kavi-the-honest · 4 years
Weekly Update -- 8/5/20
Hello! Hope you’re all having a nice week! I have been up to lots of writing nonsense since last week so here we gooo:
ABO Doflaw/Lawlu - it’s still unnamed… usually I can name stuff easily but in this case I feel like I need to write more of it before deciding on something. Anyway, I’m still working on the last chapter, which is just unashamedly horny my god. I’ve been just writing actions and dialogue and not focusing on description (as I usually do in my rough drafts) but shit man the rough draft just feels like such garbage at the moment. It’ll clean up over time, but god is it hard to look at it rn. I’m doing my best, and it’s steadily getting done.
Your Doctor -  a Lawlu PWP i rediscovered on my google drive last week. I’ve been working a bit on it and I think i need to change the name of it because it’s acquiring a different flavor than I had originally intended wink wonk
The Menagerie - Speaking of original intentions changing, most of my work this last week has been dedicated to this fic. I identified a MAJOR flaw in the structure of the second half (which we are entering soon), so I’ve been adding things and rearranging other things and right now it’s just a clusterfuck. I’m just piecing it all back together right now, but it’s looking better than it was, I think. the structure is moving from a “first half/second half” story to a story with three acts instead. Act one is coming to a close in the next couple chapters if my outlining holds. Anyway look forward to what I think is a more exciting and dynamic story than what I had planned!
That’s about it for now! But I’ve been feeling pretty motivated lately and I think the re-plotting of The Menagerie is helping me past some writer’s block. If you’re struggling with writer’s block, it might be bc there’s something you don’t like about your story. That’s what I’ve learned this week.
Hope you all have a good one! 
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
just a reminder that i have moved over to the blog kaviaht.tumblr.com
Weekly Update -- 8/5/20
Hello! Hope you’re all having a nice week! I have been up to lots of writing nonsense since last week so here we gooo:
ABO Doflaw/Lawlu - it’s still unnamed… usually I can name stuff easily but in this case I feel like I need to write more of it before deciding on something. Anyway, I’m still working on the last chapter, which is just unashamedly horny my god. I’ve been just writing actions and dialogue and not focusing on description (as I usually do in my rough drafts) but shit man the rough draft just feels like such garbage at the moment. It’ll clean up over time, but god is it hard to look at it rn. I’m doing my best, and it’s steadily getting done.
Your Doctor -  a Lawlu PWP i rediscovered on my google drive last week. I’ve been working a bit on it and I think i need to change the name of it because it’s acquiring a different flavor than I had originally intended wink wonk
The Menagerie - Speaking of original intentions changing, most of my work this last week has been dedicated to this fic. I identified a MAJOR flaw in the structure of the second half (which we are entering soon), so I’ve been adding things and rearranging other things and right now it’s just a clusterfuck. I’m just piecing it all back together right now, but it’s looking better than it was, I think. the structure is moving from a “first half/second half” story to a story with three acts instead. Act one is coming to a close in the next couple chapters if my outlining holds. Anyway look forward to what I think is a more exciting and dynamic story than what I had planned!
That’s about it for now! But I’ve been feeling pretty motivated lately and I think the re-plotting of The Menagerie is helping me past some writer’s block. If you’re struggling with writer’s block, it might be bc there’s something you don’t like about your story. That’s what I’ve learned this week.
Hope you all have a good one! 
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
I moved!
to those of you following me, i’ve moved this account from a sideblog to its own new blog! it’s kaviaht.tumblr.com (you’re now following kavi-the-honest)
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
Weekly Update - 7/29/20
Hope everyone’s having a good week. Here’s what I’ve been up to with the fics I’m working on:
ABO Doflaw/Lawlu - Still unnamed unfortunately, though I have named at least one of the later chapters. I worked more on the last chapter, filled up a few pages in my notebook. I’ve been reading a lot of tender fluff fics so that’s definitely been helping me create a mood that I’m happy with. It’s coming along.
The Menagerie - I’ve been reading through it, trying to get back in the flow of the world and what’s happening in terms of character attitudes. I found that I really am not a big fan of the first few chapters and that they feel kind of disjointed from the rest of the fic, which I’m not thrilled about, but I guess that’s what happens when you work on a fic over the course of two years – it ends up showing your writing evolution. This fic is gonna be 2 years old in a few months.
