kagamine-chiin ¡ 6 years
Aokaga drabble 
“Le… lemme’ go, you bastard!” Kagami cried out and threw a punch, toward his assailant’s face, with all her might and the intent to hurt. She tried very hard, however she had been unable to touch him. She wished she could just feel his jaw crunch against her angered fists.
Kagami was considered to be extremely strong for a girl. But, her frail frame was no match for the brute force of the great Aomine Daiki, the unstoppable ace of the basketball team.
He was her longtime enemy. They always argued. Whenever they see each other, one of them has to pick a fight with the other. It has never been really serious though, just something their classmates would laugh and joke about.
However, Aomine seemed transformed this time, as animated by a rage she would have never suspected. He has her cornered and out of breath. She felt at his complete mercy as he shoved her brutally against a wall. Kagami groaned and cursed under her breath, fighting a tear. “I… am gonna fucking beat the crap out of yo-”
He gave her no time to finish her threat, pinning her hands above her head and making her groan under his impressive figure. She cursed again while trying to put up a fight, glaring daggers into hazy midnight blue.
“Shut. Up.” He drawled darkly and even if her mind didn’t want it, her lips complied. Her whole body stopped all movement as if short-circuited.
Something was definitely off. Aomine had always been rude, but never violent. In fact, she had always been the only one throwing punch at him whenever she could. He only ever dodged or insulted her.
There was something different in his voice, different in the atmosphere and different in the way he looked at her. It was something that made her forget how to breathe for a second, as the feline basketball player came closer to her body. He was emitting warmth she was not used to feel. But even though Aomine’s actions screamed murder, there was nothing threatening in that warmth seeping from his large body.
It was really strange. A silence settled between them. They remained calm and still, almost as if they weren’t battling in the hallway of the gymnasium minutes prior. It should have been unsettling, unnerving for the redhead. She hated to be manhandled and on top of everything, she hated that boy. Yet, she was watching him calmly, mesmerized while he forced his way inside her personal space -threatening the tough barrier she had built around herself.
She gawked at him, watching how his glassy eyes shined dangerously in the darkness of his feeling. She could not understand what was happening between them. She didn’t want to. It was too dark, too deep and also too familiar for her liking.
She tried to knee him, tired of feeling her stomach recoil under his stare, but he is faster. He barely avoided the blow though, stepping between her legs to stop Kagami from hitting him. She couldn’t see anything else but him. A guy she clearly despised, perspiration heavy on him after his hours of playing balls and his brutality forcing her pained wrists to stay still. It was a guy that despised her too.
They remained like that for a long moment, bodies glued together against the wall and hot puffs of breath mingling together. Their lips are separated only by pride, anger and denial. There was a salty drop of sweat running idly the long of Aomine’s defined jaw and it distracted her from the intense scrutiny.
“Never…” He growled threateningly and she looked back at him, eyes wide open. He gripped on her wrists tighter, making her wince. “Let another guy touch you. Ever. Again.”
Her lips parted in shock and she looked at him in incomprehension, his dark eyes flared as he looked at his mouth with a twist interest. None of them really understood the words he just said. It was just happening.
“T-Taiga!!” Kise gasped in shocked, stopping in her tracks.
Aomine cursed, glared at Kise before releasing his hostage reluctantly. “Get lost!” he said to both of them before going away.
Kise recovered from her shock and came to kneel beside her friend who had slid to the floor, still staring at that broad back. “Kagamicchi, are you okay?”
“Y-yeah,” she said faintly, massaging her wrists.
“What happened?”
“Hell if I fucking know!” Kise can feel her shaking but the redhead tried to hide her discomfort. “I am going to beat the shit out of him when I get him”
She sighed. “You always say this.” Kagami glared at her and stood up before walking away with promise of childish vengeance. Kise shook her head, standing up with another sigh.
On the way back to class, Kagami continued acting like nothing happened and she let her be.
However, what she saw made her think that maybe Kurokocchi was right. Maybe she knew two persons that needed a little bit of interference in order to do things the right way.
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 6 years
“My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you’ve been mean to someone, they won’t believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it’s time to stop being nice, then destroy them.”
— Laurell K. Hamilton, A Stroke of Midnight (via wordsnquotes)
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 6 years
Been so long 😂. I still remember the feeling.
You know your doomed when you click on a 100k fanfic at 2am
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 8 years
Imagine your OTP overslept after a night of sex and person A realizes they’re running late for work. Person A does a sloppy job of getting ready and is about to just run out the door as a hot mess when Person B stops them - lovingly combing their hair properly and adjusting A’s clothes to look more presentable. A complains that they don’t have time for this before B shuts them up with a “have a good day at work” kiss, leaving A embarrassed, but with a content smile on the way out.
