kazuyamura · 10 years
Anonymous Said : oh! can you please translate that newest work by yuta-san? it looks interesting and i want to know what they're saying @_@
(@ x   @)''!  I'll try, Yuta-san work is long but with quality...but her works are so heartbreaking that I don't want to translate...*sobs*.  
I'll do some quick translation like brief summary soon, but I think most of Yuta-san's MiyuSawa works are quite...unrequited love, mostly, it's a dramatic sad, tear-jerking story :x!  So prepare yourself :3
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kazuyamura · 10 years
Could you please translate this id=46237462?
Single Mom by  まくら
Don’t use the artist’s work without their permission.
I’m going to do brief translation, gonna do more tomorrow. I have exam coming up on this coming Sat. but I’ll probably have time to translate full of them. :3
Translation under the cut :3
Small Sawa : Papa, Papa.
Miyuki : What’s the problem? Are you a lost child? 
Miyuki : I’m not your Dad.
Small Sawa : Papa 
Miyuki : You didn’t…come here alone right? Didn’t you come with someone?
Small Sawa : Well, Mom and my brother was here. We came to watch my brother play baseball
Miyuki : (Somehow this kid resembles Sawamura)
Miyuki : Then we have to back to see your mom, I’ll go together with you.
Eiko : You See, Papa.
Miyuki : (I’m not your Papa thought). What’s the problem?
Eiko : Whether it’s your picture or when you got on TV, Mom always look at you very well.
Eiko : Even though it’s supposed to be a secret but Eiko knows.
Miyuki : (Is this kid mom a big fan on mine? If we meet and she make a huge noise, it will be troublesome).Miyuki : Well, I’m pleased.
??? : Eiko, where are you!
Miyuki : Sawamura
Sawamura : Miyuki-Senpai
Sawamura : Ah, Eiko. It’s not good to go alone on your own.
8/12Miyuki : (I see…you’re the parent of this child) Miyuki : That’s just like Sawamura
Miyuki : (So he have found his own way it seems. The one who couldn’t forget seem to be only me)Miyuki : It’s been awhile Sawamura.
Miyuki : seems like You have become a father…Sawamura : Miyuki
Miyuki : What happened to your sweetheart?. That child said he came here with her Mom. You should quickly go rejointed with her.
Sawamura : Uh, well…you see.
Eiko : ? Mama is here too!
Eiko : Right? Mama.
Sawamura : A-Ahh…
Miyuki : Eh?
??? : Mom!
??? : Did you find Eiko?
Eiko : Kazu-niichan.
Kazu : ……..
Miyuki : T-This resemblances boy is…Miyuki : Sawamura, You’re these children…
Sawa : Well, i’m not this children’s father…I’m their mom…you see….
Sawa : And the father is…
Eiko : Ne, Papa.
Kazu : I’m not going to accept someone as you as my father.
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kazuyamura · 10 years
I'm probably back to active again > . <! sorry, my life has been a little bit (well, not a little) busy, I didn't even play tumblr on my main blog Orz. I just come back recently I'll try to do the translations that I can
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kazuyamura · 10 years
This might be kind of silly and I don't know if it's been considered because I've only just recently started checking out translation blogs. I've noticed that a lot of times contacted artists say they don't want their art reposted, what about having the artists post your translated and type-setted versions of their art? Has this been a thing? Am I late to the party? Ah, thank you either way! It's been really fun going through your blog!
That would probably be a rare case, since mostly the artists don't want their artwork to be shared outside Pixiv (and usually Twitter). So if the artists gave their consent what you can do about their work, it's probably ok to do what they told you it's ok. The artists themselves probably won't post the type-setted version.  In most case, since most of their community usually revolves around japanese.  Most of the artists that can work in english, they usually say something or do something with english caption or something :3.
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kazuyamura · 10 years
Twitter Log MiyuSawa Family Comic 45911506
ツイッターログ by まくら
Don't use any artist work without their permission ( ̄ー ̄)
Our Father isn't here
Somehow...we have never heard about him and we couldn't ask Mom...
But I know who our Father is...
The Magazine that Mom stacks at the corner of the corner...there's always the one same topic...
Small Miyuki : I'm Back
Sawa : Welcome Back, how's today match?
S Miyu : Won
There's 3 reason why I play baseball .
1st, I like it. 
2nd, When I'm playing baseball, mom always look happy about it and
Small Sawamura ; Onii-chan, Sugoi! 
Sawa : I see, good job!
If I continue to play baseball, Someday it'll be possible to meet Dad...and then If I meet him...I want to beat him for giving Mom such a hardship...that's my dream...
