kanra-nakura · 8 months
Hmmm... should I or should I not make an AU with this sort of plot? Hahahahaha
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I mean. kinda same, dude.
you know what, Apocryphos? that's valid. I can't believe I'm agreeing with Apocryphos.
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kanra-nakura · 8 months
We won!!
Thank you everyone for supporting your authors in reporting this user. Their account is no longer on Wattpad and I no longer find my stories on their account.
To whomever found this person and told us authors about this guy and shared it with the other readers thank you so much!!
Monthly updates will be back!!
[Rambling] Stolen/Repost Stories
The gal of some people!!
Hi Guys!
This is not an update but a slight rambling/rant.
I recently learned from you guys that someone is reposting my stories, From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates and the Admiral Brother, without my permission on Wattpad under a different account and name, this made me angry, especially when I saw the Admiral Brother being posted on Wattpad. (From Caged Marine fic is already posted on Wattpad under my name, as well as fanfiction.net).
The Admiral Brother is a story I adopted from RulerOfTheCosmos, I made sure to ask permission from them and I gave them credit for this. The sites that I allowed The Admiral Brother to be on are AO3 and my Patreon account, aside from that it won't and shouldn't be posted anywhere else but this person dared to post this story without my knowledge as if they have the right to do so.
They even have everything up to date, especially From Caged Marine, which I updated on the 25th of December (shocker they also made an update the same day as well). And it's not only me, there are also stories from my fellow authors as well, I normally won't be upset about something like this as long as you ask for permission and give credit to us authors, of course.
I don't know if my fellow authors are experiencing the same issue as I have when it comes to updating or creating stories... but as an author, I already found it hard thinking about what words I need to use or put in each chapter, what scenario should be there, and if an idea popped up then I have to write it down followed by thinking on when or where should I add that.
Knowing that someone posted my stories to their account and other sites (in the case of the Admiral Brother) without my permission or even giving me credit is no longer making me angry alone but hurting me as well as I type this down. The stories that I enjoyed creating and sharing with my readers... now seem to be taken from me. Everything that we, I, authors worked hard for seems to be someone else work, a work that is very easy to do since they can just copy and paste everything.
Guys, it's not that hard to ask permission, we will give you answers if you ask us, and I will give you some answers! Someone asked me months ago a permission to translate From Caged Marine to Spanish, and I allowed them, I told them that it was fine as long as credits were provided... but the person I'm talking about right now is not the same one who asked permission.
I had a lot of words to say when I first found out about this... now, I am at a loss... and I'm afraid I have to be a bearer of bad news...
I won't be updating my stories to any sites, aside from Patreon... for now.
I am filing a report against this person and I will be checking other sites to see if my stories are also posted there. I will still be putting previews on Tumblr but chapters will not be shown on Wattpad, FFN, and AO3 unless... And until everything is resolved... there will be no updates...
I don't want to do a no update, since I have been missing a lot of them, but since this person updated my latest From Caged Marine on their account on the same day I did... I won't take that risk anymore.
I will be needing your guys' help and that is to report this person as well.
Here are the links
Until then... 
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kanra-nakura · 8 months
[Rambling] Stolen/Repost Stories
The gal of some people!!
Hi Guys!
This is not an update but a slight rambling/rant.
I recently learned from you guys that someone is reposting my stories, From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates and the Admiral Brother, without my permission on Wattpad under a different account and name, this made me angry, especially when I saw the Admiral Brother being posted on Wattpad. (From Caged Marine fic is already posted on Wattpad under my name, as well as fanfiction.net).
The Admiral Brother is a story I adopted from RulerOfTheCosmos, I made sure to ask permission from them and I gave them credit for this. The sites that I allowed The Admiral Brother to be on are AO3 and my Patreon account, aside from that it won't and shouldn't be posted anywhere else but this person dared to post this story without my knowledge as if they have the right to do so.
They even have everything up to date, especially From Caged Marine, which I updated on the 25th of December (shocker they also made an update the same day as well). And it's not only me, there are also stories from my fellow authors as well, I normally won't be upset about something like this as long as you ask for permission and give credit to us authors, of course.
I don't know if my fellow authors are experiencing the same issue as I have when it comes to updating or creating stories... but as an author, I already found it hard thinking about what words I need to use or put in each chapter, what scenario should be there, and if an idea popped up then I have to write it down followed by thinking on when or where should I add that.
Knowing that someone posted my stories to their account and other sites (in the case of the Admiral Brother) without my permission or even giving me credit is no longer making me angry alone but hurting me as well as I type this down. The stories that I enjoyed creating and sharing with my readers... now seem to be taken from me. Everything that we, I, authors worked hard for seems to be someone else work, a work that is very easy to do since they can just copy and paste everything.
Guys, it's not that hard to ask permission, we will give you answers if you ask us, and I will give you some answers! Someone asked me months ago a permission to translate From Caged Marine to Spanish, and I allowed them, I told them that it was fine as long as credits were provided... but the person I'm talking about right now is not the same one who asked permission.
I had a lot of words to say when I first found out about this... now, I am at a loss... and I'm afraid I have to be a bearer of bad news...
I won't be updating my stories to any sites, aside from Patreon... for now.
I am filing a report against this person and I will be checking other sites to see if my stories are also posted there. I will still be putting previews on Tumblr but chapters will not be shown on Wattpad, FFN, and AO3 unless... And until everything is resolved... there will be no updates...
I don't want to do a no update, since I have been missing a lot of them, but since this person updated my latest From Caged Marine on their account on the same day I did... I won't take that risk anymore.
I will be needing your guys' help and that is to report this person as well.
Here are the links
Until then... 
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kanra-nakura · 9 months
[Fiction] The Admiral Brother - Chapter 6
Luffy sighed quietly as he led Cora through the hidden dark hallways of their ship and soon enough they were in his room, the Omega went towards his table and began to go through the papers found on top, quite aware of the stare the tall man was giving him. However, he was already used to them, and thus ignoring them was easy, though hearing a slight scuffle coming from the hallway made him immediately look up and watch as his Alpha passed through the doorway.
Law nodded at his Father figure and walked toward his Omega, while Rosinante moved a bookshelf in front of the passage they went through, followed by kneeling and twisting a knob on the bottom layer, once it was secure, the beta stood up and watched as the Alpha nuzzle his nose on Luffy’s scent gland, rumbling.
Luffy purred, tilting his head back and letting the Alpha calm down, who on some occasions released a growl of anger, letting the paper that he tried to read flutter towards the floor. Rosinante watched the pair, pursing his lips at the thought of what the captured alpha tried to do, the gall of that pirate hinting that his adopted son was controlling Luffy, that they did something to the person that held their small pack together.
“Cora-san…” Luffy's melodious voice called out and this made the Beta look up and saw the small omega reaching out for him, with Law watching him from the corner of his eyes. Not even a second later, the tall blond went closer to the pair and wrapped his arms around them, cradling them as if they were nothing but children.
“You feel okay?” Rosinante asked after a few minutes of silence, Luffy nodded with Law humming. “You sure Luffy? That man was telling you that you had brothers.”
This made the omega sigh before moving away from his pack and eyeing his table, before raising his hand out and putting it against his temple. “To be honest? Ever since the Phoenix mentioned something about brothers, I felt a twinge of pain but my devil fruit seemed to remove the pain before I can fully express it.”
“Why didn’t you tell me, ya?” Law asked worriedly, fussing over his mate, who smiled at him.
“We’re standing in front of a pirate, we can’t show him any weakness at all.” Law sighed at that response, stopping his fussiness, and then his narrowed eyes looked at the floor, in slight anger.
“You shouldn’t have experienced that at all.” The tattooed Alpha grumbled, running his hand through his hair in annoyance. “Why did we have to capture him when we have no plan to hand him over to the Marines?”
Rosinante sighed in defeat at that, leaning against the wall behind him, eyeing the omega, who was humming as he began to rummage through the drawer of his table.
“Handing him over to the marine would then result in another war… and I don’t want to be separated from you guys, especially with Luffy’s condition.”
Law sighed at that, while Luffy snorted and took out a pile of paper, followed by a pen, and went back on leaning against the blond-haired man's shoulder, once he was all comfortable, Law laid down on the floor, putting his head on Luffy’s lap and humming as the omega began to write something on the paper he had on hand.
“That’s one of them, but the reason why we’re not handing him over to the Marines is because we don’t know what information he had on us.” Luffy sighed in defeat, pausing from his writing, and looked up at the ceiling. “Until we figure out what information he has, he’s staying with us… I am not risking the safety of Dawn Island, specifically of Foosha Village, all because we let him go immediately.”
Law sighed, before deciding to keep quiet, and merely listened to the scratching noise Luffy was creating with his pen and papers. Rosinante hummed softly, running his fingers on Law’s hair as he watched Luffy write down what they were doing for the past weeks they were away from Marineford, opting out that they saw the First Division Commander.
The atmosphere the three of them display is very serene, however, anger is simmering underneath the tattooed Alpha’s skin, because as much he wants Luffy to remember his brothers, he doesn’t want him to bomb him with a lot of information. Overwhelming the Omega pieces of information that he actually forgot is not good for his mental health, especially when they don’t know how far the damage is.
When Vegapunk electrocuted Luffy, he was bluntly informed by the scientist that he was merely following instructions of the Gorosei, and thus he had no idea what other side effects there are aside from the obvious. And while Luffy’s fruit could heal him, it’s not a full guarantee that he will be as he was before, and while Law loves Luffy, as much as he wants him to be as he used to be before…
A very, very, selfish part of him doesn’t want the Omega to remember his brothers (something he hadn’t shared with his Father figure, something he kept to himself). If his Omega remembers them, he will have to experience the pain his mate had to go through all over again. Luffy will be selfless, sacrificing himself for his brothers all over again, he will have to shed tears, sweat, and blood just for their safety and Law doesn’t want that to happen at all, no… he can’t bear seeing his mate in pain at all. And this tore him apart.