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
Hey, I just ran across you prompt about a rider/drain fic idea for kagaao/Aokaga and was was wondering if I could write it? I've got ideas brewing ever since I came across it.
Oh my, hello, it would be my pleasure to read you. Just do so, and I would like to be able to see that fic too. Good luck :-)
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
“I overheard you yelling loudly over the phone in Russian and I have no idea what you just said but damn I’m sort of aroused” AU.
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
If I ever turned invisible the first thing I’d do is go to France and beat up a mime. Everyone would think he is the greatest performer to ever live.
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
When you see a spider you should be grateful, not scared. Because now you know where it is.
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
I like top!Aomine fine, but I get irked when people say they can’t imagine him bottoming because he’s the oh-so-dominant seme.
I mean really.
This guy, he spent the whole manga looking for someone to dominate him.
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
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miracles week → day five: one-on-one
Ultimate dream match: Rakuzan vs. Touou Academy — Akashi vs. Aomine
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
The tension in the room was so thick Kagami was sure he could grab it in between his fingers if he really tried, so thick he could smell it in the moist air surrounding them and no shit, but the smell was as strong as the scent of all the fucking blood plastered over them. Hopefully, none of it belonged to him and knowing that he was still unscathed, after everything he had been through today, really helped in calming his nerves and getting rid of the adrenaline.
He was going to be fine, he didn’t stop thinking again and again as a mantra. Everything was going to be fine. He had to be sure of it himself or else he was gonna lose it at some point. It was the only thought keeping him sane even when bullets were being exchanged faster than words, when people where falling dead around him as if they were mere leaves. It was the only thought crossing his mind at these times and the only one keeping him mentally safe.
His fingers didn’t stop trembling as he gently and slowly cleaned Aomine’s wound for the suture. The cut was small but so deep that Kagami had had a lot of difficulty to stop the bleeding. He couldn’t help but remember each damn time Aomine groaned in pain that this injury would have been presently killing him if Aomine hadn’t jumped at this precise moment to be his shield. And, for many reasons, it was so unbearable and so disrupting that he was unable to stop his heart from thumping loudly in his chest when he recalled that.
The bottle of whisky Aomine had been gulping collided noisily with the table where his gun was laying, apparently harmless and Kagami leveled his gaze at the tanned man’s sweaty and very expressive face. His brows were deeply knitted together, jaw tightly clenching and unclenching and as soon as his half-closed eyes met Kagami’s, the latter lowered them to tanned abs and furrowed in fake concentration -as if he was focused by something else but the person who was keeping him as an hostage since two weeks now.
Kagami’s heartbeat picked up nicely and he swallowed, blinking as drops of sweat ran into his eyes. He tried to wipe his forehead with the back of his right hand, but Aomine firmly grabbed it and Kagami was forced to look straight at him. The tanned man seemed breathless and exhausted like Kagami. He should be finishing this quickly and have a little bit of rest before something new happen again. He could just look away and pretend that this unclear tension had never existed in the first place, that his heart wasn’t beating so fast because Aomine’s attention was on him now, that his fingers weren’t trembling because it was destabilizing to see Aomine in pain, but he just couldn’t do it.
Aomine was too hot for words, indeed he was a fucking jackass, the biggest Kagami had ever known, but he played ball like he had invented the damn sport and it was all Kagami had needed to fall head over heels for him, like he was waiting for him since forever. He didn’t care anymore that Aomine had faked illness and come to the hospital in order to spy on another patient, he didn’t care that Aomine befriending him was only part of the plan and the worst he didn’t care either that after killing that man and a lot of other people, Aomine had taken him as an hostage to get out of the hospital alive. He didn’t care because he was already in love with the man and it was making everything so confusing now.
Kagami knew it would be easier to hate him and run away as soon as possible. Actually, he had had many opportunities he should have taken, but instead he stayed and even protected him.
Aomine grabbed his gun and laid it toward the redhead. It used to scare the shit out of him but now it only made his blood boil with something else, something more shameful. A lopsided and dark smirk grew on Aomine’s lips as Kagami’s eyes darkened visibly with lust. He chuckled drowsily, bedroom-eyes fixed on Kagami and making everything a lot hotter each second.
Aomine was a little intoxicated by now and it was obvious in the way he kept smiling at Kagami. “You look like shit.” He uttered lowly, matter of fact, but he deserved a slap for it because it was his fault. “Yeah, thank to you…” Kagami was surprised he didn’t falter.
He leant in his chair and they kept staring at each other, the tension rising like the temperature.
Aomine absentmindedly licked his lips, Kagami followed the movement like a dog in heat and the tanned man arched a brow because the redhead seemed hypnotized since they had gotten into the motel. “Do nurses also get sick?”
