kakashibingo · 2 years
Hi! Will you be running a Kakashi bingo event this summer as well?
Hiya! No, there will not be a Kakashi Bingo this year - we may run one again, but it is a large event with lots of moving parts and also can be a fairly big project to take on as a participant, so we won't be making it an annual event.
We may also run another type or focus of bingo (we got several different kinds of input for things y'all would like us to run in future).
For now we're busy over on @kakashiweek! Though if Kakashi Bingo is to make an appearance again in 2023, we'll need to start thinking about things soon. . .
~Kakashi Bingo Mod
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kakashibingo · 3 years
Our feedback form is now closed! Thank you for sharing your thoughts and suggestions with us, we appreciate it~
We’ll address questions and the like soon, and also perhaps have some things to say in the direction of your further event suggestions/hopes for us. . .
~Kakashi Bingo Mod
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kakashibingo · 3 years
Just a reminder that we’ll be closing our feedback survey end of day tomorrow (August 14th); do drop us a response there if you’d care to!
We will, of course, still have our askbox open and respond both here and to emails.
We’ve also heard your feedback thus far about events! ;)
~Kakashi Bingo Mod
Kakashi Bingo 2021 Feedback
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Kakashi Bingo is over (at least for this year?); thank you so much to all of our participants, you created so many fantastic works and it was a delight to see them come in! Definitely take a peek through our reblogs and our AO3 collection at all the amazing works if you haven’t already!
Please take a couple minutes and give us your feedback on the event, especially if you would like us to run it again at some point?
(Link: https://forms.gle/LheBN7wCnQkx1z667 )
Feedback survey will be open through August 14th.
We’re shifting our focus to @kakashiweek​ things now - we also run that, heyo! - but we’ll still be responsive and answering questions here. Also expect one more communication from us via email if you were an active participant, and another post with some numbers and other cool stuff here later today!
~Kakashi Bingo Mod
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kakashibingo · 3 years
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kakashi bingo 2021 ended and they gave me a cute lil personalized banner! :'D thought itd be cute to post the banner with a time lapse of my fave piece, and that's the sweet tooth au i did for the kitsune prompt 🦊
i had fun! thanks again 🌞 yall should head on over to @kakashibingo to check out everyone else's work (all good stuff 💞), and if you wanna check out the 17(!) pieces i did, they're all on this art blog under #kakashibingo2021 😌🎉 yay!!!
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kakashibingo · 3 years
Since we got a question about it - sorry if we weren’t clear before! - we absolutely do welcome your feedback even if you didn’t participate in the event this time! The survey forks; a few more/different questions for participants but there’s an option for those who did not as well, if you would like. ^.^
~Kakashi Bingo Mod
Kakashi Bingo 2021 Feedback
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Kakashi Bingo is over (at least for this year?); thank you so much to all of our participants, you created so many fantastic works and it was a delight to see them come in! Definitely take a peek through our reblogs and our AO3 collection at all the amazing works if you haven’t already!
Please take a couple minutes and give us your feedback on the event, especially if you would like us to run it again at some point?
(Link: https://forms.gle/LheBN7wCnQkx1z667 )
Feedback survey will be open through August 14th.
We’re shifting our focus to @kakashiweek​ things now - we also run that, heyo! - but we’ll still be responsive and answering questions here. Also expect one more communication from us via email if you were an active participant, and another post with some numbers and other cool stuff here later today!
~Kakashi Bingo Mod
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kakashibingo · 3 years
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Great experience !!! (even if I would have preferred draw a little more 👀)
Thanks to @kakashibingo
Officially, I've made 5 drawings because... I've kinda... forgotten to submit the sixth one... 👀💦
So, the prompts I've made are :
- Sukea
- Genin
- Cold comfort
- Wolves
- Regrets
And Hokage
Here is a little collage so it doesn't take that muche place, but the prompt are linked to my previous posts 😉
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kakashibingo · 3 years
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@kakashibingo 2021 is over and I managed to get bingo before it ended. :)
Here are my works:
Zombie AU
Childhood Friends
Free Space
Icha Icha
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kakashibingo · 3 years
Kalira’s Kakashi Bingo 2021
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I finished my blackout for @kakashibingo​ as I’d wanted and planned! Though it was a bit close on a few there at the end… >.>
I finished with a total of:
1 story-told-in-poetry - 15 tanka (322 words) 11 podfics - 2h:57m:32s 13 stories - 31,876 words
Featuring 10 gen fics (depending how you count; Kakashi’s parents for example, or pre-relationship set-ups for Kakashi…) and 5 different Kakashi ships~
There’s a table with links and characters/ships on my Dreamwidth, all my works are in my Own Kakashi Bingo AO3 collection, aaaand there’s a masterlist below! Under a cut because yo, there’s 25 works there, it be long.