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kanra-nakura · 9 months
[Fiction] From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates - Chapter 13 pt. 4
Dragon couldn’t believe it after months and months, nearly two years, of searching, he finally found his baby girl, his daughter, at a location where he had already searched first, Marineford. When he received the call from Luffy nearly two years ago, asking to help the Village because a buster call was called, to help them instead of her, he felt nothing but cold fear and his heart skipped a beat. Then he received a call from Makino asking for his help to save his daughter… he nearly didn’t know what to do next despite answering them.
Fortunately, Ivankov was with him at that time and had actually managed to arrange a group of people and shops to rescue the people of Foosha Village, himself and the Okama were included. When he was near the island he could see the houses burning, and the villagers and bandits huddled together at the shore (though a few of them were trying to extinguish the flames).
Docking at the port area of the Village, Dragon had everyone in the village rush and get on the ships (he didn’t bother with the people in Gray Terminal and nobles after all his daughter asked him to help the villagers and thus they are his priorities), telling them to grab whatever they could (all of them missed the Strawhat that fell from a precious girl’s head, leaving it on the ground as they run for safety), especially with numerous Marine ships merely an hour away from the island itself.
They were just a mile away from Dawn Island when they heard cannons being fired, everyone looked up in fear, thinking it was directed at the ships, even though they were behind the island and not at the front to avoid the Marines. Everyone saw the cannonball landing on their home island instead of their ship, and soon enough Dawn was already up in flames. But they couldn’t stay and watched as everything burned down, so the ship continued to sail, heading to one of their hidden bases in East Blue.
Dragon had Makino, Woodslap, and Dadan brought to his office where he was told the whole story and why his Daughter was not with them, the ship had lost two tables, a dresser, and a chair that day. Dragon then had Kuma, Ivankov, and Inazuma help the survivors settle at their base the moment they arrived, leaving the ship immediately to search for his daughter. A few of the revolutionaries had tried to stop him especially when he tried to take a one-man ship but they failed and then Dragon left.
(He nearly forgot to inform Shanks, whom he had met before because Luffy wished for both of them to meet and know each other, on what was going and instead he received a call from the pirate himself a day later, yelling in horror demanding what was going on, how a Sea King had a bloodied hat of their daughter and WHY THE FUCK CAN’T HE CONTACT DAWN ISLAND? It was hard to convince the Pirate to just stay put and not do anything reckless that would garner the World Government's attention after Dragon told him what happened.
Dragon had to remind the Red-Haired Pirate that Garp knew of his relationship with Luffy and that he was a blabbermouth, which would mean that Sengoku, or worse the Admirals, knew about them. If he attacked the Marineford Luffy might get tortured for information about Shanks himself to blackmail him to stop or for revenge.
Benn’s remarks that Luffy may have been hurt or tortured at the moment were immediately rebutted by Dragon, who reluctantly and painfully said that if his daughter is already being tortured, as long as it’s not about those whom she cared about, she’ll be a bit loose lip and then they’ll stop soon enough.
A slight reminder of what happened to Luffy when she was captured by a pirate called Porchemy, who wanted to get information about her brothers, made them realize that yes, it’s better if they weren’t trying to get information about them. It doesn’t make them happy though, truth be told none of the pirates were but they don’t have the subtleness Dragon has and thus are forced to wait.
They then agreed to not tell Ace and Sabo what happened to their sister and about the buster call with the same reason as to why Shanks is staying put as well, especially with the knowledge that those two are hotheaded to anything towards Luffy. Dragon promised to keep the Emperor updated while said Emperor and his crew would be on the lookout for Luffy (though they knew that the chances of them seeing her were low but at least they were doing something) and make sure the brothers were not going to do anything that will harm her.
(They later learn that that was wishful thinking… because despite not doing anything or keeping things low from Ace and Sabo, their daughter still suffered… it made them hate themselves.)
After a few minutes of assurance and then a slight bonding moment for their hatred towards Garp and a huge hatred towards the World Government, Dragon ended the call, while Shanks went to the island they were near and vented out his frustration there.)
The first place he went to was, of course, the place where he knew they’d be bringing his daughter, Marineford, arriving a week later, a day or two late, considering that the tiny base they had in East Blue was three days away from Dawn and a bit further from Reverse Mountain. Still, he managed to successfully arrive at Marineford with the Marines none the wiser.
He scourged the base, hiding in the shadows, listening to Marines talking, searching through each room, even going as far as checking the Prison Cells that are installed in the Marineford (despite the Impel Down being the famous Prison they have, Marine bases still do have their prison cells for minor criminals or for civilians that have committed a crime).
The Leader of the Revolutionaries didn’t know whether to be relieved or worry further when he couldn’t find his daughter, not even a meep of her being brought to the base. The only things the Marines talked about are the Pirates, him (of course, they talked about him), and the Buster Call on Dawn. Dragon even went as far as spying on his Father and the Fleet Admiral but his daughter was not with them and he found no traces of her at all, not even after spying on them for two weeks, and thus he had assumed that they didn’t have her in Marineford but on a different place, and thus he left.
It had never occurred to Dragon to spy on the Admirals or Tsuru, thinking that they would do nothing, especially Tsuru. He would later learn that he was wrong with that thinking, his daughter was in the Marineford this whole time, and he was just spying on the wrong people.
“Oh Luffy…” Dragon muttered, wiping the tears that were running down from his daughter’s eyes. Said daughter sniffed before grabbing his hand and dragging him inside his room, but not before snapping her fingers and letting red mist-like flames cover the room before they both sat down on the bed.
“Tou-san…” Luffy sobbed out, hugging her father’s waist rather tightly, nuzzling against his body, letting him pat her head, his hand running through her hair. Dragon exhaled shakily, feeling a sob forming in his throat, as he comforted his daughter and himself simultaneously. He couldn’t believe it, after nearly two years of searching, of hoping, of fearing… he finally found his daughter.
(Dragon knew it was a bit hypocritical of him to worry about not seeing Luffy when he had left her alone for years, letting her go when she was nothing but a mere toddler. However, at least when she was staying on Dawn Island, in Foosha Village, he could at least check on her (visit her) or have his people do the job for him, though it was mostly her who did the visits.
This time though, she’s with the people whom he considers enemies and he has no one to know her status or her condition, so he has every right to worry as he searches for her, screw the people that said otherwise.)
“Have you been here this whole time?” Dragon asked, after a couple of minutes, Luffy was no longer crying though her body was shaking with long, racking sobs. This made his heart clench in pain and every sob his daughter released was like a stab in the chest, but Dragon didn’t pressure his daughter, waiting patiently for her to calm down and answer his question on her own.
“No…” Luffy finally answered. “Sometimes, I’m in Mariejois or with Vice-Admiral Tsuru. They never allowed me to stay in one place for a long time.”
“I see…” He muttered, eyes narrowing in slight anger but he calmed down and asked. “Why didn’t you call me with den-den mushi again?”
“...” Luffy closed her eyes, before opening them and looked directly into her father’s eyes as she said. “It was taken away from me… by the Gorosei themselves.”
“The Gorosei?” Her father growled.
“Yes, I’m not sure how they knew I have a den-den mushi, but they had their servants check my body for anything suspicious five days after I first met them, and then when they saw the snail… they immediately had it thrown away.” Luffy nuzzled closer to her father as she remembered the despair and the hopelessness when they took the only thing that could help her.
“Why didn’t you contact me after?” Her Father asked softly.
“Because I’m being monitored.” She answered, sitting up and looking at the corner room, the opposite side of her bed and window. When Dragon looked in that direction as well, freezing when he saw a Surveillance Den-den mushi, and it wasn’t only at that corner, the leader of the revolution realized that nearly every corner of Luffy’s room had one.
As the presence of the snails registered his mind, he immediately thought that Marines were on their way to the room and he and his daughter were in danger. Dragon turned to Luffy, mouth open with a demand for them to leave, only to pause when he saw how calm his daughter was with no hint of worry.
“Did you do something to the snails?” Dragon asked, Luffy merely nodded but didn’t provide any explanation and this made her Father frown and wonder if the red mist flame he saw earlier was the reason why no one was showing up despite him being there. “...Do you have any sort of privacy at all here, Luffy?”
“They didn’t put the den-den mushi in the bathroom, though if I do go inside, then they’re going to time me. If I’m not out after a specific amount of time then they would barge in the room, my privacy be damned.”
“Oh, my daughter…” Dragon whispered, not minding that she cursed (her brothers were the worst, so it shouldn’t be a shock that she would catch that attitude of theirs), grabbing the back of her head, and leaning her forehead against his.
“Tou-san…” Luffy started, fidgeting with her finger before inhaling deeply and asking. “Is Dawn fully gone?”
Dragon sighed in defeat at that, inhaling deeply, and then gave her a small smile. “The Island itself is gone…” He started, his daughter nearly started to cry again when he added. “But the people of Foosha are safe.”
“...Makino and the others?” Hearing Luffy’s voice (one that used to shout her dreams, filled with happiness and vibrant) being spoken softly and warily broke Dragon’s heart as it showed just how affected she was by the events that had happened for the past months.
“That’s right, Makino, the Villagers, and the Mountain Bandits are safe.”
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kanra-nakura · 10 months
[Rambling] The Gorosei are already named?!!!
I am so not updated with One Piece Manga 🤣🤣🤣🤣.
I didn't know that, aside from Saint Jaygarcia Saturn, all of the Gorosei were already named. Just how far behind am I on the manga? Hahahaha
No wonder I keep seeing One Piece as our Solar System, they were already spoiling me. 😅😅😅
And here I was, creating a new chapter for FCM and The Admiral Brother, totally prepared to just type the description of the Elders or call them the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Elder... 😅😅😅
Welp... from the looks of it, I'm going to name them as such...