Mystery/detective fic - This fic actually has a name, so I might as well use it. It’s gonna be called Mr. Trafalgar. In addition to more “research” in the form of reading detective fanfics, I’ve been thinking a lot about this fic, and about its implications in this day and age. As some of you may have noticed from my spelling, I am American, and my country has been a hot mess for a long time, culminating recently in the protests and riots against police for the Black Lives Matter movement. I care a lot about this movement, and I’m having a hard time right now reconciling this detective story with the actions of law enforcement in this country. Normally I can brush off this sort of thing and say “well, it’s just a story, it’s basically a fantasy” but I find it hard to do that with this issue. The detective character(s) don’t really interact much with police, but they do need to given the premise. I’m not sure exactly how I’ll proceed with this fic, because I do care about it and the story, but I want to take pains to not romanticize police work, because god knows I don’t wanna condone police brutality.
Your Doctor - To wrap things up on a positive note, I rediscovered an unfinished PWP in my Google Drive that I’d like to finish, as a quick one shot. That can probably be expected in the next few weeks, as I think it would be a good warm up as well as a nice quick thing for people to read and enjoy.
That about sums up my week, hope you have a good one!
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
I moved!
to those of you following me, i’ve moved this account from a sideblog to its own new blog! it’s kaviaht.tumblr.com (you’re now following kavi-the-honest)
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
Weekly Update - 7/29/20
Hope everyone’s having a good week. Here’s what I’ve been up to with the fics I’m working on:
ABO Doflaw/Lawlu - Still unnamed unfortunately, though I have named at least one of the later chapters. I worked more on the last chapter, filled up a few pages in my notebook. I’ve been reading a lot of tender fluff fics so that’s definitely been helping me create a mood that I’m happy with. It’s coming along.
The Menagerie - I’ve been reading through it, trying to get back in the flow of the world and what’s happening in terms of character attitudes. I found that I really am not a big fan of the first few chapters and that they feel kind of disjointed from the rest of the fic, which I’m not thrilled about, but I guess that’s what happens when you work on a fic over the course of two years -- it ends up showing your writing evolution. This fic is gonna be 2 years old in a few months.
Mystery/detective fic - This fic actually has a name, so I might as well use it. It’s gonna be called Mr. Trafalgar. In addition to more “research” in the form of reading detective fanfics, I’ve been thinking a lot about this fic, and about its implications in this day and age. As some of you may have noticed from my spelling, I am American, and my country has been a hot mess for a long time, culminating recently in the protests and riots against police for the Black Lives Matter movement. I care a lot about this movement, and I’m having a hard time right now reconciling this detective story with the actions of law enforcement in this country. Normally I can brush off this sort of thing and say “well, it’s just a story, it’s basically a fantasy” but I find it hard to do that with this issue. The detective character(s) don’t really interact much with police, but they do need to given the premise. I’m not sure exactly how I’ll proceed with this fic, because I do care about it and the story, but I want to take pains to not romanticize police work, because god knows I don’t wanna condone police brutality.
Your Doctor - To wrap things up on a positive note, I rediscovered an unfinished PWP in my Google Drive that I’d like to finish, as a quick one shot. That can probably be expected in the next few weeks, as I think it would be a good warm up as well as a nice quick thing for people to read and enjoy.
That about sums up my week, hope you have a good one!
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
i'm reading so many good dbh fics i'm gonna give myself an inferiority complex
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
i left my house for the first time in three weeks to buy pens to write fanfiction with
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
Weekly Update - 7/22/20
Hope you’re all having a nice week! I have worked on two of my four projects this week. Here they are:
ABO Doflaw/Lawlu – I skipped directly to the last chapter and started writing it because I was in a good mood and my god I wrote just like, the nicest, most peaceful scene. I’m so excited for when I get to share it, because I think it’s so sweet and it was genuinely relaxing to write. Took up seven pages in my notebook and that’s just the rough draft. I have a feeling the last part of this story (I don’t have a name for the series yet, and I do think it will be a series instead of just one chaptered fic) is gonna be quite long and sensual in all senses of the word. I really wanna take my time exploring sensations and atmosphere. I think you guys will like it a lot, and I’m excited to work more on it.
