kadhis-stuff · 4 years
Aww!! Thank you!! I'm glad you like it!!♥️♥️
You can’t keep a secret forever
Summary: How is a woman supposed to tell her husband, who has been married to her for almost 7 years now, that she can read minds? That she has been able to since the first moment they met?
This is a gift for @nonokoko13​! (AO3 link). I hope you enjoy it! Here’s my little contribution to the Damianya part of the fandom :)
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kadhis-stuff · 4 years
It had everything, EVERYTHING. I love how in love Loid is here :D
Give Yor all the love in the world!! >:D!! She deserves no less than that!
Spy x Family Mission 2: Honeymoon (Smut/Fluff)
Summary:  Loid wanted to go on a family outing with his daughter and wife until he was asked to go on a mission and had Yor to come along on their new mission to save newly wedded brides on their honeymoon.
A/N: This is my Christmas gift for @kadhis-stuff!! This is for you! I also posted this in Ao3! I had so much fun writing this fanfic of Loid and Yor! I really, really, really, hope you’ll like this! Please forgive me if you spotted any errors. Everyone and @kadhis-stuff, enjoy reading, comment and give feedback! 
Merry Christmas and and stay safe! 
Anya was walking along the path with her adoptive father, Loid was following her on the way home and listened to her talking excitedly about how she’ll spend her time with her uncle Yuri and Franky. He wished they wouldn’t teach her anything that was unnecessary unlike the last time they had taught her how to handle a knife and a gun.
But luckily it was a plastic knife. Much to his relief, he chuckled remembering Yor was teaching her hand to hand combat before attending the Eden academy. He didn’t really say anything much, but right now, he finds it cute. “Papa!”
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kadhis-stuff · 4 years
You can’t keep a secret forever
Summary: How is a woman supposed to tell her husband, who has been married to her for almost 7 years now, that she can read minds? That she has been able to since the first moment they met?
This is a gift for @nonokoko13​! (AO3 link). I hope you enjoy it! Here’s my little contribution to the Damianya part of the fandom :)
Anya’s unstoppable right foot shook so hard that the dining table moved to her tune, causing a metallic sound from the table legs hitting the floor. Her hands joined forming a fist that was holding her chin. She was staring at the ceiling of her house, looking for some inspiration on what to do. As if the ceiling tiles were an almighty god with all the answers willing to share with mere mortals.
Anya was concerned. A concerned 26-year-old woman. A concern police officer in these peaceful times. She never told anyone about this. Not even her parents. It was an intrinsic part of herself. It grew to be normal on her. Part of what defines what Anya Forger-Desmond is.
How is a woman supposed to tell her husband, who has been married to her for almost 7 years now, that she can read minds? That she has been able to since the first moment they met?
What people has always said about her is that she is a very perceptive person. And as the years went by, she got better at hiding it. No one has been able to hide a secret from her for long. And that is something that, today, was making Damian miserable.
Damian decided that this year was going to be the year. He will blow her mind with the most astonishing surprise ever. He will prove to her that he still has it, after all these years of marriage. For her to remember the feeling of being on the lookout and not knowing what to expect. The knowledge of something coming her way without a clue of what might that be.
Two things were wrong with Damian’s assumptions. First, he has never, ever, surprised her. Not on purpose at least, not by planning something out. He shouldn’t need to prove that he still has anything in that regard. And secondly, she doesn’t know how it feels to be non-puzzled because people usually think about the surprises while they are being planned or revealed. She hasn’t figure it out a way to put a spoiler alert tag on people, so she just deals with it.  
Why was Damian getting so frustrated about this lately?
The worst part is that his poker face is too good. There are times in which she knows what Damian is truly thinking just because she can read his mind. Instead, she is an open book.
Faking surprise? Yeah, that has never worked out for her before.
After faking a face, she is always hit by the thoughts “Oh, she saw it coming” “She knew about it” “Surely Becky told her” “Surely Damian told her” “Am I this bad at lying?”