Each one links to the work in the title, and includes info on rating, length, ships/characters, summary, and, of course, a bit of my commentary for each work~
Mind the labelling! There’s a wide variety of ships, ratings, and content here! Including wholesome fluff, some bloody violence, some smut, etc. Reminder that ships with & are platonic, of course, and ships with / are romantic/sexual!
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kakashibingo · 3 years
Hello all!
While of course no new entries will be accepted currently, and we will not be making an overall masterpost of works (just our list by participants!) if you make a masterlist of your own works for the bingo and tag us (and we see it) or send it to us in a message, we’ll be happy to reblog that for you!
So do tag us/let us know if you put a masterlist of your own Kakashi Bingo works together, if you like!
~Kakashi Bingo Mod
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kakashibingo · 3 years
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Kakashi Summer Bingo 2021 Oneinist’s Masterpost
Yay! The congratulations banner is such a sweet touch~~~ I really love how interactive this event was~ 
I am so happy that I got six pieces together for this event and I thought I wanted to collect them in one place~~~ The order is SFW above the cut NSFW below the cut (warnings before the cut). You can always find the posts separately on the blog as well~ 
Also shoutout to @kakashibingo​ with a huge thank you for putting the event together 💚
My final board~
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* Wildcard (Smooch)~
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Unrequited love~
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WARNING if you go below the cut you will find major character death, canon type violence, nipple play and nudity.
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kakashibingo · 3 years
Thank you everyone for participating in Kakashi Bingo 2021!
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Kakashi Bingo is officially over! (At least . . . for now?) And while we are not putting together a masterlist of all works (with 175 total works, it would be a staggering task!) here is a masterlist of all 21 of our active participants, thanking you all for your contributions and calling out where to find their work!
(List is in order of signup.)
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Kalira - blackout (25 works) (AO3, Pillowfort, Tumblr: @kalira, Twitter) 13 stories, 1 poetry entry, 11 podfics!
(I am your mod for this event, thank you everyone for participating, I really hope you enjoyed it and I was delighted to see your works come in and your enthusiasm for it and each others’ works!)
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Animetrashmuffin - bingo line (9 works) (Tumblr: @animetrashmuffin) 9 art pieces!
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sketchy_and_unformed - two bingo lines (14 works) (AO3; Tumblr: @sketchy-and-unformed​) 14 stories!
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aq - blackout (25 works) (Tumblr: @aq2003​) 25 art pieces!
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Pine - one bingo line (5 works) (AO3, Tumblr: @pinepickled-narutoblog​, Twitter) 5 stories!
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Amikotsu - scattershot (5 works) (AO3; Tumblr: @insaneflowergirl​) 5 stories!
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Laisaxrem - one bingo line (12 works) (AO3; Tumblr: @laisaxrem​, Twitter) 12 stories!
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Enby Angel - scattershot (4 works) (AO3, Tumblr: @enby-angel​) 3 stories, 1 poetry entry!
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Sweetysamaa - one bingo line (12 works) (AO3, Tumblr: @sweetysamaa​) 11 art pieces, 1 story!
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Kaoruhana - scattershot (5 works) (AO3, Tumblr: @kaoruhana08​) 5 stories!
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Laz - scattershot (1 work) (AO3, Tumblr: @akumu-jubokko​) 1 story!
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Asiri - scattershot (7 works) (Tumblr: @asiriyep​) 7 art pieces!
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Newt Scarmander - scattershot (4 works) (Tumblr: @newt-scarmander​) 4 art pieces!
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pewpewpew - scattershot (5 works) (Tumblr: @pewpewpew​) 5 art pieces!
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hsayuri - scattershot (7 works) (Tumblr: @hsayuri-draws​) 7 art pieces!
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YouFoundTheOcarina - scattershot (1 work) (Tumblr: @youfoundtheocarina​, Twitter) 1 art piece!
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Oneinist - one bingo line (6 works) (AO3, Pixiv, Tumblr: @oneinist​, Twitter) 6 art pieces!
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Vu1pecu1a - one bingo line (5 works) (Tumblr: @obitotrans​) 5 art pieces!
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reineydraws - four bingo lines (17 works) (Tumblr: @reineydraws​) 17 art pieces!
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Capdefrutes - scattershot (1 work) (Tumblr: capdefrutes, Youtube) 1 art piece!
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Sakurin - one bingo line (5 works) (Instagram, Tumblr: @sakurinhatake​) 5 art pieces!
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Thank you again, so much, for participating and making this such a fun event! Hope you all enjoyed creating and watching as well!
All of you tagged here (all active participants) congratulations, no matter how many works you created! Expect one more email from us today with a last thing for you.