“I am not a nurse, I am an intern and yes, we still get sick too.”
Aomine barked a laugh like the redhead had said the funniest thing ever but he didn’t want to question his sense of humor. He had a lot of thing to do with his stupid heartbeat and the guy’s laughter wasn’t helping either.
Aomine tried to get comfortable in his chair but ended up hurting his shoulder even more. His laughter died in a groan and he coughed, immediately reaching for what he thought would soothe the pain away, but Kagami stopped him before he could grab the bottle.
“The fuck do you think you are doing?” Aomine hissed but the pain and the alcohol made him less scary than he normally should be. “You had had enough.” The redhead managed to say albeit the glare directed at him. “Yo-uhm, we should rest now. And you are hurt.”
Aomine didn’t resist, however his gaze remained fixed on Kagami, gauging him and his actions. Kagami felt oddly pressured even though he was honestly too drunk for that. “What?”
Aomine giggled and a devilish glint mirrored in his eyes as he lowered them and his gun to Kagami’s crotch. “I don’t want to sleep, I want to play.” The redhead sucked in a breath and closed his eyes tightly as Aomine pushed the weapon further down his flesh. “The Hell-?”
“What if I pull the trigger right now?”
Kagami’s eyes snapped open and he looked up at him defiantly. “You wouldn’t.”
“Oh yeah? And why is that nurse-boy?”
There was a slight twitch in Kagami’s eyebrows as he dared to mutter “Because you need me?”
He was not entirely sure himself and maybe he was shockingly wrong; maybe Aomine just acted as his shield in an impulse. “Bullshit! I can get rid of you anytime and anywhere, dimwit!”
Kagami reached for the wrist holding the gun, fingers lingering on the warm and sticky skin. His heart was going so crazy in his throat that he wanted to puke. “Then do it!” his pride made him say before he could think twice about it and all of a sudden Aomine was not smiling anymore.
He was playing with fire and he knew it. Aomine was not only drunk but also someone he didn’t know anymore. It hurt to admit it, but the Aomine he had met a month ago wasn’t the real one. Every thing was an act for the mission and now he didn’t know that man anymore, he was a total stranger who could kill him if he really wanted.
A cold shiver ran down his spine because what if?
Aomine’s face remained the epitome of coldness as he stared at Kagami, showing no sign of any consideration in his piercing eyes. Kagami’s grip on him wavered and Aomine violently slapped his hand away as if he had plague. If he noticed the pain written on the redhead’s face, he didn’t give a fuck about it.
“You are so stupid.” He spat, lips curling downward in a mix of pity and indignation –or was it desperation?- and he turned on his heels.
Kagami disappeared too; leaving for the bathroom with the piece of clothing he had used to stop Aomine from bleeding to death in the car. It belonged to the tanned man and Kagami stared at it, clenching his fingers around. He exhaled loudly and slid against the door, legs spreading flat on the floor before bringing the tissue to his face.
His chest felt constricted and the feeling was suffocating. So many desires, so many impossible things that he wished from the bottom of his heart…
He wished to regain his freedom and he wished for Aomine to stay alive.
At this point, he knew it was impossible to have both of them and he knew he could also lost all of it. There was no happy ending in sight. No happy ending he truly wanted.
Kagami silently chocked on his feelings, the bloody clothing muffling the desperate sound.
He was actually pretty scared. He was scared of losing something he didn’t even have but cared for nonetheless.
He was going to be fine. That bastard had to otherwise Kagami would lose it and it really pissed him off that he cared so much for an asshole who was destroying his quiet life.
He could run away now, use that opportunity and fly by the window or call for help. But it didn’t even cross his mind that was full of Aomine only. He was trapped and it was so unhealthy that it hurt.
Aomine was deep asleep when he got out of the bathroom hours later. He quickly checked on him to make sure he didn’t have a fever and sat in a corner of the room, staring at Aomine’s sleeping form, chewing on his bottom lip with his head empty of any constructive thought and his heart unable to calm down. Morning found him in this tiring situation and it was only then that he agreed to take a shower and lay down beside Aomine.
When the tanned man opened his eyes, Kagami was standing beside him with his hand reaching for the gun, expression unreadable. Aomine’s body felt numb and every thing hurt so bad. He took it upon him and grabbed the redhead’s wrist, roughly pulling him to the bed and straddling him, feverish. “The fuck you are doing?” he slurred.
“Wo-woah, if you are awake say it, dammit! … urh, you have a fever. You nee-”
“No one have a fever here. I am fine dummy, I just need some sleep.” And true to his words, he collapsed on the redhead, only hissing in pain at the contact.