His husband was feeling insecure and he did not tell her, she knows it because she is able to read. His. Mind.
What to do? What to do?
She growled at the ceiling tiles.
She truly thought she was going to be able to take this secret to her tomb. She never told Mama and Papa, and the only one that -probably- knew it, was Bond.
She took a sip of the hot chocolate she prepared to help herself think. Why did she decide to keep it a secret from them all these years?
Right. That night. When she was just an 8-year-old.
She had the popcorn’s bowl in her lap. Mama was on her right, watching the movie. Papa was on her left, reading a book. Bond was lying in front of her, eyes closed, unfazed by the fighting sounds coming from the TV. It was the latest Spy Wars movie. One of the bad guys had the ability to read minds with a machine.
Loid and Yor already knew about each other secret lives and after a bit dramatic fight, they accepted each other identities and decided to live together after all.  Which made possible for Anya to live a real life with them. And she was pondering the possibility to tell them. To also come clean of secrets. For them to be the first people in her life to know. So, she gathered courage, her hands forming fists and asked with the most casual tone she could gathered “Isn’t that cool?”
“What, Anya?” Asked Yor cocking her head with closed eyes and her always gentle smile, who was paying attention to the movie.
“Being able to read minds”. No, she cannot do it. Oh shit, she was already doing it. Panic. She ate a handful of popcorn at once. Swallowed it quickly to continue. “What do you think about that?”
Loid was the first to reply, in his detached matter-of-fact way of speaking, so serious and yet so smooth “Well, even if it is certainly an advantage it might be dangerous. It seems that the machine could blow out at any minute now”
Not the answer she was hoping. Anya wanted to divert the attention from the movie. Was Papa even paying attention to it? He was supposed to be reading. “But think about it in real life” she took her mother’s hand. She wanted to ask ‘what if I was the one reading minds’ but she was too scared to hear the answer, so she said the next thing she thought about. “What if mama were able to read our minds all the time?”
“M-Me?” A soft pink colored her cheeks, and she gave it a thought. “It could be a little tiring I guess, not being able to focus on my own mind because everybody is thinking around me”
That was an accurate way to describe it. Although Anya was getting better at handling it.
“It will probably be weird for the people around her.” Her father got her attention in a second, now we were talking. “I wouldn’t be able to look Yor in the eyes the same way again.”
“Why?” And her voice was probably a pitch higher than before.
“If a person can read your mind, they will know you better than anyone else. They will know what you think even if it is not what you chose to say, so they will not only know the person you want to be or the one you are trying to become, but they will know the true you. And that is something terrifying somehow. Not all people will be able to handle that.”
“Will you get away from mama if she was able to read minds?”
“No, I don’t have secrets from Mama anyway”
But Anya could read minds. And she knew what Loid’s real answer was. She still tried one more time.
“And you Mama, will you stay with Papa even if he was able to read your mind?”
“Of course, sweetheart”
But the devasting truth was that both were terrified of the idea. And although they didn’t directly think “yes, I will leave”, they both imagined multiple situations in which they would rather die from shame than letting the counterpart know their deepest secrets.
“I see” was all that Anya was able to say, while shrinking more into the couch.
“Why are you making that face Anya?” Yor asked, hugging her shoulders with one hand. “Nobody is able to read minds, so you don’t need to worry about it”.
But she did worry about it. Because at the short age of eight, she swore to herself to never reveal her deepest secret to anyone. It was something bad. It was something to be ashamed of. Anya would rather die than letting anybody know about it and let them treat her differently because of it.
But here she was. Pondering her options. Because maybe the truth was what Damian needed right now. Maybe he could be the first. Maybe she could trust him to not destroy her feelings with utter rejection.
Two weeks ago, Becky invited her for lunch and, as usual, she was telling her about the latest sweetheart she was dating. The conversation ended up shifting to Damian and Anya’s long-term relationship. This year they were going to celebrate the 7 years anniversary.  