(for those who are reading my FCM fic... an update on the names of our terrible and hopefully soon-to-be-dead Gorosei)
First Elder - Saint Marcus Mars Second Elder - Saint Jaygarcia Saturn Third Elder - Saint Shepher Ju Peter Fourth Elder - Saint Topman Warcury Fifth Elder - Saint Ethanbaron V. Nusjuro
Thank you, Wiki for the help hahahaha 🤣🤣
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kanra-nakura · 10 months
[Fiction] From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates - Chapter 13 pt. 3
~Two weeks after rescuing Yu’s island~
Luffy hummed, swirling the glass of punch with her hand, eyeing the people who were mingling and having fun with each other, while glancing at her discreetly (or as discreetly as they could) from the corner of their eyes.
She knows why they were eyeing her, after all, it’s not every day that a lonely 15-year-old girl, who had no family or friends surrounding her, joins a cruise that is filled with snobbish nobles. A few men couldn’t help but be attracted to the young girl, eyeing her forming voluptuous body, loving how her dress clung to her body.
The young D glanced down at her dress, hiding a sneer that tried to appear on her face, disliking how tight the upper part was. Luffy’s dress is a red off-shoulder, heart neckline, maxi-dress with a black corset over it (the young girl cursed the person who had created the corset, she could hardly breathe with it and it restricted her upper body’s movement, as well as how it made her still developing breasts pop up).
A black mesh shawl is hanging off her arms, something she requested when she realized how much of her skin would be showing due to the dress. Aside from that, she also has a genuine pearl drop necklace, with a ruby pendant hanging at the middle of it, on her neck with matching ruby earrings, her hair tied into a bun, and holding the bun together is a bridal hair comb, with rubies branching out, nearly covering the back of her head.
Everything Luffy’s wearing is basically screaming that she's rich when she didn’t even purchase them and was instead a 'gift'. At least that's what Sengoku had told her after ranking her up into a Lieutenant (to which she demanded not to be announced, at all), giving her a week's leave, though said leave is her spending it on a cruise and eat-all-you-can buffet at said cruise.  A reward, she was told, for finding out about the truth about Yu's island and bringing justice.
She appreciated the cruise but the dress, or dresses (she was given multiple), was not appreciated. Especially when it made Garp dote on and try to buy her more, trying to doll her up. (Luckily, Tsuru was there and actually managed to beat her fellow Vice-Admiral up before looking at Luffy and telling her to ignore the old man)
The young girl moved away from her spot, walking as gracefully as she could with her bare feet, something no one else could see considering the hemline of her dress was at least an inch away from the floor. She ignored how the people stopped and bluntly stared at her back the moment she passed them and the group of three guards following after her from a distance.
A glance from the corner of her eyes, Luffy could see how the guards' eyes were glued to her, before looking back up ahead and began to plan on how to lose the guards so that she wouldn’t feel suffocated. While unnecessary, for some reason, the Gorosei had assigned her guards during her leave and it’s bothering her, a lot.
The young girl continued to walk towards the door, before pausing when someone stood in front of he, which made her look up and blink at the sight of a drunk man standing and leering in front of her. She blinked once more, before stepping to the side when the man followed her action, blinking once more, the young girl repeated her action only for the man to do the same thing.
This had continued for a while and it attracted nearly everyone's attention, and it started to irk the young D, as well as her guards.
“Excuse me…” She spoke softly, and this caused shivers to run on the drunkard's body.
“Yessss?” He slurred out and took a step forward, breaching through Luffy’s personal bubble.
“... Can you please move aside?” She asked politely, leaning away from the man, even taking a step back when he went closer to her.
“Umm… why?” the man sniffed. “I thought *hic* we were having fun *hic*?”
“Kick his balls!” the voices of the Sea, Sky, and Wind rang out, especially when the man's eyes kept on drifting towards the young girl's chest. Luffy blinked and tilted her head to the side, unaware of what the voices meant or the man’s action. The guards, however, knew what the man had in mind based on his actions, and thus as one they took a step forward and stood in front of Luffy.
The young girl stepped back and watched as her ‘bodyguards’ lined up before her and seemingly talked with the drunkard in front of them. A glance over her shoulder revealed that the nobles paled at the sight, a look at the back of the guards revealed a symbol of the World Government, and that symbol isn’t something to mess with. Something they registered just quite recently. 
The drunkard in front of them, however, doesn’t seem to mind, especially when he’s so intoxicated and his eyes are always on Luffy, who eyes them, before stepping around the group and moving forward. As the man reaches out, trying to grab her hand, a guard blocks his way and Luffy successfully manages to leave the group and the room itself, ignoring the murmurs that sprung up, followed by the screams of the drunkard and their terrified gasps.
For Continuation please click here….
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kanra-nakura · 1 year
[Fiction] From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates - Chapter 13 pt. 2
~An hour later~
Yu and Ellen were cuddling at the driest part of the cave that they could find, hidden from sight and away from the sea successfully avoiding getting wet from the droplets of water that spread out whenever a wave hits a boulder. A campfire was also lit before them, giving them more warmth aside from sharing body heat. While Luffy is kneeling in front of Yu’s fiancee, unwrapping the bandages that she has on her legs, whimpering slightly in pain.
Every whimper the white-haired girl released made Yu tighten his grip around her, eyeing the harsh purple color with a mix of green and yellow. It’s also bigger than normal, and when Luffy tried to twist it, the young woman nearly screamed in pain and the Chūii growled, nearly snapping at the young Marine in anger. But despite their reactions, Luffy was unbothered, before sitting on the mossy ground and then grabbed at least two rolls of bandages from the bag that was laid beside her.
“Seems like you have a broken leg.” She stated, and they both blinked at her. “You were hit with something or did you fall?”
Ellen froze before sighing in defeat and cuddling closer to her fiancee. “Yes…”
“Tell me…” Yu muttered, nuzzling against his lover. “Tell me what happened during the time I was away.”
The Chūii braced himself to hear what happened while he was gone, not sure if he could bear it, but he stood strong and listened to what Ellen said as Luffy tended to her broken leg. The silver-haired girl began with how the black-haired male left the island for a reason only the black-haired male knows, how a noble and his people landed on their island and began to create their own house at the back of the island.
For the first few months, the noble stayed on the island, it was still peaceful, showering them with kindness, but then slowly he showed his true self, starting by stopping ships from docking on the island, preventing any trade from happening, letting no one to leave and enter the island or else they’ll be killed on sight.
After that, every communication the island had with the people outside their territory was cut off, and all den-den mushi was confiscated from their houses. They were still able to share information outside the world through messenger birds and that’s how Yu managed to find out what was happening and search for help before becoming a marine.
But then the messenger birds suddenly stop, and during that whole time the noble forced people to do manual labor, punishing them for random reasons, and whipping them, especially when they decided to fight back. Those who chose to fight back had nearly died due to the torture and injuries they gained but left alive as a lesson for all of them.
For a whole year and a half, he repeated the cycle,  resulting in plenty of people dying or near death doors, staying strong hoping that someone would help them. Hope showed up when a marine crew showed up on their island and people were hoping that they were safe, and the mayor even begged for the Marines to help them only to be flabbergasted when the Marines laughed and then the noble showed up.
(Trigger Warning! Mentions of Rape! Please skip this if you don’t want to read it!)
That was when they found out that the marine was in cahoots with the noble, and when the Marines left, everything became worse.  The noble began to brand men and women with his symbol on their back shoulders, letting his soldiers sexually harass the married and single women, sometimes men as well, that are found walking outside the house without any partner.
Not that those who were inside the houses were safe as they also decided to barge inside when they couldn’t control themselves. The noble was not above that as well, as whenever he saw someone he liked, both male and female, he’ll kidnap them and bring them inside his own home and rape them, only letting them go back to their houses when he was tired of them or broken.
Yu froze and nearly crushed Ellen with his grip fearing she also experienced that horror, but his fiancee managed to calm him down by telling him how their hidden safe house got renovated and then became the place for the ladies and children to stay, how it was being used by the victims as a haven and where they were getting their therapy. However, to avoid the noble and his men getting suspicious, they dug out a lot of fake gaves, mourned, and pretended to be sick.
It worked for the most part, though their strongest people decided to allow themselves to be sacrificed for labor so their haven wouldn’t be found. People were slowly healing, but not all of them, as the fear of getting found out was high, and Ellen knew it was only a matter of time before their haven was found.
And she was right; three soldiers found them during the night, and before the soldiers could react, everyone began to run in the tunnels they made and move further away from their current haven and to their next one.
That was when Ellen got caught, pinned down by two soldiers by the arms, and one of them brought down a hammer, that he was carrying for whatever reason, down to one of her legs that he was stepping on, breaking it, before said soldiers were killed by her Father and Yu’s father in anger. The action of those two males encouraged the people, who saw her condition, to fight back and then drag their bodies to the forest, making it look like they were attacked by a pack of wild animals.
Since there were only three of them, everyone except for Ellen was safe. Though none of them were sure how much longer they could take it. But Ellen knew help was coming…
Yu frowned at that before asking. “How long ago did you get this wound?”
“... Two nights ago…” She muttered, and something was nudging at the back of Yu’s mind, but he ignored it.
“It’ll heal,” Luffy said, making the couple look at her, wrapping the bandage around the leg. “We just need to be in a safe place, away from this island, for it to be healed fully.”
“....Thank you, Luffy,” Ellen said, and Yu snapped his eyes towards the white-haired girl and to the young raven-haired girl before looking back at his fiancee. His reaction is quite understandable as he never introduces the young girl to his fiancee. Yet, Ellen knew her name, the young girl didn’t even hesitate to help his lover when she was known to be wary of older people.
“Ellen… how do you know her name?” He asked slowly; the thought that Luffy was the Marine that ignored his island's distress call came into mind, and he felt his fiancee tensing, but Luffy was ignoring them, putting everything back in the bag before sitting down in front of them.
