justtherapyrhoughts 1 year
It wound up being a bit of both, since both are a product of hard line in the sand type of thinking.
The short version is that I should probably be prioritizing offline friendships (of which I currently have none besides my wife), and I need to have a talk with my son.
Really fun having to explain what proshipping was 馃
I have therapy in an hour, and I still haven't decided if I want the focus to be about my son being a hypocrite and bully about the proship/antiship thing were the loss of a friend group and the fact that it took 2 weeks for anyone to notice that someone who posted multiple times a day every day had left the discord, and still didn't say anything to me when they did realize. Or continue the work from the last session where I'm trying to actually be as sex positive as I claim to be
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justtherapyrhoughts 1 year
I have therapy in an hour, and I still haven't decided if I want the focus to be about my son being a hypocrite and bully about the proship/antiship thing were the loss of a friend group and the fact that it took 2 weeks for anyone to notice that someone who posted multiple times a day every day had left the discord, and still didn't say anything to me when they did realize. Or continue the work from the last session where I'm trying to actually be as sex positive as I claim to be
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justtherapyrhoughts 1 year
Alrighty, looks like I'm going to start this off with a pretty heated topic.
I'll admit that I had to look up what "proship" was when the term first came across my radar. I guess I would consider myself that based on the fact that I really don't care what a person does that doesn't hurt others.
But my 14yo, is pretty strongly antiship. His socials all say "proships DNI"
Guess I'm not allowed to interact with my own kid 馃槄 (reminds me of the adage of "be careful who you hate, it might be someone you love").
At this point in the game, I still really don't care. If I was going to engage in something that would actively be considered proshipping, I wouldn't be sharing it with my kids regardless.
But when I say he's anti, I mean he's *anti.* Last week, he put another teen in one of his fandoms on blast, telling all of his friends to block this kid, for them to tell their friends to block as well. For the immortal sin of being proship. Not even sharing proship content on that account. Just being one.
Personally, I think that's pretty shitty. Just generally and because he was the victim of a similar dogpiling a year. And that was a rough time for his mental health. But this other kid seemed to do better, and not all of the fandom appeared to be interested in getting involved. So I let the issue lie.
But here's where I'm confused. As I mentioned, his mental health is not the greatest. There was a period of time where he was cutting. Fortunately, he's stopped that. Instead he draws characters from his fandoms engaging in self-harm. That way he gets the mental release from the activity without actually doing it.
Seems like a good idea to me. But that's what he was "canceled" over in one fandom, because his friends considered that to be proshipping behavior.
He obviously doesn't agree, but I can't follow his argument that it is different.
He also drew two characters dressed up as a bride and groom, but stressed that it wasn't a proship. And gushed over a friend's art of two characters from another show, aged up, spooning. Him and his friends routinely talk about relationships the kids in these shows are in.
And I'm left wondering, if none of these things are proshipping, I don't have any clue what the word means.
I tend to be pretty live and let live. But I hate hypocrisy. And this feels pretty hypocritical to me. If I understand this correctly, I definitely am going to talk to him about it. And I'm definitely going to talk to my therapist about it first. But if I have this wrong, I have plenty of other issues
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