“There’s a saying, you know?” said Becky casually, taking the dessert spoon when the waiter brought her ‘Golden Opulence’ sundae. “If a marriage remains together after seven years, they will be together forever.”
“Non-sense, there wouldn’t be divorces after 10 years then.”
“I mean it, Anya. It’s called The Seven Year Itch”
Anya rolled her eyes and started to eat her own dessert. “And what’s supposed to happen on the 7th year?”
“Monotony. Love ends. People get bored. They feel like the compatibility is no longer there. That the other person just ‘don’t get it’ anymore.”
The last part caught Anya’s attention. Why was that ringing a bell on her head?
And then she remembered all the times along the year that Damian tried to do different things for her, which all ended up in a frustrated husband.
Could Damian fear they were not compatible anymore?
Anya face twisted like an open book to Becky.
“How is it going with Damian, Anya?” She had concern in her eyes. And Anya knew it was real concern. Becky took her hand over the table “Everything ok at home?”
“Yeah,” she tried to dismiss it with a smile “everything is fine”
But hey, she was friends with Becky for over 20 years now. And Anya did not really know how to lie to save her life.
Becky insisted.
“Okay, well, there might be something” twirling her fingers in rounds, looking to the ground pouting, Anya mumbled indescribable words to Becky before finally saying it: “I think Damian is a bit concern about the fact that he can’t surprise me”
“Nobody can surprise you. You are too good at reading people. And a terrible liar.”
“And he has known about it for years now!” Yes Becky, agree with her. It was not her fault. It was not her fault. “It shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right?”
“Then why do you think he is concerned about that?” Becky was confused.
Because she knew.
A couple days back, Damian got up earlier to cook her favorite breakfast and took it to her bed. But Anya knew that it was going to happen before hand because he bought and hid the ingredients the day before, so she did her best sleepy surprised expression and started to eat.
Damian’s thoughts were loud in his head “Loser. I cannot even surprise her when she is half asleep. Nothing works”
But he did not tell her that, instead, he kissed her forehead and walk out of the room with the excuse of meeting his brother early that day. Lie. He just wanted to be out of there. Away from her.
Anya replied: “He told me he feels bad because he can’t surprise me, I just want him to know that it is not his fault”
“Well, there’s a limit on how perceptive a person can be. I had surprise you before. It’s hard, yes, but possible. It might be kind of his fault” Actually, Becky surprised her on a moonless night.
“It is not” Anya hit her head into the table with a defeated expression on her face “I need him to understand that”.
She can only get surprised on moonless days. But how to explain it without telling the truth?
And here she was.
Did it worth the risk?
She was so deeply scared about how hard she wanted to tell him. How hard she wanted to trust him. To believe he will love her no matter what. She has known Damian since he was 6 years old. She knows how good or bad he can be. The deepest secrets of his heart. What makes him happy even if he has never openly said so. There is no human being that she knows better than him.
Damian was certainly going to panic.
But will he overcome it? Accept it?
She was so scared that she picked today, a moonless day, to do so. She wasn’t strong enough to hear the rejection coming from him. Her heart wouldn’t handle it. No matter if he later thinks twice about it and accept it. She couldn’t stand the idea of hearing him fear her.
She heard the doorknob opening and her mind went blank, her back ran cold and her hands got sweaty. Was it right? Would it help him to know? Would it make it worst? She doesn’t know.
“I’m home”
He immediately noticed the distressed on his wife. “Is everything alright?”
“No” elbows on the table, she just holds her forehead with her fists. Eyes closed “Can you please take a sit? We need to talk”.
Damian did as requested, showing a hint of concern in his face.
Although a part of Anya appreciated the silence for her to gather her thoughts in order, the other part wanted to peek into Damian’s head and see what he was thinking.
“I know you have been mad a lot lately”.
She looked at him right in the eyes. It seemed to take him aback.
“Me? Mad? About what?” He deviated his gaze quickly, as if looking for a better answer. He was also a terrible liar, somehow.
