keinneb · 6 years
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A lil spotted dove painting to get back into drawing more (especially digitally!)
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keinneb · 6 years
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EXCITING NEWS!! I made an etsy store! This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time as an opportunity to start selling my art. I’ve tried to add a range of different products and prices so hopefully there’s something for everyone! www.etsy.com/shop/confuzzledpigeon
Please check it out if you can, and let me know if you have any suggestions!
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keinneb · 6 years
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New profile picture! Gotta keep it consistent across platforms, if nothing else :P And I still love my messenger-pigeon lino stamp 💛🐦💛
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keinneb · 6 years
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Another Christmas present, this time for @flyingwiththebirds! :D
I drew a bearded vulture because they are amazing bone-munching dragon-birds and who WOULDN’T WANT TO DRAW THAT
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keinneb · 6 years
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A belated Christmas present for @dancing-doe! I hope you like :3 :3
Sidenote but when I realised that the morpho butterfly in life is strange is blue on both recto and verso sides I was instantly like !!! I have to draw it properly!
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keinneb · 6 years
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For uni I had to draw a dinosaur-ish-thingo based only on a written description, and this was the outcome! It was a bit of a weird assignment, but eel-snake-manta boi is alright anyway.
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keinneb · 6 years
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A commission piece I completed earlier in the year! Mr Pelican was a lot of fun to work on and a nice change of pace from my super-intense-and-meticulous artwork for uni.
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keinneb · 7 years
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It has been an actual age since I drew a pigeon, so here is a lil watercolour doodle of A Good Pidge.
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keinneb · 7 years
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Orange Spider Wasp Cryptocheilus bicolor
In a gruesome display of how brutal nature can be, female spider wasps paralyse hunstman spiders and drag it back to a burrow. Once there, a single egg is laid into the body of the still-alive host and the burrow is sealed up, so the larva can feast on the spider from the inside out.
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keinneb · 7 years
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Metallic Shield Bug + Prickly Moses Scutiphora pedicellata + Acacia ulicifolia
Shield bugs are plant suckers that inject digestive enzyme into a plant and suck out the resulting liquid. Sometimes mistaken for beetles, they can be distinguished by their sucking mouthparts and continuous ‘shield’ (whereas a beetle’s shell would be divided in two to protect the wings).
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keinneb · 7 years
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This was my first time using acrylics and I didn’t love it (totally not related to the fact that I left it kinda last-minute which... doesn’t really work for paintings). I like his beak and eye and face but the rest was rushed.
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keinneb · 7 years
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I’m opening holiday commissions! If you’re after a unique gift for this Christmas, a personalised artwork could be the way to go! I’m offering A5 pet portrait commissions for $25AUD, plus postage, however I am also open to whatever ideas you may have for the perfect gift 🎁 Email me at [email protected] for details 🙂
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keinneb · 7 years
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White-Antenna Wasp Moth + Scrub Sheoak Amata nigriceps +  Allocasuarina distyla
This day-flying moth, completely harmless itself, mimics wasps with their black and orange striped bodies and translucent orange panes in their wings. This mechanism is called Batesian mimicry, where an edible or harmless creature mimics a more dangerous one in order to deter predators.
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keinneb · 7 years
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Austral Ellipsidion Cockroach + Flannel Flower Ellipsidion australe +  Actinotus helianthi
This cockroach is a little different to your standard indoor pest: they’re bush cockroaches who scavenge on plants during the daytime, and have this beautiful dead-leaf texture and colouration.
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keinneb · 7 years
I did the cover for this! :D Such a fun project to work on and I can’t wait to read the full thing!
Book Release! (wlw cozy mystery)
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Heather is looking forward to another quiet Christmas with her dogs. However, her plans get a touch waylaid when someone sees fit to stick a knife in the Earl of Denbigh. To make things even better, magic is in the air, and it’s not the festive kind. Being the only two magic users at the scene of the crime, suspicion falls on Heather and the compelling stranger, Sinéad. If they want to prove their innocence, they’ll have to work together. Just one problem: Sinéad is a sorcerer, and Heather is a witch… and everyone knows that witches and sorcerers don’t get along. Things escalate when someone starts sabotaging their investigation, but Sinéad is determined to see the case through to the bitter end, and Heather won’t let her do it alone. Can they catch the killer before the killer catches up to them?
Magic, Murder & Mistletoe is a paranormal cozy mystery with a sweet lesbian romance and lots of Christmas cheer.
Available here (On sale for 99c until 7th Dec!)
Hi folks! As it turned out, Wish Our Hearts Away became a much bigger project than I ever expected, and I really wanted to finish the year having produced something. And so, Magic, Murder & Mistletoe appeared! Thanks so much to everyone who helped me out with encouragement, sprint company, and just basically fielding my whinging. And thanks too to the ARC readers for reading and reviewing an advanced copy that went out so last minute. I’ve loved reading the reviews that are up so far, and I look forward to seeing the others!
And finally, a world of thanks to the wonderful cover artist @keinneb !! I’m in love with this beautiful cover; I could just stare at it for days!
Hope you enjoy!
(throwing some tags below for friends and ARC readers who might not want to miss the post)(not all tags worked… because this is tumblr..)
@kefalion @carryonmywaywardlester @whysotensepotter  @cutevirgo @harry-potter-artwork @rose-grangerweasleyisbae @crwatters @rmh8402 @politicallyobsessedscholar @airymouse @bixgirl1 @my-life-does-not-exist @mxlfoydraco @decanthrope @helenjwrites @julietsemophase @indigoprinceofslytherin @lifessor @goldentruth813 @harmonialcollisions
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keinneb · 7 years
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Green Carpenter Bee + Coastal Tea Tree Xylocopa aeratus + Leptospermum laevigatum
I feel incredibly lucky to have seen this bee out in the wild, as it a native Australian bee which now only exists on Kangaroo Island and around Sydney due to habitat loss. This is a male, which can be distinguished from the darker female by yellow hairs on his abdomen, which gives him the vibrant lime-green appearance compared to the female’s emerald colouration.
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keinneb · 7 years
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My hair is now PINK which requires a gratuitous new icon to commemorate the occasion
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