ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
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i feel better now
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
pharell williams and will ferrell have reverse names
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
i’m made of skin so I guess I’m skinny
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
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The Most Inspirational Quotes
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
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Run Report - Kade Meyer 10K
Today was my first official 10k! :) It went pretty well. There were 3 runs going on at this location, a 1 mile fun run, a 5k and a 10k. I would estimate there were 300 runners, 70% 5k, 20%fun run and 10% 10k. It was cool to be in the active minority for a change!
The first 5K was fun and easy. It was in park and surrounding neighborhoods, I maintained a respectable pace and ran the whole way. I was pretty happy with the first 5k. 
The second 5k was a beast. It moved from the park to a rural highway. It was a seemingly endless parade of hill after hill after hill again and again. 
As I finally got to the final turn and started my run back to the finish, I realized I was probably the last runner on the course. This is a little humbling to say the least. 
Then when I got about 8k in I started to cramp. This was not my longest run, or my hottest one, but it was my hilliest long run and my body started to protest. Unfortunately, this forced me to walk the last 2 hills.
I was nearing the park and feeling a little down that a PR was not going to happen today, when I saw some ladies running toward me. They had water and said they’d be honored to run in the last km with me if that was OK? 
Naturally I said yes and we we ran in the last little bit, they explained that there were about 30 people waiting to see me cross including the race captains. They said I was inspiring to them. I nearly teared up right there. 
We ran to the end and true to their word, there were 30-40 people cheering me on. Several came up to me and congratulated me. One group said they were trying to keep up with me on the 5k and they were impressed when they saw me pull off to the 10k so they had to stay and see me finish. 
Long story short - I love the running community and these strangers sure made me feel welcome. I only hope to return the favor to other new runners in the future. 
If you are reading this and wondering if you can do it too - the answer is yes - you can, and I can’t wait to cheer you on. 
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
"What time is it?"
"Time for you to get a watch!" 
*gunshots* *sCREAMING*
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
i didn’t realize how badly i needed an infinite loop of nicki minaj and ellen degeneres saying different words for booty until suddenly i had it.
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
when u and ur friends make plans
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
when ur trying to act chill
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
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On July 17th 2014 my father in law, who is a part time trucker,  was in northern Ohio getting ready to sleep in the bed in the cab of his truck. After laying down in bed he heard some shaking noises in the trailer of his truck. He proceeded to call 911 to alert them and then heard someone jiggling the handle to the cab. Suddenly, a bullet shot through the drivers side window. (We later found out that there was metal in his eyebrow from said bullet.) He jumped out of the passenger door only to be met by 2 other men armed with knives. All together there were four men who proceeded to assault and maim my Father in Law. His injuries included a large gash to the stomach that required glue and 28 stitches, a stab wound to his arm that required 10 stitches, PTSD, and most recently seizures.
They haven’t found the four men who did it and from the forum Topix.com it seems like many recent crimes around there have gone unsolved.
Pretty shitty right? 
Well guess what? That’s not even the worst of it.
Sunday, August 14th, 2014, was FIL and MIL anniversary and the day my fiance had to go back to work until at least Thanksgiving. That morning we were all woken up to pounding on the door and my 16 year old sister in law answered to police claiming they had a warrant for my father in laws arrest. We were, and still are, in shock.
The police are claiming that he faked his entire assault including stabbing himself multiple times. We think it’s because he brought up the fact that no recent crimes had been solved in the town. As a result of my FIL being in jail we are lacking funds. He had been out of work because of his injuries and seizures and my MIL has POTS which makes it extremely difficult to carry on with every day tasks and nearly impossible to hold a job because there is such little understanding. Our land owner who were basically renting to own from is threatening us to kick us out. 
I will make you anything you desire for a donation. 
My beanies are $7 or 3 for $20 
My pot holders are 2 for 10
Skirts are $12 for infants and $20 for adults 
Aprons start at $50 and I’m trying to figure out how to make infant dresses.
Shipping is generally $5.
ANY donations are so appreciated. 
We all have clothes and food etc and if I get hate whatever I don’t care I just need help so bad. We don’t have cable and have the cheapest internet. We’ve sold cars and guns and have a truck that we cant fix yet. We’re just trying to keep a roof over our head so we don’t have to move. Were supposed to be getting a settlement but that could take up to a year for any money to come in from it. 
I am literally begging for help. Even if you can’t at least do me the favor of reblogging.
Also if you know me on FB don’t post this. It cannot be there yet because of our land lord. 
mamamadeleine thefirstandonlyeruanne lifecuzithappens mommareblogs have-f-a-i-t-h-inmomma la-maison-manquant housewifeswag 4357milesisnothing ldr-some
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
[opens pizza box] *snoop dogg voice* greetings loved ones
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
baby: m....m...m
mom: mama? ma? mommy?
baby: m...m...
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
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ketoismysuperpower · 10 years
ok but if there is a thor movie with the new thor i already have a fancasting
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