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kazuyamura · 10 years
MiyuSawa 45850691
【御沢・アニメ47話】愛を一匙  By ニワ◆ウイショ:ト05b
Requested by kazei-eikaz
Don't use the artist work without their permission (´▽`*)
Sawa ; Eh, Miyuki-Senpai?
Miyu : Sawamura?
Sawa ; What are you doing?
Miyu : I was reviewing the last week match
Miyu: What about you?
Sawa : I was running and my stomach growled, so I thought I would come to eat a cup of Ramen.
Miyu : You should stop overworking.
Miyu : Instant Ramen is bad for your body, you should choose what you eat that's good for your body.
Sawa : Gu...nnn...
Miyu : Speaking of which...I can make a Fried Rice...
Sawa : I want to eat Fried Rice!!
Miyu : Wait a little bit then
Sawa : Yay!
Miyu : Here
Sawa : Itadakimasu いただきます
Sawa : Delicious! As expected of the Genius Catcher!
Miyu :  Does it even related?
Sawa : Then if you were to catch my pitch, you would be a flawless Ikemen.
Miyu : You're really...
Sawa : But it's really is delicious.
Sawa : Eh, Miyuki-senpai is not going to eat it?
Miyu : Nah, I'm fine.
Sawa : But eating alone is rather...dull...
Miyu : It's really feel that way right....
Miyu : Then 1 spoonful of a person mouth and then I'll say Ahnn~~
Sawa : Okay then!
Miyu : Eh!?
Sawa : Ahnnn
Miyu ; Ahnn....
Miyu : Delicious
Sawa : Right?
Miyu : You weren't the one who make it though
Sawa ; Hehe
Miyu : Hey...Sawamura...can I have some more?
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kazuyamura · 10 years
MiyuSawa 44356459
らくがき by ウィショ東6ト34b 
Requested by Kazei-Eikaz
The artist stated to not REPOST or use ANY of her arts anywhere, tumblr, Icon, Background anything is not allowed. So please respect the artist (´▽`*)
Sawa : H-Hey, Stop!
Sawa ; What are you trying to do!?
Miyu ; Sawamura...
Sawa ; W-What?
Miyu : You idiot, decide already...
Miyu : I chose you...Just now i don't know what it will become but even if it got into trouble, I'm right here with you.
Miyu : Even if you seriously want to run away, I'll chase after you.
Miyu : I have already decided, so you have to decide after this. So what's your reply?
Sawa : I don't know!!
Miyu : This idiot...that was the worst answer...
Sawa : Miyuki-Senpai...
Sawa : My Stomach...growls...
Miyu : You're not feeling nervous at all...*
*maybe Miyuki is saying, that Sawamura doesn't know how to read the atmosphere, I'm not sure. Since sometimes Japanese is so O _ O implying that you need to guess...Orz...
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kazuyamura · 10 years
To Anons-san who sent me request for -18.44メートル I'm currently translating Yuta-san's new work -18.44メートル but that comic is hard for me, many new Kanjis so it'll probably take some time and then I have so many RL stuff in my last year in Univ this year, so I'll probably be busy until my midterm semester which is around October 6-19.  I'll keep on translating :3. But if you find someone to translate this work for, please go right ahead and ask them, don't worry about me. 
If else, please patiently wait for the time being, I'll keep translating more MiyuSawa stuff along the way though :D
Thank you for your understanding > . <!
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kazuyamura · 10 years
◆ろぐ by ながさわ
Don't use the artists' arts without their permisson
Translation under the cut
Page 9
Miyu : He's coming late...
Girl : What was it...?
Girl : Umm, can we have some of your time?
Sawa : Ugh, this is bad...
Miyu : Oh, You finally came.
Sawa : Why are you talking with girls? Baka! (Sawa is implying that Miyu is a playboy)
Miyu : Hah?
Miyu : Were you putting the blame on me? Do you really understand which position you're in?
Miyu : If I were to speak, what time is it now?
Miyu : Ah, stop it, stop it. This is a date afterall.
Sawa : I-I'm sorry.
Miyu : Sawamura, Look, err, it's okay. I'm not that upset.
Miyu : I'm looking forward to our date today, since it's just the start of the day, so let's leave everything that going to make a bad day.
Miyu : I'm here early as well then I looked around but I haven't seen you at all 
Miyu : Maybe it was just me who feel that way, like a floating wind, happy.
Sawa : Me too
Sawa : I'm looking forward to today, very...
Sawa : About today...if I have to say it...I'm really excited, my heart is throbbing...
Sawa : Because of that...well...it may sound like an excuse...
