kaikyo-kogholiini · 4 years
If they cannot understand how your gender fills your eyes with light and your heart with hope, then they do not deserve to stand in your presence
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 4 years
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Meet Azazel. he’s very famous in Judeo Christian Lore for being a fallen angel. he was instructed to submit before humans, and refused to do so. according to JC lore, this made him fallen. Once he fell, he became the ‘father of sins’ by teaching people how to use magic and makeup and weapons and martial arts, among other skills. 
To the right, we have Melek Taus, the big daddy peacock Angel to the Yazidi people. he was also instructed to submit before humans, but when he refused, God considered this a GOOD thing and Melek Taus was considered more sacred and special for his refusal to disobey god after agreeing to kneel to no one but god.
This friends, is ethnocentrism. the tendency of your culture to paint topics in a certain light in order to create specific responses. how do you feel about the first image? he seems gross. scary. not at all like someone with good intentions. he’s practically a b movie goblin. the second image is radiance. power drips from every inch of the image, and he is clearly set in a position that is meant to make you feel like you’re looking at a God. his wings are exquisite,his eyes intense, his hands glowing with magic, there are a thousand sacred symbols in this image, as is normal with religious artwork.
When you talk about demons, this is what you’re talking about. Azazel, to the JC adherents, is the goat demon of sin. but he is Also Melek Taus,the Peacock angel. by labeling something as a Demon, it enables those with an agenda to justify the torture or murder of the followers of ‘demons.’ This happened Recently with young Yazidi Women when they were abducted by ISIS and forced into all sorts of horrific acts, ISIS justified this to themselves because Melek Taus is seen as a demon.
Be aware when you use terms like demon. Demon is a great Word. it means Genius or God. but don’t blame all of your problems on demons. Just because your culture might Call him Azazel and see him as a devil, doesn’t mean he isn’t also Melek Taus and incredibly sacred to those who look to him as Father.
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 4 years
At Least We Don’t Worship the Devil!
A common phrase heard by pagans is “We don’t even believe in a devil.” “we don’t worship the devil.” “I don’t believe in hell.”
This is cute, because it’s shorthand for “i’m one of the good ones, please don’t hate me.”
But what is a good one? Is it the christian that is following a path they don’t believe for fear of punishment, because ‘at least I don’t worship the devil’? Is a good one the garden variety Wiccan, who assures you that she’s a good witch while nailing beef tongues to trees and shaking sour jars for her coworkers every night? Everyone is a good witch, until they feel justified. is a good one the Satanist acting as Contrary, forcing you to face your fears and question your fake outrage. Is a good one the Luciferian, that seeks a sacred balance that somehow addresses all of these extremes? Venus spirals in the sky, any attempts to keep it face up or inverted are pointless.
This may shock you, but I find morality in working with the devil. There are lessons to be learned when you stop fearing the conversation and engage. Problems can be addressed and solved when they are discussed. But what is the devil, and Do Luciferians actually worship him? This will take some unpacking.
You don’t have to research Luciferianism long to learn that Lucifer is seen as more than just a literal fallen angel. Sure, that aspect is absolutely part of who he is. But more than that, Lucifer is an energy, an alignment. A title, not unlike priest or king or doctor. Lucifer represents many things, but some of the most important things he represents is Rebellion with a purpose-refusing to follow along when you know your will doesn’t align with what you’re being asked to do. Lucifer represents illumination, and the endless invigorated rush towards knowledge, wisdom and understanding. Lucifer represents balance, walking a path of light and dark. A path that brings light and illumination to others.
In that Dark, is Satan. But i’m getting ahead of myself. To explain a bit more about this concept of Luciferian Energy, when we see these traits in a god or angel or demon, we call this a deific mask. This means this god appears enough like Luciferian energy that it is just like Lucifer is wearing a mask and calling himself a different name. 
Now we’re going to get a bit more complex, but hang with me. Satan is also a title, and it means adversary. So when we talk about the devil, what does that word mean? The root word is from Diabolos which meant to slander, and the root word of Slander means scandalize. One more time! Scandal comes from the french term that means to tempt.
Whew. so far, our terms that indicate the most evil being in existence are words that mean, roughly  *checks notes* ‘someone who causes me to question my beliefs.’
I will worship at that altar any day.
But Worship is a strong word, isn’t it? Well, it is, in a Judeo Christian mindset. The idea is to totally submit to god, everything to him, nothing to me, in trust that he will provide for me. Yet, again the word worship means to give worth to something. To venerate because it has worth. I do give worth to the concept of questioning beliefs.