“Relax…” Luffy started, looking at the man in front of them. “I didn’t fully report everything to Vice-Admiral Tsuru.”
Yu blinked and tried not to tense too much but decided to listen as the young girl told her how she landed by accident on the island a day after that mission against the pirates. She was caught in the storm and was merely resting when she saw two soldiers chasing after two women and three children; the men were sneering after, shouting about what they planned to do. When they passed underneath her tree, Luffy jumped down on top of the soldiers, knocking them out (she also did something towards them but no one needed to know about that).
How she met Ellen after moving the soldiers away, and how the older man confronted her fearfully since she’s wearing a marine uniform. It was only when Ellen told Luffy what those guys were doing that the young girl found out what was going on, and thus this made her decide to do something about the situation on the island.
Ellen was hesitant at first since Luffy is just a young girl (How did she become a marine so young? Since when did they become so low that they’re recruiting children!??) and was about to deny her assistance when the young raven-haired girl mentioned Yu's name, how the young girl mutters about the Chūii probably not knowing what’s going on in his home island. Hearing her fiance's name made Ellen react, and then that made Luffy more determined to help them and create a plan on how to make Tsuru or the Fleet Admiral move.
“Did you lie to them then?” Yu asked, watching the young girl pull out a three-tier bento box before opening it and handing one to each of them. “Sōchō…”
“Whether I lied or not…” Luffy started before eating the meal that she had. “It shouldn’t matter to you.”
“Shouldn’t matter?” Yu nearly snapped as his fiance kept looking at him and then at the young girl back and forth in slight fear. “Lying to them would be punishable by death and you're telling me it shouldn’t matter?!”
“Chūii.” Luffy abruptly started, stopping the older male to say anything further. “Just because you’ve been in the services for much longer than me, doesn’t mean I’m naive, unaware of the world, while you’re not.”
Yu and Ellen felt their breath hitching and felt like some sort of pressure was pressing against them but Luffy was unaffected, in fact, it looked like the pressure was coming from her. The young girl was looking at the ground, so her eyes were covered by her hair which made her a bit intimidating especially when it seemed that an image of a seaking was hovering above the young girl. “I know you heard about me, heard that I became a lab rat for doctors that bears no remorse at all.”
Suddenly the pressure was gone and the couple could finally breathe normally, it took a while for them to regain their bearing, and looked at the female Marie, who was smiling sadly at them. “You may have known how cruel the world is by hearing them through your love’s mouth or that you saw it at Sabaody… if you went to that island at all… but you never experienced it first hand. However, I did… and death sounds a lot more inviting.”
“Hold on…” Ellen started, finally speaking for the first time since Luffy began talking. “I apologize if what Yu stated upsets you… and I may not too much about what you’ve been through…  but if helping us means your death then I rather not have you do anything at all!”
“Ellen!!” Yu looked at her in shock but kept quiet especially when he received a glare in return, before the white-haired woman looked at the young girl rather softly. Seeing her expression made Luffy’s breath hitched and pain to pang in her heart. Seeing that expression reminds her of her family…reminds her of Makino… of the people that she lost in a very cruel way. Yu was the only one who heard of Luffy’s breath hitching and it made him look at her and what he saw made his grip tighten around his sweetheart.
Luffy’s eyes were showing nothing but sadness and grief, and the way she was looking at Ellen, it was as if she remembered something that brought her a lot of pain. While Ellen didn’t hear Luffy’s breath hitching, she did see the sadness that was reflected in her eyes, and it made her wonder just what kind of pain and suffering the girl experienced for this to be her reaction. “...Don’t think about dying being as a way to escape the world… think about your family.”
“...” Luffy opened and closed her mouth multiple times before smiling sadly and saying. “I don’t have my family anymore…”
For Continuation please click here….
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kanra-nakura · 1 year
Peter: Is Mr Barnes always this.... Murderous? Or did something happen?
Sam: I mean, he's not really a sunshine and smiles kinda person, but he's definitely on the war path today. Apparently some idiot made Stark sad.
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kanra-nakura · 1 year
Clint: THE FLOOR IS LAVA! Rhodey: [helps Tony onto the counter] Loki: [pushes Thor off the sofa] Natasha: [to Sam] As you can see, there are two types of siblings.
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kanra-nakura · 1 year
[Fiction] From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates - Chapter 13 pt. 1
~ 2 Years Ago~
Luffy looked through the window on the right side of her room, eyeing the birds that flew by, before looking down at her hands and smiling when she could finally use one of her devil fruit properly and much better than she did months before the experimentation. She then looked at the corner of the room and snapped her fingers slightly, smiling at what she saw before pausing and glancing at the door, immediately halting everything that hinted that she was using her fruit.
Just in time as well, for the door opened and then entered four people, the Fleet Admiral, her Sensei, Tsuru, and… her grandfather, who she avoided at all cause the moment she woke up, yet it didn’t seem to deter the Vice-Admiral at all as he always tried to gain her attention the moment she woke up. When the door closed, Tsuru immediately approached the chair beside Luffy, knowing the young girl was much more comfortable with her than her Grandfather and Sengoku. Aotori followed after the female Vice-Admiral, the other person the young girl was comfortable with aside from her.
Sengoku eyed the young girl, dull brown eyes meeting his own eyes, before looking at her body, her forehead, and arms wrapped in bandages, and while her hands didn’t have any wounds, band-aids, or scars, her nails were all broken. Her face was gaunt, skin so pale as if she didn’t spend time under the sun, despite seeing her being escorted in and out of the base. Her lips are cracked despite getting hydrated and eating hospital foods when she woke up two days ago.
Aside from that, the other noticeable appearance that changed was her hair; where she used to have pure black hair with a few silver-white strands, she now has many more of those highlights though it’s not to the point where you can say she dyed her hair white. It also didn’t go all the way to the roots of her hair, merely starting at the middle and then ending at the tip. Internally shaking his head, the Fleet Admiral went closer to the bed, though when Luffy began to tense up, he stopped, especially when Tsuru went and glared at him, nearly growling.
It’s been like that with the bearer of Clean Justice; ever since she found out that Sengoku allowed Luffy to be taken to the cabin, she became like some sort of a mama bear towards the young girl, glaring and/or growling at him, no matter how many time he explained how he didn’t know what was done to the young teenager, only that it was supposed to be training for her. Garp also received the same treatment as him, though for different reasons.
“Luffy…” Garp started, a step behind his Superior as that was the distance his granddaughter and Tsuru had allowed. But she wouldn't look at him no matter how often he tried to get her attention. And they don’t blame her; after all, he demanded Luffy be a Marine for the past months, not knowing what his Granddaughter was experiencing under the hand of the organization he insisted on her joining. Tsuru glared at her fellow Vice-Admiral before looking gently at the young girl that was looking at them without any emotion, something that pained her and Aokiji as they were so used to her laughing and playing pranks on the recruits whenever Akainu or her Grandfather wasn’t around. The Great Staff Officer reached out her hand and tried to touch the slightly bony hands of the young girl, but before she could touch the hand, Luffy flinched away from her.
Tsuru and Aokiji’s hearts broke, watching how the young girl gingerly moved her hand away from the older woman and hunched her back, not minding the wounds her body had, eyeing them somewhat warily. Tsuru sighed internally, knowing that the trust she made with the young Monkey was all flushed down the toilet, and they were back to zero. It goes the same with Aokiji as he can also see how his student is looking at him, making him want to kill the people who hurt his student… speaking of...
“Luffy…” Aokiji called out softly, making her look at him from the corner of her eyes, but she did nothing more to acknowledge him. The Admiral wasn’t bothered by this; instead, he tried to smile, only to fall from his face when the young raven-haired girl's eyes narrowed, but the Hie Hie no Mi continued. “What was that place?”
“....” Luffy eyed him before looking at Tsuru, then glanced at the Fleet Admiral and her Grandfather before looking back at the bed she was lying at, muttering. “... A Nightmare…”
“How did you escape?” Sengoku asked, ignoring the glare Tsuru gave him. “We couldn’t find anybody inside the building, and everything was burned to ashes.”
Luffy didn’t bother to look at him, merely shaking her head gently. “I didn’t even know how I’m here…” She said softly, lifting her head, and looked at the window over Aokiji’s shoulder. “Normally, when I left the place… I’m being dragged away from it.”
“Luffy…” Tsuru whispered and tried to gain her attention, but she didn’t look at her. “...We know they were experimenting on you… but we want to know if they were experimenting with other people and what they plan to gain with their experimentations.”
Luffy shakes her head at that. “It was only me… they only focus on me…everything was for me… ” The young girl began to mutter words that worried everyone, excluding Sengoku. Slowly, Luffy began to sway, and then she tilted to the side, nearly falling over from the bed, but was saved by Aokiji, who grabbed her shoulder. However, the reaction they received wasn’t what they expected because the moment Aokiji touched her, the young girl screamed, making them flinch back.
They all covered their ears as Luffy screamed, and the machines monitoring her health began to run and make loud beeping noises. The door was immediately slammed open, and multiple nurses and doctors began to run toward the hysterical girl, who paused after hearing the door open but went back to screaming when she saw them running toward her.
“Stop!” Aokiji shouted when he realized that Luffy was having a panic attack and having the doctors heading towards her was making it worse. But his warning was too late as Luffy’s fruit activated itself, unknowingly releasing a hint of haki, knocking out the doctors and nurse. At the same time, the Marine Officers staggered,  watching as Luffy enclosed herself in a ball of flames, and they could only assume that they staggered because of her fruit as they slowly felt their breath running out as the flame grew.
“Luffy!!” Garp shouted as he struggled to remain standing, but suddenly everything went silent. Luffy stopped screaming, unconscious, while the flames dispersed. They waited with bated breath wondering what just happened, but when the patient did nothing but sleep, they slowly relaxed and tried to get closer to Luffy, only to stop when something sparked in the ground. The Marine Hero ignored the spark and tried to get closer to his grandfather, only to get electrocuted, which made him grunt in pain and stumble back.