“You slept all the goddamn day alrea-!” Kagami stilled as Aomine snuggled into his neck. “H-hey, wait a min-” idle hands started haphazardly patting his lower region and he let out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. “Aomi-”
“Gosh, you are so fucking warm…” Aomine breathed out against the skin in his neck and the hair on his body started walking on their own. He shivered and instinctively reached out for Aomine’s hips. He didn’t know what Aomine was doing in his neck, but it was warm and wet and very pleasurable, so pleasurable that it awakened a natural reaction from under his belly button.
He cursed under his breath, biting his lips. As he hoped Aomine to be too dizzy to notice anything, he heard a playful “You are hard.”
Kagami blushed right away and growled when Aomine chuckled, but it didn’t stop him from tightly hugging the tanned guy, paying extra care of his wounded shoulder. Every cells in his body were telling him to take his chance now and do what he had been wishing to do since the first second he had laid eyes on Aomine.
He didn’t react when Aomine asked him to let go because he just didn’t want it and he was surprised when two hands snaked clumsily into his pants. “Let me go or else I can’t grab your dick, genius.”
“What are yo… wai-what? We shouldn’t be do- hey, wait, don’t insult me bastard!”
“Tch. Shut up. And don’t worry nurse-boy. We aren’t going all the way.” He said, not waiting for Kagami’s approval as if he knew the redhead would never said no. He loosened his embrace, only a little, just what Aomine needed to grab their cocks together. And they gasped.
It was awkward but it felt so good to have Aomine touching and panting against him that he swallowed back the insult he had on his tongue. He wanted to kiss him so bad but Aomine was muffling his moans in his neck and he was too insecure to do anything so he settled for sloppy and wet blind kisses on the tanned cheeks.
It was barely enough, yet it was too much at the same time and he had no time to think about anything because Aomine was rubbing his crotch against him like the world was ending -or like he wanted to fuck him as bad- and it was starting to feel a little too good.
Aomine’s cock was hot and thick against his, very tempting but sadly there was not enough place for him to touch it and the thumb playing divinely with the head of his dick was making everything more difficult.
The hand job was rough and sloppy, a little bit different from how he did it himself but just because it was Aomine, it had him whimpering his release.
He arched violently and exploded in loud curses, panting afterward like he had just run a marathon. He didn’t notice when Aomine came but he noticed the panting and sweating mess Aomine was beside him… absolutely gorgeous.
Aomine caught him staring, but he didn’t avert his eyes and he should have because the look in Aomine’s eyes made him want to kiss him even more.
He didn’t understand the man. What exactly was this relation? He didn’t understand him or his emotion however when he asked in twisted sense of humor “Why couldn’t you be a simple police officer or a lawyer?” he was glad that Aomine genuinely started laughing before groaning in pain.
Aomine was about to say something, apparently very funny because he couldn’t stop laughing just thinking of it and Kagami was more than expectant when suddenly there was a distinct knock on the door.
Kagami’s eyes widened and he immediately noticed that Aomine was mirroring him. The latter got up as fast as humanly possible, put his dick back in his pants and grabbed his gun, but Kagami was as quick to grab his arm and keep him in place.
The tanned man faced him and gently put his index finger against Kagami’s lips when the redhead tried to open them. “Don’t fucking move and stay quiet!” he hushed and Kagami’s whole being froze because that look in Aomine’s eyes only meant one thing.
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
My father had taught me to be nice first, because you can always be mean later, but once you’ve been mean to someone, they won’t believe the nice anymore. So be nice, be nice, until it’s time to stop being nice, then destroy them.
Laurell K. Hamilton, A Stroke of Midnight (via wordsnquotes)
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
*hears noises at night*: well this is it this is the end for me I had a good life
*gets shampoo in my eyes*: I guess I'm blind now how am I ever going to see my first born child
*heart is beating fast*: I think I am having a heart attack is this what cardiac arrest is
*a cop walks by*: here I go about to get arrested I probably murdered someone
*taking a test*: don't take your eyes off of this paper you will get caught cheating and get kicked out of school and amount to nothing
*gets a sunburn*: great now I have skin cancer how will I tell my parents
*tripping over something*: I guess my leg will have to be amputated why did this happen to me
*period is late*: shit i'm pregnant i'm the next virgin mary
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
edited | read more
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
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kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
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461 notes ¡ View notes
kagamine-chiin ¡ 9 years
my rĂŠsumĂŠ
sick fuckin blog
shitposts at a rate of 3 shitposts per hour
extremely OKAY at video games
can sometimes sing along to a song w/o fuckin up da words
can consume any and all foods
one time slept for 24 hours in a row
procrastination and eyebrow game strong
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