“About the fact that you can’t surprise me”
Damian’s eyes turned sad, avoiding her gaze he just stared at the table. “Am I that much of an open book to you?”
“No- Yes. Err, something like that”
Still avoiding her gaze, he moved his eyes to the window next to them. “I’m sorry for not being able to do the same for you”
She took his hand over the table; he was still refusing to look at her.
“Damian, please look at me”
She squeezed his hand. He finally did.
“There’s something important I need to tell you. It might sound crazy, but it is the truth. And I’m terrified of telling you. Nobody” and she repeated the word with all the emphasis she could gathered in her voice “Nobody, knows about this. It is my most guarded secret and I swore to myself that I will take it to my tomb”
That got Damian’s attention. Momentarily forgetting how shitty of a husband he was feeling lately.
“I love you, Damian. And I trust you” she was scared. So scared that Damian’s hand was wet with her sweat now. “And I will tell you”
This is it. She will say it. Her heart was beating faster than ever. She was going to reveal her deepest secret.
“The reason why neither you nor anyone can’t surprise me is because…”
Silence. She bits her lip. She cannot face him. She stops to stare at his eyes and lowers her gaze.
Damian squeezes her hand softly this time, encouraging her to talk.
She sighs. Shuts her eyes harder. Takes a big breath and hold it for a couple seconds, until finally releasing it, talking as fast as she could “BecauseICanReadMinds”
Damian asks her to repeat herself, slowly this time.
“Because I can… read minds”
Of course, Damian doesn’t believe it. He drops her hand and stand up from the table. So much mystery and expectation for a joke. He was truly feeling bad about it and Anya wanted to do one of the weird jokes in an honestly bad time.
Damian was feeling insecure. He heard about the Seven Year Itch at work early that year. And he realized that without space for doubts Anya was the person that knew the most about him. But did he know about her the same way? Did he pay enough attention? And what about the relationship? Was he getting monotonous? Will Anya look for other men that can provide her the excitement she so dearly appreciates in her life? How much can she stand his own inaptitude?
So yeah, Damian is pretty pissed off. He gives her his back and walks towards the bedroom for some cooling off time.
“I’m telling the truth!” he hears her say.
He stops on his track and looks at her sideways. “Yeah? What am I thinking right now?”
She feels like stabbed. She didn’t think he was going to assume it was a lie. She was worried about a bunch of other scenarios. “I don’t know! It doesn’t work on days without moon!”
“How convenient. Should I assume today is a New Moon day?”
Damian was already reaching the shared bedroom when Anya took his hand to stop him. Once he entered the room, he was going to shut the door and keep her out for a couple hours until to cool down. He always did it when he was truly pissed off. She knows it and doesn’t want to let him do it. Because once he cools off, she could get cold feet and now that she has resolved to tell him, she did not want to brush it off as a joke or something like that.
“Damian, look at my eyes”
He ignored her.
She took his head with one hand and made him face her. “Look at me”
He finally did.
“I’m telling you the truth. I am adopted. People did things to me when I was a kid, in a lab. I can read minds since I am 3 years old. I had read your mind since the first time I met you. Every day. Except on days when there’s no moon in the sky”
And Damian does know something about his wife. She cannot lie to him to save his life. That is why even if she has tried to act surprised for years, he has always known when she was faking it. He thought it was because she pitied him. He was bad at surprises, and because he couldn’t properly catch her off guard, she fakes it. What Anya was just saying…? Could it be true?
“Why are you telling me this on the day you can’t prove it?”
“Because I’m terrified on what you might be thinking about me.” After saying that, she broke the eye contact with him “I do not want to hear your rejection.” She lets his hand loose “I might still hear it tomorrow, because you can’t trick your own thoughts. I will know the truth. But I couldn’t do it today.”
Damian knows with certainty; he does love his wife. He has loved her for many years now and undoubted he will do it for many years to come. He could not stand watching her like this. It broke his heart. He holds her in a tight hug.