~Kakashi Bingo Mod
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kakashibingo · 3 years
Kakashi Bingo 2021 Feedback
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Kakashi Bingo is over (at least for this year?); thank you so much to all of our participants, you created so many fantastic works and it was a delight to see them come in! Definitely take a peek through our reblogs and our AO3 collection at all the amazing works if you haven’t already!
Please take a couple minutes and give us your feedback on the event, especially if you would like us to run it again at some point?
(Link: https://forms.gle/LheBN7wCnQkx1z667 )
Feedback survey will be open through August 14th.
We’re shifting our focus to @kakashiweek​ things now - we also run that, heyo! - but we’ll still be responsive and answering questions here. Also expect one more communication from us via email if you were an active participant, and another post with some numbers and other cool stuff here later today!
~Kakashi Bingo Mod
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kakashibingo · 3 years
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Huge thank you to @kalira for helping me brainstorm and giving me the “Frog Rain” brainworm, I hope I did it justice!
And that should be Bingo for my @kakashibingo, with the completion of the prompt: 1,000 Jutsu
Many thanks to the mod of the event for running it, super lovely and fun!
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kakashibingo · 3 years
I Want (it all) Now
KakaYama Week Day 3 Prompt 2: Old Age/Retirement Word Count: 1,124 Rated: General Audiences Cross posted on AO3 @kakayamaweek2021​
Going to use this to fill my @kakashibingo​ Prompt “Physical Affection” too.  (Board at end of story).
Yamato grumbled profanities under his breath as his eyes blearily blinked open at the weight that had just landed on his chest.  Bisuke looked up at him, tail wagging, eyes even wider and gleaming.  
Kakashi, the traitor he was, barely moved next to him.  Yamato knew he was awake though.  He wouldn’t have been able to sleep through Bisuke’s attack.  
“Food time?”  Bisuke asked eagerly, moving off of Yamato’s chest as the man got up to sit.  
“Really?”  Yamato asked, stretching his arms above his head, shaking some gray and brown strands of hair out of his eyes.  “You can’t get food anywhere else?”  
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kakashibingo · 3 years
If this is how Kakashi comes back to himself after a mission, if touch, touching Iruka, is what Kakashi needs to ground himself, center himself, bring himself back to a different state of mind, Iruka will let Kakashi touch him all he wants.  
Within reason.  
But, so far, Kakashi, even in this state of mind, even in this needy state, never takes more than he needs, never strays farther than the slow methodical movements Iruka has come to expect.  
Kakashi simply needs to touch, to feel Iruka’s warm body under his, feel the muscles and bones and bumps that make up Iruka’s skin.  He needs to touch Iruka to remind himself he is back in Konoha, safe in Konoha, that he is back home.  
And so Iruka acquiesces to Kakashi’s needs.  
For @kakashibingo​, free space 
Progress under the cut.
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kakashibingo · 3 years
Congratulations to @sketchy-and-unformed on making their bingo! \o/
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kakashibingo · 3 years
Final 3 Kakashi Bingo fics!
Title: be my mistake Rating: Explicit Pairing: Kakashi/Tenzo Summary:  One of the best things about Tenzō is how good he is in bed, which is also the worst thing about Tenzō because Kakashi can’t stay away even when he tries his hardest. Tags: denial of feelings, angst, casual sex, bottom Kakashi, mutual pining
Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32813686
Prompt fill: Mistakes
Title: caretaker. Rating: Teen and up Pairing: Kakashi & Tenzo, Kakashi/Tenzo Summary:  Yamato has the ‘flu and Kakashi tries to take care of him in his own way. It’s not particularly successful. Tags: humour, implied friends with benefits, sick fic, bratty Kakashi, probably OOC but it’s funny, terrible nursemaid Kakashi, long-suffering Tenzo, Gai makes a dramatic appearance (does he ever make any other kind?)
Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32946196
Prompt fill: Sick Fic
Title:  Rating: General Pairing: Kakashi & Tenzo (gen fic) Summary:  Kakashi teaches Tenzo how to shave. Tags: brotherly relationship, kid Tenzo, ANBU era, fluff, found family, good senpai Kakashi
Link to fic: https://archiveofourown.org/works/32946469
Prompt fill: Grooming
My final Bingo Board!
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I wish I could have written something for Legends to complete the third line but I just didn’t have an idea I liked enough. I would have been writing just to hit that extra prompt and I didn’t want to write something crappy. I genuinely like every fic I produced for this. Some of them were a touch more rushed than I might have liked, but it’s been a super fun event to participate in. I wrote things I wouldn’t have considered otherwise and a few things I definitely would have.
Thank you so much @kakashibingo for creating and modding such a fun Naruto event <3
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