katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
Don’t be scared to speak Don’t speak with someone’s tooth Don’t bargain when you’re weak Don’t take that sharp abuse Some patients can’t be saved But that burden’s not on you Don’t ever let anyone tell you you deserve that.
- The Antlers, Wake
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
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Meghann Fahy in 2022 
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
“Believe me, what you want is someone to have dinner with. Sleep with from time to time, telephone every day or write. It’s what you set up that is defeating. Make it very modest. And give yourself permission to make a few mistakes. You know, blow it a bit. Have a few drinks and fall into bed with somebody. It doesn’t have to be the final thing.”
— Leonard Cohen on relationships, 2007
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
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a league of their own + the gilbert baker pride flag
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
So you know that part in 1.05 where Greta is explaining the Dana situation to Carson and she says “At first we were really careful and then we fell in love...” and that’s when things took a dangerous turn, etc. And then she turns to Carson and says “You remind me of her, and I think that’s been scaring me. Because I...” and she stops herself after the “I” and kind of gathers herself and recalibrates and says “I don’t want to see you get hurt.” Do you think she was stopping herself from saying “I’m falling in love with you” or even “I love you” and instead said “I don’t want to see you get hurt” which kind of means the same thing in this context but is less scary to say idk sorry sorry
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
“Sometimes tops have to bend at the knees for love” that’s damn poetry
You know why Greta always backed against a wall for Carson? Because Carson is short as fuck and it's easier to do a wall sit than a squat.
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
THANK YOU. The PhD analysis on here about what it MEANS that Greta often backs herself/lets Carson push her against the wall.
It is because 5′10″ D’Arcy Carden and 5′short” Abbi Jacobson worked with an intimacy coordinator who helped them determine that was the most comfortable way for shorts/talls to kiss (as a short-ish who mostly dates talls, I can verify this to be true).
You know why Greta always backed against a wall for Carson? Because Carson is short as fuck and it's easier to do a wall sit than a squat.
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
I’m about 2/3 of the way through writing this multi-chapter Gretson fic for those looking for some long read fics about our favorite gals! 
This is basically a speculative season 2 arc for them, lots of angst and longing, just trying to live up to the swooniness of season 1 haha. 
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
Literally just stared at this for a solid 10 minutes.
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Carson & Greta + physical touch
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
The best part of A League of Their Own was the fact that even though Carson decided not to go with Greta to New York, their storyline didn't lose anything.
So often in wlw media, it feels like we invest so much time in a pairing, just for them not to end up together for reasons that don't make much sense and it cheapens everything else leading up to that point.
But that's not the case here.
Yes, Carson decided not to follow Greta to New York, but it didn't at all feel like a goodbye but more of a see you later. Greta changed so much for Carson by believing in her and encouraging her, by helping her find her voice, but it's just the beginning and Carson needs to figure out who she is outside of her marriage and outside of Greta. Because what she has with Greta is big, they both know it, and they both need to be more secure in who they are as individuals before they come back to each other.
And they will. Next season
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
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Carson & Greta
A League of Their Own s01e04
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
Just want to make sure...we all get that Irma Vep (2022) is about the artistic relationship between Olivier Assayas and Kristen Stewart right? Like we all get that Alicia Vikander is playing Kristen Stewart, right? Right?
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
The thing I hope gets explored in the Christmas episode -- which was already touched on in 1x07 -- is the real undercurrent of shame at the heart of the push-and-pull between Anne and Mariana.
As was touched on in season 1, Mariana was mortified to be seen with Anne in their youth. Anne dressed more openly masculine, and was generally a bit rougher around the edges. There’s a diary entry from one episode in their relationship that was a real turning point around this for Anne: whenever Mariana visited Shibden, Anne would always run to the top of the hill to see her carriage coming in through Halifax. On one such occasion, Anne couldn’t help herself and raced across a muddy hill and field to catch up with Mariana’s carriage. She was excited and bursting with love, but when she entered the carriage, Mariana was horrified by how dirty she was and how odd she looked. Anne was embarrassed and felt deeply rejected. It’s emblematic of so much of why they didn’t work. Mariana’s love for Anne was always expressed as being in spite of her uniqueness (even though of course that was part of the attraction). She saw Anne’s oddness for the social liability that it was, and never let her forget it.
I have a lot of empathy for why Mariana made the choices she made, and indeed, most of them were hardly choices at all. She did not have access to the independence that Anne Lister or Ann Walker with her fortune have access to. But on a purely emotional level: the difference between Ann’s love for Anne and Mariana’s is that Ann Walker loves Anne for and because of all the things that make Anne who she is. She’s been smitten with Anne since she was a teenager (the same time Anne was with Mariana and was presenting even more butch) and despite her own crisis of faith and social standing, never once has she asked Anne to change herself, or be any less than what she is, because those are all the reasons Ann loves her. I want the awakening Anne has at Lawton Hall to be that she truly loves Ann, and that she is ready to give that love freely because she finally knows what it feels like to have someone love her for all that she is, not in spite of anything.
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
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arms are lesbian, I can’t explain
KILLING EVE, 3.06 ‘End of Game’, 3.07 ‘Beautiful Monster’, 4.02 ‘Don’t Get Eaten’, 4.04 ‘It’s Agony and I’m Ravenous’, 4.05 ‘Don’t Get Attached’, 4.06 ‘It’s Agony and I’m Ravenous’
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
So far this is my impression of Season 2:
Ann: *generally exists in and around Shibden Hall/The Listers*
Anne: *looks at her and suddenly chokes up*
Anne (to the camera, crying over how much she loves her wife): She’s fine, I guess! Shut up!
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katherine-the-so-so · 2 years
Thought I’d re-share this fic I wrote shortly after season 1 aired. I read about the infamous Christmas at Lawton Hall and wrote a little spec about what that episode might entail. Sounds like Sally will lean into the Mariana cheating drama more than I dared to haha, but I’ll be curious to see how closely this compares!
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