kemiade · 2 days
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kemiade · 2 days
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Judy Blame
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kemiade · 2 days
Here’s the tellison.
It’s called Hospital it’s beautiful.
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kemiade · 2 days
I’m in a Tellison’s mood right now. Battling with the internal struggle of being a music artist. Releasing music, is such an interesting experience. I went from being ecstatic so happy overjoyed to disheartened, because of external factors.
I love my song. I wrote because I couldn’t believe this guy I thought cared about me actually lied to me. Then when I confronted him, he made me feel like I was the problem.
And I believed him. So this was my moment to rectify that moment in my mind. To stop anyone who’s been in that situation from doing what I did.
Idk. I just hope it doesn’t that for someone.
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kemiade · 2 days
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kemiade · 4 days
Reading this over after I release the first song.
Ironic. The Artwork is amazing. Superceeded
My expectations. I’m in love with my music. I’m currently in the process of my most consistent social media run. It’s been a month of consistency.
Doing things I’m afraid and sticking to it. But now I’m still unsure. Weird right. I guess as human there’s always something to be unsure or disappointed about.
This music I’ve made is my most authentic. People I hope will truly connect to it. But right now I’m just unsure if people really care about me and my music like they used too.
I’ve changed so much sonically I’ve grown. I’ve progressed. Evolved what would I be if I didn’t stay true to myself.
Releasing art is so funny. So subjective but you wait on other people to validate your greatness so you can progress past where you are.
Right, like I need other people to xosign that I am deserving. Joys. I’m deserving though I know it deep down. Just waiting on God to show me God’s way.
Trust me+ Patience Kemi.
The Last 75%
So I'm in this space where I'm working on the last like 25% of the EP/Project I'm working on.
This shit is not easy, the self-questioning is not something I enjoy AT ALL. Like damn, must I be unsure 90% of the time and then be sure 80%. Yes, I know thee mathematics doesn't make sense but neither do my feelings.
So here's where I'm at. I got a mood board for artwork ideas and I gotta delve into the details of the project to make it seamless. Make sure; The harmonies are harmonic, have I really been as authentic + genuine as I could have been at that moment. Cause I think that's the hardest part. The fact I'm ever-changing tends to make me feel ' like could I have been more honest than I was?
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kemiade · 4 days
Hey Hi or WhatEver
So here we are, after years of avoiding doing something social media-related [consistently] I have succumbed. I'm putting myself out there + being consistent.
I'm thinking of this as a diary to myself or hopefully anyone who cares about my life + this music journey of mine.
So I'm being vulnerable letting you guys in. {eww scawii} but I guess if I don't do it now I'll regret it + I really hate regrets or being considered a pussy so here I am.
Kemi Ade an artist actually USING their platform. Hope you enjoy the ride.
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kemiade · 4 days
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kemiade · 4 days
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I fear you gaslit me for the last time
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kemiade · 7 days
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kemiade · 9 days
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kemiade · 16 days
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Scissors happy.
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kemiade · 16 days
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kemiade · 19 days
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Guyssss. Like I’m really excited for this new music. I’m doing all the promo. More than I’ve ever done. Consistency is the key.
I hope you’re loving it. I gotta post the presave link.
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kemiade · 21 days
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kemiade · 21 days
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kemiade · 21 days
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