katrin-may · 2 years
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CW: fluff, some cuddles, reader artist (na'vi), Neteyam calms the reader, support.
TW: tears, some sadness.
Au: Hello, I was inspired by this art to write this drabble(?). Thank you for waiting and reading me. I hope you will enjoy. enjoy reading!🥰
Oh, I also ask you to just rely on this art and finish the rest in your imagination.
Credits for art:https: //www.instagram.com/p/CnwKPC-vn-Y/?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
Softly touching the paper with your pencil, you began to draw lines. You sat leaning against a tree and watched a group of friends sitting nearby, including Neteyam, Kiri, L'oak, and other acquaintances. They were sitting and laughing, chatting about their own things. But you were attracted to one particular fellow, the oldest of them. And now you captured that moment on paper. You were known in your country as the best and usually the only artist. Your sketchbook was full of drawings of local nature and the people of your clan. Because of your talent, you were welcome everywhere except...
- Are you following us? - answered the biggest boy in the company of the chief's children.
- Yes, she's definitely following us," said another of those with a bow-face.
- No, not at all," you shouted back at them and stepped back from your work.
- Of course, you're always on our tail wherever we are, and with that notebook of yours.
- Come on," Neteyam didn't punch his friend¹ in the chest hard enough to let him know he had to stop. - She's just doing her job. - He shifted his gaze to you, and your breathing quickened.
- It does. Then why is it that every time I look around, she's always sitting on my tail, squinting in our direction?
- Maybe she likes you," Neteyam smiled, glancing from you as you drew on to your friend, who was already blushing, but it wasn't clear if it was anger or embarrassment.
There, in your sketchbook, is a sketch of Neteyam with a smile on his teeth, and the rest.
- We'll teach her a lesson later," the big man whispered to his skinny friend.
Some time passed, and the friends began to leave. There was no one left in the clearing except your two friends and you, who were sitting nearby. You were about to start packing your things and going to your office when you heard footsteps. When you looked up, you saw the boys. One of them was leaning against a tree and the other was standing over you with his arms crossed over his chest.
- Did something happen? - You asked, clutching the album to you. But it didn't stay in your hands for long, because the man standing above you¹ snatched the album out of your hands. - Hey! Give it back! What do you think you're doing! - You stood up sharply and tried to snatch your thing, but you were held tightly by the other guy standing behind you. The pages were all over everyone you could think of, but it was particularly the Chief's eldest son who got hurt.
- Oh, so that's it," the big fellow grinned, and flipped the album over to face you, where the page was Neteyam in the armor of an Icran rider. And then page after page flipped, and there he was, all over the place.
- And? What's wrong with that? - You grinned.
- Oh, really, what is it? A hobby, maybe? Or an addiction? Neteyam is all over the place! 
- What's wrong with that? He's the son of a chief, isn't he worthy of having many portraits of himself?
- Yes? In that case, where is L'oak in close-up and in every detail? - The question stumped you, and you gave yourself away by blushing. - That's right. - The boy¹ nodded to his friend² toward the fire, and he² dragged you toward the still-cold coals where the company fire had recently been.
- Hey! What are you doing? - You broke free of the skinny fellow's grip, but he was strong enough² despite his weight.
- Look," the big guy grinned, tearing out the pages of the Neteyam's, ripping them to shreds and throwing them into the coals.
- No, what are you doing! - You shouted desperately. The drawings slowly smoldered and distorted.
- This is just a warning. Stay away from us," he poked you in the shoulder with a finger. The other guy immediately opened his arms, and you immediately rushed to the embers. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you picked the stick closer and tried to reach for your creation. The boys left you alone, lurking around the corner for a long time, giggling nastily. You began to cry. You felt terrible, because not only did you think they were good, not bad, but your efforts had gone to waste.
The pictures were torn apart like a jigsaw puzzle, and now you managed to put one picture together, the same one you had drawn just before this incident. You covered your face with your hands and cried even harder.
- Y/N? - You heard a man's sweet, warm voice. You hesitated to turn around and tried to clean yourself up, thinking you could somehow hide your red eyes and the tears on your cheeks that were still pouring down in torrents. You felt a touch on your shoulder and a sudden warmth behind your back. - What happened here? - Neteyam pointed to the fire.
- I... Well... - you hesitated, not knowing what to say, for you were afraid that Neteyam would take you for strange and intrusive.
- Tell it like it is.
- I got very upset and burned my drawings.
- And to be honest? - Sitting down next to you, Neteyam pulled you to his chest and put his arm around your shoulders. You felt so warm and light, and the gentle gesture made you feel somehow calmer.
- That's how it was.
- Then why are half your drawings on the ground right now, and," he pointed to your attempts to collect the drawing. You hid your face against the boy's chest out of embarrassment. Still hugging your shoulders, Neteyam began to gently stroke your head with his other hand.
- Well. Oh. Anyway, your friends... That's them. After that skirmish, they came up to me and decided to destroy what I love... - Neteyam stopped his machinations with your hair, lifting your face by the chin, he looked into your weeping eyes, and then turned his gaze to the drawings.
- Bastards, just like them," the boy said hoarsely and tried to get up, but you put your arm around his waist, preventing him from doing so.
- What do you want to do?
- I'm going to talk to them. It's going to be okay," he took both your hands in his big hands and looked you in the eyes. - I promise.
After a while, Neteyam returned, but his face was bruised.
- What happened? - All this time you didn't move from your seat, trying to get all the pieces of paper together.
- They won't bother you now," the boy smiled and began to help you pick up the pieces of paper.
- What happened to your face?
- Oh, that. It's just bruises, I tried to talk to them, but they solved everything with their fists.
- I'm sorry...
- What are you sorry for?
- For all this, if it wasn't for me, we wouldn't be in this position right now.
- Anyway, they should have gotten what they deserved a long time ago. And that, that was the last straw, they were too rough on you," Neteyam touched your shoulder consolingly.
- Thank you," you smiled and continued packing.
- What was drawn here?
- Mostly you," you said without a shadow of doubt and with complete confidence.
- Oh," the boy stared at you in surprise, and his gaze made you blush.
- What?" - You asked awkwardly, dreading his answer.
- No, it's all right. Maybe you still have some of your works? I've never seen them," your friend said.
- Of course there are! - You exclaimed and rushed off in search of a more or less complete album. - Here it is," you handed the pictures to Neteyam, and you both stared at them. The first page showed a sleeping buttercup and his children, in the middle of your forest. The next was a landscape of a waterfall at sunset, with many fish in the water and birds soaring in the air. All the pages were filled with landscapes and animals, you really liked the nature of your forest, and there were almost no people (na'vi). There were a couple of sketches, really, the rest of the work, all taken apart by the inhabitants of the settlement.
- It really is so beautiful. Where did you learn to paint like that? - Neteyam looked away from the paper.