Aokiji, Sengoku, and Tsuru watched with wide eyes as the floor on Luffy’s bed got covered with lightning, and spread out into a huge circle, stopping a few steps away from the marines and the body of fallen doctors and nurses. When it did nothing but stay, only attacking or electrocuting them whenever they tried to get closer to Luffy, they could only assume it was protecting her.
“That’s weird,” Aokiji muttered, eyes narrowing. “Luffy’s fruit doesn't have any lightning attributes to them.”
“....” Tsuru glanced at him before looking back at Luffy with narrowed eyes, dread filling all of them as they assumed the experimentation to Luffy. “They added a lightning attribute to her devil fruit.”
For Continuation please click here....
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kanra-nakura · 1 year
[Fiction] From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates - Chapter 11
~Four years ago, Dawn Island, Party Bar~
“La-la-la… La-la-la, la-la…” A 13-year-old Luffy hummed, swaying to the song she was singing from her chair at the Bar counter, her beloved Strawhat, with a string hanging from it, is seated on her head. Makino, who was wiping her hands with a clean towel, smiled at the sight of her daughter figure singing and smiling happily.
“Are you excited, Luffy?” Makino asked, as she went closer to the young teenager, who nodded excitedly at her.
“Yep!” The young raven-haired beamed at her mother figure. “Ace and Sabo are sailing tomorrow, so today is our last day of picnic at the cliffside and they promised that there will be plenty of meat!!”
“I see, then I’ll have it ready when you’re back.” Makino giggled as she patted Luffy’s head. She’s actually a bit worried about the young preteen girl because when her brother leaves, the young D would be left all alone, despite staying with the bandits, and being alone is something Luffy hates. There’s also the fact that no one can protect or even back Luffy up, especially when it comes to fighting against terrible people. Makino knew that Luffy’s strong, a lot stronger than anyone on the whole island, only next to Ace and Sabo, but Luffy is a girl… with enough people, it will be easy for them to overpower her.
“Don’t worry, Makino,” Luffy stated, looking gently and softly at the older woman. “I’ll be fine even without my brothers.”
“...Okay…” Makino sighed in defeat, as Luffy grinned widely at her before warm brown eyes snapped towards the door. The bar maiden could see how Luffy lit up like stars as two 17-year-old males entered the bar, pipes and picnic basket in hand.
“ACE! SABO!!” Luffy shouted as she jumped from her chair and launched herself to her brothers. Ace smirked a Luffy, slightly bracing himself for impact when their middle sibling stepped forward, intercepting the hug that Luffy was about to give to Ace, who frowned.
“The fuck, ‘Bo?” Ace nearly snarled, ignoring Makino's disapproving, yet defeated, look while Sabo swayed with their sister in his arms.
“I’m going to miss you, Lu~” Sabo nearly whined, rubbing his cheeks on his sister’s hair, ignoring their older brother, who began to stew in jealousy. “I’ll be alone with only a brute brother for who knows how long, I won’t have a sweet person like you to brighten up my day~”
“Shishishishishi!” Luffy laughed, not bothered with how Sabo was acting because ever since that incident where he lost his memories followed by the bear incident, he began to dote on her as much as he could, this includes Ace as well. Everyone in the village, and the bandits, could see that both brothers are actually competing against each other on who could spend more time with Luffy, said girl actually spends an equal amount of time with her brothers, doesn’t matter who wins.
Sabo was humming in delight as he continued to hug his baby sister when suddenly said sister was no longer in his arms and he is merely grasping nothing but air. The Former Noble looked down before his face went neutral and slowly looked up, giving his older brother an icy glare. Ace completely ignores the glare as he grinned at the blond over their baby sister’s head, arms wrapped tightly around her.
“Hmmm…my turned~!” Ace hummed smugly, and this tempted Sabo to actually punched the older ravenette in the face so that the two of them could actually brawl for Luffy’s time and affection, again, but then he remembered that they were in Makino’s bar and fighting in her bar is a huge NO! Especially with Luffy around.
“Bastard.” Sabo snarled while Ace gave him the birdie. Makino sighed at the antics of her boys (because they’re her sons, just as much as Luffy’s her daughter), before shaking her head, turning and going inside further her tavern, into the kitchen, before coming back out, and then thrusting a glass bottle in the middle vision of both brothers. Ace and Sabo blink when something actually blocked their vision with each other before following the direction where the bottle come from and flinched when they saw Makino standing there, smiling brightly… too bright, in fact.
“Ah… hahaha…” Sabo laughs nervously as he grabbed the bottle and put it on the picnic basket that Ace’s raised. “Thank you, Makino-san.”
“Yes… thank you…” Ace cleared his throat, while Luffy laughed and let go of her brother and turned to look at Makino, who looked back at her and then wink, before going back to the boys, who looked ashamed, Ace even let go of his sister, who giggled.
“Now… the both of you are sailing tomorrow.” Makino started, this made the two teenagers look at her and blink when she gave them a genuine smile.
“I don’t know what you planned to do when you set sail, you could possibly be on the same ship or a different ship…” That statement made the two brothers glance at each other before eyeing the bar maiden once again. “With that in mind… Why don’t the two of you just enjoy your time with your sister?
“Sorry, Makino-san,” Sabo stated, as he looked at Luffy, who was beaming at him, and then at Ace when the older brother looked at their baby sister too. “We’ll do just that.”
Makino nodded in delight and then watched as the siblings left, waving back at them when they waved at her before exiting through the door. Shaking her head in fond exasperation, when she saw through her window how Ace immediately lifted Luffy to his shoulder and runs away, Sabo gaping for a second before running after them. “Silly boys.”
~With Luffy and her brothers~
Luffy laughed hard from her spot on Ace’s shoulder who was taunting Sabo. She knew that her brothers were doing this as they don’t want her to think about what will happen tomorrow, because for the first time in years that they’d been together, they will leave her behind without any knowledge of when they will see each other again (and it’s not because they are fighting for her attention, she’s naive to that, though she did wonder why the voices laugh whenever her brothers fought each other).
Ace finally stopped upon arriving at the border of the forest which will then lead to their special cliff before putting Luffy down just in time for Sabo to tackle him. Luckily his baby sister was safe and was actually crouching down, watching adoringly at the sight of her brothers rolling and ‘fighting’ each other. She glanced down and grinned slowly at the sight of the picnic basket that was beside her, she glanced at her brothers again before sneakily putting her hand inside the basket and began to pat around it.
She then made a triumphant noise before pulling her hand out and snickered slightly when she saw meat on her hand, and without any hesitation she began to eat it, munching as she watched her older siblings squabble. Ace and Sabo were grinning as they tried to shove dirt into each other’s clothes when they heard a munching sound. This confuses them for a second before their eyes widen and then snaps their head to the side where they can see their sister finishing her meat.  Their jaw even dropped when Luffy was smugly looking at them as she swallowed the last meat that she was munching on.
“Luffy!” Ace shouted as he shoved Sabo away from him. “You brat, don’t start eating without us!”
Luffy merely giggled before turning and running away, basket in her hand, and then Ace started to run after her, Sabo following soon after. As the siblings chased after each other, the youngest D could feel the fondness and the laughter of the voices that were watching their antics, this made her grin widely before stopping when she saw what was on the cliffside.
“Gotcha!” Ace declared tackling his baby sister rather gently as he didn’t want her to fall on the ground, one to avoid her from getting any sort of injury (though her devil fruit is a huge help in that department), and two because right now his baby sister is wearing the gift that they gave to her which is short denim short, a colored white flutter sleeve top, with its sleeves drenched in faded yellow color, and a yellow ankle strap sandal and her Strawhat, which is now hanging from her neck squished between his chest and her back. Their middle brother chuckled as he stops beside his siblings, and looks at the front and then back at Luffy. It was quiet for the three siblings before Sabo open his mouth and said.
“So… what do you think?” Luffy slowly turned to look at him, tears slowly falling from her eyes. “We’re sailing away tomorrow… so… we’ll be missing your birthday for who knows how long… so… well…”
The young raven turned around and looked at her siblings, who seemed to fidget as she continued to eye them before she grinned and hugged them back. “It’s perfect! Shishishishi!”
The brothers looked at her back in shock before melting down and hugs her tightly, it took a while but then they let her go and watched as their baby sister took in the temporary appearance of their beloved cliff. Streamers and banners were hanging down from the poles that they temporarily set up, though Sabo swore to himself to keep an eye on them as it seems to fall at any moment, the banner holds the sign that says ‘Happy Birthday Luffy!’.
They also have set up some sort of canopy, made out of leaves, to provide shade, and underneath the canopy is a large picnic blanket on the ground where they can all see some covered plates put down on it. They also have a griller near the front of the tent and when Luffy turned to look at her brother, a question at the tip of her tongue, she stops and giggled upon seeing a cart just hidden in the trees filled with her favorite food.
“I thought we were going to hunt together?” Luffy said looking at the oldest brother, who blushed and looks away, before looking at Sabo, who smiled.
“That was the plan but then we realized we rather spent time with you than hunt.”
“So you were hunting while I was waiting for you at Makino’s?”
“Yep. We pretty much prepared this place since last evening, we did also prepare our ship, but we focused here.” Luffy beamed at her brothers before hugging them tightly once again. Sabo hugs her immediately, while Ace hesitated before hugging her as well. Unknown to the young girl, both of her brothers were wearing happy yet worried and fearful expressions behind her back. They knew Luffy was strong, possibly a lot stronger than them if she can actually control her devil fruit, but they don’t know what will happen to her once they leave.
