gentle squeeze. At the contact, he flinched ever so slightly, making your contact falter for a moment before he gave your hand a gentle squeeze back. 
“You are not what others think of you,” you murmured, a half smile shone up to him. At your words, he edged closer to you, his chest almost touching your own. Your skin was on fire as your heart pounded in your chest. He was so close to you, you could smell his delicious scent, woodsy and clean. Frozen under his icy blue eyes, you could not make your feet take a step back. 
A throat clearing behind Loki’s back left your hand released and fallen to your side and Loki taking a large step away from you. This revealed Queen Frigga in the entrance back into the castle. 
“Princess y/n, your mother was looking for you, my dear. I figured I would try and find you before she did,” she kindly spoke, glancing between you and her son. 
“Oh, thank you very much,” you thanked, turning to look up at Loki. You nodded to him with a gentle smile as you took in his almost embarrassed state. His eyes looked over to you for a moment before you headed into the building, turning back to see Loki watching your every move. Both Frigga and him stayed where they were, Frigga staring at her son. You took that as your cue to leave the pair alone. Hastily, you rushed towards the ballroom before your mother or father noticed your disappearance or who you had disappeared off with. The racing of your heart had not halted at the loss of close proximity to Loki, instead it heightened as you mind swam with the thoughts of what just happened. Never had any of the men you had spoken with actually payed you mind nor had they left you with such an effect as Loki did. Gulping nervously, you headed back into the ballroom, spotting your Mother and Father sat, laughing with Thor and Odin. All of the men had mugs that were most likely filled with alcohol. Sighing, you made your way towards the group. 
“Ah! There she is!” your father grinned, most likely intoxicated.
“My apologies, I just had to run to the lady’s room,” you smiled, looking over to Odin and Thor. You took a moment to look at him. He was quite handsome, but in a different way than his brother. His hair was cut short, his blue eyes were not as icy as Loki’s, and he glowed with some sort of wholesomeness. Loki shimmered with mischief and mystery, while Thor had a warm glow to him. Moon and sun. 
“No need to apologize, my dear!” Odin smiled warmly to you.
“Come sit, we have a lot to discuss,” your mother smiled, waiting for you to take a seat next to Thor. You obliged, nervously looking at everyone. 
“Thor would like to ask for your hand in marriage,” your Mother excitedly spoke, gleaming with eagerness. Everything you had felt up to this moment crashed down around you. Your jaw went slack as you looked from your parents elated expressions to Thor who had a forced grin on his face and Odin who was grinning with your father. 
“W-what?” you stuttered out, feeling your chest rise and fall quickly as panic set in. The widening of your eyes that were feeling heavy with tears gave way to your true panic. 
“Lady, y/n,” Thor spoke smoothly. “Would you like to dance?” His eyes looked over at you gently, proving you to say yes. All you could do was nod. Thor shoved his chair back and stood to his feet, extending his hand for you to take. Shakily, you took it before he led you over to the dance floor. The music from the band was loud as Thor pulled your body to his, placing one hand on the small of your back and holding your delicate hand in his own with the other. “Princess, I know this is not what you want,” Thor began. 
“That is an understatement,” you muttered, gulping. Thor let out an amused chuckle.
“But, I do believe that this is what is right for our kingdoms. An alliance between the two would ensure safety for both of us between Asgard’s army and your technology,” Thor continued, leading the two of you danced.
“What about what we desire?” you asked, looking up at him. 
“What do you desire?” Thor questioned, genuinely. 
“Not an arrangement. I do not want to be a transaction or an exchange,” you stated, allowing your body to follow his. 
“I do not see it as such,” he admitted, looking down at you. 
“I also will not be a silent wife. I am not my Mother,” you added, enjoying the amusement on his face. He let out a loud laugh at your statement.
“Your Mother is not that bad, Princess,” he chuckled. “But I never asked for you to silent. You decided what I wanted from you before I even got to speak,” Thor reminded you, leaving you with rolling your eyes. 