- I don't know, it just happens," you scratched the back of your head confused.
- I didn't see you draw me, so could you draw me again? - Your eyes widened. You were afraid to keep drawing. What if someone burns all your work again?
- What if someone sees it again?
- I won't let what happened today happen again," and when you saw the confidence in his eyes, you relaxed and nodded approvingly. Taking the paper from the guy's hands, you pulled out a pencil. - Oh, what's the best way for me to sit down? - Netayam began to assume various poses. - Maybe so," he smiled and stretched his arm muscles, showing off his musculature. You laughed.
- As you wish," the laughter changed to a smile, and Neteyam just sat down on the grass, lifted his knees and looked into your eyes. - Is your neck going to be all right? - You looked into the boy's eyes.
- I hadn't thought of that, but I think it will be all right! - Neteyam smiled, and you touched the paper. Drawing line after line, there was already a sketch of body and head and then hair, a cute smile and piercing eyes. - Can I move? - You looked at the boy and the drawing, comparing them.
- I think so," Neteyam immediately jumped up and walked over to you.
- May I see it now? - He pointed to your drawing.
- Oh, of course, but I can do it if you like, I have to put the finishing touches on it.
- Then I'll wait," Neteyam smiled broadly and lay down beside you, leaning against the stones.
The lines turned from a sharp sketch to a soft drawing.
- Can you sit in the same pose? - Without further ado, the boy sat up again, somewhat oblivious to the way he had been sitting. You decided to help and, comparing him to the drawing, touched his strong shoulders and arms, guiding them. - There you go. And also," you lightly touched his chin with your fingertips and turned him sideways.
- Your hands smell good, did you know that? - Netayama's words made you blush and pull your hand away, and you smiled embarrassed.
- No, but I'll know now, thank you," you quickly took the drawing and hid behind the sheet, continuing your machinations, at which Neteyam grinned implicitly.
One last sweeping motion, and...
- done! - You exclaimed, calling the boy to you.
- Good," Neteyam sat down beside you and you turned the drawing toward him, watching his reaction. He was silent for a while, examining every detail of the drawing and looking at you askance.
- Look, it's incredible! - exclaimed Neteyam, smiling broadly as he took the portrait back. - Literally every freckle, hair, bead, and abrasion. It's just like me! Now I know exactly why everyone loves your work so much! - That guy's words really embarrassed you.
- Oh, really? Thank you so much! - You awkwardly scratched the back of your head and looked at your friend.
- Can I have this?
- Of course!
- Thank you so much! - Neteyam emotionally hugged you by the shoulders. You were surprised, but decided to respond to his embrace.
- I'll take it as a thank you," you both laughed as you pulled away from each other.
- Oh, no, I'd like to do more than that as a thank you.
It's nighttime, and everyone is asleep, including you. You quickly disperse with Netheyam to each other, but now you are in your tenth dream, until you hear the crunch of tree bark. You wake abruptly and get out of your cocoon, about to attack your opponent. But there was no one around, just a square bundle of leaves at your feet. When you unfold it, you find the glued sheets with your drawings, and not just any drawings, but the ones with Neteyam. All the same ones you drew this afternoon and on previous occasions. Did you notice that almost all of them were put together, not very neatly, but you can see that with soul, and if the drawings have only appeared now, does that mean that someone has been restoring them all evening?
There was also a note attached to the drawings:
"Thank you very much again:)".
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katrin-may · 2 years
Hello! I'll try to release a new drabble or one shot soon... I don't know what to call it. I opened questions and will wait for any (except incest and smut) requests. thanks for reading my work's! 🥰
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katrin-may · 2 years
" Poisonous flower "
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CW:Touching, kissing, y\n, The main character is a Na'vi, na’vi quaritch x na’vi reader
TW: some smut
You work as an interpreter in the guard of the Celestial Nation, as well as a guide in the realm of Pandora and the life of Na'vi, you are loyal to your service, but you are still a sane Avatar who is extremely negative about violence. With only the memories of your past life with you, you continued to work for the side you thought was right, but of course it wasn't, subconsciously you knew that killing was not the answer, but who would listen to someone like you. You were lucky to have a great team, and although you didn't fit in right away, you were able to find common ground with some of them, including the incorrigible Miles Quaritch himself, of all those present you had an extremely strained relationship which allowed you to constantly turn the conversation into an argument, luckily the guys were able to unblock you every time and keep you from killing each other. One day your group was sent out to scout the northern part of the forest to make sure there were no extra savages there, and if they were found, to take prisoners or kill them, which you didn't let the group do every time. To your surprise, the colonel obediently obeyed this order, only silently putting away his weapon and subduing the savage. Your job, as commander, was to keep everything under control and, if necessary, to make reasonable decisions, without violence, by negotiation, being a guide and mentor in the realm of this violent nature. The landing went quickly, and, as always, you guided the action with a taskbar that gave you a map and a place to head to with one swipe of your hand. The goal was to find more Na'vi and get them out of the way for the RDA's personal purposes.
-Look, Y\n, what if they're not here, - Lyle replied tiredly, waving off the nasty insects. This part of the forest was best known for its carnivorous plants and wildlife.
-Then we'll have less work to do, won't we, Lyle. Or are you tired already? - You turned to him with a chuckle, and your joke was shared by all but the Colonel, who, as usual, only rolled his eyes.
When you finally reached your destination, you found abandoned dwelling huts built from trees and other improvised materials, and then Quaritch went first, gesturing for you to clear the area. You, in turn, stood behind him and watched simply, you were clumsy at shooting, but if it came to hand-to-hand combat, your fists were ready to stand up for yourselves.
-Corporal, as you can hear, reception - Miles' job was to protect you, which angered him, because every time he had to risk his ass for you.
-All clear, sir, only traps found that didn't work, - the man looked carefully around one of the huts, checking every corner, as did the rest of the boys.
-Don't you find that suspicious? - said warily, and then Miles' eyes widened just as he was about to turn to one of the boys, something grabbed him by the leg and dragged him into the bushes.
-Ambush, get back! - The boys immediately ran in your direction, but everyone was already trapped, and the strung rope dragged them into the woods. Miles covered you in every way he could, looking around, his ears drooping and a smirk appearing, he froze for a second, then abruptly grabbed your hand and you ran off in an unknown direction.
-What the hell, where are we running to?! - you tried to keep up with the rapid pace of his run, picking your way through the bushes and roots.
-Fewer words, soldier, I'm trying to save us! - he shouted as he continued to run, finally you managed to escape the unknown, on the way you managed to send a message to the base with a signal for help so they could call for reinforcements. Your lungs were about to burst out, and you huddled against a nearby tree to regain your breath. Quaritch listened to his surroundings and only then was he able to exhale and come to his senses when the danger was over.
-Are you okay? Are you hurt? - The man gave you a concerned look that made you feel uncomfortable for a second.
