karissalandres-blog · 9 years
thought of the day #4
Hello and welcome.  Todays thought of the day is (its kinda deep)…. who you see in the mirror.
When you look in the mirror, who do you see? Yourself? or maybe a version of yourself…. Or maybe a complete stranger.  I started a blog because Generally i have a lot on my mind and not many to tell.  I don’t mind opening up and putting myself out there because i usually do anyways.  But When it comes…
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karissalandres-blog · 9 years
Todays thoughts #3
Hello and welcome to day #3….. today’s topic is money.
So Saturday morning I wake up from my sleep with this feeling to check my bank account to make sure I still have what money I think, I should have for my first car payment that is due here real soon.  Well i sign in to my bank account to find that not only did I have enough, I also received $613 extra in the dead of night.  Ok now stay with…
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karissalandres-blog · 9 years
Thought of the day #2
Hello again… Todays topic of thought, Being home alone.
Ok If you don’t know me very well, I just moved to WA.  So I live between 2 homes.  This means never a time to myself and have to live by others rules.  And if you have ever lived with someone, it doesn’t matter how easy the rules are; or how difficult,  they are not yours.  And this makes it even worst when you have lived on your own and…
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karissalandres-blog · 9 years
My thoughts day #1
My thoughts day #1
Hello, & welcome to my blog.
I wouldn’t call myself a very good writer, I just got a lot to say.  So instead of a long introduction I might as well just jump into it.  Today’s topic, Kylie Jenner lip challenge.  Ok so like most I fell into the hole “big lips is sexy thing” till I actually tried it.  Like a dumb ass I was watching youtube videos about how to get big lips and I saw those lip…
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
looks or personality
Through out time there has been many questions on what can attract one person to another.  This is my personal opinion only and your dont have to agree with it.  But if you have your own opinion please share.   Since im a woman i might have a bias point of view.  We know that as human beings we are attracted to what we consider "hot" or "sexy", and of course there is huge science behind what actually makes us attracted to each other.  But my question is why is looks more attractive than intelligence or personality?  Now your might be reading this and saying "what??" this is not true... but is it? Lets say a very attracted person of the sex you might like comes in and is the total package.  They come up to you and open their mouth and immediately know they are not the sharpest tool in the shed.  What do you do? Keep talking to them or do you decide this is not someone for me? The sad part is most of us would keep talking to them just for their looks.   In reality this is why USA is not in the top 10 Highest IQ's ( country's). Because we choose people that are attractive over intelligent.  Their are alot of very attractive people that are also smart dont get me wrong.  But what if we could put looks aside, or better yet put them on the back burner for once, and choose intelligence.  Ok so like i said you have to be attractive to the person to be able to have more a physical level, but if we just all lowered out expectations for the model or what society tells us what is attractive, could we be happy?  Think about this, If we all got with someone that is equal to our own looks and smarts, we could be happier.  We wouldnt have to try to out smart one another, or out look, or worry what other people think.  I mean thats the hole reason you want to look your best isnt it?  You do if for others and to attract and to show off, think about.  Arent you more comfortable in your pjs at home?  I know i am.  Then when we go out we put on faces or out fits we might not feel comfortable in but look hot in, right? We all do it.... But what if we when out just ourselves?? Do you think people will look at you the same than with a face or looking "hot"?  Chances are no.... and thats the sad part.  People choose fake than real almost every time.  And if you dont believe me go ask people who they think the hottest person they know is, and chance are its a celebrity  that people make to look attractive.  In our world we are made to hate what we all look like.  But we are all beautiful.  So what if you have a few extra pounds, so what if you have scars, so what to all of it... does any of that make you, you?? NO, it doesnt.  You is what makes  you!   How intelligent you are, your personality, and your own confidence.  People need to wake up, and understand looks are not what is important.  Its the person behind them that is.
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
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Have you seen this??!?!? Do you this she could be pregnant?? Oh my god what if she is pregnant by Sebastian… And that’s who the new enemy is!!! She is a crazy woman with revenge on her plate that baby would be like crazy!!! Worst than Sebastian if there is such a thing!!! What do you think?
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
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Have you seen this??!?!? Do you this she could be pregnant?? Oh my god what if she is pregnant by Sebastian… And that’s who the new enemy is!!! She is a crazy woman with revenge on her plate that baby would be like crazy!!! Worst than Sebastian if there is such a thing!!! What do you think?
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
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Have you seen this??!?!? Do you this she could be pregnant?? Oh my god what if she is pregnant by Sebastian... And that's who the new enemy is!!! She is a crazy woman with revenge on her plate that baby would be like crazy!!! Worst than Sebastian if there is such a thing!!! What do you think?
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
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So true!!! #sailermouth #lovinglife #yolo #men #funny #fallow #theturnupisreal
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
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Song is awesome!! Great message song: all about that bass
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
Oh my god funny
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
I call it right now!!! Next big tween band, cute fun and with just enough bad boy!!
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
Really funny right up there in just great fun music :)
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karissalandres-blog · 10 years
Love this song very in powering
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karissalandres-blog · 11 years
Pen pal
I know this might be weird, but I'm looking for a pen pal... Someone to text and talk to about feeling and stuff... Anyone down??
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karissalandres-blog · 11 years
Why is it that it’s always my fault? All I do is be honest and then I get blamed for shit I didn’t do, or words put in my mouth that I didn’t say… I need a creative out look. I love him, but does he really love me? Or does he just day because he feels sorry, or he feels like he can’t get better? These are things that truly hurt me. Then I sit and thing about myself and if he does really care for me like he says he does then why do we always fight like we do or why doesn’t care. I sit crying right next to him and not even a hug or a kiss or anything off something he said. It makes me feel low, and like I don’t matter. Maybe it would be better to leave. Maybe better for both of us… I knew I shouldn’t have come over, I new it… The sad thing is I will go on like nothing happened because he will choose to ignore it. He is not a bad guy I know that but he really is not good at this hole relationship thing… It just hurts that all I want is to feel like I matter and he cares for me, but I don’t get that.
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