kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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I'm on @InstaMessage! Chat with me now! #instamessage (Taken with Instagram)
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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Rob Papens Predator. I cannot wait to go in on this..... #pause #robpapen #propellerheadsreason #reasonrackextensions #reason #music #imtoniceatthisshit #imthegreatest #cantheyholdme #flynnlyves (Taken with Instagram)
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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The front line for the takeover. @jlamour @metacuatro @varscityallstars #lyfeonjupyter #musictakeover#boutiquepop (Taken with Instagram)
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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At sweet sounds recording studios in SOHO. Living the #lyfeonjupyter @jlamour @gritsandgravynyc @metacuatro (Taken with Instagram)
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
God created Science!
I’m a believer of both God and Science. I have been reading and watching shows about Steven Hawkin saying that God does not exist. It’s really interesting stuff. But what’s really interesting is there has got to be a God. The Sun couldn’t have just shown up there, and become a life source for us here on earth just like that.
What I believe is that God has created us with brilliance in design. He took care of the major things such as energy, food, etc. and he has made us so advanced that we should take care of the rest in order to sustain Life. If we need help, knock on the sky for some guidance. If your good you will be paid with good. If your bad, the system He put in place will eventually take care of you in some way or the other. It’s just crazy how everything works!
I’m also watching a show on National Geographic on corals dying in Hawaii. But this is do to many different reasons. So….God has built us with brains to solve issues that can help the world once we find out about a problem. If you know about an issue and don’t take the action to help out then your clearly a *****! We where brought to life to be a part of society and the world and to help out as much as we possibly could, and obviously to have fun and love each other.
So that’s my theoretical statement on the whole God V.S. Science ordeal. If you like it I’m glad, if not that’s cool as well. Any comments? Email me at [email protected].
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
This is truly amazing engineering. This blog helped us to see the vision of these engineers at Cartier. This is a timepiece that I timeless.
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
J. Lamour - Summer Breeze Produced by - truth.
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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We are coming......to take over. (Taken with Instagram)
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
This will one day be me in this article. Promise and guarantee it!
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
Pretty dope
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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Its crazy when you work so hard and focus on the things that you love doing the most, and always wonder.....when will this happen for me. And as you keep working hard you start to notice that the stars slowly start to align. Something happens out of the ordinary and you get excited, but you keep focusing, almost like that one amazing thing, happened accidentaly. Then more of these amazing events start to happen, like a chain effect. You jump to the opportunities with your team. Your team even starts to grow with those filled with wisdom and the passion to learn more on a weekly basis. You sit back and think, where did all of this come from all of a sudden? Your mind on the other hand is ready for the big event. The event that you trained for in thought and imagination day, after day, after day from the time you realized what your dream was. What is more beautiful then the ability to express your views to the world through some type of art. No matter what business you want to run, art is involved. Its so amazing. The saying ART= LYFE really does mean that. Art is Lyfe. No matter which way you see it. Even the birth of a human being. We might call that God Art. Shit you can't even mess with, right? IM grateful for my position in the world today. Maybe I need to step on the pedal full throttle. I guess this letter is more or less a goodbye. To those Im going to leave behind because of your lack to dream big, or the inability to move with me for these next couple of months. And to the love of my life, Thanks for being there for me. Your support has been amazing up to this point. I hope it continues to be that way. I Love you tons. Lyfe On Jupyter, you guys know who you are, lets do it!! Well, what are you waiting for people. Tell your friends and your friends, friends to follow the Torch Carrier for the journey ahead.
twitter- @torchlyfe
Facebook- /torchlyfe
instagram- @torchlyfe
Torch Lyfe
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."
Muhammad Ali
(via sirmitchell)
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
IAMEVE - When I Was Young
That moment when you find out that the tooth fairy is your Mom…
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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kevinflynnthestory · 12 years
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