Because if they sail away, and then Garp found out about it, he could actually try to release his anger at their baby sister (they never actually see their Gramps get mad or upset at Luffy, though she did still receive her own ‘Fist of Love’ albeit a softer version). Then there are also their enemies that are staying in Gray Terminal, that won’t hesitate to go after her (though Luffy having her special ability will actually make sure that no harm will go after her). And lastly… boys… unknowingly, both older brothers were thinking the same thought, and coincidentally, they tighten their grip on Luffy, as their eyes darken.
For some unknown reason, when Luffy entered her puberty stage (which basically started last year) she began to change, body-wise (she’s still the Luffy that loves to make trouble for her brothers and loves them with all of her heart), and as male themselves, they notice the changes their sister is having (though they did freak out when she began to bleed… never in their life would they think that their sister would be bleeding inside out and it’s because of their body difference… don’t even start when they heard the bird and the bees from Dadan and Makino), how her body slowly changed and developed.
And it’s not only them, they also noticed a few males, who are either the same age as Luffy or a couple of years older, in Foosha Village, Gray Terminal… and, for some reason, in High Town as well, took interest in her as well. The times they found her cornered at a wall by a male, or a group of them, on Gray Terminal or High Town were so many they lost count and that doesn’t include the number of boys who flirted with her every time they head down to Makino’s. Fortunately for Ace and Sabo, their baby was naive to their actions, unfortunately for the people who went near Luffy with bad intentions or even flirted with her… well… they’ll avoid the three of them like a plaque.
Now, they’re about to sail away to become pirates, and Luffy will be alone…
“Luffy!” Ace suddenly shouted, pushing his baby sister albeit gently, said sister merely blink at him in confusion, while Sabo was frowning slightly. “Why don’t you sail with us?”
“That’s a great idea,” Sabo added, his frown slowly disappearing. ‘If Lu will come with us then we can protect her from boys!’
“...Eh?” Luffy blinked again and then glance at Sabo, who was smiling at her brightly, then back at Ace, who was looking at her with wide eyes.
“Let’s go and sail together, Lu!” It was quiet between them before Luffy smiled and giggled.
“Silly Ace and Sabo. I can’t fulfill my promise with Shanks if I go with you.” She stated as her brothers wilted and merely watched as she moves away and went towards where the cart is.
“Can’t we kidnap her?” Ace murmured, as Luffy bounced around the cart.
“Do you want her to hate us?” Sabo asked back as Luffy waved for them.
“Boys Sabo… boys…” Ace gritted out as he and Sabo straighten up and then when towards their sister.
“... We can get in contact with her dad…” Sabo suggested and then it was quiet again but then they sighed in defeat just as they reached Luffy, who tilted her head to the side in confusion which soon then disappeared when her brothers started to pull the cart from its spot and then moved towards their canopy. Ace and Sabo smiled as their sister jumps around them before moving further ahead of them.
“... I’ll call Dragon before we sail away,” Sabo mumbled as he and Ace paused near the griller. “I didn’t realize how hard it is to have a sister.”
“But you wouldn’t change her for the world..” Ace grinned at him, which made him grin back.
“Neither will you.” The older raven-haired boy merely shrugged his shoulders in agreement and they both look at the precious treasure they had in their whole life.
For continuation, please click here....
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kanra-nakura · 1 year
[Fiction] The Admiral Brother - Chapter 5
Law watched from the rails of their ship, eyes narrowed directly at Admiral Aotori’s back, waiting for any sign that he’ll collapse or lose consciousness again. It’s been a week since he woke up from the experimentation that was done to him and where he gained no recollection of the two people he treasured. 
“Law,” Rosinante’s voice called out softly, and when the Vice-Admiral glanced in his direction, he could see the tall man looking at him in slight worry. “Are there any changes?”
This made the Ope-ope no mi user shake his head. His guardian has always asked that question since they left the island and Law was tasked with watching over the omega as he’s sleeping in the same room with Luffy despite having his room and every single time, Law would answer with a shake of his head. Ever since Luffy woke up and revealed that he did lose his precious (importantreasured) memories, just as what the Gorosei wanted, Law and Corazon, with slight help from Vegapunk (who swore to research a reversible method, something he didn’t do in the beginning, believing that Luffy’s fruit will protect him), had tried to make the Admiral gain them back.
Luffy loves his brothers, and while he is still the Luffy they know, Law and Rosinante feel that something is missing, feel that the omega is slightly lifeless without that particular love in him. The Alpha deduced that it was probably the Omega’s subconscious that is making him lifeless, knowing that something is missing but not knowing what exactly it is. And whenever they see slightly dull onyx eyes staring at them, they have to contain themselves from growling, lest that will make the Omega think that they are mad at him (something that happen before, when Rosinante had growled angrily in front of the Omega, though the anger was directed towards the Fleet Admiral and not at Luffy, it still made the young boy wary of him and avoid him if Law’s not around… took a while to gain the trust again).
They tried their best to make Luffy remember but didn’t make it too obvious, lest the marines around them report it to Sengoku or, worst, the Gorosei about their actions and which would result in something worse (like erasing them from Luffy’s memories) and aside from trying to make the Admiral regain his lost memories, Law also need to make sure that his mate is physically fine. He could still remember the fear he felt when he saw Luffy unconscious in the room with blood running down his nose days ago. That was the time that he was made aware that his lover is not as well as he seems to be, the lecture the Omega received from the Alpha and Beta was enough to cower him into speaking honestly.
Rosinante looked at Law and saw how the golden was tracking the Omega’s movement, eyeing Luffy’s body up and down, before the Beta glanced in the same direction and made sure he was not hiding anything. When it looked like the Admiral is heading back inside his cabin, both of his spectators removed their eyes and silently communicated with each other before the black-haired male moved from his spot and followed the smaller male.
The taller blond male eyed the disappearing back of the Alpha before turning around and beginning to order their men around, before heading towards the navigation room, already having a particular in mind where they can actually rest and relax. As Rosinante commanded the ship, the Admiral and Vice-Admiral were having a staring contest inside the Omega’s room, well, Law was staring while Luffy was signing the paper works that was on his desk.
The Omega knew that the Alpha was watching him, but he did nothing to stop him as he is actually enjoying the attention, however, he knew why the Alpha is staring and not doing or saying anything, which is why he left him be. It took an hour before Law decided to speak up and began to walk closer to his mate and then grabs his hand before rubbing his bottom wrist with the thumb. The Omega glanced at the hand before a small, nearly unnoticeable, smile appeared on his face before he went back to the papers that he was reading.
Law continued to rub Luffy’s wrist, reading the papers as well, before focusing his attention back on the Omega, making sure he isn’t pushing himself too much, but the atmosphere was so serene that a rumbling escaped the taller male, which then followed by a soft purring from the smaller male. When Aotori flipped to the next page of the report, the Vice-Admiral took one glance at it then tense up, seeing names that he hadn’t thought would appear on the reports. The Admiral felt the slight change in the atmosphere but he didn’t glance in his Alpha’s direction, instead, he continued to read the report in front of him. 
As both Marines continued to read the report, the golden-eyed Alpha's grip became tighter instead of soothing while the onyx-eyed omega did nothing to calm him down. The reports were just about the Whitebeards getting spotted on an island, restocking supplies, there was no sign of their Captain, however, the commanders were all staying at their ship, seemingly protecting it, while low-ranking members gather the supplies, and once they were all stock full, they left without any incident.
“Looks like their Captain is in critical condition,” Luffy muttered, Law eyed him wondering if he was going to react about this particular information, but he didn’t do anything, merely continued reading on. The Vice-Admiral could even read the report about both the Admiral’s adopted brothers, though it was just a sighting of them near the ship, still beaten up and with a slightly depressed aura, aside from that, nothing else is stated. 
Aotori then flips to the page once more and continued reading, this made Law slightly disappointed, months ago his mate would linger to any reports about the brothers, even if it was just a sentence or two, but now he just continued as if those two were nothing but pirates that isn’t worth to pay too much attention. The Vice-Admiral inwardly sighed in defeat and glanced down at the wrist that he was holding before wincing and slowly loosening his hold, whining slightly when he saw how bruised it was. 
“Sorry, ya,” Law muttered, raising the bruised limp up to his lips and gently kissing. Luffy merely hummed in slight satisfaction as his mate watched it slowly heal.
“You’ve been acting weird ever since we left the island, Traffy,” Luffy muttered, glancing at Law from the corner of his eyes. “That’s so not like you…”
“... I’m just being unreasonable.” The Vice-Admiral muttered and then it was quiet between them, the serene atmosphere from before slowly coming back, and soon enough the only sound was the paper Luffy was flipping, Law rumbling’s and the sea waves hitting the side of the ship.
‘You’ll remember them soon ya,’ Law thought. ‘You’re not fully yourself without the memories of your brothers.’
~Two weeks later~
Aotori released a long sigh while Law shakes his head in defeat with a hand on his head, in front of them was a dramatically crying Rosinante, holding the Omega’s leg, begging for forgiveness. The lower-ranking marines, who stood in line in front of their superiors, sweatdrop at the theatrics happening at the front but did nothing at all. Vice-Admiral Law looked up and eyed the island in front of them before glancing down at his guardian, and sighed in defeat.
“Cora-san…” Law said and this made the taller blond-haired male stop and looked at him with teary eyes. “How on earth could you mistakenly lead us to this island, instead of Dressrosa?”
“Well… you see… I thought this was the fastest way to head to the island… I didn’t know that the route we took would lead us directly here…” Rosinante muttered and as the Beta and Alpha began to talk, the Omega glanced at the island in front of them. It’s not a bad island, it’s actually known for its festivities, the thing is… it’s an island that is under the protection of the Whitebeards and despite the war being over weeks ago, the Admiral knew that the islands under the protection of those pirates that went and joined the battle at the Marineford are still hostile to any visitors, especially Marines. 