-I'm fine, I'm glad you're wondering how I am, - you smiled sarcastically, but all you got in return was that familiar fierce look.
-Unfortunately for me, I have to ask for it every time I risk my ass for a scumbag like you, - he crossed his arms over his chest and looked at you seriously, you just wanted to say something as your gaze fell on what was behind him.
-Let's not make any unnecessary moves, - you carefully began to step back, Miles only tensed, taking his weapon and quickly turning around to see the bushes and the usual kinds of trees.
-Look, we're not in a position to make jokes right now, come on, - the colonel only pushed back the thicket, causing his tail to flutter and rise like a trumpet, along with his ears. - What the… - he only looked around after those words, then collapsed to the ground.
-Damn it, Miles! This is a dangerous bush, their poison causes intoxication and hallucinations!? - You cautiously began pulling your partner's legs, though he was losing strength, you still managed to pull him out. After laying him down as comfortably as possible with his back to the tree, you began rummaging through your bag, laying everything out on the surface of the bark in search of the right medicine. While you were looking for everything you needed, the colonel managed to wake up on his own, but his tongue was mumbling something unintelligible.
-Oh, you were able to wake up on your own, that's great, then I can give you a smaller dose and… - Before you could finish and pass the syringe, your wrist was intercepted, the expression on his face was speechless, and it was very difficult to assess the situation.
-What are you going to do to me? And without my consent… - Quaritch tried to formulate his speech, which was difficult, but he managed something.
-Hey, listen, I want to help you, so please let go of my hand, - you wanted to break out of his grasp, but the man's face played only a smile, this you clearly did not expect from such a rude man.
-Why should I let such a beautiful girl like you go? - His eyes went wild, like those of a hungry predator playing with its prey.
-Look, I think this poison has given you a strong side effect… - You looked again at the plants, which were already far enough away that you couldn't hit them again. Finally your wrist was free, and all that remained on Quaritch's face was bewilderment and incomprehension.
-Do you mean to tell me that this weed makes me do stupid things? - The colonel rose slightly, leaning against a tree, and you, in turn, stood up and pointed exactly the same way to a grove of these plants. - Exactly, and now I'm going to inject you with a drug that will lessen the effects, - the man threw another fierce look at you after your words.
-Have I ever told you that I've been attracted to your looks since the first time we met? - This statement made you look at him confused for a split second, and all that comforted you was the phrase, "-It's just the effect of that plant, he's gone mad, nothing more." Everything would have been fine, but his crooked gait headed in your direction, forcing you to move a few meters away from him, - Miles Quaritch, you need a shot, or it will get worse… - your voice no longer seemed as confident as before, for now you were pinned against a large wooden pole, and in front of you stood the colonel's rather rough and pumped body, whose gaze made your tail move like a propeller.
-I feel good now, Y\n especially with you by my side, - he whispered it so softly that your ears flinched and an electric shock ran through your body like you had never experienced before. While your thoughts were clouded with worry, his fingertips ran gently over your arms, making your body throb even harder. Quaritch was so close that his heavy breath burned your innocent face, which was already covered in embarrassment.
-Miles, what are you doing? - the question came softly enough and in one exhale, when his hands were already on your thighs, squeezing them tightly.
-What you have long wanted, but could not afford - the colonel's gaze was fixed on your lips, everything inside him was burning, only you could cause him such strong and ridiculous feelings. As much as you wanted it to stop, your body seemed to defy common sense, and you could only watch as his strong arms pressed you closer and his warm lips showered you with light kisses. Your body burned frantically with every touch on your neck, lightly biting it with his fangs, Quaritch teasing you, making you feel intense embarrassment, his mind still stupefied, and such an effect without the necessary aids could have lasted 48 hours.
-Miles… Stop it, you're not yourself, - your cotton palms tried to push away from the man's chest, but he in turn only intercepted them and raised them above your head, holding you in a kind of trap from which it was difficult to escape.
-Out of yourself I can only be from you - you were naturally enjoying everything that was happening, but common sense still managed to master your brain, the colonel was stupefied and the only option to stop this debauchery was to take control of yourself. The very moment you wanted to be indignant, your lips plunged into a passionate kiss, you never in your life would have thought he was so good at it. Each time the touch of his lips became more and more impatient, given only seconds to exhale and inhale, your tail went crazy and spun with the burning inside. The ground beneath your feet disappeared each time, but Quaritch's firm grip kept you from falling, pressing your wretched body closer to his, still holding your wrists higher.
-Stop, I can't breathe anymore… - You pulled away from the passionate kisses, to which the man only laughed.
-You didn't seem to mind, - he said smugly, finally letting go of your hands. You lifted your head and covered the back of your wrist, greedily gulping for air with your mouth. Unfortunately, the respite was very short; you could tell by the way Miles was touching you, because his hand had already climbed under your shirt. That movement made your tail rise and your body shudder again; the situation had to be saved, an idea popped into your head, and you had to make it happen somehow. You wrapped your arms around Miles' neck and dug into his lips, it was so sudden that the man began to pull back until you both fell into the grass.
-So you like being on top? - he smirked, watching your body.
-Sure, - you tried to reach for your bag, which wasn't far away, but his hands exploring your body, under your shirt, distracted you in every way possible. Finally reaching into the bag, you quickly pulled out a syringe and injected the drug into his shoulder, the man groaned in sharp pain, and you just got off him and sat down next to him, it was unwise to leave until the effects were completely gone, so you just waited for him to come to his senses. At this point the other guys were finally able to get to you, as it turned out they were just tied upside down to the trees, alive and well.
-Finally, now they're coming for us, - you sighed tiredly and looked at Miles, who was already the real Miles.
-What the hell… My goddamn head, what happened? Are we dead? - Holding his head, he tried to remember everything that had happened a few minutes ago, apparently the shock had been so severe that he had lost his memory.
-It's nothing, you just fell unconscious and I was trying to save you the whole time, - a lie for the good of both of them, you knew that if you told it like it was, there would be a lot of embarrassment and misunderstanding in your future service.
-Just passing out like that? Well, never mind, thanks, soldier, - his eyes stared into the distance, trying to remember something. After a few minutes of contemplation you heard the familiar hum of the engine, salvation finally came to you, and together with everyone else you went to the base. You spent the rest of the day in your own thoughts in your office, you also took samples of that poison that is so powerful, as it turns out the Na'vi use it in hunting to stupefy game and make them lose their minds.
At that moment there was a knock on the door, and the familiar figure of Miles stepped in.
-Oh, you feel better, did you want something? - You put aside your work and turned to him, there was not a single emotion on his face that you would normally see.
-You know, I behaved extremely rudely in my work with you and… - he paused and scratched his neck, - And I would like to apologize, - you rounded your eyes in surprise, but you apologized just as he did.
-It's okay, we just didn't see eye to eye, - you said, and you shook hands peacefully.
