kagero-king · 10 years
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I was reading my textbook and then-
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kagero-king · 10 years
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That was actually really good-
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is that all you got?
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Statistics show that was Lame! 
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I’ve heard dead people do it better!
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kagero-king · 10 years
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kagero-king · 10 years
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turns the sprinkler on Rena and Kay, I live in a fandom full of blueberry loving lairs. You’re both as innocent as Junko Enoshima  
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kagero-king · 10 years
bwuwuwbuwbwubwuahlwd /w\
*picks up and carries to happy places*
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kagero-king · 10 years
mew \(;w;)/
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kagero-king · 10 years
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kagero-king · 10 years
two-headed boy - neutral milk hotel
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kagero-king · 10 years
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Time seemed to stop, the small flakes frozen in midair and everyone around stuck in their same positions. The only people who remained animated were Miwa and himself, still feeling himself hear those five words repeat in his mind. 
Toshiki… I love you, too.
The brunet's heart fluttered in his chest and his cheeks filled with color. The way Miwa uttered his name sounded as graceful as an angel's whisper. Kai had feared that Miwa would have rejected him, after everything he had done he would have expected it. He seemed to cause nothing but misfortune everywhere he went, yet the other forgave him. Even after sinning and sinning and never stopping until the world seemed like it was going to be engulfed in darkness before Aichi shined light on it and restored balance.
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He stared into the other's gray-blue eyes with his own teal ones, a small smile gracing his lips not only because of his pure happiness, but at the sight of the whipped cream on the corner of his lips. Kai couldn't help but laugh ever so softly at the slight imperfection to Miwa's otherwise perfect face. 
Warmth flooded his chest as he gazed at other. The feeling was so foreign but so unbelievably comforting and simply, joyful. He felt tears sting his eyes, his happiness beginning to overflow.
"Taishi...you just made me the happiest man on Earth"
He moved over kissed the other's lips tenderly. His lips were so soft and warm Kai only seemed to lean deeper into the kiss before breaking away a few moments later. It was so magical. The brunet smiled and licked the whipped cream from the other's lips, albeit a bold move, but he couldn't turn it down. He pulled away. "You had some whipped cream there so I got it off for you..." He explained. "Now you're clean"
Miwa was fairly innocent when he asked Kai such a thing, knowing full and well how much the blue-haired boy meant to him, meaning no real harm or negativity at all. Although… it did always sting a little whenever he heard Kai call Aichi his best friend. Miwa had nothing against Aichi - they were friends too, after all, and feeling any sort of resentment toward such a pure person felt sinful - however… All this time, Miwa felt second place to their mutual friend, and he thought he had accepted that fate because it made Kai happy. But with how twisted his stomach got after asking the question… Perhaps it hurt more than he let on, and to his misfortune, Kai read him like an open book.
The other calling out his name instantly scattered the blond’s thoughts, though, and slate-colored eyes met with Kai’s teal hues once more. The words that followed were expected at first, until it abruptly took a sharp turn toward Miwa rather than Aichi. The more Kai spoke about his feelings, the more Miwa’s heart raced. The tears that were held back finally reached up to the brim, crawling over, soon sliding down his blushing cheeks.
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He felt like an idiot for ever thinking, even for a second, that Kai didn’t notice him. He was always one to believe that he was very appreciated either way, but did he ever stop to think if that was actually true? Of course not. He was afraid of the answer. The reality. Because all signs seemed to have pointed at Aichi instead. He was content with that as long as it made Kai smile, despite feeling a little left behind, but now he was facing the truth, and much to his surprise…
‘More than a best friend..? What could that possibly mean—’
Then those four words fluttered from Kai’s lips so naturally, and yet, each syllable had its own gravity and Miwa felt the magnitude of it in his very bones. Something he thought was impossible suddenly was within reach, being served to him on a silver platter. It had Miwa silent, frozen, staring at Kai while his face overloaded with yet another rush of heat.