“We’re not welcome here,” Aotori said, eyeing the townspeople gathering at the docks, his haki telling him that they are willing to fight against them and thus he turned and said. “Head to Dressrosa, use the Eternal Log Pose if needed…”
The Omega paused and then glanced over his shoulder where Law was still arguing with the taller Beta before shaking his head and then adding. “Make sure that Commander Rosinante stays away from the navigation room, we don’t want him messing with the maps again.”
“Yes, sir!” The Marines saluted before scattering to proceed with Luffy’s command. The Admiral went back inside the ship, trusting Law to take over instead of letting Rosinante command their people again. Once he was behind the door that leads inside the inner parts of the ship, Luffy smiled, happy and enjoying the resounding voices of his mate and their guardian, just as he was about to take a step forward, Aotori pause for a while, looking over his shoulders with slightly narrowed eyes and then shakes his head and continued to move. For a second, he swore he felt something with his haki… he’s just not quite sure what, but it could be just his imagination. However, if Aotori decided to look further into that feeling, he would have found out that someone was tailing them.
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kanra-nakura · 1 year
[Fiction] From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates - Chapter 12
~3 years and 9 months ago, Red Line~
Luffy watched as the Red Port slowly became smaller as the Bondola rose further into the sky and headed for Mariejois. Standing a few steps behind her are the  Fleet Admiral and a platoon of Mariejois soldiers, the latter were eyeing the girl that had garnered the attention of the Gorosei that they even have to protect her, while the former was scowling slightly with how emotionless the girl is right now, quite opposite of her emotion earlier that, where she was glaring at her Grandfather and staring longingly to the sea.
Though the Hito Hito no Mi narrowed his eyes as he wondered what truly this girl is capable of. The Granddaughter of Monkey D. Garp and the hidden child of Monkey D. Dragon, (a secret that only a few people know), a bearer of an unknown fruit that could be possibly a danger to the world, and sister to the two rookie pirates, who are giving him a huge headache, but if anyone asks, Sengoku won’t admit but she’s one a rare gem (weapon) that needs to be used properly.
A few minutes later, they were stepping out of the Bondola, the Fleet Admiral at the front, Luffy behind him, and the guards positioned themselves into a semi-circle behind them. They were on the travelators when Luffy paused, eyes on the rocks, pressing her lips together. 
“What are you stopping for, brat?” Sengoku nearly snarled as he turned to look at Luffy, who still continued to eye the floor she was stepping on, mindlessly reaching for the pole that was being reached out to her and holding it loosely. After a minute of silence, she turned and looked at the Fleet Admiral and then at the guards, before walking towards the road without any hesitation, fully intending to not use the Travelator.
“Halt!” One of the guards stated, blocking her from stepping away further by holding out the spear in front of her. The Young Monkey D glanced at it, then at him. “What are you doing?”
 “....” Luffy pursed her lips before nudging the spear away.
“Monkey D. Luffy!” Sengoku shouted and this made her stop once more and sighed in annoyance. She then turned to look at him and glared, ignoring the fact that he was superior to her grandfather.
“You can use it if you want to… however, I will not use  this machine which is using inhumane methods.”
“Inhumane,” The Leader of the Marine muttered and glanced down at his feet, then back at the young girl.
“You can‘t tell me that you never felt them.” She stated. “That’s quite ignorant of you.”
“We have no idea what you are talking about young miss.” One of the guards stated, slightly sweating as he looked at the young girl.
“...Enough,” Sengoku said, before grabbing Luffy and then carrying her in his arms. “Let‘s go!” 
“Let me go!” Luffy shouted struggling to escape from him only to flinch when his grip tightened with a hint of‎ Busoshoku Haki “Ouch!” 
She then snarled and tried to hit him but she was ignored as the travelator began to work and everyone‘s eyes, excluding hers, were up ahead. Though in the back of his mind, Sengoku couldn‘t help but wonder what she was talking about.
~A few minutes later, Pangea Castle~
Luffy didn‘t stop growling, even when she was put down already by the Fleet Admiral, and continued walking towards the castle. Sengoku ignored the growling kid, even as they head further deep into the castle, however when they were right in front of the door where he knew the Gorosei are waiting, he grabbed Luffy‘s shoulder and gripped it tightly, that if Luffy was an ordinary girl, her shoulder bone will be fractured.
‘Doesn‘t he know his own strength?‘ Luffy thought, her growling stopped as she looked at the Hito Hito no Mi user rather warily. Said Devil Fruit user narrowing his eyes at her.
“I‘ve already tolerated enough of your attitude earlier.” He said. “However, once we‘re inside, I won‘t tolerate it anymore, so you better behave, brat.”
“...Don‘t expect that from me,” Luffy answered, smirking rather condescendingly and this made him growl in anger before letting go of her shoulder rather harshly, nearly throwing her away in fact. 
“Your son would be disappointed in you,” Luffy stated as f it was a fact. Sengoku paused and then turned to look at her rather angrily, but she ignored that anger and instead was staring directly into his soul, which unnerved him but he ignored it.
“What are you babbling about?” But his question was unanswered.
“Be Brave young one… be brave…”
“Tsk. Tsk. Rosinante would be disappointed in him.”
“That kid is a lot more honorable than this man” The Voices stated, talking to one another and doing their best to calm Luffy‘s anxiety, as well as theirs meanwhile spilling a few secrets.
“Hush! The Young D doesn‘t need to hear this right now.”
Sengoku growled at the fact that he was ignored by Garp‘s Grandaughter but he then went ahead and knocked on the door, opening it upon receiving a confirmation then dragging Luffy inside when she did nothing but stare blankly at the wall, which then snap Luffy out from her thoughts.
She glanced at the hand that was holding her arm and dragging her away before looking up and felt a shiver run down her spine when she saw five intimidating men, all looking at her rather disgustingly. Luffy tried to make it look like she wasn‘t affected at all but the way one of the Gorosei smirked made her feel like she failed.
“Is she the one?” One of the elders asked.
“Yes., however…” Sengoku glanced at her, eyes narrowing in slight anger. “I‘m having a hard time making her use her Devil Fruit.”
“She‘s not cooperating?” Elder Saturn asked.
“Yes.” was the response and they all glanced at Luffy again, who was looking at each one of the Gorosei, staring at their eyes when they decided to meet hers. One of the Elders nodded at Sengoku‘s response before they gestured for her to go near them. The Pre-teen girl didn't move, not even when it seems to annoy the Elders, she only went closer to them when the Fleet Admiral grabbed her arms and pulled her towards them.
“What's your name?” The Third Elder, the blond-haired one, asked gently, and Luffy would feel comfortable with answering his question if he wasn‘t looking down at her. The way they all had their heads up and it was only their eyes that are looking down at her, made her and devil fruit side bristle in anger.
“I see…” The same elder stated when he didn't receive any response and when Sengoku was about to answer, the bald, haori-wearing elder, stood up, brandishing out his sword, stopping it near her neck. Sengoku froze at the sight, before gazing out through the window when it suddenly rattled, showing nothing but winds blowing, however, this didn’t deter the Gorosei at all, for they were focused on the young girl, who wasn’t afraid of them at all.
“Answer us.” The sword-wielding Elder demanded, Luffy eyed them and opened her mouth.
“Considering that you buster called my island, it means that you know me already, so I don’t need to answer your question.”
“...Cheeky brat.” One of the elders mumbled before putting the sword away and then…
Luffy's eyes shook, her head facing the right, her cheeks swelling and slowly turning red, a result of the slap given to her by the elder with a large nevus flammeus, who she didn't notice went towards her at all. She close her eyes tightly for a second before opening them and they were no longer shaking and slowly turned to look at the Gorosei, ignoring the brewing storm happening outside, as well as the shocked expression of the Fleet Admiral.
“You will answer all of our questions,” He demanded and showed her a dark grin. “Unless you want more people to be harmed… let‘s say… your brothers.” Luffy froze at that before growling in slight anger.
“You bastards better leave my brothers alone!‘” She shouted only to be slapped once more. 
“Watch your mouth.” Luffy breathed heavily through her nose, bits her lip before straightening once more, and looked at them in the eyes. The Gorosei grinned sensing a familiar feeling coming from her, not bothered by the disdain she held in her eyes. “Now… what‘s your name?”
“... Luffy… Monkey D. Luffy.” The Gorosei nodded.
“Do you know who Monkey D. Dragon is?”
".... I don’t know who that person is." Luffy lied and this made their grins widen, thinking that if she doesn’t know Dragon, it means he doesn’t care about his daughter and won’t do anything at all.
"What do you know about your Devil fruit?" That question made her freeze but she continued to answer their question, stating the same explanation she gave to her grandfather. 
"What do you think?" Sengoku asked once she was done explaining, the Gorosei narrowed their eyes once more at Luffy, before looking at each other. It was quiet between all of them when suddenly, the third elder grabs Luffy's hand rather tightly and pulled it close to him. The young girl jerked along with her hand and struggled when he was being pulled towards the other Elders.
"Let me go! Let me go!" She shouted when Saturn grabs her shoulder and made her stay in place as her arm was stretched out. Sengoku frowned in slight confusion before downing in horror when the Samurai Elder unsheath his sword and raised the tip above her arm.
"NOOO!!" Sengoku and Luffy shouted, respectively, at the same time when the weapon was brought down but it didn't cut off her whole arm as they thought, instead, they cut her skin rather deeply that it was bleeding heavily. Luffy paled as she rather instinctively activated her fruit and a white flame burst out and then slowly heals the wound, at that moment, the wielder of the sword cut into his palm and immediately touch her wound, directly above the flame.
Luffy fearfully move her eyes from the wound to the Gorosei while Sengoku blink when the flame disappeared and showed no injuries or even scars on her arm or the Elder's palm. The Elders grin darkly as fearful brown eyes slowly glared at them, ignoring the gawking of the Fleet Admiral.
“It‘s a miracle,” Saturn said, standing up. “To think that the long lost fruit has come back to us.”