Sawa : Somehow, I couldn't sleep and end up sleep in late...I'm sorry...
Miyu : You're really an idiot...
Miyu : By the way, those girls were just asking for directions, I don't have any sorts of fans.
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kazuyamura · 10 years
MiyuSawa Translation
御沢マンガ+ちょっと by ニワ◆ウイショ:ト05b
Don't use the arts without the artist permission :p
Translation under cut
Sawa : Miyuki-Senpai...are you okay with only a kiss?
Sawa : You never thought of doing something more to progress our relationship as a couple right!?
Miyu : You have been reading Lovely Shoujo Manga again?
Sawa : There you go...treating me like I only read Manga, you also read manga too isn't it!
Sawa : So to speak...
Sawa : Anywhere is fine!! 
Miyu : No, no...wait...what do you mean so to speak?
Miyu : Do you understand what were you trying to do? specifically?
Sawa : Yes...?
Miyu : Don't say it with question mark floating around your head
Miyu : Do you know? male bonding...
Miyu : So let's try.
Sawa : N-N-N-N-No good!!
Miyu : Didn't you say anywhere is fine just now?
Sawa : This Sawamura won't say it again!
Miyu : You don't have sex appeal or mood at all...
Miyu : But...
Miyu : Since we're going to do something important, I want to be gentle...even though it seems ridicule...
Miyu : But you're being so adorable that somehow I'm at my limit too.
Miyu : So...no good?
Sawa : I-I'm worry since it's first time...so please be gentle...
Page 2
Sawa : Miyuki-Senpai, I want to go to UFJ!
Miyu : He probably speaks about USJ, since it'll be amusing...I'll keep quiet about it.
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kazuyamura · 10 years
MiyuSawa Living Together translation (Full)
【◆腐】ダイレボお疲れ様でした!【御沢】 by みかせ requested by kazei-eikaz
Text Translation under the cut as usual (And as usual, don't use the artist work without their permission :) 
Page 0
(The text is by Sawamura, otherwise will be stated :3)
If something can be said about Pro Baseball Player Miyuki Kazuya,
Collected and Calm, An Ikemen, Mysterious, Genius, wanted to be embrace by him, etc.
Page 1
That was the image that he was given by people (mostly women) but actually
Miyu : Sawamuraa~
Miyu : Sa-wa-mu-ra. Hey, aren't you done yet.
Sawa : Ahh, So annoying! over there! Can't you wait quietly!?
Page 2
Unreasonable, Pouting like a child, and who take pleasure from make fun of me at trivial things.
I wonder if the girls see his real side, will they still be screaming, shouting like always?
Miyu : So slow!
Sawa ; You were the one who said that he wanted to drink coffee after dinner wasn't it!? 
But still more than anything else...
Page 3
he has a unlimited love towards me...
Miyu : Nn  (Pon Pon, Miyuki tapped his hand, telling him to sit on his lap)
Such an embarrassing guy
Page 4
Sawa : I-I placed the coffee on the desk!
Miyu : Hey...It's not over there right? 
Miyu : (Handwritten text right most) Here, Put this down...
Sawa ; E-Eh? W-Wait!
Miyu : Sawamura
Miyu : Let's do it.
Sawa : ...no...
Miyu : Why!?
Page 5
Sawa : I have to go University tomorrow!  I have Lecture Discussion since morning! then after that is club activities in the noon!
Miyu : I'll probably off tomorrow (〃艸〃)
Sawa : I don't care! And what's probably!?
Miyu : Is it really...no good?
Page 6
Sawa : Miyu...Wa...Wait...I-I u-understand!
Page 7, (last one)
Sawa : Tomorrow Breakfast...It's Miyuki's duty to cook...
Miyu : Okay...Leave it to me...
Miyu : Bubble thought : Soft Love
That overflowing love of him like a spoiled child, I start to feel happy about it somehow.  I'm probably an embarrassing person too, isn't it?
Sawa : At night, Don't become a hamburger!! I don't want to be the cheese in the middle!
Miyu : Okay, Okay, look, we're going to the bed.
Sawa : K-Kusooo!!!  
Orz, I'm confused at the hamburger part too, probably he doesn't want to be the cheese between Miyuki and the Bed? lol...I don't know...
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kazuyamura · 10 years
MiyuSawa Full translation.
◆御沢 3 by ひよこ豆
Text translation under the cut
Sawa : Miyuki-senpai.  What are you doing? Everyone is waiting for you!
Page 2
Miyu : ....Oh...
Sawa : Senpai? What were you doing?
Sawa : Are you feeling somewhat sentimental?
Sawa : Even Miyuki-Senpai can become Sentimental?