-But if you want to go on and talk about what we rehearsed after what happened in the woods, you know where to find me, - Miles grinned, your face ready to burn, he remembered every little detail? - For a nerd, you're an excellent kisser, - the colonel left the office after that phrase, leaving you alone with your thoughts and burning with embarrassment.
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katrin-may · 2 years
Hide and Seek
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Cw: Reader Na'vi x Neteyam, fluff.
Tw: -
English not my native language, Have a good read!🥰
You and the children were playing hide-and-seek," Neteyam led the way.
You knew that L'oak and Tuk were hiding in a tree not far from the leader and in the same tree, Spider was trying to get out on the highest branch, and Kiri was somewhere in the grass.
You decided to break away from your friends to make the game more interesting, you ended up running into some ravine where lush flower bushes were growing, and as you know, not everything on pandora is so harmless. You decided not to take any chances and hid in the roots of a tree.
- Ninety-nine, one hundred! - shouted Neteyam and went off in search of his friends. The first was Spider, who was hanging off a branch, barely hanging onto it. - Seriously? - The guy looked at the spider, he sighed disappointedly and climbed down from the tree. Consequently, L'dub was quickly found too, and then so was Tuk.
- It's all because of you!!! - The girl sulked at Spider and sat down resentfully near the tree.
- Next time you hide yourself," L'oak sat down with his sister, and then Spider joined them. Kiri was next, it took a lot of work to find her, but it came out quickly, Neteyam is a master of the hide-and-seek game. He decided to leave you for dessert.
- You're good at hiding. Sure you don't need help? - Kiri asked, taking a seat against the tree.
- No thanks, I'm good at this! - Neteyam grinned and went looking for you.
Fifteen minutes passed, you got a little tired of looking and waiting, so you decided to look around your hideout. What you didn't notice at first was that there was something like a hive or cocoon in the roots that clearly had something living in it. You heard a voice and then the cocoon buzzed. You didn't hesitate and decided to hide again, because that sound didn't bode well. As soon as you climbed out, Neteyam came into view. You quickly took a lying down position and began to think: gorge or roots. You looked at the tree, it started buzzing even louder, this factor led you to the opinion that the gorge would be better, especially since it is not deep. Throwing a pebble there and not noticing any reaction of the plants, you slowly and carefully descended the trail. Once at the bottom, you began to look at the flowers, which were up to your waist. There were no thorns or poisonous mucous membranes on them.
- Y/n! - stretched out Neteyam, fingering the bushes. - Well, where are you! All already found, come out! - But you disregarded your boyfriend's words and climbed deeper into the plant. You couldn't smell it up there, but down there... It was just gorgeous, it couldn't be compared to anything else. The boy got to the ravine and, without noticing you, decided to look under the roots. Remembering that a few seconds ago the buzzing of wild insects came from under the tree, you decided to sacrifice your luxurious shelter, you jumped out of the bushes, clutching flower petals, thereby dropping the pollen from them on yourself.
- Stop!" - you shouted, and then pounced on Neteyam. He was beneath you and stared at you in surprise.
- What are you doing? Not here! - the boy laughed, and you, suppressing your laughter, quickly got off Neteyam and went to the roots, there you noticed a whole cocoon from which no more sound came out.
- So uninteresting! - You rolled your eyes and folded your arms across your chest, remembering why you were here.
- So what happened? - He came up to you, put his arm around your shoulders, and leaned his other arm against the trunk of a tree.
- There is a wild insect cocoon there, and a few minutes before you arrived, it... - As you try to explain the situation to the boy, you notice that he is watching you carefully with his head tilted sideways. - You are listening to me, aren't you?
- Of course I am, it's just that you look so funny," Neteyam smiled as he touched your hair.
- What's the matter with him? - You raised your eyebrows and touched your hair puzzled, and then you looked down at your hand and saw the yellow and pink pollen. - Is it really that bad? - you asked and carelessly brushed the pollen out of your hair, creating a hurricane in it, which made Neteyam laugh.
- No, no, wait," he smiled and began to help you smooth your hair with his big hands. After doing a pretty neat haircut, the guy continued: "Oh, there you go. Oh, no, wait, there's more," he tilted your head, revealing a view of the top of your head, where the pollen still glistened. Netayam folded his lips into a tube and blew off the rest. - That's it now," he pecked your forehead, and then he noticed how delicious your hair smelled.
- What's the matter? - You looked up at him in surprise, and in turn the boy put his hands on your neck.
- Your hair smells delicious," he said as he buried his nose in your hair. You took a strand of your hair and held it up to your nose. It smelled really good, judging by recent events, that smell was clearly coming from the pollen of the plant. - I would have eaten them," Neteyam pulled away from your hair, then lifted you up in his arms. - And then I would bite you, too! - The boy exclaimed and playfully bit your cheek. You both started laughing.
- What would you do afterwards if you ate me? - You covered your eyes theatrically with the back of your hand.
- I think they're waiting for us," he lowered you to the ground and took you under his arm.
- Don't change the subject! - You said, still smiling.
- Of course, I'd grow old in the company of loneliness and die! - exclaimed Neteyam, smiling.
- Fool," you grinned and headed in the direction of your friends.
- Yes, by the way, you got caught," the boy suddenly remembered.
- I expect a fair rematch.
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katrin-may · 2 years
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CW: reader na'vi x neteyam, fluff, cuddles, cute nicknames, little kisses.
TW:.blood, meat, carnage, self-loathing, tears.
A/N Hi honeypie's! it turned out quite a lot this time, but I think it's pretty similar to my previous work. I really want to consult with you and hear your opinions as well as suggestions. I would be very happy to see your ideas, enjoy reading everyone! Also, I won't forget to remind you: English is not my first language, so there may be spelling errors. Thank you!🥰
- I bet you can't kill any of them," L'oak asked suddenly, and his eyebrows rose, sliding back and forth between you and the animal. You were sitting in a tree.
- What?" You raised your eyebrows in surprise and stared at your friend. - I'd better let you go ahead.
- Weak girl, I get it," the guy rolled his eyes.
- Go to hell," you jerked his shoulder, and then stared at the group of Hexapede.
- What if I told the Neteyam how you feel? - My heart started pounding again.
- I don't have time to fool around," you said without looking away.
- You're boring," L'oak leaned back on the branch and closed his eyes on his chest, his arms crossed grudgingly. A tanator came into view. That gave you something to worry about.
- Look who's here," you began rubbing your friend's knee, and he stood up when he saw the wary creatures.
Thanator was pacing beside the Hexapede beasts, intent on attack.
- Prepare to retreat, on one... Two... - Before you could finish your sentence, L'oak burst out of his seat and launched himself at the herbivores. - What the hell are you doing?
