katialeephotography · 25 days
Voting is an Act of Love
“How a society treats its most vulnerable is always the measure of its humanity.” Matthew Rycroft
Voting is an act of love.  Not love for one political party or candidate but for democracy and all it represents.
Currently, one party has shown a blatant disregard for the rights of many in our society. In this election we must choose to protect the freedoms that define us. We must vote for the needs of the people.
Vote with love for those who are held back by systemic racist policies. Vote so communities of color are allowed the freedoms and benefits of our society.  Vote so that our education system cultivates full understandings of racial injustices, their history, and how to eradicate them.
Vote with love for those whose freedom to cast their ballots is restricted by gerrymandering, voter purging, voter intimidation, limiting voting locations, and redundant voter registration laws, all of which hamper democratic participation.
Vote with love for those who deserve the right to make autonomous decisions for their health and wellbeing without political interference.
Vote with love for those who are disabled and whose funding for schools and social programs are often first to be eliminated.
Vote with love for those who deserve respect in their schools no matter their gender. Vote so policies that are written and upheld, allow people to live openly without fear of discrimination.
Vote for each and every child on this planet, and future generations whose health and safety are in peril. Vote for those who understand the urgent necessity to stand up to the powerful, destructive forces and say, “Enough.”
Vote with love for your immigrant parents and friends who fled authoritarian regimes, and chose to become citizens of this country; trusting that democracy and freedoms here in these United States are constant, not fickle or easily stripped from its citizens.
Vote with love for this country, knowing that decisions that could be made for us will be far more egregious than anything we’ve witnessed before.   Vote because you have the agency to protect the Republic.
Your vote is love in action. Look to the most vulnerable people you love, and vote in their interest.
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katialeephotography · 2 years
I guess we’re gonna come back to Tumblr?
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katialeephotography · 4 years
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Happy Valentine’s Day!  Lily had another follow up this week and they got her all dolled up and festive for today.
A huge thank you to everyone who reblogged her “go fund me” page, it’s always super helpful to get new eyes on it.  Maybe today we’ll get a couple more donors!?
Sending love to the Tumblr community, and thanks again.
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katialeephotography · 4 years
So I’ve been gone for a while.  What? It’s a pandemic, I’ve been busy doing.....
Well, stuff.
However, 2021 started off in a really shitty way.  If you can share our link to get some eyes and donors to the page, that’s a HUGE help.
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katialeephotography · 4 years
Lily And the Toilet Paper Challenge
Hey folks, it’s been a while, but thought I’d pop in to share some stupidity to make you smile in these dark times.  
A friend delivered a package of tp from Costco.  We put it to good use.
Stay well, wash your hands and stay the fuck at home.
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katialeephotography · 5 years
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‘Ballad of Jordan”
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katialeephotography · 5 years
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“Songs of the Sea”
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katialeephotography · 5 years
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“Palisade Insight”
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katialeephotography · 5 years
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“The Silk and The Sword”
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katialeephotography · 6 years
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katialeephotography · 6 years
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katialeephotography · 6 years
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katialeephotography · 6 years
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Do you ever look at a piece of art and marvel at the skills it took to do it?
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katialeephotography · 6 years
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Never gets old.
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katialeephotography · 6 years
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It’s amazing more people don’t get crushed by cars or New Yorkers while some of us are just looking up and the architecture. 
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katialeephotography · 6 years
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“I think there's just one kind of folks. Folks.” 
H. Lee
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katialeephotography · 6 years
Oh little Tumblr page, how I have neglected you.
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