"Me? But I thought…" He paused and took a brief sip of his hot chocolate, cream still stuck to his lip. "H-how can you say something like that so smoothly? You’re even braver than I thought." Miwa’s breath shook. "…You beat me to the chase. I wanted to say that first. I always thought I would, but it looks like you’re still one step ahead of me, huh?"
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Nothing hurt anymore. There was no uncertainty, just the sureness Miwa felt in his heart - what he had felt for years. It was just the two of them, the rest of the world faded away as he built up his own courage to confess.
"Toshiki… I love you, too."
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kagero-king · 10 years
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kagero-king · 10 years
// Headcanon: Miwa actually used to kick Kai’s ass in cardfighting when they were wee lads, but then they became evenly matched for a long time… before Kai got sooper dooper strong and fucked everything
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kagero-king · 10 years
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Kai was surprised to see Miwa's white cheeks grow such a bright shade of red. Perhaps he shouldn't have gone as far as to say his first name, but he wanted to get his point across and it appeared as if he had succeeded in some sort of shape or form. He lifted up his cup with two hands, feeling the warmth of his tea radiating onto the surface of the cup. He took a small sip and placed it back onto the wooden table, keeping his teal eyes on Miwa like a cat. 
A smile immediately graced the blond's lips as usual, albeit more shy then before. But that's how Miwa always responded. It would be hard for most people to tell since he did have a habit of hiding his feelings behind a smile, but Kai could relate in some way. He pushed others away with a cold nature but the other simply covered it with warmth. The brunet could always tell when he would. After all, him and Miwa had known each other for so long he could read the other just as well as the blond could read him.
'Something is bothering him...'
Kai couldn't help but think that was the case, his movements and words were so hesitant and carefully executed. He was so uncomfortable that he didn't even notice the cream the clang to the corner of his mouth. And then he heard it. The topic of Aichi. He should have expected it to arise soon, but he knew that was the problem. He had been too absorbed in the bluentte and his safety, he had neglected the other. He felt guilt strike his chest but he pushed the dreadful feeling aside for now. "Miwa" He managed to sound, his expression softened slightly, but the words soon began to pour out without him having to try.
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"Aichi is important to me. He's my friend without a doubt and I care about him but you...you've been here for as long as I can remember. You've always been here, and as much as I've seen you and gotten to know you...there is nobody else I'd rather call my best friend. Maybe...even more then that. No. Not maybe. Miwa you mean more to me then just a best friend. I know...I'm awkward..I have a hard time expressing these sorts of things and I've left you alone so many times. You deserve far better then me after everything I've done to you but..." 
Kai felt his nerves rise, his cheeks tinting a light shade of pink, but he didn't look away from the other. He had waited so long to say this, years. And he regretted every moment he failed to say it since he had been too afraid of loosing someone so important to him, but he couldn't run away anymore. Not again. He built his courage and finally the four words passed his lips.
"Taishi...I love you."
Holding the mug with both hands now, Miwa stared down into it, watching the marshmallows float on the surface, mixing in with the whipped cream and chocolate. His slate-colored hues glanced up at the other with surprise, completely caught off guard by what he said.
‘I left you alone'… Those words suddenly being spoken from Kai's mouth stirred up another skip of the heart and Miwa had tears come rushing to the surface his eyes, but not quite overflowing yet. Why did that make him feel so emotional? Perhaps he avoided thinking about such a concept all this time, and now that it was being said…
"Kai," Miwa spoke his name tenderly, lifting his head up and somehow maintaining a little sweet smile. "Don’t be so hard on yourself. It’s not like that."
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"You don’t have to—" He then noticed just how Kai was staring at him. It wasn’t the usual stare or one that held uncertainty or confusion. It was warm, solid, and genuine. Serious, but passionate. The depth in those eyes spoke wonders without him saying a word, but it still kept the blond frozen like prey, watery eyes a little wide with anticipation.
A rush of heat then sprouted upon his face after hearing his first name spoken from the voice he loved, darkening his blush within seconds. Such a deep, calm, handsome tone Kai had said it in… Even Miwa’s ears were red and he suddenly had to look back down into his cup, its arising steam not even comparable to the heat on his face. 