- Getting lunch! - His friend shouted back merrily. He climbed up the hexapod and rode it like a Direhorse The lad had removed his knife from his belt and was about to sink it into his throat. L'oak didn't notice the predator until the herbivores were gone, and the one he had saddled abruptly dropped the lad and joined his group. Saliva flowed thickly from the beast's mouth, watering Na'vi like a bucket.
- Shit. We need backup, now! - Calling for help, you went downstairs.
- Good tanator... Good... - the guy laughed nervously and raised his hands in front of him. The animal was an inch from L'oak's face and he regarded it. Then you saved the boy and put him on the run.
- You fool! - You ran through the foliage, trying not to touch the animal. - I told you not to be a fool! - You ran as fast as you could, but it was hard to outrun the thanator, and when you came to a bend you hit a dead end. Waterfall. Without thinking, you pushed your friend into it, and you remained standing on the ground. The consequences were not long in coming. The predator jumped on you. You tried to push it away, but to no avail. The tanator began to scratch your body, leaving deep marks. You screamed and cried. The next clawed paw struck your arm, then your legs, and then your face. That was it. Blood became critically lacking. You could no longer breathe properly. It was the end. He sank his teeth into your shoulder, a punch followed, and your body fell. Your vision is blurred, but you recognize Netheyam's silhouette from a thousand.
It is dark. The light was barely visible. You opened your eyes, looking around, you realized you were in a room, and not alone. There was a guy sitting next to you, making your heart skip a beat. He was asleep.
- Am I in heaven? - You whispered, examining him. The man's ear hissed, his eyes opened. Did you notice that you're covered in bandages? And your hand resting in your friend's hand.
- Y/N?! Oh, holy Eywa, thank you! - There were tears in the corners of Neteyam's eyes.
- How did I even survive? How long had I slept? Where is L'oak, is he all right? - You tried to rise to a sitting position but Neteyam's arms stopped you, gently pulling you back to your previous position.
- Don't make any sudden movements yet," he said as he gently placed his hand on your head. - In any case. It's been two weeks, L'oak is perfectly healthy, he told us everything as it was and his father put him under house arrest," your eyes widened and you began to breathe heavily, the boy noticing your unease and beginning to stroke your hair.
- Two weeks? Like two weeks," you seemed oblivious to what your friend had said about L'oak.
- Oh, it's all right. It's all right now that you've finally recovered, well, almost..." He pursed his lips and looked at me. - He pressed his lips together and looked at your feet.
- What?" You raised your eyebrows to the bridge of your nose, and your eyes quickly darted upward. Neteyam's presence confused you, and you didn't even pay attention to your condition. You looked around, and this time the following view opened before your eyes: in addition to the bandages, you noticed the absence of a very important detail: your right leg. - My leg! Where is it? - You sat up abruptly and began to cry. Your gaze fell on your hands, which now had seven fingers instead of eight.
Then you ran to the bucket of water and saw your reflection, which showed a huge scar across your face. - Goddamn it! - You sobbed again, it was hysterical. Neteyam tried to calm you down, but apparently all his verbal attempts were unsuccessful. He took your hands, sat across from you, and stared intently into your eyes.
- Look at me," he ordered, trying hard to see your tear-stained eyes. - On the count of three, take a deep breath in and out. One... Two... Three," he took a deep breath, waiting for you to exhale.
You overcame yourself and repeated after him. - That's it! Well done! - You made him smile. - Now one more time," you both repeated two more times, and he brought you to your senses. - You're good!
- Thank you... But what am I supposed to do with this now? - You pointed at your leg and then looked at your friend again.
- With the help of human technology we were able to develop some kind of prosthesis. Oh shit! I completely forgot, I'll be right there.
A few minutes later Mo'at and Kiri appeared in the room.
- Petal! - That's what Kiri called you and she ran up and took your hand. - How happy I am to see you!
- How am I! - You smiled at the girls.
- How are you feeling? - Mo'at asked, while she was doing something on the table.
- Incomplete," you were still looking at your leg. Kiri decided to help your grandmother and made you some herbal tea, but it didn't smell quite right and you grimaced.
- Drink it! - you decided after all your disgust. Your intuition was right, the tea was indeed disgusting.
- How did I manage to survive?
- Only Eywa knows, but our powers were not superfluous," the woman finished the ointment and walked over to you with it. Kiri helped untangle you from the bandages, and you noticed the claw scars all over your body, it was obvious. The girls' gentle hands applied the cold ointment to your body and began rubbing it into the marks. - It didn't hurt?
- Not really, it just tickles," you grinned. Kiri was very pleased with your reaction and couldn't help but smile. - What happened after my rescue?
- Neteyam brought you in covered in blood, you weren't breathing, but we managed to get you back. In the end, the only thing we couldn't save was your severed finger and your severed leg. And the scars didn't go away. - The last drop got on your face. Your eyebrows furrowed in surprise, and then you ran your hand over your face and felt some dents, forgetting that your face wasn't clean either. - Hey! Don't touch that! - The woman slapped you on the arm and continued.
- I don't know how to thank you, a simple thank you isn't enough," tears came to her eyes, Kiri noticed it and quickly wiped them away.
- All that matters to us is that you're okay," the girl kissed the top of your head. You smiled.
- When can I go back to my old way of life?
- It will take another week or so, besides the adjustment to your new way of life," Mo'at pulled away from you and stood up. - We'll bring you some supper and you get your thoughts together.
The woman left, and you and Kiri were left alone. You chatted about all sorts of things that had happened over the past two weeks, but nothing serious had happened. Kiri's grandmother brought you dinner, you ate quickly, and then Neteyam showed up at the door.
- Oh, you're having dinner here, bon appetit! - The guy smiled and then sat down next to you.
- Where are you going? - You asked, looking at the huge bag in his hands.
- I'll show you," he unfolded the paper, and from it you saw what appeared to be an iron prosthesis. - This is what I was talking about! - smiling, the boy looked at the leg.  It wasn't just gray-iron, it was blue with dark blue stripes.
- It's just incredible! - You sat down closer to Neteyam and ran your hand over his leg.
- Ah, that," he said embarrassed, "I thought it might make you feel more comfortable," you blushed.
- That's very sweet, thank you," you kissed him on the cheek and went back to your previous position.
- Of course," he coughed and smiled. - Let me try it on," you nodded, and he brought his leg up to your thigh. After a while, he managed to attach it to your leg. - How was it? - You were embarrassedly silent for a while, but then you answered.
- Well... - he didn't understand your reaction until he noticed he was holding you by your hips. He abruptly jumped back, and you and Kiri smiled.
- Ahem, excuse me.
- Shall we try to stand up?
- Let's try," Kiri and Neteyam stood up and lifted you under your arms. You could barely stand, but thanks to the support of your friends, you kept your balance. - That's good! Let's try walking," the boy said and moved quietly forward. You could push off the surface but your prosthesis wouldn't listen and you couldn't walk forward. - I don't think everyone can do it the first time, but you're good enough! - They led you in. Mo'at burst into the room.
