kerler5834 · 2 years
Yay, chapter 3 and 4 are done! Noone has liked my prev chapters, well I guess I'm not getting to my goal soon, maybe it's juts that my writing is boring.
3 - Coincidence?
Jenny pushed the door closed leaving us outside of the cheerful house.
"So what is it?" Questioned Jenny
"When I got home from school today i noticed some weird people walking on the street, they had blank stares and walked forward muttering something to themselve. Haven't you noticed?" Answered Rina as we started walking down the pavement towards our spot. Everyone shook their head except me I do remember seeing someone to that description but they were juts laying on the ground.
"Sure, I did though they were just laying on the ground. But can it just be a coincidence..."
"It can but it may also not be." Replied Rina
"So are you saying we should investigate what it may be?" Asked Jenny
"No let's just wait for now but still, this is pretty weird because seriously, this may not be just some coincidence." Explained Rina as Emile butted in "Yes I agree, but for now let's go get drinks because Im real thirsty."
Ch 4 - Not just a coincidence
Hanging out with them was fun but something unpleasant stayed on my mind. I can't remember what. I just feel like not everything is that simple. Oh righttt... The thing with the weird people that walked around. Yeah that doesn't seem normal. But what can it be? This place has always been a quiet town so nothing unusual ever happened here. What can it be??? I have to find out. This seems real serious so I'll do this alone. I leaned back into my chair as my fingers rested on my keyboard. I stared at the screen thinking "There has to be some info I can use to find out what this may be." For the rest of the hour I searched and searched. "This isn't normal..." I thought "Though it does say about a LOT of sightings of usually normal people who had been mentally fine but suddenly became all weird. " I muttered to myself. But then I found it! A date, 20th march, the day it all suddenly started. It's just 5 days ago! How is it spreading so quickly? And the real question is, why here? In a place you can barely see on the map, so isolated that the theatre here is juts two rooms with chairs. I have to find out what's happening, it may get to me soon.
I sprang up and headed for my door, hurried down the creaky stairs. Not even closing the door behind me, jumped out of the house. The weather was nice and so I rushed straight to the nearest park.
The park isn't that big, and it consisted of just two swings, a slide and an ancient tree mounting over the miniature park. It was the perfect place for research. I quickly spotted a 10 year old boy just standing there, lost in thought. I already got excited to the thought of finding out how the zombie like people are like, but as soon as I got near him I jumped back. He snapped out of his state and looked at me gloomily, but in a way that was not like he was some kind of blank, brainless zombie.
" Hi what are you looking at me like that? Have I got something on my face?!" His expression changed to shock
"No no there's nothing on your face, I was just just examining you."
"Oh, that's good, I got worried there was a butterfly on my face for a second."
"Are you scared of them?" I asked
"I sure am, how can someone not be, they are just so small and-" he stared at something behind me "AHH THERES ONE!!!" he ran towards the old tree and climbed up to the nearest branch that was good enough to sit or lay back on. Slowly, I turned round, and spotted it. I shooed it away and walked to the tree following the steps the boy took and eventually got to where he sat.
"Aw don't worry, tell me about yourself" I didn't come here to waste my time but an extra hand wouldn't hurt.
"Well my name is Daniel though everyone calls me Dan, also I'm 8 years old, though everyone says I look like I'm 10, I take that as a compliment though, and as you know, hate butterflies." he seemed like a trustworthy person, he is a brunette and wore a shirt with the logo of the music artist Emile likes which means he probably has an older sibling.
"Oh that's nice, well I'm Ellie and have you noticed anything abnormal recently?"
" Yeah I did, so many weird people walking around."
"Do you know anything about this?"
" Well mom says that I have to stop being so paranoid all the time but other than that, no. "
"Ok thanks! I'll go now, bye!" I hurried away, defeated, wasted time and didn't even get any info. I heard something like "bye" far behind me and increased my speed.
Thanks for reading if you did!
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kerler5834 · 2 years
Hey, so like I've never written an actual book before, just small bits and pieces. But now I'll try to write one. I don't have a name for it and I'm really sorry if I have spelling mistakes. English isn't my first language. And if something is offensive or isn't to your liking please inform me. If you have a suggestion for the title, could you comment or whatever it is here in Tumblr. I don't know what tags to put for people who would enjoy this but I hope this goes to the right category. Thank you and here it is :
Ch 1- So so Alone
I was running through the forest, nowhere to go. Barefoot, blood on my hands, still not recovered from that hit to the head, and alone. I'm so alone, the silence is swallowing me whole as I limp through the darkness, occasionally falling down.
I had to feel my way by having my bloody hands in front of me, so that I don't hit a tree. The moon was hidden by the powerful thick branches of the oak trees surrounding me. Oh I'm so alone, the only thing to keep me company, and sane, is my very voice. I'm trying to reassure myself that I'll get to the other side of the forest soon. But the more I walk, the more hope is lost along my blood covered path.
As I licked the salty tears streaming from my eyes, I remembered what Ellie told me. No, I can't give up hope now, I have to get to the other side of this dammed forest. A hint of hope appeared in this awful nightmare, and I am not going to let it go.
Ch 2 - Emile's House
The nice warm air is wandering around me as I stride along the boring, cement sidewalk. What a boring sidewalk, I thought to myself. I decided I'd rather walk on dirt rather then the ugly sidewalk, and so I slightly changed the direction of my travel and was now on the nice, still fresh from the slight morning rain, earth.
I caught sight of Emile's house and checked how I looked in the palm sized mirror I keep in my pocket. Light brown, waist length hair aligned my face shape well enough so I could say I looked acceptable. I glared into my own oak eyes, as if trying to see something other then my own face, I couldn't, and so I proceeded to the yellow house.
I curved my palms into fists, inhaled, exhaled. And with a movement I've been practicing my whole life, heard two knocks. Footsteps were approaching and soon the door burst open.
"Welcome Ellie! Emile and the others are upstairs, they were waiting for you." Exclaimed Emile's Mother,
"Thanks, I will go there then." I don't like making a huge fuss while greeting someone I was not even going to spend time with so I like to make it brief.
I hurried up the wooden stairs to the familiar corridor with doors on both sides and an ancient lamp on the far end. I already know that the door I need is the second on the left with a sticker of Emile's favourite music artist. I headed for the door and pushed it open.
"Oh hi Ellie!" Exclaimed Emile while sitting in a circle with everyone else on the carpet
"Come join us." He pointed at the free spot near Jenny. I squeezed in without saying a word and once I was done making my spot nice, I looked around examining my friends.
On my left was Jenny grinning at me ( a full girl, really talkative with shoulder length black hair), and there sat Rina smiling at me from my left (a fit 13 year old with warm brown waist length hair that occasionally had braids hanging with the rest of the hair). Emile (terrible eye sighted guy with dark brown, ruffled hair that seemed to never sit in one spot) sat next to Rina and since Nicholas ( tall, blonde sometimes had ponytail, observant ) couldn't come because his throat was killing him and he had a fever his usual spot was empty. It broke my heart for a second, how quickly once a place occupied by someone, looked so dull without the usual member.
"So we were just waiting for you to come, late as always, with us outside we have an important thing to discuss." Said Rina
"Sure let's go then."
I'm working on chapter 3 so I'll post it next time if I see that people like how I write. Thank you
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