katsuhicon · 8 years
Ghostbusters 2016 review
A lot of critical outcry has happened even before it’s release, but Ghostbusters 2016 is a movie that does well on it’s own. The movie from start to finish wasn’t boring and actually held up quite well with the original concept.
Plot explanation:
Ghostbusters 2016 takes place in modern day NYC and doesn’t follow the story after GBII. It’s essentially a full on reboot of the series, acting out its own story like AMAZING Spider-Man or the New Star Trek movies. Since this is the START of a new version of movies it makes sense that no one recognizes the fact that “30 years ago” GBI and GBII happened. You’ll enjoy this movie if you go in with a clean slate and don’t expect a continuation of the previous films.
Plot Rating: since it’s the start of a new franchise, Ignoring the original films and starting a new line, I’ll give it an 8/10
Abby: played by Melissa McCarthy, is what I would like to assume is the new Ray, since we first see her in a lab at a public university. She’s technologically inclined but not as much as her partner, Jillian.
Jillian: played by Kate McKinnon, she’s the obvious replacement for Egon. Being able to build virtually anything, she creates ALL of the equipment for the crew. She’s weird and disturbing at points but that’s what makes her character stand out.
Erin: played by Kristen Wiig, is Abby’s longtime friend and former paranormal science partner. She’s in the top of her field as a quantum physics professor, a skill that’s severely under utilized in the film. Assuming replacement character for Peter.
Patty: played by Leslie jones, subway worker turned ghostbusters when a ghost is spotted in a subway tunnel. Another under utilized character that “knows New York”, was expecting more of the character in terms of “take a shortcut here”
Character Rating: after watching the film you can come to the conclusion that Erin and Patty are Under-Utilized and that Abby and Jillian do most of the work.
With Erin I was expecting her to be the one to use scientific methods for the existence of ghosts and be able to use her experience as a quantum physicist to help explain how ghosts work or to help Holtzmann with her gadgets. She only helps one time that I noticed, helping to lay out Ley Lines on a map to pinpoint the Epicenter. With Patty I was expecting her to be able to use her knowledge of the city to get to places faster or to use the street or subway tunnel layouts to their advantage. I hope these issues are addressed in the Next Ghostbusters movie that was setup in the after credits scene. “I heard something... Who’s Zuul?”
8/10, would be 10 out of 10 if each character was utilized to their fullest potential. Story:
The story for this GB is an original story and not actually a remake of the original film. The antagonist, Rowan, wants to use Ghosts to take revenge on the “Garbage Humans” of the world. He goes to all the major points on the cities Ley Lines and places a spiritual amplifier at them to power them up to open a portal to the other side by “Breaking the barrier”. Story Rating: It’s a good story to start off a new franchise with it’s own original pieces. 8/10 Special Effects: The special effects used fulfill their purpose, blending realism with CGI but the end of the films effects are Kind of Cartoony. Rating: 7/10 Music: Here’s probably the only Negative review for this Film. The music is Awful. I’m all for them establishing their own story and universe, but, the music has GOT TO GO. Fallout boy singing the theme was atrocious and off tempo and there were no other memorable songs than the original theme. HOWEVER, the Arrangements of the ghostbusters theme that are used during high paced scenes are good. When holtzmann is fighting the ghosts in time square is one of the better arrangements I’ve heard. Music Rating: 4/10 Overall Rating: 7.5/10 The new Ghostbusters 2016 Reboot is actually a good start for a new set of movies, blending realism with believable CGI, Great character development which hopefully is utilized more in a sequel but it does have some God Awful selections for a sound track which kind of redeems itself with well placed GB arrangements. I would recommend Super GB fans to see it in theaters but anyone who just wants to see it for the sake of seeing it, Wait for the Blu-Ray/DVD.
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katsuhicon · 9 years
Metal Gear Solid V: Let’s talk about Quiet.
Well, the game’s been out since monday and for some leaked copies in the middle east and asia, a week, I’ve noticed the same old story that’s recurring whenever someone decides to talk about or review Metal Gear Solid V. That topic is Quiet. Now, i’ve been playing the game NON-STOP since monday and it’s the most beautiful game I have ever seen. from the Foliage to the creases in your uniform to the Wet effect you get from crawling in a puddle. Everything is so Detail coordinated and it’s truly a game that’s ahead of it’s time. But, all this is Undercut by Social Justice Warriors, Feminists and anyone who gets offended by any character showing more than an acceptable amount of skin. Quiet is the Only lead female character so far. there were mentions of Dr. Clark but that’s it, only mentions. Now why is it “sexist” or “demeaning” for a video game character to be dressed in such a way? well, if you’d play the game before you open your rancid mouths and run it until your gums bleed, You’d figure out exactly why she’s dressed the way she is. and once you figure that out she goes from what SJW’s would call derogatory to “oh, then that makes sense since this is a metal gear game and stuff like this happens” Now before you mouth breathers get spit on your screen, I’m going to give you a spoiler so you understand why. So, SPOILER HERE:
Quiet isn’t 100% human, she was revived after having her body burned so much that parasitic therapy had to be done to restore her organs. and because of that she doesn’t need to eat or sleep, every basic human function doesn’t apply. the only thing she needs is Water that she drinks... Through her skin. Photosynthesis. if clothes are put on her that block her ability to take in sunlight or water, she suffocates and dies. so she wears that because she HAS to, not because she wants to. That is the official description and reason. I’ve completed about half the game so far and Quiet is actually the best buddy to have. you can send her off to scout out enemy bases and outposts and does a better job than DD, you can set her to a vantage point and take out enemies if they spot you. being able to send her halfway across the map is very valuable since you can have her tag everyone in that base or post before you get there. But again, all this is undercut by “sexism” and people trying to bring down a valuable character. the only thing Sexist about quiet are peoples inability to learn first, judge later. People see this character and instead of trying to learn why, it’s Point and scoff first, scoff some more and when everyone is looking at you try to explain and hope they also get infuriated too. Seriously, Social Justice Warriors and Feminists need to learn when the appropriate time and place to judge something before learning about it is. and that time is never. don’t get your underwear all bunched up over a Digital, Non-Real character and worry about what actually matters. Sexual equality in a video game is a fantasy you’re not going to achieve so focus on REAL problems. Real women need your attention for better schooling, pay and employment but you’re wasting it on Megaphoning at your computer screen about Quiet and that’s a shame.
