katsu-chan22 · 3 years
Life at 21st Century,
a (crack) viewpoint of a 19 years old girl.
Truthfully, I believe that I am living a fairly good life here at 21st century, thanks to Heavenly Father. Of course, life here on earth is not perfectly perfect. As humans we have needs; like food, water, home, clothes and other basic necessities that people do. Most things here on this planet can be purchased by money. Well, except pure love, I think.
But yes, I am dwelling a good life in the modern world. Unlike the ancient times, I do not have to get worried being eaten by wild and horrifying animals as I frolic from places to places, (and that was before Covid19), nor afraid that someone will strike an arrow at me from meters away nor get stabbed by heavy-weighted swords, because of territory disputes and whatnot.
Also, if I am curious about something; I can easily whipped my android phone with a data (that cost a hundred pesos at least and can last for an entire week) and search at our good ol pal-mah-bestie "google" to answer my questions. Especially now, technology has been a huge help in my online classes. Like if there is an activity that has been sent through gclass or messenger, "don't worry wps or google docs can help you save your soft-copy files through skynet or cloud files". See even the names for these useful helpers are extraordinary. Now imagine these terms being used in ancient times, surely people out there will cast you away or burn you for the fear of "witchcraft". Hmmm. People tend to act negatively towards things unknown even today.
Now, "having troubles in seeking answers for your assignments? Do not fear for our bestie google is dependable and it can ‘almost’ answer everything; keyword ‘everything’ ". Just be careful about false information, less you end up making a fool of yourself. Social media is super scary. People are too bored these days that they will find one flaw, and they will take your picture or video and post, tada! "You’re viral!" Reactions, share & share, comments, hate or love; that is the life of social media user. Sometimes, toxicity is too much. It is time to burrow in my comfortable blanket and read books like the old times.
At 21st century, cooking food becomes easy unless "you ain't chef". No need to cut branches of trees, nor use coals for cooking food. When you got a stove and prycegas, it is easy cooking! “You got left-overs?” Refrigerator now exists, and this is like one of the useful inventions ever existed.
Hygiene at 21st century. I am so bless to be able to take a bath without problems. Unless the water is gone for a meantime, like maintenance of sort or “you haven't paid yet~” Bless are the souls who invented shampoo, and soap. When I am remembering how ancient people only took a bath for like once a month or worse, because of how terrible old times are? Yikes. Semi-germaphobic me, might as well faint because of a speck of dirt. Joking. So I am really grateful to be born at 21st century.
Life here at 21st century is great, but it has its own downsides. I got "panza" (spanish for "bilbil") for having too lenient life like using gadgets everyday while sitting, oops. My eyes were now blurry too; I miss my sharp-sighted eyes huhu. Moreover, I am unhappy to see children wearing legit eyeglasses already due to constant use of gadgets.
Our body is precious, let's love it. Did I also mention, robots like A.I are cool in the movies? But in real life, if it gets out of control, humans are bound to be doomed. When this time comes, I hope that Almighty God will harvest my loves one and I. Still, let's be grateful for all things that we have. Fighting!
P.S I still want to share a lot of things, but I think this is like too long hehe.
P.S I had fun doing this one 😎
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katsu-chan22 · 3 years
Why be a teacher? Why teach?
By Saron, Angela A.
1st-year, BSED student
As a first-year home-based gakusei (student in Japanese), I did not imagine my college life to be like this when I was just a regular high school student almost three years ago. I had high expectations of how my college life is supposed to be as my family was already planning for me to study at the same school where my older sister had graduated. However, fate is fickle. Life became quite hard; danger seems to lurk anywhere due to the COVID19 pandemic. This virus overall changed the world. Survival, health, safety, and money of all things become the priority of living beings, not that the world before did not work as same as today, it is just the atmosphere seems to be more suffocating prior to three years ago in my perspective.
In amidst of all these things, life still has to go on. That is why I decided to take the BSED course in MKD (A Japanese school; my sister’s alma mater) no matter how I did not see myself currently as a future teacher. Ironically, both my mother and sister are amazing teachers in their respective workplaces, and they are very much aspiring. However, I on the other hand have lots and lots of issues that I have to work on if I were to become a teacher. I frankly prefer to work on paperwork(s) rather than actual teaching. Nevertheless, I have chosen this course; and I will do my best to become a professional teacher.
Now, these problems I am referring to are, I am an introvert and I am sort of shy despite my physical demeanor; some people say I got a “mean-poker” face, but truthfully my heart is annoyingly sensitive. Moreover, I am a sort of person who understands stuffs, but has a problem in sharing my learning(s) verbally with other people. This is relevant to my reporting and actual presentations in real life both online and face-to-face. I have troubles in speaking my thoughts out loud without embarrassing myself; either stuttering or talking so fast with the wrong use of grammar or my mind is being horrifyingly blank. That is why one of my goals in this school year is to be more confident in speaking out loud without stuttering and losing myself in my headspace. There are these two classmates of mine who speaks so softly and elegantly, the other one bold and assertive; I am so inspired by them. It is really time for me to be more comfortable in communicating vocally, and not just in written words.
This is one of my reasons why I decided to be a teacher, not just because this profession is a long-term one with a good salary (which is life goals, who does not want money?), but I want to help those students who also have the same predicament as mine. I strongly believe there is also room for improvement, especially when our strength lies in the One who made us. Moreover, I want to help build the education of our nation’s future children. Even if my efforts are like a small dot compare to others, I think at least this life of mine will have a purpose. In which, I did not live uselessly like a limp doll.
P.S. Thank you for your time in reading this blog!
P.P.S. Interested for more? See you in my next blog post!
P.P.P.S. I accept constructive criticism :D
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