Mystery/detective fic – the work I did on this fic is what I’m gonna call “research” bc what I’ve been doing is reading multi-chapter detective fanfics for the last four days. I wanted to see how other people have handled the idea and definitely that was the only reason I was reading them and not bc I have a crush on Connor from DBH. ANYWAY I think I’m getting a good handle on the mood of that kind of modern detective/noir story. My plan so far for this fic doesn’t give Smoker (who’s gonna be the detective) a partner, but I do think it would be quite fun to do that. I almost wonder if Luffy could tag along… that could be a fun dynamic, though I’d have to do rewrites of the outline I have. I’ll think about it.
Goals for this week:
I really need to work on the next chapter of The Menagerie and I feel bad that it’s taking so long. I think what I need to do is just re-read the whole goddamn thing and get back in the swing of it. I also wanna bang out the rest of the rough drafts for the ABO fic. They don’t have to be pretty right now, they just have to exist. I’ll try to get some work done on this stuff before next Wednesday.
See you next week~
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
Weekly Update - 7/22/20
Hope you’re all having a nice week! I have worked on two of my four projects this week. Here they are:
ABO Doflaw/Lawlu -- I skipped directly to the last chapter and started writing it because I was in a good mood and my god I wrote just like, the nicest, most peaceful scene. I’m so excited for when I get to share it, because I think it’s so sweet and it was genuinely relaxing to write. Took up seven pages in my notebook and that’s just the rough draft. I have a feeling the last part of this story (I don’t have a name for the series yet, and I do think it will be a series instead of just one chaptered fic) is gonna be quite long and sensual in all senses of the word. I really wanna take my time exploring sensations and atmosphere. I think you guys will like it a lot, and I’m excited to work more on it.
Mystery/detective fic -- the work I did on this fic is what I’m gonna call “research” bc what I’ve been doing is reading multi-chapter detective fanfics for the last four days. I wanted to see how other people have handled the idea and definitely that was the only reason I was reading them and not bc I have a crush on Connor from DBH. ANYWAY I think I’m getting a good handle on the mood of that kind of modern detective/noir story. My plan so far for this fic doesn’t give Smoker (who’s gonna be the detective) a partner, but I do think it would be quite fun to do that. I almost wonder if Luffy could tag along... that could be a fun dynamic, though I’d have to do rewrites of the outline I have. I’ll think about it.
Goals for this week:
I really need to work on the next chapter of The Menagerie and I feel bad that it’s taking so long. I think what I need to do is just re-read the whole goddamn thing and get back in the swing of it. I also wanna bang out the rest of the rough drafts for the ABO fic. They don’t have to be pretty right now, they just have to exist. I’ll try to get some work done on this stuff before next Wednesday.
See you next week~
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
Update time~
i know it’s been a while since a Menagerie chapter upload, so i thought i’d update on what’s happening with my projects atm
right now i have four ongoing writing projects. all are multi-chapter….which i did not intend…
Project #1: The Menagerie – chapter 13 has a quarter of a rough draft right now, but i realized that i don’t like a major element in it and now i’m re-choreographing actions because of it. It’s also closely linked to chapter 14 in terms of continuity so i’ll likely be writing them in tandem and possibly posting them together. it may be a while before it’s ready
Project #2: Mystery fic – a multi-chapter, mult-POV modern mystery. Main pairing is Kidlaw but the story is mostly a character study on Law. Smoker stars as the detective, and many characters get the spotlight as it’s passed around. My plan for this story is to write the entire thing, and then post it in its entirety – since it’s a mystery, i really want it to be a tight motherfucker. So you won’t see this one for quite a while, but know that it is in the works and has a complete outline and almost complete first chapter (rough)
Project #3: ABO Doflaw/Lawlu – the first part is posted right now as The Stench of Self Hatred and it took very little convincing from commenters to get me to continue that one shot. It’ll be a short one and mostly smut, with some angst – i’m planning on about four more chapters for it, which i’ll either add to the current fic or post as one shots and stick in a series, i’m not sure which i’ll do right now. This might get uploaded all together or it might be more serialized, we’ll have to see. However, this is the most active project at the moment because uhhhh hormones? I’ve just really wanted to write smut and since there isn’t much of that in the Menagerie i’ve had to take a smut break i suppose. Anyway, i have an entire other short chapter roughed out for this project
Project #4: Choose your own adventure – I’ve been dying to make a choose your own adventure one piece fic for about two years and i’m determined to do it. At last i’m making preparations for it and i bought a copy of an old choose your own scare goosebumps book to use as a template and figure out a basic structure for plot threads etc. I’m thinking the story will be fairly lighthearted with some violence (like canon OP) but honestly i don’t know much about it yet. it’s a brand new world for me! And i’m super excited about it. This project will likely be a long time coming, but we’ll see how it develops
there you go! that’s all the fic stuff i’m working on right now! To keep myself going and also inform readers about what’s happening, I’ll do a weekly update every Wednesday/Thursday depending on where you are. i think it’ll be fun and a nice way to keep myself motivated! hope you’re all staying healthy and doing well! 