The moment he hugged her Anya started to cry. He spoke softly into her ear “What you are telling me right now is so nonsensical, absurd. Crazy. But I want you to know that no matter what, I love you. And I won’t reject you even if you were an alien from another planet”
Her shuddering sobs started to calm down “Even if I came from Pluto? It is not a planet.”
“Even then, Anya”
She holds him tight “I am sorry”
“About what”
“Being unable to fake my surprise face and making you sad about it”
He removed a tear from her cheek before placing a small kiss on her lips “I preferred it that way. That makes me enjoy more when I see you genuinely surprised. Maybe that’s why I try so hard.”
They stood there for a while, in a comfortable silent hug.
“So how does it work?” He asked.
“Well, I can hear what you think in front of me. If I concentrate enough, I can hear a specific person several feet away”
“Can you know something about a person that is not actively thinking it in that moment?”
“Like look into a person’s memories?”
“No, I can’t. Just what they are thinking at that time.”
“I see”
Silence again.
Damian broke it, again. Flustered this time “So you have been able to read my mind all this time?”
“W-were you able to read it when I was thinking of kissing you for the first time?”
“Every time until you finally did it” She laughs.
Damian was full red-faced at this point “Did you also read it on Becky’s 18th birthday party?”
Anya’s cheeks dyed pink at the memory “Y-Yeah”
This time Damian covered his face with both of his hands. “Did you read it on our wedding?”
“No” That got him out of the ashamed-zone for a second.
“I ensure it was on a moonless day. I didn’t want to get myself overwhelmed by all the guest’s thoughts on such special day”
“That makes sense”
More silence.
“So, you can’t read them today even if you try hard?”
“Not a single word”
He nods with his head.
“I think I get it”
“Are you not like… feeling weird?”
“Yes, I am”
“… Would you have preferred for me to not tell you never about this?”
He denied with his head “Thank you for telling me, it must have been hard”
“Not even my parents know”
Anya didn’t need to read his head to know that he was feeling pretty cocky about it. It was painted all over his face.
More silence.
Out of the blue, Damian started to laugh. He brushed his hair with his fingers and looked at her with sparkles in his eyes.
“I swear I will surprise you this Christmas”
She laughs.
“And how are you going to do that?”
“Now that I know how you do it, I will train myself from here to December. I will need your help, though”
“I will gladly help”
She smiled.
“I love you”
He smiled.
“I love you too”
She figured it out it was okay to tell him the other secret not even her parents knew. If we are coming clean, we are coming clean about everything.
“You know… I am also two years younger. I lied about my age for my papa to adopt me.”
Damian thought about it for several minutes. Face full red again once he talked.
“Y-You were sixteen on Becky’s party!?”
After that day back in August, they set up a calendar on the fridge door marking the moonless days. The day after “the talk”, Damian spent all morning having a talk to her. Or more like, keeping his mouth shut while she was keeping the conversation out loud with Damian playing with the fact that he can hold a conversation with her without pronouncing a single word.
It had been fun, somehow, watching Damian adapt to his new life over the months.
He soon realized Anya probably knew about all the people he had wanted to kill at some point. She also knew when he thinks about another woman being pretty. She totally knew when he lied to her about enjoying some new food she cooked. She knew when he was being mean with people in his head without reason.
He sometimes forgets and still lies to her. Then, he gets self-conscious about the fact she already knows the truth and apologize for lying.
He has also caught her off guard and surprised her already a couple times. The trick is to think about literally anything else near her and plan the surprises when she is not close by. A bit more difficult, but definitely more gratifying.
She knew all the good and all the bad that was in his mind, and after seeing everything she still loved him. She has always known, since he was a child, and after all this time she was not only still his friend but accept him as a partner to spend her life with.
How can he ever have doubts about her feelings again? How if she already knew everything about him and accepted him as he is?
Is it fair to be blessed in this life with the sincere and absolute love of a person that truly knows you?
