katywritesbooks · 3 years
There are still 2600 of you?!
I've barely posted in 2 years and there's still that many of you?!
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katywritesbooks · 3 years
So.... is writblr still a thing?
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katywritesbooks · 4 years
My FAVOURITE author VE Schwab talking about the shiny new ideas we get whilst we’re writing.  ENJOY
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katywritesbooks · 4 years
It’s that time of year again if anyone fancies it! 
September Writing Challenge
As I could not find a September Writing/Prompt Challenge I decided to make my own! Below are 30 words to be used as prompts. They can be used in ANY way. Think outside the box or do exactly as it says on the tin. What you write can be any length, have any characters. 
Anyone else who decides to give it a go, can you let me know! I’d love to follow all your work :) #septemberwritingchallenge
1. Sun 2. Rain 3. Anniversary 4. Lies 5. Dance 6. Pink 7. Swimming 8. Cat 9. Footsteps 10. Thunder 11. Apples 12. Ink 13. Trees 14. Holiday 15. Glass 16. Sheep 17. Books 18. Heartache 19. Castle 20. Cake 21. Ice 22. Boat 23. Blue 24. Field 25. Run 26. Bench 27. Hunger 28. Whisper 29. Cage 30. Passenger
So, I am going to crack on with the first one now! Hopefully this gets the creative juices flowing again!
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katywritesbooks · 4 years
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The point of a twist is to enrich a story, not feel superior for outsmarting your audience.
@ The Magicians writers
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katywritesbooks · 4 years
I miss you guys!
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katywritesbooks · 4 years
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
I'm curious--how do you guys go about creating your OCs?
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
My character Gage is a demon lawyer. It makes COMPLETE sense
Who wants to hear my new conspiracy theory about lawyers
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
the other day it gave me "Come Buy Knit" instead of combine it
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Really, voice-to-text? Goodnuf instead of good enough? Really?
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
✨ Some Herbs, Flowers and Plants in Witchcraft✨
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ALLSPICE: increase energy, love, healing, luck
ANGELICA: protection, purification
Benefits for health: improve digestion
ARTEMISA: dream divination, clairvoyance
AZUCENA: sentimental improvement, progress, peace  
BASIL: economic success, money, prosperity, peace, protection, happiness, purification, tranquillity, love
BAY: fosters loving vibrations, protection, wards off negativities in a home, success, wisdom, divination
BAY LEAF: protection, purification, healing, strength, good fortune, money and success
BIRCH: protection, purification
BLACK PEPPER: protection, courage  
CALENDULA: happiness, prosperity, love, psychic power, harmony
Benefits for health: treat skin irritation (like eczema, bruises, scars, scrapes)
CARAWAY: protection against negativity, health, mental abilities, fidelity
Benefits for health: antitheft
CARDAMOM: passion, sex, intimacy  
CARNATION: cosmic energy, magic, disease, protection, strength energy, luck, healing
 White: peace, healing
Red: sex, love, passion
Yellow intellectual movement
Rose: disappearance of disagreements  
CHAMOMILE: brings love, healing, relieves stressful situations, prosperity, peace, healing, harmony, happiness
Benefits for health: sooth stomach problems, calm headache, calm nerves
Benefits for health: astringent,  cooling (topically), demulcent, relieves itchiness
CINNAMON: aphrodisiac, passion, love, luck, prosperity, success, raises spiritual vibrations, purification, energy, healing, protection
Benefits for health: antimicrobial, aromatic, astringent, mild stimulant, relieves wind
CLOVE: protection, purification, mental ability, healing
COFFEE: intellect awakening  
COMFREY: health, healing, protection during travel, prosperity
CUMIN: protection spell
DAFFOIL: luck, fertility, love
DAISY: love, flirtation, hope, innocence
DANDELION: divination, interaction with the spirit world, wishes
Benefits for health: bitter tonic, diuretic, liver cleanser,  mild laxative
DILL: good fortune, tranquillity, prosperity, lust, protection
ELACAMPANE: protection, luck, dispels negative vibration, plant spirit communication
EUCALYPTUS: health, healing  
FENNEL: longevity, protection,  healing,  purification  