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katsuhicon · 9 years
These vines are my life
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katsuhicon · 9 years
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katsuhicon · 9 years
A SFW Artist: “lol I don’t nsfw material”
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katsuhicon · 9 years
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katsuhicon · 9 years
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katsuhicon · 9 years
Hey! Just wanted to let you know there is a seller on eBay using your Lupin III artwork: Item number 271431105583 by superb_shirt
Thanks for letting me know, I’ll handle it accordingly.
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katsuhicon · 9 years
GameStop and the Death of Collectible Retro Gaming.
GameStop will soon be taking in and Re-Selling Collectible/Retro Games. While most people think this is a good thing since they'll be available, this is in Fact a terrible thing. Arguably, GameStop is a company that has helped shape the gaming world and Gaming economy as we know it today. With pre-order bonus's that are just Cosmetic incentives to buy it there, their Lackluster Rewards Program, their In-human trade in system that doesn't know the worth of games, GameStop is a Driving Force behind a gaming dark age.
Now, With the addition of Retro Games coming to their inventory, Gamestop is poised to actually pull a Wal-Mart. Move in, Drive small/family owned businesses out, dry up the area of resources and move on. Wal-Mart doesn't actually do this, it's a stigma created to enforce buying at small businesses. With Gamestop, it is actually going to happen.
I work at a family owned, Retro video gaming store. Yes we carry everything up to the current generation of games, but, the most common thing said in my store about current systems is "I'll just go to gamestop".  while it hasn't bothered me in the past to be more than an annoyance, it's actually turning into a concern now. The advantage that we have over gamestop is when someone comes in with a Super Nintendo, We're the only place in town that will take them. Being honest, retro games are actually what keeps our "Retro" focused store open. If someone comes in with a super nintendo, I feel whatever I offer is going to be retorted with "I'll go to GameStop".
Now, let's get on to how this is a Bad thing. Since it's so common for people to just go "Eh, Gamestop instead", it's already got it's own strength. so not only do we have to give MORE than gamestop now, we have to also Re-sell it for Less than gamestop. Right now, an old PS2 hunting game that we have for 7.99 is on their website for 2.99. GameStop will give you PENNIES for your games and Re-sell them for absurd amounts. That copy of Earthbound you have? I can give you pretty much half the store in credit for that. "I'll just go to gamestop" Why? I just offered you a fortune of store credit/cash for one game, You go to game stop you'll get like... $5.50 credit, $2 cash tops. that's how it works for them. Rip you off then offer you garbage in return. and just so we're clear, I'm not saying any employee does this, it's Corporate. GameStop corporate decides the worth of a game, not the employee. So if you take in that copy of Link to the Past to trade, don't expect anything huge since it's some old guy sitting in a chair thousands of miles away from you deciding how much it's worth all the while trying to sell you sub-par products and programs.
example: GSE: "oh, you're trading in Killer Instinct on SNES? we'll give you $1 store credit, however if you subscribe to our magazine for $2.50, buy a Power Up Plus rewards membership for a year for $15 AND give us 2 more games, we'll give you an extra 5% on this trade!"
Customer 1: "That's a Great Deal! here, TAKE ALL MY GAMES!" GSE: "Great! you now have $2.50 store credit" Customer 1: "GAME STOP IS SOOOOOOOO GREAT! :D!"
Customer 2: *eyeballs final fantasy III and Slides over* "How much for that final fantasy?"
Gamestop POS System: *Grows horns and engulfs the counter in flames* "$90! HUA HUA HUA"
Customer 2: "I'll take it! Thanks game stop!"
With family owned/second hand stores, The employees decide what a game is worth, not a machine having its strings pulled by a soul less corporation. the only silver lining is that since GameStop is actually kind of stupid with their pricing, you could go there and get a decent game for cheap and resell it for more at local businesses. but that only goes so far. people also have to BUY from local businesses too to keep it going in that cycle. so please buy local. it supports the economy of the area, keeps businesses open and people keep jobs. if not, then we're just headed toward a Digital Pre-Order Microstransaction ill-diverse gaming era.
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katsuhicon · 9 years
I have one of the Classic furby’s from the 90′s, I dropped him once, Apologized (I was a kid) and put him back in his box. Around 2 in the morning he “Woke up” and said “Dark, Scary!” then he just kept laughing for like, 20 minutes. DO NOT fuck with a furby.
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why is there a fucking death symbol
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katsuhicon · 9 years
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katsuhicon · 9 years
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katsuhicon · 10 years
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“A little bit of Monica in my life, A little bit of Erica by my side, A little bit of Rita is all I need, A little bit of Tina is what I see, A little bit of Sandra in the sun, A little bit of Mary all night long, A little bit of Jessica, here I am…”
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katsuhicon · 10 years
The theme song of my life apparently Y^Y
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katsuhicon · 10 years
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katsuhicon · 10 years
Yakko Warner meets Invader Zim
From Rob Paulsen’s Talkin’ Toons podcast
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katsuhicon · 10 years
This had me at "!"
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