For Anya, the feeling was mutual. The first weeks she cried of happiness almost every day. Damian didn’t leave her. He accepted it. Looked for ways to make it work. Embraced it as a challenge to surpass together. As a team.
On the Christmas day Anya woke up with an alarm’s sound coming from Damian’s side of the bed. She tried to move him to shut it off, but she just found an empty space next to her. A note left in his pillow. She opened her eyes and started to read it with a sleepy face, after shutting the damn thing off.
I’m sorry I was not there to kiss you a good morning today. I needed the alarm so you could eat your breakfast while it was still hot. Please get out of the bed and go to the kitchen. There’s a surprise waiting for you there”
Anya’s smile was big in her face. What? She was enjoying the fact that she had zero clues about this.
She didn’t put shoes on and went out of the bedroom in a second, to the kitchen. The first thing she noticed in the hallway was the strong smell of roses.
The image that welcomed her left her speechless. There were fresh flowers everywhere and in her seat of the dining table there was a full set of plates and another note.
“There is fruit, fresh baked croissants, fried eggs and bacon. Plenty of orange juice and a big peanut can. You can either finish the peanuts after breakfast or carry them with you along the day for a snack. And because I didn’t want you to eat in silence, please go to take the TV remote and turn it on.”
She took a bite of one of the croissants and did as commanded. A video of recaps of their wedding day played with Bryan Adams’ “I do it for you” acoustic version playing in the background. After certain pictures there was a message.  
The first photo in the video was one of Anya entering the church. “The moment I saw you step into the hallway, I cried”. The next one, was a photo of Damian crying in his suit. “Because the only thing that was crossing my mind was that I was the luckiest man in the world. You looked like an angel. The most stunning woman was walking in my direction, to declare to myself and the world that she willingly will spend all her life next to me. You continuously make me the best version of myself, Anya”. A third photo: Anya signing the official documents. “Or that’s what I would probably have been thinking if my brain hasn’t done shortcut at that moment”. The next photo that flashes across the screen was one of both exiting the church holding each other hand. “I swear to you I couldn’t think of anything. My mind was a loop of ‘wow’ until the priest started talking and I then I was forced to focus to remember my vows”.
Anya was shaking. A couple tears were rolling down her cheeks. She got pretty emotional watching the video. Several pictures of the party followed without any more messages until the end of the video. She finished the breakfast and took the peanuts can. A message showed up on the TV: “I know the bed is tempting on a Christmas day without responsibilities. But please go and get yourself ready. It is a sunny beautiful day, what about a walk in the park? Make sure to wear comfortable shoes.”
She went back to the bedroom, took a quick shower and got a pair of jeans, a white t-shirt and her favorite sneakers. On top of them, another note.
“I knew you would pick these ones. They are old Anya, let me give you new ones with the same color and style. Your refusal is non-negotiable this time around.”
Anya laughed, no. She will keep them until they are torn, and her toes shows at the front. What is a little worn shoe sole and colorless sections? She loves those shoes. He gave them to her a few years back, when she broke a heel in a night outgoing and the only opened store only sold sneakers. The note continuous
“A boy selling newspapers will be waiting for you in the park. He’s wearing a red t-shirt”
So, to the park it is.
It was a sunny day indeed. A lot of people with the day off were having a blast with their families, kids playing with dogs, old people playing chest, fathers and mothers teaching her kids how to use a bicycle for the first time. She wanted to be reunited with her family too.
It was easy to find the boy. He was so nervous that his thoughts were louder than the people around him “Pink haired woman, give it only to a pink haired woman that uses old shoes. Pink haired woman.”
“Hello there, are you the newspaper boy I’m looking for?”
He took a quick glance at her shoes and then cleared his throat looking for a newspaper in his bag. “They told me the job-hunting section was filled with important information, agent Peanut.”
Anya smiled. So that is what this is about. “Thank you, have a good day.”