GARDENIA: harmony, healing, love, peace
GARLIC: protection against evil eye  
GERANIUM: protection, happiness, mental clean up, fertility, love, healing, courage
Benefits for health: fight cold, calm stomach, suppress nausea
Benefits for health:  antioxidant, heart  tonic,  lowers  blood  pressure, relaxes blood vessel
HIBISCUS: divination, dreams, love and lust
HERBABUENA: money, prosperity  
HYACINTH: love, happiness, protection
INCENSE: Spirituality
IRIS: wisdom, valour, peace, harmony, love
IVY: protection, healing
JACINTO: overcoming old pains of love  
JASMINE: divinatory dreams, sexuality, moon, feminine energy, seduction, sensuality, love, meditation, spirituality, harmony, prosperity
LAUREL: success, glory  
LAVENDER: love, peace, restful sleep, clairvoyance, happiness, healing, money, passion, protection, relief from grief, longevity, meditation, harmony, tranquillity, purification
LEMON: happiness, love
LEMON BALM: love, success, healing
Benefits for health: antidepressant, antispasmodic, insect repellent, relaxant, relieves  wind, topical  anti-viral
LEMON VERBENA: love, purification
LILAC: protection, banishing negative energy
LILAS: purification, love  
LILY: helps memory, love, protection, elimination of hexes, rebirth
LILLY OF THE VALLEY: enhances concentration, mental ability, encourage happiness    
MADRESELVA: helps remove the vices and addictions
MANZANO: love, happiness  
MARJORAM: happiness, protection, love, joy, courage, health, money
MIMOSA: divinatory dreams, love
MINT: avoid jealousy, dreams, protection, prosperity, joy, fertility, purification, love, success, lust, travel
Benefits for health: calm headache, stimulate appetite, aid digestion, antiseptic,  antispasmodic,  diaphoretic, mild analgesic, mild bitter, mild sedative, relives wind
Benefits for health: antacid, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic, astringent
MUGWORT: psychic powers, protection, increases lust and fertility, prophetic dreams, divination, relaxation, tranquillity, banishing, consecration (*Do not ingest, and do not even handle if pregnant*)
NAIL: Protection spells  
NETTLE: protection, healing, lust
NUTMEG: Money, prosperity, good luck, protection, psychic abilities, happiness, love, health
PANSY: divination, communication, happiness, love
PARSLEY: Protection in general, power, strength, lust, purification, prosperity  
PATCHOULI: Money, sex  
PEPPERMINT: Purification
PINE: Health, Healing  
POPPY: tranquillity, fertility, prosperity love, sleep, invisibility, money, luck
ROMERO: Longevity, purification, prosperity
ROSE: Love, encourages closeness with nature, healing, divination, tranquillity, harmony, psychic ability, spirituality, protection, luck
Red: passion, peace, welfare  
Yellow: commitments  
White: spiritual love
ROSEMARY: love, lust, promote healthy rest, protection, improving memory, wisdom, health, healing, mental power, purification
Benefits for health: calm headache, stimulate circulatory, nerve and digestive tonic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, antispasmodic
SAFFRON: money, physical movement  
SAGE: longevity, wisdom, protection, dispels negative energy, purification, health, immortality,               wishes
Benefits for health: calm anxiety,  antimicrobial, antioxidant, astringent,         digestive tonic, oestrogenic, general  tonic,reduces sweating
SALVIA: money
SANDALWOOD: spirituality, healing, tranquillity, sexuality, desire.  
SNAPDRAGON: protection from illusion or deception, reflect negative energy
STAR ANISE: peace, tranquillity, awakening of psychic awareness , Luck, spiritual connection, psychic and magical power  
SUNFLOWER: sun, sun energy, happiness, success, health, associated with welcome and family, fertility
THYME : health courage. Eliminates nightmares, Attracts loyalty, affection, psychic abilities  
TULIP: prosperity, abundance, protections, love, happiness
VALERIAN: protection, drives away negativity, purifies sacred space
VERBENA: calm headaches, eases stress, divination, prosperity, reversal of negative activity
VIOLET: peace, hope, harmony, protection, luck, love, sleep, tranquillity, encourage peace among people, calm nightmares, fertility, abundance
WATER LILY: happiness
YARROW: healing, divination, love, promotes courage and confidence
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Wicca Herbal Magic by Lisa Chamberlain
Charms, Spells and Herbs by Esteban Portela
The Green Witch by Arin Murphy-Hiscock
Grimoire of a Kitchen Witch by Rachel Patterson
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
Anyone remember this? Should really go back through and edit it but ah well!