- Kiri! Come here, we have a wounded man," the woman glanced around the room.
- Yes, I'm coming! Bye, petal! I'll be back for you tonight," Kiri threw on her bag, you waved back and she ran off after her grandmother.
You and Neteyam were left alone. He decided to spice up the awkward silence by telling you about the capabilities of your prosthesis. It's getting dark.
- I'd like to check on L'oak," you yawned.
- I'll speak to father about it, don't worry," you smiled at each other, then grasped his arm.
- Don't leave me alone for the night.
- But can I stay? - He squeezed your palm.
- Your parents will understand, Kiri will probably explain," you pleaded, placing your hand, the one with three fingers, on top of his. Remembering your peculiarity, you jerked it away sharply. But Neteyam caught it before you could.
- Are you ashamed of her? - You nodded, but he was not satisfied with your answer. He brought your hand to his lips and kissed the back of it. Then he kissed every phalanx of your fingers, and then he moved on to your face. First your nose, then your chin, your forehead, both cheeks, but he didn't dare cross the line, and your lips remained untouched. - You are beautiful, whatever you are," he intertwined both his hands with yours.
- Neteyam... - Tears came to your eyes. You were very touched by his words and actions. You began to cry. This reaction really surprised the guy and threw him into a stupor.
- What happened? - You didn't say anything and just hugged him. He hugged you back and soothingly stroked your hair.
- You're so cute, you're so damn cute, how can you be like that! Why are you so," you sobbed into his chest, and the guy, in turn, was even more confused. You don't know what this sudden and fickle mood had to do with it. - How much I love you," you said, and continued to shed tears. End of the line. The boy's brain exploded.
- "You... are you... are you serious? - Neteyam pulled you away from his chest and looked into your weeping eyes, simultaneously wiping away the remains of tears on your cheeks. You nodded. - No, wait, as a friend, right? - You continued to sit in silence. Silence is a sign of agreement. The boy smiled softly and pulled you to his chest again. - I love you too, little flower. - You immediately feel better. - Let's not be in a hurry, okay?
- Let's take it slow, okay? Sure. - He kissed the top of your head.
- How are you feeling?
- Actually, your body still burns a little when you touch it, but it's bearable. Oh, and it's still hard for me to sit up.
- Oh, that's right! - You disconnect, and he starts to adjust your sleeper. - Well, here it is! Lie down, my lady," you laughed and lay down. He's on his back and you're on his chest, though he expected you to be on his right, but that was okay too.
- Tell me about your two weeks.
- Well," Neteyam rubbed his forehead and wondered. - It wasn't really as eventful as you think. - He looked at you. - I've spent them here with you, running errands for my father from time to time. To see you in your usual state is an incredible happiness to me.
- And to be near you is true happiness for me.
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katrin-may · 2 years
new bestie account 🤭🤭🤭
"Aimed to kill" Chapter 1\?
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CW: SFW, y\n, The main character is a Na'vi, na’vi quaritch x na’vi reader
TW: blood, large wounds, profanity, deception, mistrust, suspense
The story came out big so I'll split it into several parts!
You were the only Avatar with medical experience on the security base, and during your lifetime you learned the various Na'vi treatments as well as their medicinal plants. To this day, you knew nothing of your death, and nothing has ever led you to unravel this mystery. You were only given the memories of Y\n Y/s, known as a military medic with extensive experience on Earth. As you watched the monitors record the broken Samsons, you had no idea how much pain humanity was bringing to Pandora. Deep down, you knew you were on the wrong side of the war, but you had no choice. Besides a strong conscience, you had the constant suspicion of General Ardmore on your shoulders, this woman seemed only waiting for you to go the way of Sally, and each time she tried to break you, but you held firm, passing these traps of scrutiny in every way you could. One day there were new avatars, just like you, who in life were famous mercenaries and top RDA soldiers. You were tasked with familiarizing them with everything that had changed since their last appearance here. That would have been all right, but dealing with one soldier known as Colonel Miles Quaritch made you crazy. This grumpy soldier would come into your office, even unscathed, just to check on your day, which was rather odd for a stern colonel. But just after one of his assignments an excuse to drop in on your specialty, after all the man sat frantically on the couch, peering out of the room.
-Is everything all right? - you asked, pulling alcohol, absorbent absorbent cotton, and other essentials from the shelves.
-You'd better not ask, Y\n. - His gaze was strangely studied, as if it were full of anger and bitterness at the same time. With a shrug, you began to treat the wounds on his face, hissing in sharp pain after each touch.
-The others were less lucky than me, we met Sally, it turns out he has a family of his own now, - said Quaritch, taking off his bloody shirt, you took the needle and disinfected it too, assessing the appearance of the wounds.
-They managed to get away from us, of course, but we took a prisoner, they say his name is Spider, hell, I thought they sent him back to Earth - while the Colonel complained that their mission today had failed, you continued to do your job.
-That's what you were talking about - finally done with one wound, you said.
-Yes, my son, - Miles looked away and sighed heavily, still sitting on the couch. After a few minutes, you were able to finish the rest of the wounds and looked sympathetically at your companion.
-Don't worry, you'll manage, if you need help, you know where to go, - Quaritch patted him encouragingly on the shoulder, looked up at you and smiled, this surprised you so much that you were even embarrassed for a second.
-Thanks, I'll be back Y\n, I have work to do, - the avatar said goodbye and immediately left the office, it didn't take long for the patients to arrive, you were immediately provided with a severely injured patient on a couch and you went back to work. You immediately recognized the familiar face of Sean Fike, his body had several deep wounds and an arrow embedded in it, the man had lost a lot of blood, so he was unconscious.
-Hang in there, Sean, we'll heal you quickly, - you happened to know the entire team personally, and relations between you were not so bad, everyone treated you with respect. After a lot of hard work, you managed to save the situation, and the injured avatar was moved to the rest room. As soon as one patient was taken out, Kuorich came in with some guy.
-You could have examined him some more, these guys gave him a hell of a beating. - The guy was kicking, which made the colonel squeeze his arm tightly. It was clear from the look on his companion's face that it was Spider. Nodding toward the couch, you gestured for them to sit down, then changed gear and gloves.
-Are you trying to kill me? - sharply replied the boy, still clutching tightly to Miles, who was only trying to reassure him.
-Boy, shut up and listen to what you're being told, this woman has never hurt me before, so the same will happen to you, - these words made a smile appear on your face, then you finally walked over to them.
-Look, it's just medical cotton wool, alcohol and bandages, you'll only hurt a little, try to calm down, I'm not going to hurt you, - you raised your hands, which had everything you needed for the young man to be convinced of your words. A few minutes later, Spider was obediently seated, and even without Quaritch's grip.
