kcl5038 · 10 years
The Soylent Arrives
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Every once in a while a product comes along that you think is going to revolutionize your life. For me, that product is Soylent. It’s marketed as the ‘food of the future’ and Rob Rhinehart says that he’s lived on it for 90% of his meals over the last year and a half. What is it? It’s a meal replacement, plain and simple. The only thing that makes it special is that it’s the first 100% nutritionally complete meal replacement that’s both affordable and widely available.
I’ve been living on junk food my entire life. When I was 21 I clocked myself at 322lbs. In roughly seven months after my 21st birthday I reached my lowest weight of 192, meaning I was able to lose nearly 20lbs a month. I was able to do this by eating food that I didn’t like such as fish, whey protein, and lettuce without dressing. It was probably the least and most enjoyable seven months of my life, but it wasn’t sustainable.  I was borderline anorexic, and by the time I got to my goal weight of 200lbs, I didn’t know how to maintain my bodyweight. Should I keep going down? Should I eat junk food again?
Since then I went thru a period where I lost my job, got another job, lost that job, and got another one. My new warehouse job is a lot more physically demanding than my old job of standing around waiting for people to hand me money. Along with a more physically demanding job comes a lot more muscle mass, and along with a lot more muscle mass comes a lot more hunger. I didn’t know how to deal with that hunger so I ate… a lot. There’s probably days where I consumed 5-6k calories. So I’ve been slowly but steadily increasing in weight, last weighing in at 275lbs.
It’s really no exaggeration to say that I’ve been eagerly anticipating the arrival of Soylent. Over a year ago I heard about it, and after countless delays I’ve just been putting off changing my life until the Soylent arrives. Well now it’s here. When I got it, I immediately mixed up a batch with water I had in the freezer, and then let it sit in the fridge to blend. I had just eaten a ham sandwich, so I wasn’t in a huge hurry. I wanted my first taste of Soylent to be a good experience, not just something I can deal with.
After taking my niece to subway like I promised and skipping out on a sub for myself (but still stealing a cookie from her), it was time to try it out. I poured a glass and my immediate first thought was, “This is actually really good… slightly chalky… but really sweet and delicious”. However, having drank it for just over half my meals for the last 3 days, that’s really not a good thing. Rob specifically said that he wanted the drink to be neutral. He said the taste of vanillin and sucralose would be a very subtle undertone. It’s not.
That’s where I have a problem with it. The taste of vanilla gets old really fast, and after the first day I found myself getting killer headaches. I didn’t know if it was because of the sucralose, but it’s really hard not to blame it. I’ve also made several attempts to flavor it with things such as honey and maple syrup with virtually no effect. These are powerful sweeteners and it takes a lot to get any effect. The only flavor I could add was some high quality Saigon Cinnamon, because it tends to float and bond with the rice protein. My other problem is that the sodium is way too low. I found that adding a little bit of salt and Cinnamon was enough to cure my headaches and make it something that I actually enjoy drinking.
Overall, I’d say it was about what I expected. It won’t replace every meal for me. It’ll be a tool in a weight loss regiment. I’ll keep a pitcher in the fridge and when I’m hungry I’ll reach towards it. It will become a staple for me like bread or milk. I’m certainly not planning on turning down any dinner invitations because they don’t serve Soylent. However, it’s a goal of mine to eliminate all fast food and junk food from my diet, and I think Soylent is the perfect solution.
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kcl5038 · 10 years
So someone sent me a text about a hooker as a joke and I said I had a girl right here already and if he wanted to join in he could, then I got really into the joke making up things she was saying to the point where it was legitimately believable that I had a girl in my bed with me and like you could tell he actually thinks I have a girl in bed with me
And now I feel like a loser because I accidentally made up a girl I had sex with
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kcl5038 · 10 years
You should be a blogger, he says.
I'm going to start out with a confession. I've never really been a big blog reader. Every once in a while, there’s an interesting blog that catches my eye via a google search and I'll read it and then continue on, but I've never been one to follow blogs religiously. I don't know why I've never followed them. I grew up a child of the internet.  Blogs should be in my blood, but they aren't. Maybe it's because I've always viewed them as being inherently arrogant. I mean, why would I care what one person thinks and writes out loud for the world to see? Why should I constantly tune in daily to see if they’ve posted some new and exciting update on how their fedora fits?
I guess that’s why it kind of took me by surprise when a long distance friend that I keep in touch with suggested I start my own blog. He could have said it because I’m always using him as a method to vent my thoughts and emotions via words and he just wants me to find another way to express myself or it might be because he actually thinks my thoughts are worth reading. We had a short debate and he managed to convince me that blogs aren’t arrogant at all. Blogs are about one person spending time to write about their life in a method to entertain other people, with very little incentive.
My colleague has some experience as a blog reader and I have some experience rambling on about my life, so together we’ve decided to give this thing a shot. He’s taken up the title of grand master general of editing, marketing and security. I’m going to stick with being the writer. Together we should be able to make an entertaining blog.
Now that the foreword is done I’ll start with a little information about myself. I’m a 25 year old male from Pennsylvania. I’m amazingly average with a host of first world problems to overcome. I’m out of shape, I have a job I dislike but pays too well to quit, and I built a $3000 computer that I only ever use as a pornbox because I don’t have time to game anymore. I live in a small house with 3 adults and a little girl who calls me uncle. I’ve been described as laid back and down to earth but I don’t even know what down to earth means. People tell me that as if it’s some sort of super power. I take it as a compliment and carry on, but I’ve never really been able to figure out what it really means. Am I relatable? Easy to talk to? I don’t think I’ll ever quite understand. Maybe it’s because I spend most of a conversation listening to what the other person has to say instead of forcing in my own opinions.
I’m also a kind of people watcher and wallflower. I don’t like to get engaged with petty things that don’t matter, but I really enjoy watching when other people do. I plan on using this blog as a place to share my observations about life while constantly trying to better myself. I have quite a few changes I’d like to make in my life, so I should be able to provide some entertaining commentary in the weeks to come.
Farewell to my one follower until my next post.
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