kasihnya · 6 years
Grace with attitude
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kasihnya · 6 years
May 26th overthinking
Drop Dead Inside
Apa Tugasmu di Dunia?
Setiap manusia ada fungsi dan tugasnya sendiri,
ada peran yang harus dilakoni.
Jangan mencibir, jangan mencela
Maafkan aku yang penuh dosa.
Kegelisahan Anxiety
Tanda tanya Question
Harapan Hope
Doa Prayer
Socmed Detox Result
1. More phone batt power. Socmed drain your phone batt as fast as thunder hit the ground
2. To be honest sometimes i feel Socmed shows other lifes looks better than us...when actually ours are great as well.
3. More time spend with fam
4. More time spend with Allah
5. That - I want everyone knows what i'm doin - feeling is less about 70%... hahahaa norak ya gue!
6. Just realize that the world doesnt have to know every lil thing i've done. They dont care! 😎
7. Gratitude rising up above 100%
8. Overload works were doing fine.. less distraction
9. Thanks for the opportunity Ramadhan.miss u already!
10. I'm Back! Hope gonna be wiser using socmed. 😘
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kasihnya · 8 years
not making a decision is making a big decision
Negan TWD
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kasihnya · 8 years
How to be A Good Person?
It's the question that always pop up in my head each time i open my eyes in the morning. i got a feeling that i'm not a good person. that i'm useless. that i never do something right. that i'm evil. and i dont know what to do with my self. how to be a good person?
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kasihnya · 9 years
Bentuk bulat tidak sempurna, berdetak belum berhenti. Hanya bisa tiupkan doa, untuk rasa dalam hati
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kasihnya · 9 years
May u always find new roads to travel; new horizons to explore; new dreams to call your own
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kasihnya · 9 years
i have a dream, wish it’s not a sin
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kasihnya · 9 years
Dear me, You have your decision... You said the "enough" words You don't wanna to be hurts by the one you love no more You have to be tough You know that you can not love someone whose not love you back When actually you love him because he makes you love him by his words, acts, and assure you to be by his side on the rest of his life...convince you will be the mother of his children.... But now...he's in love with some one else He's sharing the same thing to other girl he's in love with... So please... ....please let him love her Please stay away from him and their life.... You go because you do love him and don't wanna see him confuse to choose between You and her.... You try your best to stay...waiting him to define his option But it seems he can not choose while both of us (you n her) still there... So you moved on and let him to choose her for his happiness Good girl... Just please...be tough cos you know its gonna be as hard as hell Don't cry lillte girl.... Don't hurt yourself... Don't loose faith...
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kasihnya · 9 years
Sebentar… biarkan aku berada di fantasiku. Sebentar… biarkan aku berkhayal kau dan aku akan bertemu. Sebentar… biarkan aku berkhayal doaku terwujud. Sebentar… biarkan mimpiku kali ini sedikit memakan waktu. Sebentar… -dao-
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kasihnya · 9 years
Dear My Past
Dear my past, you’re saying hello again, problems is a thing that you have when recalling a glance memories of me, then you try to reach me. You texted and i texted you back, as a friend you said, I know... but you might think that i am still the same person who understand you and can be trust as we used to be, no i’m not. I just practicing to be a better person. A person, who live with her past as a lessons in life.
Dear my past, Please stay where you are. I’d passed you through a hard time, up and down, back and forth, you never know. Thank you for being as my past, you taught me lots of life lessons that i never have before i met you and it bring me to my new level in life. We have a different path now, a life that we choose. Since then, I'm planning not to have you at the rest of my life. I believe you dont belong to my present and future.
GOD knows my limit, is this another test?
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kasihnya · 10 years
The One
I used to have positive minds in most situations even at the very bad moments... until something change me... Now I began to fix those broken parts in a very slow progress. Its fine...eventually I realize that God never leave me, God keeps remind me on different kinda shit n happiest moments... I'm the one who forget about The One. I'm sorry... and thank you for everything you've given to me dear greatest Allah SWT
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kasihnya · 10 years
Aku Ingin Anak
Tuhan... jika aku tidak dipercaya untuk membesarkan seorang anak manusia. Tuhan... beri aku kesempatan untuk berbuat baik dijalan lainnya. Tuhan... buat orangtuaku bahagia dengan cara berbeda. Tuhan... terimakasih atas segala sesuatunya
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kasihnya · 11 years
They're not your friends just because they are not say what you say n think the same way?? I love my friends because in someways we do things differently that's what makes us complete.
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kasihnya · 11 years
Sudah Seharusnya
Rasa bersalah ini tak kunjung hilang.. Kemana si Positif Thinking yang biasa menggenggam tanganku selama perjalanan ini... Tiba tiba ia hilang..tertinggal dibelakang Bersama dengan si Self Esteem yang kini tak lagi mau jalan disamping
Sekarang aku sudah seharusnya memaafkan diri... Menerima kesalahan, memaafkan dan...beri kesempatan lagi pada semua hal yang akan menguji ketahanan diri lagi Sudah seharusnya...
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kasihnya · 11 years
I think I'm the bad person here...I blame myself on every bad things happen in mylife,my family life and friends life....I wanna apologize to that... I used to be a positive thinker...why do I change..I don't wanna change.. Please...I don't wanna be like this I hate me
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kasihnya · 11 years
its not your fault..its my fault its by choices i choose you
its not my fault..its nobodies fault among other i choose you
its my life its my love..to whom i given is my choice
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kasihnya · 11 years
We are here for a reason. It's not an easy trip. As to what you have been trough... I believe you all have your own battle too, I can not make you feel better, All I can say is, Think life as a journey, a colorful one, as we all know our final destination is. Before we get there, There is always something to be grateful for, something that remind us, the meaning of our life... Love
Niluh Djelantik
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