-See how you're feeling? - you asked, looking at him, and all you got was an approving nod that everything was all right. The boy had to sit with you for a while longer while the colonel was called away on his own business.
-You're different here, - Spyder finally decided to break the silence after a long silence. You turned to him and raised an eyebrow questioningly.
-Like, okay, forget it. He crossed his arms and stared at the floor. I've always been against cruelty, and I guess that's what makes me stand out, - you slowly sat down next to him, but he, in turn, recoiled back incredulously.
-You know, I still have images in my mind of people who have been here before, and I was personally acquainted even with Grace Augustine herself," the boy raised his eyes at you in surprise when he said the name.
-Do you know Grace? - he asked in amazement.
-Of course she was a good scientist, I wish I could remember the rest briefly, - you shrugged and looked at the boy, who was no longer tense, but rather relaxed, as if he were near his person.
-Why are you working for the celestial people? They are destroying every living thing here! - indignantly said the Spider, to which you at first could not formulate an answer.
-Well… I had no choice, and one can only guess how I died, - the young man listened to you with interest, to which you continued, - And now no, I am needed here… - You lightly clenched your palm in your fist and talked quietly amongst yourselves for a while longer. Finally, after an hour, maybe two, Quaritch came back for the boy.
-Come on, kid, thanks for babysitting him, Y\n- you just nodded back.
-Bye, Y\n - Miles was surprised by such an unpredictably sweet goodbye from Spider, for not long ago he was ready to finish everyone off.
-See you later, Spider! - smiling goodbye to them, you waved goodbye and went back to your usual business.
Toward evening, you sat at the computer and studied something intently it was the last of Jake's journal entries, surprisingly Ardmore gave you permission to study them as a sign of your "Learn something else" excuse. From there you learned more about Pandora, RDA, Na'vi, and Quaritch himself. Without noticing when the doors opened, you continued listening to the tapes, and only when strong hands rested on your shoulders did you twitch in horror.
-Hey, hey, hush, it's me, - Miles raised his hands guiltily when he saw your frightened face.
-Oh, shit… Miles, what the fuck? What are you doing here so late? - You closed your device and grabbed your heart.
-I guess I'm the one who should be asking why the fuck you're sitting here so late… - With his hands at his sides, Quaritch raised one eyebrow, looking back and forth at you and your computer. Your only weakness was that hiding the lie was difficult, because your tail wagged uncontrollably faster each time.
-I was just looking through medical histories and old records of people who have been here before, - you involuntarily hid your hands behind your back and answered your interlocutor, but unfortunately, he didn't like that answer.
-You know how I feel about lying, Y\n, I'll ask you again, "What were you doing with Jake Sully's records?" - He stepped closer, literally at point-blank range, forcing you to step back, resting his hands on the table. His palms were still at your sides, his gaze penetrating you.
-Since when do I have to answer to you, Colonel, I don't answer to you, Ardmore is the only one whose orders I obey… - After these words, you jabbed your finger at his chest, the phrase sounded confident, and you looked at him just as piercingly. To your surprise, a smirk appeared on his face and he scratched his neck slightly.
-You know, when you address me as a colonel, it makes me feel special, Y\n, - the smile never left his face, there was something odd instead of rudeness and suspicion. - But I'm sure you wouldn't mind being at my mercy yourself. - His hand rested on the table, where you were now even more pressed by his presence. Your ears twitched at those words, and your tail twitched uncontrollably.
-Why are you silent, am I wrong? - His smug face was only a few feet from yours, and his mouth went dry, his confidence gone, replaced by confusion.
-Y-you fucking… - your hand immediately pushed him away, whereupon you stepped away from the table and tried to recover yourself by sitting down on the couch. Quaritch only slightly laughed at this unpredictable picture, it was his first victory over you, after which, as if nothing had happened, the colonel said goodbye and left.
The next day you decided to leave the office and visit Spider, as it turned out, he was sitting in the corner of the punishment cell, pulling his knees as close to him as possible and with his head down. After asking permission for an "inspection," you were let in after all. When the doors opened, the first thing the guy did was hiss angrily, but when he saw you, he calmed down.
-I'm here to check on my patient, - you said with a wink, and he took the hint that he had finally been left without a glass. Although he seemed to stay away from you, it was more in disbelief than disgust. You carefully took out of your bag everything you needed to examine him here, for, according to the decree, the boy must not be allowed out.
-His heartbeat is too fast, are you worried? - calmly you asked, removing the stethoscope.
-I am worried about my family… - The boy turned away, and you patted him lightly on the shoulder, so that he didn't feel lonely. It was as if the spider sensed that you were kind and your intentions were sincere.
-You know, whoever you are in life, and even though you know Grace personally, I think you're good, better than these sky people, - the boy crossed his arms over his chest, looking at his reflection in the mirror.
You smiled at that answer, but there's only one factor you couldn't understand, how you died and under what circumstances. After talking some more with your new comrade, you were forced to leave. You said goodbye quite nicely, the Spider even hugged you goodbye, from which you reciprocated. On the way you couldn't get last night out of your mind, no, it wasn't about Miles' behavior or jokes, it was about the information you might have learned about him and Sally. Coincidentally, Lyle was on his way to meet you.
-Oh, Y\n, I've been looking all over for you, could you patch me up, - the man pointed to his bloody sides which were hard to miss, you opened your eyes in surprise, immediately took him by the hand and led him to your office, it was the perfect chance to interrogate the corporal. Once you had everything you needed, you got to work.
-Look, Lyle, you and Quaritch were well acquainted in life, is there anything you can tell me about him? - You asked cautiously, without giving any reason for suspicion.
-Why on earth would you ask me that? But never mind, he was a great soldier, cruel and unpredictable! - Lyle eulogized his comrade, saying that he burned everything in his path. Such remarks did not improve his mood, but rather made him think of him differently.
-It's a shame the mission was a failure, but we can still get back at it, can't we, Y\n? - The corporal looked at you mischievously, while your eyes seemed to fly deep in the clouds, but when you looked up at him, you nodded with a strained smile.
At that moment, the door to your office swung open…
To be continued…
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katrin-may · 2 years
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CW: fluff, kiss, reader metkayina, 17y.o.
TW: missing.
prologue: y/n lives in the Metkaina tribe, a simple townswoman. The Sally family has been living in the settlement for a long time.
The sun was shining brightly. The ocean was calm, except for the children frolicking in it.
The children of Sally's family were splashing merrily in the water, and you watched them from the pier. Neteyam and L'oak decided to have a mock duel. You and the girls watched the boys with laughter. The boys dove under the water, and that alarmed you. As soon as you dove into the water, a disheveled Neteyam appeared, followed by his little brother.
- Ha, I won! - The older one smirked, raising his fist above his head, and L'oak pouted. That amused everyone, and you especially, because Netheyam was such a charmer. The lad noticed something amiss and made a questioning look on his face. You swam closer and ran your hand through his hair. The gesture made him blush, and then he repeated your action. He realized that his pigtails had come undone for some reason unknown to him.