Cass pre-Gage
Another snippet! I like this one too :D A nice big bucket of angst. Tell me what you think? Mainly, I want to know if you get a good reading on Cass’s personality or not. Sometimes I feel like all my characters are a bit same-y. So I’d love to know what you think! 
Warning for prostitution. Angst. Quite graphic…. Don’t like, I’d suggest not reading! It is some pretty dark themes.
Tag list: @sleepy-and-anxious @stone-goddess-writing @mezvii @bethwrotethis @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword
Keep reading
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
So pretty <3
Have some proof I'm still alive!
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The anxiety is very bad and I am struggling a lot but ya boii is still alive!
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
Actually... Erm... I care about Hal’s writing. soooooooo feck off anon
Nobody cares about your writing, please stop
Nope. Got too much work to do
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katywritesbooks · 5 years
You want to know what’s crazy?
I did creative writing as part of my university degree and our seminar leader for fiction specifically told us: If JKR had handed in Chapter 1 of HP she would have received less than half marks. He said how the first book would not have received decent marks either. 
I write fantasy. Guess who else did not get decent marks in that module? Beginning to wonder if it was less about my work being bad and more about his dislike for fantasy writers. 
how to write like jk rowling
foreshadow foreshadow foreshadow
become a master of chekhov’s gun everything you mention should pay off a hundred pages later or a couple of books later! the diary they had to go back and get? it has voldemort in it! the locket they were polishing? it’s a horcrux! old irrelevant lady? actually a squib watching over you!
write buried clues! like the fact that ginny has a diary is buried under a list of things the weasleys forget and go bring back on the way the king’s cross or the fact that there’s a locket is listed among a ton of things they’re cleaning!
you can also downplay the importance of characters before the big reveal like how harry asks sirius about his brother and he brushes him off as a stupid young boy who joined the death eaters
speaking of characters, jkr says character is plot and that explains how she writes such strong characters take my favourite one for instance sirius black he’s the textbook case of ‘break your characters’ he’s in an abusive household for eleven years, then thrown into a war, and loses his best friend in the whole world, is wrongly imprisoned for twelve years and then jailed in the house of his childhood while everyone is working and YET he is unfailingly kind and doesn’t stray into the dark
and write flawed characters like the kindest, gentlest, wisest character dumbledore. he was not to be trusted with power. 
also speaking of characters, write killer motivations that aren’t always foregrounded classic example is snape’s motivation to lie to voldemort for years. is it right and good? debatable. is it powerful? yes.
next up, worldbuilding. jkr makes us forever in awe of her world and till date we’re all bemoaning the fact that we can’t go to hogwarts and YET there’s a dark side to that world it’s a distorted mirror of our own
write visual spectacles that make your readers go whoa. my favourite moment was the dragon breaking out of gringotts. it was emblematic of injustices in the wizarding world but boy did it make a good shot.
use extended metaphors
give! every! minor! character! their! own! subplot! even! if! it! doesn’t! make! it! into! your! story! standard example: dobby!
make us nostalgic. like hagrid taking harry out of privet drive in the last book just like in the first
in that vein, ring composition!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
be preoccupied with morality and mortality
take away everything your hero has. his parents. his father figure. his wand.
be unkind to your hero but let him win
give children everywhere something to hope for
finally, jkr said by writing harry potter, she came to know for sure that love is the most powerful force use writing to explore your convictions 
if you’re going to tell me what a terrible person jkr is, make your own post this is a writing blog and i worked really hard on scrutinising aspects of her writing which is objectively wonderful
how to write like jk rowing * how to write like shirley jackson
If you found this helpful, consider buying me a virtual coffee to keep me writing.
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