k00272014 · 2 years
Animation Sketchbook- This sketchbook has no audio as of yet.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Drawings from Fota Trip- These are the drawing studies that I produced from the Zoo trip. I started off being out of practice of drawing animals so I made quick doodles and silhouette drawings which I later developed on to bigger studies. I found useful facts on the animals around the zoo and included them into sketchbook too.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Fota Wildlife- as an animation group we went to Fota Wildlife Zoo in Cork for the day. I studied the movement of the animals in particular and a few key features of them that I found interesting. I started the trip being really rusty with drawing animals so I made quick doodles which I could then develop on the lunchbreaks and when we left the park. The park has loads of animals and plants/trees which could be very useful studies for future projects.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Edited version of Phoneme Animation- In this version of the animation I cut back the the 'O' mouth movement to a shorter timeframe. I replace the gap with the neutral mouth to show a break from word to word.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Experimenting with overlaying images to create an animation sequence.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Phoneme Workshop- In the workshop with Paul today we were learning how to sync mouth movements (phonemes) with audio. Its a challenging process but easy to understand with practice.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Phonemes in Action- This shows how I used different mouth shapes to make my puppet creation talk. I filmed it using the stop motion motion app and added the background from a printed out image. In the future I hope to remove the shadow of the puppet from the background for a more realistic effect.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Puppet Creation- To create my puppet I used tinfoil and masking tape with strong pieces of wire. I covered the skeleton structure in polymer clay and added the features and the safari hat. As the brief stated to only go as far as the shoulders I cut a piece of green fabric and wrapped it around the shoulder to make it look like sleeves.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Character Design- I want my character to be a mischievous and somewhat a villain like person. Triangular shapes and square shapes will help me achieve this due to the points with the corners on them. I decided to try and combine 2 well known Disney characters together those being Woody and Yzma, one for there charm and the other for there evil streak. From this I created a character and gave him a background as a safari tour guide. His main features are his pointy nose and the safari hat.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Character Design and Phonemes- Our next project is to design a character of our own choice and construct it in the form of a puppet. I researched the character design process and then experimented with different head shapes. We also need to make this puppet talk using stop motion so I researched the main facial features and also the phonemes. Phonemes are the movements the mouth makes when we say a word so in order to make this puppet talk I will need to construct multiple versions of the mouth.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Walking Sprites in Arthur’s Quay Park, Limerick- I decided to study how different people in different circumstances walk/ run. It was a good location because I could see people rushing for buses and others casually walking around the park taking in the views. Some people had better posture than others, some walked with their head facing down and others took larger steps especially those who were in a rush or running. It was interesting to see these differences and realise that everybody doesn’t move the same.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Photoshop Disappearing Piece- This piece was created from an old photo I took during Semester 1. To create it I had to erase different sections of the image in Photoshop on different layers and then revert the video to play backwards to show the image appearing rather than disappearing. I added calming music using Premiere Pro and silenced it out towards the end by playing with the volume settings. I am happy with the outcome because it was a new way to approach animation even though it took a long time to complete.
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k00272014 · 2 years
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Animation Guides- Today we experimented with making a shape move along a line that we drew on Adobe Animate. This line acted as a path for the square to follow. I also added ease ins and ease outs to parts of the sequence on the timeline. It was a confusing process to begin with but when I slowed down and thought about it logically it became a lot more easier to wrap my head around.
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k00272014 · 2 years
FINAL PIXILATION CHALLENGE- This is my pixilation with sound and opening and closing credits. I enjoyed this challenge because it showed how we could use ourselves as puppets rather than creating characters to act for us. Getting each frame to match with the next to create a sequence was a challenge but it was worth it in the end. I used Premiere Pro to add and edit the sounds. For each sound I downloaded it from the the internet and merged them together but if I was to do another one I would like to use and create my own audio for it.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Pixilation Challenge using 465 images with different camera angles. This version has no sound to show how much an animation is impacted when audio is added at a later time. In my opinion, without the audio it is a lot easier to highlight the flaws of the animation. This was a team project and we all worked extremely well together to make the piece a success. Everyone brought something different to the table which made the process more enjoyable and most importantly we enjoyed doing and creating the piece together.
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k00272014 · 2 years
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Team Building workshop- We did a team building workshop as one of our first tasks as part of the AMD course. We were given words to brainstorm in small groups and 5 minutes to draw quickly a scene that described the words that had been given. This was a good way to get to know each other because animation so heavily based on teamwork and group projects. TEAM- Together Everyone Achieves More.
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k00272014 · 2 years
Final Animated Poster Design
I am really pleased with the result of my poster. I like how I referenced elements of the movie such as the lightning in the background and the transition of the characters into the frame. It was a really enjoyable piece to complete but it also had many challenges such as using the software in the correct way to achieve the right effects. If I was to change anything about my poster I would add more effects to the wand such as wisps of smoke or a change the opacity of the background.
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