Miyu : Sawamura.
Sawa : What is it?
Miyu : I like you.
Page 4
Sawa : Oo....I like you too...
Miyu : Eh?
Sawa : Eh?
Miyu : ...I, even I like you but...
Sawa : I like you too?
Miyu : Do you even understand the meaning of the word "Like" (好き)
Sawa : I understood!
Miyu : Well, You see...I...
Sawa : Miyuki
page 5
Sawa : I really meant it, what I said that I like you.
Miyu : You...
Page 6
Miyu : You were calling me without honorifics just now right?  Even if I'm graduating, I'm still your Senpai.
Miyu : Naa, Sawamura...since we will stop being a Senpai-Kouhai...
Page 7 
Miyu : Won't we become a couple?
Sawa : W-Well...no matter what happens...if you say so...But...I can't give you anything though...
Miyu : He's not honest with his feeling na...
Page 8 
Miyu : Well, let's get going shall we? Everyone is waiting right?
Sawa : Um...Senpai..
Sawa : Um...well...you see...that...
Miyu : Sawamura
Sawa : ?...W-What is it?
Page 9 
Miyu : From now on, Please take care of me. (Idk how to say in english but the actual is Yoroshikuna)
Sawa : From now on...From now on I'll be okay for me to stay besides Miyuki-Senpai...
Miyu : Speaking of which...Just now you were saying Even Miyuki-Senpai can be Sentimental right?
Sawa : I-I said that just now?
Miyu : Eh? You hurt me...I'm not going to catch your ball.
Sawa : P-Please, don't put it that way!!
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kazuyamura · 10 years
お子様まとめ Small Sawa living with Miyuki
The artists said to not repost her work anywhere, so please respect her wish. :D 
(Repost and link to the work is not equal.  Repost means you re-upload the pic from your harddrive or upload with Url)
お子様まとめ by ひみつの球児ちゃん
Page 0
Arrow at Miyu : Kawaisouna Ore. (Literally Poor me)
Arrow at Sawa : Maji de Baka. (Seriously Baka)
Page 1
Sawa (Lower RIght) : Miyuki, Help!  I’m going to be eaten!!
Miyu : Didn’t I tell you not to jump on me!?  
Miyu : Baka!
Sawa : S-Sorry. (Gomennasai)
Page 2 
Sawa : Aaaaaaaaaaa, Miyuki, Baka.
Page 4
Sawa : Miyuki, are you leaving?
Miyu : Oh. (yes)
Sawa : I’m going to.
Miyu : You’ll be throwing the ball while we’re having a training, so no. And your voice is too loud.
Sawa : I’m going to! (Ore mo Iku)
Miyu : No (Yada)
Sawa : I’ll go!
Miyu : No
Sawa : I’ll go. (in a more polite manner.  Ikimasu)
Miyu : Nope
Sawa : Miyu-Sama!
Miyu : No.
Sawa : Eyeglass (megane)
Miyu : Ha?
Sawa : Miyuki…Suki…
Miyu : Ooh, a new pattern.
Sawa : Datta. (Basically Sawa said he like Miyuki then he added past tense later.  Only viable in japanese but not english I guess.)
Miyu :  Past Tense!!!?
Page 5
Sawa : This is bad…my stomache is coming out.
Miyu : Isn’t that because you’ve been eating too much?
Sawa : That’s because the rice tastes so excellent.
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kazuyamura · 10 years
Don't use any of the artist's work without her permission. text translation under the cut
【腐】◆ログ by舞@ウイショ Requested by kazei-eikaz
Kura : Damn...did I get sick?
Sawa : Mochi-Senpai, did you catch a cold?  Have you been covering your stomach properly.
Kura : Of course!?
Kura : You...normally boy wouldn't do that to another boy right!?
Sawa : Eh!? Isn't it a normal thing to do?
Kura : Shut up!
Miyu : Ahh....I feel like I'm catching a cold too...Sawamura...will you measure my heat too?
Sawa : Please don't come near me...
Page 10
Miyu : Please do me as you please.*
Kura : Leave it to me
Miyu : W-Wait! It was a punishment game right!!??
Right box : Game Loser ; Sawamura and Miyuki.
Kura** : Sawamura, It's your turn. Quickly say it.
Sawa : I have to do it too!? Are you Serious...?
Sawa : P-Please do me as you see fit.
Miyu/Kura : Sawamura.
Sawa : S-See!? E-Even if I said it, there's nothing amusing about it at all!
Miyu : It was wonderfully amusing Sawamura. Tonight get into my bed and said that line once more...
Kura : Sawamura, Run away.
Harucchi : Eijun-Kun, Run!!