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
kavi-the-honest --> kaviaht
get it.... bc it’s like.... caveat
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
Update time~ 7/15/20
i know it's been a while since a Menagerie chapter upload, so i thought i'd update on what's happening with my projects atm
right now i have four ongoing writing projects. all are multi-chapter....which i did not intend...
Project #1: The Menagerie -- chapter 13 has a quarter of a rough draft right now, but i realized that i don't like a major element in it and now i'm re-choreographing actions because of it. It's also closely linked to chapter 14 in terms of continuity so i'll likely be writing them in tandem and possibly posting them together. it may be a while before it's ready
Project #2: Mystery fic -- a multi-chapter, mult-POV modern mystery. Main pairing is Kidlaw but the story is mostly a character study on Law. Smoker stars as the detective, and many characters get the spotlight as it's passed around. My plan for this story is to write the entire thing, and then post it in its entirety -- since it's a mystery, i really want it to be a tight motherfucker. So you won't see this one for quite a while, but know that it is in the works and has a complete outline and almost complete first chapter (rough)
Project #3: ABO Doflaw/Lawlu -- the first part is posted right now as The Stench of Self Hatred and it took very little convincing from commenters to get me to continue that one shot. It'll be a short one and mostly smut, with some angst -- i'm planning on about four more chapters for it, which i'll either add to the current fic or post as one shots and stick in a series, i'm not sure which i'll do right now. This might get uploaded all together or it might be more serialized, we'll have to see. However, this is the most active project at the moment because uhhhh hormones? I've just really wanted to write smut and since there isn't much of that in the Menagerie i've had to take a smut break i suppose. Anyway, i have an entire other short chapter roughed out for this project
Project #4: Choose your own adventure -- I've been dying to make a choose your own adventure one piece fic for about two years and i'm determined to do it. At last i'm making preparations for it and i bought a copy of an old choose your own scare goosebumps book to use as a template and figure out a basic structure for plot threads etc. I'm thinking the story will be fairly lighthearted with some violence (like canon OP) but honestly i don't know much about it yet. it's a brand new world for me! And i'm super excited about it. This project will likely be a long time coming, but we'll see how it develops
there you go! that’s all the fic stuff i’m working on right now! To keep myself going and also inform readers about what’s happening, I’ll do a weekly update every Wednesday/Thursday depending on where you are. i think it’ll be fun and a nice way to keep myself motivated! hope you’re all staying healthy and doing well! 
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
finally orphaned Carry the Light.... maybe now i can move on with my fucking life
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
noooooo one of my fave durarara fanfics was deleted by the author
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
every person who reblogs this will grow a new bone. Ha ha have fun!
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kavi-the-honest · 4 years
Hi, I've been reading Menagerie since I first got into OP (little over a year ago) and it's still one of my favorite fics. Tysm for the time and effort you've put into it, it's so good! I finally read the comments to the newest chapter and found your tumblor yay :)
ahhh thank you for your kind words! I'm glad that you like the fic! It's my baby and i treasure it.
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