kei-oh · 4 years
Reblog if your muse is always low-key ready to FIGHT somebody
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kei-oh · 4 years
((i’m back! who’s still around and up for rping. I know I have a few threads going on that I need to reply to.))
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kei-oh · 4 years
((sorry for my absence again. It's been a rough few weeks with family drama, and I haven't had the emotional energy to rp lately. I'll hopefully be back this week, but yeah. The holidays were rough.))
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kei-oh · 4 years
((I finally have my charger! I’ll be working on replies and starters! Anyone want to rp?))
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kei-oh · 4 years
((so, fingers crossed my charger comes tomorrow... I have a lot of inspiration, but no laptop to type it on...))
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kei-oh · 4 years
((I'm sorry for the lack of activity on my end. I'm still waiting on my charger))
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kei-oh · 4 years
this song is absolutely beautiful. I just can’t. Orpheus, you charmed me with your music.
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kei-oh · 5 years
psa on posting speed;
i am a slow roleplayer. not only do i get distracted easily, i get overwhelmed easily. sometimes i can’t talk and do drafts at the same time so i am sorry if i ignore your message. i am deliberate and methodical with every word choice. i like to spend my time on my writing and getting to that emotional level within myself to evoke a proper response with each reply. i’m not good at whipping out thread after thread. i never have been. i’m sorry if that’s the way you roleplay and i don’t match up, but i like to think the quality of the writing makes up for my lack of speed. thank you so much!
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kei-oh · 5 years
((there's a nasty flu going around. Take care of yourselves))
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kei-oh · 5 years
((so my cat bit through my charger and messed it up... I'll do replies, but it'll be slow until I get another))
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kei-oh · 5 years
you feel it, don’t you? the blinding rage, the lust for revenge. why do you deny your own nature? it calls to you, I know it does. your name sounds especially haunting on the tongue of obliteration.
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kei-oh · 5 years
please respect the right of refusal.
one thing I believe should be more heavily influenced in the roleplay community ( that really isn’t respected ) is the RIGHT OF REFUSAL. not everyone has to say yes to a roleplay, even if you delivered sugar-coated candied comments abt their portrayal / characterization / etc. if you give those things, it should be from your HEART, and not because you are attempting to ENTICE them into writing with you.
with refusal comes MAJOR ANXIETY – most writers don’t feel comfortable saying that they don’t want to write with someone, and it is because they want to avoid hurting their feelings. believe it or not, there are KIND ways of telling someone you don’t have an interest in writing with them – and those ways should be respected. do not make someone FEEL BAD for not wanting to write with you; and do not FORCE them to tell you their reasoning. as long as they are kind, you should respect their decision and not be rude towards them.
please respect the right of refusal.
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kei-oh · 5 years
((so my cat bit through my charger and messed it up... I'll do replies, but it'll be slow until I get another))
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kei-oh · 5 years
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kei-oh · 5 years
 ✍ + 18
How would they describe their personality? Kei would describe herself as a mess. She is a bit confused as to who she is, despite her age. Due to her past experiences and trauma, she adopted a happy-go-lucky demeanor, quick to make a joke or flirt, no matter the situation. To others, she can come off as flippant, but she really isn’t. She uses this as a way to distance people from herself, while also getting them to underestimate her, which she can then use to her advantage. Additionally, she uses jokes, flirting, teasing, sarcasm, etc to push away her feelings and avoid them. 
Underneath this, however, she is calculated at her approach to things. She can be manipulative once she sees something she wants, and she will stop at nothing until she gets it. Most of the time, she will act out of her own self-interest, rarely doing something unless it benefits her in some way. It’s because of this trait she’s survived this long. Despite the calculated approach, she can also be a bit chaotic, particularly when there is no clear way ahead and she is in a self-destructive spiral. Additionally, Kei is caring and feels deeply. It is a trait she both loves and hates. Very few people see this side to her, because of the walls she puts up. Those that do see it are the people she would go to the ends of the earth for, even if it isn’t in her own self-interest. Most of the time, she will drink or do drugs to keep the feelings at bay, since she never really learned how to process them in a healthy way as a result of her upbringing. This typically brings about reckless behavior, which she later regrets (see the bit about being chaotic). 
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kei-oh · 5 years
✍ + 7.
Meeting new people
It depends on the environment she’s in.
If she’s outside or on a job, she tends to be a little stand off-ish, since she really doesn’t know who wants her killed or who could jeopardize her mission. 
If she’s in a bar or a club, she tends to be a little more laid back and friendly, buying people drinks and striking up conversations with strangers.
Still, with anyone she encounters, they will usually get smiles and jokes, all while she plans her escape routes and means of defense, should it come to that. Kei has a happy-go-lucky, care-to-the-wind type attitude she puts on around those she’s just met, and even those that she knows well. She uses humor, flirting, and teasing as a way to keep people at a distance. 
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kei-oh · 5 years
✍ + 1) their sleep schedule?
Kei’s sleep schedule isn’t really set. In any of the verses, she suffers from insomnia, and when she does manage to fall asleep, she struggles with nightmares. So a restful sleep is hard for her to come by. 
Typically, she will work herself until she gets tired enough that her body kinda forces her to sleep. If she doesn’t do that, she will try to find someone to sleep with in an attempt to stave off the nightmares. However, depending on the verse, this only works if it’s someone she trusts, or at least knows that they won’t stab her in the back immediately. Otherwise, she won’t seek out this option. 
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