“It is that devil fruit.” The thin and long-bearded elder said. “The devil fruit that can bring destruction to the world or save it…”
“My devil fruit cannot bring destruction!” Luffy protested but was ignored.
“The mythological fruit, Tori Tori no Mi ———— ” When Sengoku heard the name of the fruit, he froze before glancing at Luffy.
“How can that fruit bring destruction?” He asked, slightly fearing the answer.
“Because if fully awakened, she can control her element and should she desire it, use that control to wreak havoc on the world,” Saturn stated.
“It’s difficult to awaken a devil fruit,” Sengoku stated.
“That is true.” The thin Elder said, sliding his hand up and down on his beard. “But not this fruit… we have records that the user of this fruit can actually awaken the fruit in a desperate situation, unlike other devil fruits where you need to master their ability and made sure to have your body and mind keep up with it.”
The Fleet Admiral merely nodded at the information, before slightly glaring at the young girl, who gritted her teeth as she further listen to the voice.
“What lies they’re spouting!”
“Run! Run Little D!!”
“Don’t listen to them, your devil fruit doesn’t do that.”
“What actions shall we take?” The Gorosei eyed Luffy, who was slowly backing away from them.
“Train her.” Saturn declared. “It would be better if we have that devil fruit under our hands rather than running freely.”
“And once she can control her fruit, have her come back here… we will have her join the Marines.” Luffy gaped in shock, especially when Sengoku didn’t question their order and immediately dragged her away.
“NO! Let me go! I won’t join the Marines! Let me go!!” She shouted and was merely ignored by everyone, the only time she stopped shouting is after receiving a slap from Sengoku at the ship and from that point onward, she was silent for days as the Fleet Admiral met up with the Vice-Admirals and Admirals to discuss on who would train her. It took three days for them to decide and when her training was about to begin, Luffy met the three Admirals.
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kanra-nakura · 2 years
[Complete] 2 Hours is Enough
Summary: “Ace will be transferred to Marineford by 9 AM. You have at least less than 2 hours to save him.”
“Bon-chan, can you still change into that guy?” “Eh? That guy?” “That person you changed into to enter Level 5!”
“Yup I can!” “Great! Then… we can save Ace… 2 hours is enough!” “EH!?” A fic where Luffy woke up 2 hours and 30 minutes early and came up with a clever plan to save Ace.
2 hours is Enough (One Shot)
Luffy knew he was running out of time, he already spent nearly 18 hours trying to heal himself from Magellan’s poison with the help of Iva-chan’s Healing Pheromone and there are only a few hours left before Ace’s scheduled execution. He looked at the Okama surrounding him, glad that he had Ivankov agree to help him, and now he is trying to think of a plan to save Ace on time… ugh… thinking is hard. The Okama watched Luffy, as he put a finger on his forehead and slowly turned red, flinching back when steam comes out of his ears.
“Mugi-chan?” Bon asked, stepping forward to his friend, who opened one of his eyes and look at him.
“Iva-san,” Inazuma called out, walking towards his leader, who was standing beside Luffy, gathering all of their attention. “I have the time on when they will transfer Portgas D. Ace.”
“Oh?” Ivankov hummed, making Luffy stop looking at Bon Clay, and look at Inazuma, who looked back at him and said.
“Ace will be transferred to Marineford by 9 AM. You have at least less than 2 hours to save your brother.” Luffy frowned, before looking again at Mr. 2.
“Bon-chan, can you still change into that guy?” He asked, making the Okama blink and look at him in confusion.
“Eh? That guy?” He asked Luffy nodded.
“That person you copied into just to enter Level 5!” He clarified, Bon Clay thought back on how he entered Level 5, before realizing that the Pirate Captain was talking about him turning into the Assistant Warden, Hannyabal.
“Yup I can!” He said, putting his hands on his waist, and looking at Luffy, who smiled widely.
“Great! Then we can save Ace… 2 hours is enough!” At his declaration, all of the residents in Newkama land, blink and looked at him shocked.
~ Level 5 Entrance Door ~
“Oi!” The guards stationed outside blinked and looked at one another.
“Did you hear that?” they asked one another before they heard the door being pounded.
“Open up! It’s me!” After hearing that, they jumped away from the door, shocked.
“AH! It’s the Assistant Warden! We nearly forgot his inside!” They exclaimed and then immediately open the door, blinking upon seeing Hannyabal's upper body covered in bandages and a girl that they never saw before nearly covered with snow.
“How dare you forgot that I’m inside!!” Hannyabal screamed, making the guards salute him.
“We apologize, sir!”
“If I’m locked inside then how can I be the Warden?!” He screamed stepping out of the Freezing Hell.
“Ughh… Assistant Warden…”
“Ah, no! What I mean is…. How can I help Impel down when it comes to the Prisoner!?” The guards merely sighed when he corrected himself before looking at the person that was with him.
“Assistant Warden… who is she?” One of them asked, pointing at the girl, who took a few steps forward away from them.
“Hmm?” Hannyabal looked at the girl before looking back at the guards. “A missing recruit. I found her on my way back here, she was being attacked by the wolves.”
“She was attacked by the wolves?” They asked.
“Yup. I help her escape from them, and she leads me to where she was staying for a year, which is the monitor room. After she bandaged our wounds and regained our strength, I guided her out of there.”
“As expected of the Assistant Warden! Not only did you head inside half-naked and without any weapon, but you also fought with the wolves and help this woman barehanded!” The guards praised, before turning to look at the woman with horrified fascination.
“But to think she survived the freezing hell for a year… Are you alright, Ms-…?”
“Oi, what are you waiting for? Close the door!” Hannyabal cut him off, startling the guards.
“Ah! I’m sorry!”
“Oh, that’s right. We accidentally killed some of the wolf units, you guys go clean it up!” He ordered.
“Y-you want u-us to go in there?!” They asked, terrified.
“What!? Did you not hear what I said?!” Hannyabal screamed.
“H-hai!” The guards saluted before turning and running inside level 5, Hannyabal looked at the closed and then looked around for any surveillance den-den mushi, before saying.
“Well, that got rid of them. Now it’s just us.” The woman sighed in relief before removing her glasses.
“You were great, Bon-chan!” The removed glasses revealed huge warm brown eyes and a scar underneath her left eye. “Alright, now let’s go save Ace!!” Luffy declared and went back to wearing the glasses before he (she?) and Hannyba- Bon Clay run down the stairs.
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kanra-nakura · 2 years
[Fiction] The Admiral Brother - Chapter 4 - Love and Lost
Law waited for Luffy to stop crying, patting his back as he smelled near his neck, trying to find the scent that smelled of freedom and the ocean. It was there, however, Luffy’s distress was overlapping it too much that the Vice-Admiral couldn’t smell it at all. It took Luffy another hour to calm himself and regain his composure, which is too short for Law but the orders of the Gorosei are absolute unless they want Dawn Island gone.
“Here ya…” Law said, his hand holding a spoon which then was raised to the Omega’s mouth, who looked at it before opening his mouth and eating it. 
“What do they want?” Luffy asked. Law paused for a bit before sighing.
“They want you to visit Dr. Vegapunk.” Aotori hummed at that as he continue to eat the food Law is giving him.
“They mention when?”
“Within next week.” 
“I see,” Luffy muttered and then the only noise that was heard in the room was the spoon and plates meeting each other. When the plate was nearly a quarter done, the Omega turned his face away, denying the food, and while this disappoints the Alpha (considering how thin Luffy is and how many times he skips his meal even though he’s a D and should eat plenty of food) he did not push it and merely arrange the plates and then stood up from the bed and took the tray with him.
He then went outside intending to drop off the tray in the kitchen so that they can wash it. After he dropped it off, he then went back to Luffy’s room and the moment he arrived, he saw the Admiral fixing his shirt.
“Lu-ya,” Law called out and this made the omega stop fiddling with his buttons and turned to look at him. The Alpha had to hold back a wince at the sight of a pale face with red-rimmed eyes looking at him.
“Where’s the ship heading right now?” Luffy asked as Law went closer to him and then fixed his clothes for him.
“Since we’re heading to Dr. Vegapunk, I decide that it would be better to head to Impel Down now and then head to his island after.”
“Alright…” Luffy muttered as the Alpha went and fix his hair as well. 
“Do you have any idea how you want to punish them?” Law asked, and then Luffy looked at him after thinking for a few seconds.
“I don’t know… what do you think?” The Omega smiled at him rather cheekily and this made the Alpha flush slightly at the sight of the Omega’s eyes brightening slightly at the thought that he could bring pain and punishment to the people who hurt his baby brothers, quite a rare sight as the Omega never really shows any emotion. 
Both males eyed each other before the taller male grabs Luffy’s hair rather tightly and brought his face closer and kissed the Omega’s lips. Luffy moaned softly as the Law went and played with his tongue, and when the smaller male was running out of air only then did the Alpha let him go, a string of saliva following him before it broke.
“Sorry, ya…” Law said, kissing Luffy’s forehead. “Didn’t mean to take advantage of your weakness right now.”
“Shishishishi.” Luffy giggled slightly at that, another rare occurrence. “How could you take advantage of me?”
“You breakdown yesterday and you're not even functioning properly right now,” Law said, fixing Luffy’s hair again. “I shouldn’t have kissed you after what happened yesterday.”
Luffy hummed at that and then asked. “Do you regret taking care of me?”
“Never.” Law immediately denied and this made the Admiral beam.
“Silly Traffy.” The Omega giggled, as he raised a hand and laid a palm on the Alpha’s cheek. “You're my alpha… you can kiss me whenever.”
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kanra-nakura · 2 years
From Caged Marines to Whitebeard Pirates (One Piece)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 pt. 1 Chapter 13 pt. 2 Chapter 13 pt. 3 Chapter 13 pt. 4
The Admiral Brother (One Piece)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6
Complete Fiction
2 hours is enough - One Piece One Shot
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