- Sorry, I'll be right back, keep having fun," Neteyam climbed ashore and headed for his abode.
Fifteen minutes had passed, and he was still gone.
- I'll go check on him," you walked over to the guy and caught him weaving his hair. He was very focused. - Can I help you? - You suddenly exclaimed, peering out of the doorway. Netayam hesitated for a moment, but then he said:
- I'm almost done, but if you want... - You sat down next to him, picked up a comb, and began braiding a braid near his ear. When you finished, you carefully tucked it behind his ear, a gesture that made him blush. Then you sat down behind him, moving on to the hard-to-reach areas. Suddenly you had an idea.
- Would you like me to braid some beads for you? - You asked enthusiastically, glowing.
- Come on. Just a second," he went to his things and pulled out the necessary materials. - I'll trust your taste," Neteyam smiled, embarrassing you. You took the beads and decided to braid the front braid to bring your idea to life. You sat across from him, your hand occasionally touching his face as you braided. And at one point he couldn't stand it and intercepted it.
- I'm sorry, did I hurt you? - You asked frightenedly, but Neteyam shook his head and looked you straight in the eyes, still not letting go. You did the same, blushing heavily. This contact seemed to last forever. The guy slowly brought your clenched hand closer to his cheek. Goosebumps ran down your body. You began stroking Netheyam and then placed your other hand on his cheek, thereby encircling his face. You looked at each other, waiting for something to happen. As you moved your body a little closer to him, your hands slowly moved to his neck and then tangled in his hair. The guy couldn't take it anymore and gave in to the kiss. The kiss was slow and sensual, with all the feelings that had built up in such a short period of time.
Slowly pulling away from each other, Neteyam looked at you.
- Who would have thought that in a couple of weeks you would become so dear to me? - You grinned and put your arms around him.
- I care for you, too, Neteyam," you said, your nose against his chest. He stroked your hair, and then you remembered why you were here. - The pigtails! - You immediately went back to where you were and helped him finish his hair.
- Thank you so much for your help," he kissed the top of your head, and you both went back to your friends, looking embarrassed.
- you're here! - Tuk shouted, running up to you.
- I thought you were fuck... - Kiri covered L'oak mouth with her hand before he could finish.
- We're going to dry off. Are you coming? - She asked, looking at the pair.
- You know, we'll probably go swimming again," you said.
- Yes!" Neteyam picked you up in his arms wedding-style.
- What are you doing!!! - You were startled and immediately wrapped your arms around his neck.
- "Get ready... One... - He took a step back. - Two... - he walked to the other edge of the pier. - Three! - The guy sprawled out and jumped into the water with you in his arms.
- There's definitely something between them.
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katrin-may · 2 years
A Beautiful Star
CW: fluffy fluff. Forest, stars, you and neteyam.
Au:.in turn I want to say that this is my first work of this genre, it came out short but hopefully not bad, also worth mentioning, English is not my native language, but I hope this does not hinder in any way! Enjoy reading and thanks for the attention, I will try harder in the future! 🥰
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Bright light broke through the foliage of the trees and fell directly on the grassy glade.   You were lying on the soft surface, spreading your arms and looking out at the wonderful nature of the forest. There was silence, and only the rustle of leaves was blown by each gust of wind. The idyll was broken by a louder rustling of leaves that didn't sound like the wind. This excited you, which subsequently forced you to stand up, take a fighting stance, and act very wary. You didn't have time to move your ear before the silhouette of a familiar creature appeared behind you.
- Oh, it's you, Neteyam! - You sighed and crouched down.
- Did I scare you? - The boy asked, anxiously, and put his hands up. - I'm sorry, I didn't mean to," you relaxed and smiled when you saw your friend. You waved your head, letting him know it was okay. He sighed in relief and then looked around the area. - What are you doing here?
- Just admiring," you covered your eyes because of the warm light, and returned to your old lying position. - What are you doing here? - The guy was embarrassed.
- Well, I had to find you and Kiri told me you might be here," he leaned against a tree and stared at you intently. When you opened your eyes, you looked at him, too. Since Neteyam wasn't standing far away, you sat up and were able to reach his arm. Pulling the boy toward you, he practically fell over, but managed to keep his balance.
- Lie down," Neteyam raised his eyebrows in surprise, but he obeyed. You pulled back a little, and then you lay down, too. You both looked up at the sky, which was blocked by foliage. - Why were you looking for me? - You turned on your side and began to stare insistently. The boy did the same.
- We need to talk," you arched your eyebrows and tensed up. - So , we're leaving the tribe tomorrow," you squeezed the grass with your hand and listened even more intently in confusion. He explained the reason for their departure, and it made you suddenly sad.
- But when will you be back? - You asked, sitting up, rubbing a blade of grass in your hands.
- I don't know, but hopefully soon.
- Well... Tomorrow then? - he nodded. You couldn't think straight because you were so overwhelmed with emotion that you jumped into Neteyam's arms. - In that case, let's spend the day together," you pulled back a little and looked him in the eyes. He didn't resist. Instead of words, he just pressed you against his chest. Your heart was beating frantically. You put your arms around his waist, and he in turn began to stroke your hair.
You spent hours together, until it got darker. Different stars and constellations began to appear in the sky, and this led to you discussing them. And at one point you fell silent, but there was the quiet voice of Neteyam.
- It was getting too dark, I think we should go back," he was about to get up, but you interrupted him.
- No you didn't! No!" "Look! - You pointed to the sky where a sort of shooting star had flown by. You could see it, it was so beautiful. - What do you see? - Without taking your eyes off the sky you asked. The boy turned his head in your direction and looked at your profile.
- The most beautiful star I've ever seen," you turned around to see where he was looking. As you thought about his words, you looked a little embarrassed, which brought a blush to your cheeks. Neteyam decided to take matters into his own hands and began to move closer to your face little by little. You wrapped your arms around his cheeks and rolled him to the ground and kissed him gently. The boy was a little surprised by this eagerness, but he was not confused and answered the kiss by putting his hands on his friend's waist. Because of their inexperience, the kiss didn't last long. You slowly pulled away from his lips and didn't even immediately notice what an interesting position you were sitting in.
- Is it comfortable? - Neteyam asked, not taking his hands off your waist. When you looked around, you realized you were sitting on top of him. You collapsed on the grass beside him, as if in a pang of embarrassment. Covering your face, you heard the guy's warm laughter. After that, he got up from the ground and gave you a hand.
There was no awkwardness after the kiss, as if you piled on top of each other every day and then kissed.
- I hope it wasn't the first and last time," the young man said without taking his hand from yours. You grinned and squeezed his hand.
- In that case, the most important thing is for you to go back quickly.
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