While she was getting away to search for a free bench to sit on, she heard the thoughts of the boy running in the opposite direction “I need to tell the man I already did it”
She opened the newspaper, there was a pen marking the start of the section the boy mentioned. She read over the lines carefully until she noticed the pattern. The same they used in episode 703 of “Spy Wars”. The secret code was easy to decipher. Each line had two dots marking each one a letter. The letter that was in the middle of the two marked ones was the one she needs to mark in a circle. And reading it from bottom to top, she will get the message.
“Train station. 53. Seat 9A.”
Anya closed the newspaper and run towards the train station. Laughing her heart out. Such a fun morning. What was Damian planning to do?! She opened the peanuts can that brought with her and eat a few “Crazy man.”
She found out the train she was supposed to take was going to the city borders. In the seat 9A there was an envelope. She opened it.
“Agent Peanut, we have captured your husband. We will torture him until he reveals your deepest secrets. Do not even try to come to the old peanut’s abandoned factory outside the city where we have our secret liar. Coordinates: 51.08342, 10.423447”
The envelope also had the ticket for the ride. Anya rolled her eyes. Damian loved to make fun of the fact that the villain always gave its secret liar address to the good guys as if screaming “go and get me if you dare”. It was never this painfully obvious in the show. Except on episode 113, the one about ‘Bad-Man and the pâtissier heist’.
The train was already in movement when she heard a voice. “Ticket, please?”
She stared at the man and could hear his thoughts “Pink hair, green eyes”. “Are you Miss Peanut?”
A light blushed enlighten her face. It was ok for the newspaper boy to say it but having a fellow adult calling her that was a bit shameful “Yes”
The man took a backpack from the compartments above her seat. “This is for you”
The man left after marking her ticket, leaving her alone to explore the inside of the backpack. She covered her mouth with her hands. “Oh my god”
There were a couple toy guns with 30 bullets each. A belt to hold them. A water bottle, a black t-shirt, cap and sunglasses. There was also another envelope.
“Hey, don’t you dare abandon me.”
A quick sketch of a Damian tied to a chair saying ‘help’ was on the upper right corner of the paper.
Anya bit her lower lip and whispered the answer to herself: “Never”
She was able to change her clothes before reaching the destination. From the station, it was just a 15 minutes’ walk.  
Her heart was beating fast. This was exciting. Damian was giving her surprise after surprise and she was loving it. It wasn’t even a moonless day. How come he did not think about this the previous days? He (his mind) usually won’t shut up whenever there’s a big surprise coming. Now that he knows she can read minds; did he take extra precautions? He on purpose force himself to think about everything but this? He was literally thinking about the Christmas lunch and where to go. Planning dinner with her parents. Was it a trick? Or will they go after this? What is it? She took some things for granted today and thought about the surprise being a gift in a box that she’ll open in the family dinner. This was a thousand times better.
She finally reached her destination. A bunch of voices caught her attention.
“Mister Damian is too sweet” Was one of the female voices.
“At least I’m getting paid twice for working on Christmas” another voice.
“I hope Anya doesn’t get hurt” A third one.
“I should have gotten a bigger breakfast this morning” A fourth one.
How much people did Damian had there?
But suddenly, a voice shut out: “Enemy on sight, enemy on sight!”
An alarm started to ring, and Anya’s heart felt like to explode from the adrenaline.
“Don’t let her go to the second floor!”
So that is where she was supposed to go.
Anya entered through an open window and suddenly a lot of gas started to fill the warehouse. Anya saw that the people inside was armed with the same guns she had in the backpack. She took one from the belt and started to shoot. The people she was shooting started to fall and ‘die’. She ran across the people in the middle of the smoke to the stairs when a big guy was waiting for her like a wall.
Anya was a 26-year-old police officer. She was mildly offended that there was only one guy. She easily passed through him and reached the second floor.
Fifteen-armed (with toys) people were waiting for her. Damian was tied in a chair with a smirk in his beautiful face, thinking for her mind only: “Are you going to rescue me or what?”
But the biggest surprise of all was the villain.
“Uncle Yuri?”