So do we worship the devil? Of course not. Of course we do. It depends on how you choose to look at it. Is there a thousand Luciferians standing before an inverse cross hailing Satan? Bitch, we might be, but admitting the use of worship? Of course not. We’re too Illuminated to serve, but honor? Praise? Well, those are such grey areas, if i thank the sun for rising, and i am Luciferian, am i thanking Lucifer? Maybe i am. Maybe every time i chirp about the dawn being beautiful, what i’m really saying is I’m so grateful for finding the strength to walk this path. I was so afraid at first but now, the dawn has never been brighter or more wondrous. The dusk has never been more full of promise and hope. But I don't know if I can tell you how the dawn always makes me say Kaaliihaakung in gratitude to Lucifer for reminding me that I have eyes to see the dawn, and there is still hope. 
So no. I don’t worship a red skinned (N’shon jin N8ve cuzzins!) horned demon that delights in torturing innocents. I do joyfully chase after my mentor, who guides me in whispers and dreams to find what i should research next. And yes, i delight in this path. It is a path that can be seen as wholly mundane or completely magical. I can choose to see every sign that exists, and go insane trying to understand what it could mean, or i could refuse to believe that anything beyond the physical exists and all that matters is here, and now. I delight in the freedom to understand the horrific acts committed against me as i discuss my  story with those who share my story, because when people who aren’t connected tell the same story, they become connected. They learn the tactics the others used to survive. They learn that they weren’t alone in desperate acts.
What do i mean, whispers and dreams? In my tribe, it is seen that everything is a vision about the future, and you should be attentive to what you see, because it’s preparing you to deal with that future event. Because of this, i keep an awareness, listening for anything that might be considered significant, while also disregarding white noise. The buttercups might simply be doing well this year and it isn’t a significant sign. Or maybe, because i keep seeing them and thinking of my grandmother, i might need to make it a point to call her and make sure she is doing as well as the buttercups are. I might also have flashes in my minds eye, i don’t see them, but i certainly see them. Images. Clay tablets. A woman. Wings. Feet like a bird. And when i come across her image several days later my spirit lifts in recognition and excitement, perched on the edge of a springboard, about to dive into my next passion.
Luciferian isn’t only a state of being, it’s a pathway, and we are walkers on that path. Some take the low road, dealing in shadows and darkness, with the concept of devouring fear. Some take the high road, attempting to hide their failings  as they embrace the angel of illumination. Ideally, however, we wind along the path like a great serpent, moving to the places that give us the greatest footing along our path, sometimes dipping into the dark places for safety or understanding the darkness of the soul, sometimes climbing into the sky to see the glorious sunrise, or to burn away our fears.
We are not the absurdity you have been led to believe. We ARE the absurdity you have been led to believe. We are free to be fallen and make mistakes and learn from them. We are free to grow and develop and change our minds as new evidence is presented. We are the stuck up librarians of Satanists, the Goth kids rejecting pointless conformation who grow into passionate researchers, movers, doers, influencers. We delight in the words our enemies use against us, because these are words of power, not expletives or gross comments. Our long night is over, Children of Venus. It’s time to dance into the dawn.
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 5 years
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Because it’s pride month and Indigenous history month I thought I would draw a two-spirit person since I rarely see anything 2S at all. So here is a two-spirit person! I hope as things change and we decolonize and take up more space and remember old traditions and make new ones there will be a bigger circle, a bigger family of two-spirit peoples across turtle island and the world all working within our communities and nations to make things better for the next 7 generations.
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 5 years
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October 16, 2019 is International Pronouns Day.
(Image description: a white square with blue and pink crayon-like markings on the left side; dark pink text reads "Respecting pronouns is a way to create a safe and welcoming environment for trans, gender nonconforming, two-spirit, and intersex people", smaller text below reads "international pronouns day".)
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 5 years
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I’d you can’t do it slow You can’t do it fast.
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 5 years
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Jacob Pinto [x]
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 5 years
Patience welcomes victory. Panic invites failure. Despair invokes vengeance. And rage brings regret.
Zain Ibn Amin (via don-varia)
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 5 years
As a martial artist, one must be flexible to their surroundings, be water when evading, be steel when attacking and be fire when intimidating. We must be flexible not only physically, but emotionally.
Zain Amin (via don-varia)
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 5 years
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kaikyo-kogholiini · 5 years
First Post!
Hi! I'm Kaikyo!
A few random facts about a Kaikyo:
I love bibimbap, tacos, genmaicha, cockatiels, dancing, cheese, and rituals to Lucifer!
Just kidding!
I hate cheese.
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