He resorted to taking a few gulps of his drink, some of the whipped cream clinging to the corner of his mouth without him knowing. The random chugging gave him just the right amount of time needed to recollect himself. Once he set the mug back down, he was able to look up at Kai again with a shy smile.
"Geez, what’s with that, Kai? Getting so soft on me all of the sudden…" Miwa lowered his head bashfully just recalling Kai’s voice saying his name. "But, you know… I’m actually glad you said that, because… I want to stay with you. You’re… extremely precious to me, too."
‘You actually mean the entire world to me.’
Miwa felt himself withdrawing a little bit more without meaning to, because a thought just struck him. What exactly was he to Kai? Kai was his best friend as of right now, but Kai’s best friend was…
"I’ll always be by your side, but you also have Aichi. He’s your best friend, right..?"
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kagero-king · 10 years
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what does it take for me to be able to draw cool guys like kai toshiki??? i don’t really like how the full product came out, so i just zoomed up on things i did like…
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kagero-king · 10 years
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It comforted Kai to see the other's smile again, feeling his cold heart thaw a little as he looked at him. Miwa was always like a ray of sunshine in his world, the only warmth that ever seemed to touch him with such a sensation of pure and genuine love. He gazed at him as he sipped his drink. He was cute, holding the mug in such a way, however, he suddenly heard an apology.
Kai's teal eyes widened a little in surprise. He didn't understand what Miwa meant and almost gave him a slight tilt of the head. "No, it's okay..." he reassured. "Don't say stuff like that, Miwa...you were always there for me. It was my fault for never acknowledging you. I left you alone... If anything I should apologize to you but instead I just tripped up over and over again and made things a mess."
He looked at Miwa his glance touched with a small amount of regret, however it was filled with something else, something more powerful and caring then the regret. Something that the normally chilling Kai was letting off that made him feel softer and more warm. 
"But..despite my mistakes, you still stay next to me. You...you're always there no matter what. With you...I'm never truly alone, Taishi" The name passed his lips so naturally, it sounded and felt so pleasing he hoped that Miwa didn't mind. "I know I don't really show it, but you're absolutely precious to me...I can't stress that enough...so please don't doubt yourself."
Oh no. That strain in Kai’s voice while he spoke… Miwa instantly regretted asking such a question without even thinking about what it might trigger. He was usually so vigilant about touchy subjects, especially when it came to Kai - his most precious person. He wanted to slap himself in the face for saying what he said. He could feel Kai’s pain just from hearing the struggle in his voice. Being so close to him, he never failed to know what Kai was really feeling in his heart.
"I’m sorry," Miwa said as soon as he could. "I remember… I was just—" Their conversation was interrupted by the nice waitress, who brought them their desired drinks. Miwa sighed a bit after she left, feeling a little uneasy with what he had accidentally sparked up. But then Kai reached over and dumped the extra marshmallows into Miwa’s cup before he even had a chance to sip it. A few droplets scattered onto the table and a soft smile curved the blond’s lips at the silly sight. He knew right away that Kai was saying everything was okay.
"I’m sorry for asking such a stupid question," he apologized again, stirring his hot chocolate and letting the steam tickle his nose. "Of course you clamped up after something like that…"
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After a moment spared to drink his delicious beverage, he glanced up at the other and felt his heart jump with nervousness. “Kai… I wish I was there with you when you transferred. I begged my parents, but they wouldn’t allow it. I know you told me about Ren and Tetsu, and I’m happy they became your friends, but you were still struggling over that tragedy on your own, weren’t you? I’m sorry… I wanted to be there for you.”
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kagero-king · 10 years
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Miwa's flushed face was so soft and cute, Kai couldn't help but smile for a brief moment before looking back at Miwa and allowing his smile to fade away quickly. Instead he now sported a more curious look, one similar to a kitten as he listened to the blonde speak, his questions sort of catching him off guard. 