“Oh! You have finally find my liar, Agent Peanut!” he ignored her question, getting full in character “But you are late, your husband refused to give us information, so he is useless now. I have decided that he is going to die in 5 minutes!” A bomb with a clock was chained to Damian’s chest.
“I won’t let you!” She was full on combat mode now. Following the game. “Leave my husband alone! This is between you and me!”
“Soldiers, kill her!”
But Anya was too good. She didn’t stop laughing while fighting with the people they hired for this. When she was finally done with the ‘guards’ she faced her uncle: “Now it is your turn!”
“You think you can take me down in 4 minutes and a half? Keep dreaming! You’ll face your end at the hands of – he sighed and though “I can believe I’m going to say this but agh, whatever” - Bad-Man!” She was 100% sure they stopped the clock for dramatic purposes. Also Uncle Yuri performance, top notch!
Anya run to her uncle and kick him with all her might. He easily blocked it with his hand.
A bunch of kicks and fist fighting followed. Yuri was enjoying it as much as Anya. They trained together many years ago, but after Anya grew up and become a member of the police department, they stopped to have the sessions. There was no particular reason for it, they just didn’t have the time anymore.
So being here fighting each other was like a jump back in time. And Yuri’s eyes get a little bit to shiny and his smile was a bit too big while defending up from her attacks.
Finally, Yuri fell with a dramatic scream when Anya shot him in the chest with the toy gun. (it probably hurt, though. She was mere inches away from him).
There is no way in hell that the fight took less than 10 minutes. But when she run towards Damian the clock has a minute left before the explosion.
She took the tape out of his mouth and dramatically kissed him. “Are you alright?”
“Hurry Anya! The bomb is going to explode any second now!”
“What is the key?”
There was a circular padlock holding the timer. Anya looked around her and run to Yuri’s pockets. Empty.
“Have you seen something that circular today?” Damian asked her.
She tried to read his mind, but all she found was “I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you. I won’t tell you” repeated as a mantra.
35 seconds.
Think Anya, think.
And then it hit her. She opened the backpack and took the peanut can. Could it be?
She pushed the can against the padlock and the timer stopped.
She beamed at Damian with a smile in her face “Take that!”
He was, however, staring at her with a loving gaze “You did it wonderfully”.
She then released him from the chains and hugged him. “I love you so much”
He replied to her with a thought in his head: “No more than how much I love you, Anya. Merry Christmas”
“You, big dork” was all she could say in a voice faltering with love.
“That hurts, Peanut” Yuri’s voice was behind her “No hugs for the boxing bag you just defeat and keep ignoring?”
She turned around and hugged her uncle without saying a word. She then removed a couple traitor tears that escape her eyes. “So, what’s next?”
“The helicopter is waiting for us behind the building.”
“I just wanted you to live the full experience” was her husband reply.
She intertwined his fingers on hers “Thank you for today”
But there was a final surprise.
Damian’s sweet smile was not showing all the embarrassingly intense passionate thoughts he suddenly sent her way about the plans for the rest of the day and night. Anya’s face grew red in an instant. One of the downsides of the new discovered power was that Damian enjoyed making her blush on public. His smile shift to a cocky one once he saw his wife reaction.
“Did you really though my plans ended up after lunch? It is as if you don’t know me at all”
“Well… I do have the rest of my life to do that”
Hope you like it! Happy holidays!
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kadhis-stuff · 4 years
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Because lineart is not enough and because I got an stylus for Christmas :) -- bear with me while I learn how to draw.
My first pair of somewhat decent eyes
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kadhis-stuff · 4 years
These are awesome :D
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Holidays are coming!! I drew SxF icons to bring the holiday spirit and for fun! Feel free to use :)
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kadhis-stuff · 4 years
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Just in case you forget this exists.
It exists.
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kadhis-stuff · 4 years
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I’m weak for glasses so I added them on his pretty face.
Loid Forger, chapter 1
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kadhis-stuff · 4 years
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Damian Desmond, chapter 36
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