jwfen-life · 2 years
Why had she always felt that joyous sense of confidence when looking at machines?—she thought. In these giant shapes, two aspects pertaining to the inhuman were radiantly absent: the causeless and the purposeless. Every part of the motors was an embodied answer to ‘Why?’ and ‘What for?’—like the steps of a life-course chosen by the sort of mind she worshipped. The motors were a moral code cast in steel.
Dagny Taggart in Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
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jwfen-life · 2 years
Fimbulvetr is 3 winters on a row without summer and then comes Ragnarok. Thor will then kill the big snake, the polar vortex, but the snake will breathe so much poison into his face that also Thor dies at Ragnarok. If that is certain, I don`t know.
Blog poster Carbomontanus regarding the polar vortex.
What if Old Norse mythology is a poetic remembrance of ancient events?
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jwfen-life · 2 years
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Flower Bud, 2023
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jwfen-life · 2 years
He [the train conductor] jerked his head up at the red light. ‘I don’t think the signal’s going to change. I think it’s busted.’ ‘Then what are you doing?’ ‘Waiting for it to change.’
From Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand
This quote seems appropriate after the Ohio train derailment .
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jwfen-life · 2 years
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BMW 228i by DALL·E
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jwfen-life · 2 years
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jwfen-life · 2 years
Origin of Hope
There is no past or future, only the present. The past and future are neurological constructs that allow us to extend the present. They are models to help us get inside the Darwinian OODA loop. And most importantly, those constructs give us hope against the relentless arithmetic of reality.
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jwfen-life · 2 years
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Empty Nest, 2022
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jwfen-life · 2 years
The Devil manifests in our hearts by violent irritation. We become so sick with self-love that we cannot endure the slightest contradiction, any spiritual or material obstacles; cannot bear a single, rough, harsh word. But this is the time for endurance.
Saint John of Kronstadt
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jwfen-life · 2 years
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Destination, 2021
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jwfen-life · 2 years
Water is the desert's gold.
Matshona Dhliwayo
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jwfen-life · 2 years
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Outcrop of Red Rock, 2021
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jwfen-life · 2 years
After a day’s walk, everything has twice its usual value.
G.M. Trevelyan
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jwfen-life · 2 years
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On the Trail, 2021
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jwfen-life · 2 years
Leadership development is a lifetime journey - not a brief trip.
Murphy Says
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jwfen-life · 2 years
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Trailhead, 2021
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jwfen-life · 2 years
Never draw fire; it irritates everyone around you.
Murphy Says
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