“I am unsure if I am ready for marriage,” you shyly admitted, looking up at the God in front of you.
“That is why I asked for you to dance with me. I proposed that we both spend time together before just marrying. Neither of our parents presented it that way because all they heard was what they wanted to hear. My father believes you are an outstanding princess and would be a wonderful queen,” Thor explained, spinning you around, slowly. “I am not asking for you to say yes to the marriage now, just some a chance.” You stared at the kind man in front of you, kindness shooting off of him. One of the most desired Princes around and you were here thinking of his brother. His brother who probably just had fun toying with your mind right before this. Maybe he was what his reputation warned. Nevertheless, that did not stop your mind from recalling every moment you had shared with him.
“May I think on your proposal?” you asked, giving him a small smile. 
“Of course, my lady,” he nodded, allowing you to leave his touch. Right as you turned around, your eyes met the raven- haired man that sat at the table with your parents. His eyes were trained on you as he glared over to the two of you. Your lips parted at the eye contact. Just the way he stared at you in that moment left you unable to control your breathing properly. Thor’s hand gently came to touch your arm, “Would you like to take a walk? I thought you might want a break from our parents?” Thor asked from behind you. As much as you tried, it took everything in you to rip your eyes away from Loki.
“Oh, er, that would be lovely, thank you,” you breathed out, giving Thor a warm smile. The blonde gave you a grin before extending his hand for you to take, gently guiding you out of the ballroom and into the quieted hall. 
“I wanted to speak to you away from our parents prodding gaze,” Thor chuckled, walking beside you in the hall.
“I do appreciate that,” you laughed. 
“So, for this proposal. I know you need time to think on it, but I just wanted to tell you what I believe would work,” Thor began, waiting for your nod of approval to continue. “Your Mother would like us to marry quickly, but I was able to convince everyone into allowing us to stay here at your kingdom for some time so you could be comfortable in your own home while we give this a chance,” Thor explained, slowly walking beside you. It was a very thoughtful gesture.
“I truly appreciate your thoughtfulness, Thor,” you smiled, genuinely. 
“I also thought I could walk you to your chambers since I am sure you are over the party,” he chuckled. A sigh of relief left you as began leading the way down the large halls towards your room.
“I believe if I had to spend any more time there, I would go insane,” you joked.
“You do not enjoy balls?” he asked, looking you up and down. “You look as if you would.”
“It is not the ball, it is the suitors that come with it,” you admitted, sneaking a glance at him.
“That is understandable,” Thor stated. “I hope I did not bother you too much tonight.”
“Not too much,” you responded, smiling at him.
“Oh, very funny,” he laughed.
“There is worse company to have,” you stated, smugly. 
“Like my brother?” he joked. His brother was just the opposite. “I do hope he did not bother you too much tonight. I believe he kept his distance as instructed.” 
“Why is that?” you asked, turning your head to look at him, curiously.
“My brother-he,” Thor sighed as you neared your room. “He is not to be trusted. He is a trickster who only looks out for himself. I am not sure if he has ever cared for another soul besides himself and I did not want him toying with you, Princess.” Just another warning against Loki. Nodding slowly, you stopped outside your door. Even his own brother did not trust him. It broke your heart a little to think about how much that probably hurt Loki, unless what everyone said was true, that he was selfish and cared nothing about others. 
“Oh,” you responded, not sure what exactly to say.
“I do not ask you for anything, Lady y/n, but I beg of you not to pay him mind. It is for your best interest,” Thor warned. Nervously, you nodded in response. 
“Well, goodnight, Thor,” you mumbled, leaning back on your door.
“Goodnight, Princess,” he smiled. “Until the morning.” Nodding, you opened your door as you watched him turn to head back to the ballroom. 
What in the world had just happened?
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justkeepswimming17 · 3 years
This is beautiful 😍
Have y’all seen this thread?! This needs to be a movie!
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