Yeah... do you ever feel the most lost when you are trying to save up for a trip out of town for a vacation only to remember the reason why you never go on vacations in the first place? Yeah, that's me right now.
I'm honestly too stupid to live right now.
Not only am I a wimp, but I'm also an artist with the brain of an imbecile in the body of a woman who doesn't know how to live to the fullest.
Not only that, I just let my mother control how I live my life, let people trample all over me and play video games in my spare time because how difficult it is to go through this BS of a life I have.
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there is a huge difference between criticizing an institution and criticizing individual behavior. i can criticize the makeup industry without criticizing the 14 year old girl who uses concealer because she’s self-conscious about her acne; i can criticize the plastic surgery industry without vilifying the woman who decided to get a nose job after two decades of pointed comments and bullying. it is intellectually dishonest to respond to an institutional criticism as if it were a personal attack; on the flip side, it is cruel and unnecessary to leverage personal attacks in the name of institutional criticism
if i see one (1) more person respond to a perfectly reasonable beauty-industry-critical sentiment with “but i personally enjoy eyeshadow. why are you attacking people who like eyeshadow :(” or “exactly, all women who wear makeup are miserable and brainwashed” i am going to climb a tree and bite the top of it
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 2 months
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Our actual reaction when Lucilith comes out and is healthy:
CANON DOESN'T MATTER! For the 50th time, canon or not, SHIPPING IS FOR FUN!!!!!! IT'S 2024 EVERYBODY SHOULD KNOW THIS!!!
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 3 months
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somebody get me out of here
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 3 months
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now leave me alone..
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my uncle got sent death threats shipping radiostatic once
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how did radioapple kill your grandma..? how was she shipping it?
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i was the one shipping it..
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*aroace branch posting something radioapple related*
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*fans with saviour complexes going in to scream about alastor being aroace therefore the ship is invalid* BRANCH WATCH OUT!!!
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*stops shipping radioapple*
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 3 months
By the way, yes, I'm ace. Yes, I am a Hazbin Hotel fan. Yes, I connect to Alastor as the first true bit of asexual representation I ever vibed with and connected to. And finally, yes, I treat Alastor like my Barbie doll and respectively ship him in some form with multiple people. Cry about it.
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 3 months
as lucifer and alastor cannot die by normal means...
they frequently pull what would be a deadly prank under normal circumstances on each other.
coming in the middle of the night and smothering the other with a pillow, placing a wire in front of the stairs for someone to trip over, placing a live wire exposed into the hotel's swimming pool while the other is in there, etc etc
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 3 months
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 4 months
i know my opinion can be controversial, but being an aroace-spec person, i feel like i can give my two cents on the whole alastor-shipping debacle. also my opinion can be different from other aro/aspec people's opinions, and i'm not trying to speak for all of us, i'm just speaking for myself. my general stance is i don't care, ship what you want as long as you accept and are aware that he's canonically ace. whether you choose to ship him with him being under the ace umbrella or not, it's fine w me. ngl it does feel a bit odd to see him portrayed as completely allo (note: to be separated from greys and demis) bc it feels ooc, but again not a huge deal if you acknowledge his canon sexuality. in the end fanon is fanon and canon is canon; representation falls on canon, not fanon. the way i see it, no matter what fans do we'll still have representation as long as alastor is and stays ace canonically. kinda in the same way that despite satosugu being such a popular ship, canonically they're still just platonic best friends. plus i've always believed in don't like don't read - if there's something i dislike, i'll just mute it. that said, i do have a few pet peeves. firstly, the people saying "but he's ace/aroace" under ship posts, implying that ace and/or aroace people do not ever enter romantic or sexual relationships. several things i'd like to say about this: - being on the ace spectrum doesn't automatically mean a lack of interest in sexual activities, or sex drive/libido. it means a lack of attraction. so regardless of where someone falls under the spectrum, they might or might not want or enjoy sex. there are many ace ppl who do not enjoy, are interested, or desire sex at all, and they're as valid as ace ppl who do. asexuality doesn't mean you're suddenly 'pure' or 'innocent'. some of the kinkiest ppl and the best smut writers and nsfw artists i know are ace. - levels of attraction on the spectrum also vary. what i mean is that 'asexual' as an umbrella term also covers people who feel conditional sexual attraction, limited/rare sexual attraction. grey-aces and demisexuals do feel sexual attraction, just infrequently in the former case and only after having an emotional connection in the latter case. -> for example, i'm greyaroace. what that means is that i very rarely feel romantic or sexual attraction (only had one kinda-crush and experienced s3xual attraction like 4-ish fleeting times), but when it does it hits me almost as hard as it would hit an allo person (according to conversations with friends). i've also had demi friends say that once the emotional connection is there, they are crazy attracted. just because sometimes we seem or act allo doesn't mean that we are. tbh a lot of us ace specs who enjoy or want sex or feel some attraction alr deal with not feeling 'ace' enough but also not 'allo' enough. kindly don't contribute to that, thanks! - the same can be applied to the aromantic spectrum. what this means is that yes, there are aro/ace spec people out there who do want a relationship, or do sometimes feel attraction, and they are still valid. - a lot of aro/ace specs actually do enjoy shipping, esp alastor?? like even the sexual and romance stuff. tbh i've found more than i thought lol. we can enjoy these kinda things too, whether if it's just because it's cute, or because we wanna explore these things without feeling it, or because we project onto alastor etc. etc.