*めちゃくちゃ terms varies upon use, it could be meant as "Really" like he's really angry. (Or sometimes simply me *Beep* me hard.
** (I'm guessing it's Kura but could be Miyu who said it since there's not indication who's speaking this. Orz.)
If you need other page translation, please tell me. > . <!  
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kazuyamura · 10 years
MiyuSawa : Give me a kiss.
The artist stated that any reproduction, reprinting or any use from his/her work is not allowed, if there is any question is to contact her through pixiv. Otherwise, DO NOT ever use it without the artist's permission.  ( ̄ー ̄)
Page 2
Miyu : Speaking of which...I haven't recieved a kiss from Sawamura naー....
Miyu : I haven't recieved it yet na~!!
Sawa : W-What is it!  (Handwritten text :  Isn't it fine!?)
Miyu : You can't do it?
Sawa : Well, I could!?
Miyu : so simple.
Page 3 
Miyu : Couldn't do it!?
Sawa : O?
Sawa : C-Close your eyes!
Miyu : I'm the one who's nervous
Sawa : Miyuki! Take off your eyeglasses. (handwritten text, it's in the way!)
Miyu : Are you playing with my pure heart? (kanji 純情 means pure heart, I could be wrong. Orz.)
I only do 2 pages but if anyone want some specific page out there, please send me message and I'll edit or reposting it with more text translation.  (Just for your FYI :  Sawamura is asking Ryousuke's Permission to give Haruichi to him, since this one is not MiyuSawa's log so it got other pairing in it too :) )
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kazuyamura · 10 years
MiyuSawa Summer Break.
Text Translation.  If you can support the artist by buying the actual  book on the upcoming  Supercomiccity event xD!
R18, Make sure your parents are not behind your back before attempting to read it xD!   
Do not use the artist’s art without permission. Reprinting, Reposting or anything is prohibited.  
御沢】新刊さんぷるとお品書き【8/24SCC関西】 by 麻倉
Page 1 is too small for me to read, Orz and when I tried to zoom…it’s all blurry.  But mostly it’s about how they were left alone during Summer Break. :)
Page 2 
Miyuki : …Look
Miyuki : If it’s just the two of us…even if it’s a place like this, we can do it…
Page 3
Sawa : you have been only kissing up until now na…?
(Right Below)
Miyu : You smell so nice…Sawamura…
Sawa : That’s because of the shampoo from the bath that I took just now
Sawa : But the sweat is starting to making it sticky.
Miyu : Well…
Page 4
Miyu : it’s Salty..(referring to the sweat)
Sawa : Then you don’t need to lick…
Miyu : You really want to say that?
Sawa : Somehow…more than usual.
Miyu : I’m going to suck…(for more “Direct Translation, please search this kanji yourself 咥え over here)
Sawa : nn…fu…Miyuki….
Page 5 
Miyu : You’re too tight.
Sawa : Yo-You’re….ngh…
Miyu : Sawamura…this way…
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kazuyamura · 10 years
Small Translation MiyuSawa
Another translation :)
Page 7
From 3rd panel
Sawa :  Ah! It's a Catcher!
Sawa : Catch my ball-
Page 8
Miyu : If I got a kiss, then I will.
Sawa : Hai!
Miyu : O-One more time!
Sawa : Eh..?
Page 11
Sawa : H-Hentai!  Don't come near me! Stay away 
Miyu : You! hiding behind Chris-Senpai, are you a cat!?
Page 13
Miyu : I'm tired.
Sawa : W-Welcome home.
Miyu : Are you feel well!!  Let's kiss!
page 14
Miyu : Eh?
Chri :  Sorry na.
Miyu : No, it's fine. here's the drink. (I add some to make it flows.  Actual JP is. " ie, dozo")
Miyu : (thought) Was he that kind of a child?
(I can't read Chris-senpai next sentence, sorry. Orz)
Sawa : I want to be touched more.
Chri : He's cute. Yoshi, Yoshi.
Miyu : Haha, I'm sorry.  Especially today.
Page 16
Miyu : Ah, he's especially cute today.
Page 17
Sawa : Wake up!! I want to eat breakfast. 
Miyu : nn...still early.
Sawa : (Handwritten text) Still sleepy?
Miyu : (Handwritten text) My eyeglasses...(メガネ)
Sawa : (Handwritten text)  A wake up kiss
Miyu : Eh? A kiss from Eijun? Is this a lie!? Especially at the lips!
Miyu : Like this one more time!!
Sawa : *slap* Quickly, breakfast. (Small handwritten text : Still sleepy!?)
Miyu : Hai....
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