keyvanstories · 3 days
André Rieu - Nearer, My God, to Thee (live in Amsterdam)
This beautiful hymn was what Lua Getsinger sang for Abdu'l-Baha while He sat in Baha'u'lla's chamber, gazing at the sea and weeping. I have been looking for it for years ever since I read Habib Muayyed's memoires. The story behind the hymn and the lyrics are very moving and sad.
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keyvanstories · 6 days
Bahai deepening by Hand of the cause of god William Sears
The unparalleled mastery of Bill Sears, Hand of the Cause of God in explaining and elaborating on the Baha'i Principle of the Oneness of God, Oneness of all Religions and oneness of all humanity. The reviving medicine for humanity at this age.
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keyvanstories · 13 days
I miss this most beloved Hand of the Cause of God so much. I met Bill and Marguerite 1970 in Iran when I had the blessing of translating for them. His voice brings me a breath of life. he was such an example of living the life. I have been asked to prepare a talk about him and memories are rushing and gushing back. Such brilliant points of lite we had the privilege to befriend, behold and emulate.
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keyvanstories · 1 month
The integrated learning experience at Pomona College and the organic garden round house, paints a vivid picture of a nurturing and collaborative environment. It’s wonderful how the inter-generational participation and connection with nature enriched the learning process. This collaboration with the Pomona College helped our Palomares Spiritual Empowerment program become a very impactful program!
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keyvanstories · 2 months
مناجات شفا . ای متذکر بذکر الهی هیچ صبحی ندمد. . Prayer for Healing b... https://youtu.be/U_wKpOOiias?si=oRYJvyJrNOCXZDqF via @YouTube for my mentors & friends who have burned the candles of their lives on both ends in service of all humanity & what is left is a flickering light. Baha'u'llah loves faithfulness and unity
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keyvanstories · 2 months
Sue Ellen Shares TRUE DREAMS & Understanding of True Dreams From a Baha'...
I am preparing a talk about the latest in Science and the Baha’i Writings and history at the home of one of the friends Aug 9, 24. The above video recorded in 2009, about 15 years ago, is by one of the participants in my course at Louhelen Baha’i school.  I am so delighted that I recorded it. It is a wonderful starter for meaningful conversation.
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keyvanstories · 3 months
Statement read at the 11th Meeting of the 56th Regular Session of Human ... https://youtu.be/cYj8ORMC0vw?si=0ehZvTSaxo0fSdKhRegards and respect for human rights is part of the Baha’i principle of the oneness of all humanity. Baha’u’llah’s teachings for the first time in history of humanity has declared the principle of the oneness of God and the oneness of all religions so no one makes their belief in God or religion a cause for superiority and discrimination against another soul. This should pave the way for peace and harmony for all humanity disregard of our differences.
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keyvanstories · 3 months
Dr. YU-AN RAO & Mrs. Rao on Transforming Human Consciousness, Beijing 19... This was a significant and inspiring recording of Transforming Human Consciousness, capturing important contributions by Dr. and Mrs. Rao to the field of service to humanity and the principles of global peace and harmony upheld by the Baha'i community. I enjoyed hearing their stories of success in cross-cultural exchange between US and China.
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keyvanstories · 3 months
Dr. YU-AN RAO & Mrs. Rao on Transforming Human Consciousness & Women's C... https://youtu.be/UGV9yk2-f3A?si=H0uwuiFP4-oHmKVh via @YouTube  It was a pleasure to have Dr. Rao and Mrs. Joan Rao in 1996 to talk about creating and supporting unity in diversity as a global goal, specially between US and China.
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keyvanstories · 3 months
What wonderful and hopeful memories these videos bring to mind.
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keyvanstories · 5 months
SUMNER ELEMENTARY Spiritual Empowerment P. 2 in Transforming Human Consc...A diverse group of students from Sumner Elementary School had the honor of being selected and invited by Principal Mrs. Jacobs to participate in a weekly training program focused on fostering unity among all individuals, enhancing consultation and conflict resolution skills, improving communication and active listening abilities, and combating prejudice.  Keyvan Geula, LMFT, was graciously invited to facilitate and guide these sessions. This recording, captured at the Geula home, offers a concise overview of the invaluable lessons these students absorbed, cherished, and eagerly shared. Their articulate reflections demonstrate a remarkable grasp of the material and a genuine enthusiasm for advancing human consciousness. Special recognition is due to Principal Mrs. Jacobs for her foresight and unwavering commitment, attending each session held in her modest office without fail.   The video was recorded in 1980's. These wonderful students must be now in their late thirties, early forties and each have stories to share about the longitudinal result of our training. It would be so wonderful if they find this recording and choose to share their thoughts  and feelings after so many years. I am hoping their stories becomes an inspiration for inclusion of more programs like this to the process of education. I like to call this education, spiritual empowerment, a process of knowing ones own self.
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keyvanstories · 5 months
Meherangiz Munsiff Parts 1&2 in Transforming Human Consciousness.
This interview in 1998 with one and only Mrs. MehrAngiz Monsef bring so many fond memories. She was indeed a global force in her own rights for oneness of humanity, global unity, and global peace.
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keyvanstories · 6 months
Dr. Sonia Blackman, In Transforming Human Consciousness.
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keyvanstories · 6 months
Keyvan Geula LMFT talk on "Don't Forget The Best"
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keyvanstories · 6 months
Celebrating NAW-RUZ with every one around the world praying for human rights, fellowship and betterment of the world.
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keyvanstories · 7 months
Dr. James Bell on Transforming Human ConsciousnessOur conversations touched upon profound insights. Dr. Bell likened slavery to a tree—cut down but with its roots still embedded in the hearts of its victims. He emphasized that freeing future generations from prejudice requires a collective effort, where parents cannot bear the burden alone but require support from the wider community, schools, and government. Despite our advancements, such as reaching the moon, but cannot overcome color—a challenge we have transformed into a pressing issue. Reflecting on our collaboration fills me with warmth and gratitude for the opportunity to work alongside Dr. James Bell in pursuit of humanity's betterment. He holds a cherished place in my prayers.
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keyvanstories · 7 months
IN SERVICE OF OUR BAHA"I COMMUNITY; LSA TRAINING I trust this message finds you well. I am reaching out to share with you the edited summary of a two-hour training session video conducted on January 21, 2024. The training was specifically tailored for several several assemblies and some community members who expressed concerns regarding the low participation of friends in feasts and other Baha'i community activities. During the training, we delved into key topics that are pivotal to fostering increased engagement within our communities. These included: The Role and Responsibilities of Spiritual Assemblies: Exploring the guidance provided by the Guardian on the functions and duties of Spiritual Assemblies in our communities. The Power of Consultation: Emphasizing the significance of consultation as a powerful tool for decision-making and community building. Listening to Understand: Highlighting the importance of active listening in fostering genuine understanding among community members. Real Friendship and Grieving Over Each Other: Reflecting on Abdu'l-Baha's teachings regarding authentic friendship and the empathy required to share in each other's joys and sorrows. Metaphoric Thinking: Encouraging creative and metaphorical thinking as a means to deepen understanding and address challenges in novel ways. Not Taking Each Other's Uniqueness for Granted: Recognizing and appreciating the individual strengths and qualities that each member brings to the community. The intention behind these discussions was to provide valuable insights and strategies to address the concerns raised by LSA members. I am confident that the shared knowledge will contribute positively to our efforts in enhancing the vibrancy of our community activities. If you have any further questions or would like additional information, feel free to reach out. Looking forward to our active participation and collaboration in fostering a stronger and more united community.
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