"That's..." He trailed off as the bad memories began to flood his mind again. That was one of the darkest points in his life. A time that truly changed his life forever, his parent's death. His throat felt like it swelled up, he was unable to speak a little surprised Miwa reminded him of such a subject. Some would think he was over it by now, but the reminder of it always brought a sense of negativity to his mind. He feared it was evident on his face, sometimes he had trouble hiding his discomfort and especially from Miwa who always looked through him as if he was as clear as glass.
He felt his heart heavy and he glanced away from the blonde. "I...you remember why I moved, right...?" His voice was softer then usual, fading, still having difficulties speaking from his swelling throat. "I moved away because of their death...and afterwards I just-" before he could finish the waitress's chipper voice rang through the air.
He jumped a little and glanced over to her, snapping out of his nervous state. "Yea...thank you" he responded a little shaky before she placed the tea and hot chocolate on the table before leaving. He sipped his tea and felt himself relax again, his posture returning it's usual comfortable state. He glanced up at the blond before reaching for the cup of marshmallows and pouring them into his hot chocolate, as if to reassure that he wasn't upset with him. 
Miwa felt his heart flutter when he noticed the way Kai stared at him before looking away and politely responding to his thanks. It was a different kind of stare, one that gave his teal eyes a certain depth - like he was thinking about something dealing with Miwa. Perhaps something was on his face? The blond brought his bare hand up to his cheek to briefly check and confirm his theory, but nothing was on his skin.
‘What is he staring at..?’
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Miwa failed to notice the heat rising up on his own face until he began to feel too warm. He soon removed his single glove and white scarf, which fluffed up his hair without his knowledge. He set the garments aside on the tabletop and resumed his conversation with Kai after sighing with some relief.  “Yeah but it’s still okay to start things y’know,” he said with a teasing voice, smiling. “You weren’t like this when we were kids. Were you like this when you transferred away from our school..?” Miwa tried his best to keep his playful tone, but talking about that last part made him feel a little cold. His eyes softened as he thought about the time when Kai moved away, and how worried he was about him during their years apart…
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kagero-king · 10 years
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*crawls out of Kai hole*
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kagero-king · 10 years
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Kai simply stared at the other, down to the very last detail of his cute face. The brunet felt his cheeks heat up as the other smiled at him. He was absolutely adorable.  How did Miwa do it? Perhaps he'll have to go forever without ever getting that question answered, but all he knew was that face was his kryptonite. Kai looked away for a moment to try and stop his blush from growing brighter. "It's no problem..." He responded in his usual tone before glancing back at Miwa with his teal hues curiously.
The brunet looked at the other for a moment, processing his question. Of course there were many things on his mind, from school, to the weather, and to the fact Miwa's other hand remained bare despite him wearing one of the gloves. His mind, however, was more fixated on Miwa himself and how his heart seemed to flutter in his chest and butterflies swarmed in his stomach whenever they spoke. Kai couldn't quite place his finger on why, though, and kept those thoughts to himself.
He shook his head a little at the blond. "No...I usually have to worry about starting conversations with other people but with you...the conversations always just...flow" he tried to explain, unsure of the best way to describe it.
When he heard Kai ask for the extra marshmallows, a soft awkward laugh passed Miwa’s lips while the waitress walked away to get started on their orders. He was so focused on perfecting Kai’s order that he missed that little detail of his own order, and it was honestly heartwarming and adorable to see Kai polish it up for him like that. It showed that he knew what Miwa liked as well.
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"Thank you, I guess I forgot that I like my hot chocolate trashed with marshmallows," he said with a faint blush on his cheeks, the silly smile still on his face. But then seeing Kai give him such a curious, initiating expression caused the blond to palm the back of his head bashfully, not even knowing what to do in front of such a cute face. However, he knew right away that it was simply Kai silently asking for a conversation starter.
"Ah, Kai, you don’t have to stare at me like that," Miwa paused to rest his elbows on the table and playfully point at Kai with his gloved hand, "You can always start a conversation, too, you know~ Anything on your mind?"
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