conversely, while i appreciate the effort to inform that aro/ace is a spectrum, i've noticed that there are some people who kinda cling or use this as an excuse to ship alastor and doesn't actually do any research. honestly i feels kinda performative, if you're just saying "alastor is aroace" or "aroace is a spectrum" because you want to bash or ship something, i'd rather you just say that instead of clinging to aro/ace specs identities. if you wanna talk about our sexualities, please do your research. as i've said before i don't have a problem with shipping him regardless of how his sexuality is portrayed, what i have a problem with is misrepresenting ace/aro labels. if you're gonna tag al as demi or grey or whatever, i and a lot of ppl would appreciate it if there was effort put into that portrayal. it's not great to have sm misinfo spread around abt our sexuality, and at some point it does feel like you're using us as a shield. just say you're writing an au for hc or don't tag him under aro/aspec, even saying "i know alastor is ace in canon but given this is fanon i might not strictly abide by that" is fine. at least don't misrepresent already little-known and understood sexualities, thanks. finally, aroaces who are uncomfortable with shipping alastor and who don't want to ship alastor are also valid. not everything is for everyone. sure you can ship what you want but also recognize that there will be people who don't like that, and don't harass them for it. our community very understandably get defensive over characters that represent us, because there's so few of them, and living in a society where sex and romance is so everywhere is exhausting if you can't really relate to it, and especially if you don't want anything to do with it.
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 4 months
I like how teens are too young to figure out their sexuality unless its heterosexual
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 4 months
You want more minority representation in media but if they have flaws its problematic and if theyre perfect theyre a patronizing mary sue. If they crack under the pressure of the conflict the author thinks that minority is weak and if they overcome the adversity they must be a neoliberal bootlicker who thinks real world bigotry is a matter of personal attitude. You want minority characters but if theyre a villain its violently problematic and if theyre the protagonist then we circle back to the very first sentence. If theyre a side character theyre being sidelined and the author is once again bigoted, and don't you know that every single minority character death is unilaterally bigoted, without exception? You want more minority characters but if their identity is a big part of their personality or struggles then they're problematic and if their identity has nothing to do with their personality or struggles then the author is tokenizing that identity for clout. You want more minority characters but every time theres a minority character who doesnt have every single experience that you have then you tell the author to kill themselves on twitter. You wonder why not even minority authors will write minority characters.
I would ask you to read Catch-22, but you'd just call the military base problematic.
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 4 months
"male loneliness' isn't real it's just an idea made up to coddle awful men" I need you to understand. you're right when you say it shouldn't be used as an excuse, but that doesn't solve the problem of (mostly cis & white & straight & ect) men (in the west at least) having nowhere else to go but extremist groups. actually I think it's making the problem worse to treat all men who fall into this as having no societal influences that made them susceptible to it and were just doing it purely for funsies or something
I know it sucks but being cold and bitter is not the solution to people who have turned away from a world they percieve as cold and bitter. you don't have to coddle them or be so so niceys or hold their hand every step of the way but imo it's unrealistic to expect these men, or anyone at all really, to deradicalize themselves without showing them any reason they should or why their worldview is wrong
if we want to try to fix this we have to throw out individualism. even if it doesn't seem fair, it's really the only solution I can see to the problem, because saying "men should just not be bigoted" isn't actually going to fix this
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 4 months
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Begging people to stop reblogging this AI trash from “The Phantom Painter” on Instagram (instagram.com/phantom.painting). I’ve been seeing it on my dash more and more often from people who are otherwise anti-AI and either can’t tell it’s AI or don’t care because it looks cool.
This is the kind of shit that is VERY CLEARLY trained on the works of existing talented artists’ with distinct styles and this asshole is selling prints and making a profit off of stealing other people’s hard work.
Don’t give people like this money or attention and they will go away.
Please, if you’re going to buy art prints, buy them from an actual artist.
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 5 months
Yeah. Thanks to Voltron fandom, I had to reevaluate things. I decided if I love a sow, I'll continue to love t and take my time with it instead. Also, I've decided to immerse myself in a "dead" fandom. HxH is still Hella good. But this time I just ship myself with the most deplorable characters just to make it easier.
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 6 months
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OP makes a good point with this post, I agree with what they are saying, and this is in no way meant to mock them, but do you ever read a post and think to yourself, god damn, look at all the problems I do not have to deal with, look at all the drama that exists elsewhere, look at all the surface-of-the-sun hot takes that occur in some other circles that I never even knew existed because I curated my net space like a champ?
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 7 months
"You aren't OK with AI Voices but you're OK with Miku????"
First off, never insult my dearest friend Miku like that ever again.
Second, Miku isn't stealing the voices of other people. That's the issue with AI voices. They're stealing real people's voices. Miku is her own funky little hologram with a funky little hologram voice.
Big difference.
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keyofthetwilightsalt · 9 months
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