khalidhusain786 · 9 days
VLC sudo apt install vlc sudo snap install vlc Office sudo apt install libreoffice libreoffice-gtk4
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khalidhusain786 · 9 days
Black bird
Blackbird is a robust OSINT tool that facilitates rapid searches for user accounts by username or email across a wide array of platforms, enhancing digital investigations. It features WhatsMyName integration, export options in PDF, CSV, and HTTP response formats, and customizable search filters. Installation git clone https://github.com/p1ngul1n0/blackbirdcd blackbird pip install -r…
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khalidhusain786 · 1 month
Tally Prime shortcut
1.Click here to download Crack mod    2.Click here Crack Mod
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khalidhusain786 · 2 months
Csc registration
1.First take TEC certificate 1. Tec registration 2. Click here to registration csc All videos for registration Click all videos of csc
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khalidhusain786 · 2 months
This is very important for any company or job Here, simple practical according i write You have a file , you copy heading name and than paste blank side paste up to down from the according of this picture throw Follow  steps Type =vl+ tab button 1.lookup value= write employ or workers row 2. Table array= ctrl+shift+→ , this function throw select all table 3. column index number= select name…
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khalidhusain786 · 3 months
Pc fast tricks
Shift+ctrl+windows+B All drivers refresh and restart Ctrl+alt+delete Task manager , enable/disable msconfig→services→hide all service This function disable fpr your choice run→prefetch+ctrl+a+delete, temp, temp% disk cleanup + cleanup system file+ mark all file+ok+delete files Settings+Privacy& security+general+all functions off
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khalidhusain786 · 5 months
Kali date problem and update problem
sudo date -s date/month/years sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata apt update
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khalidhusain786 · 5 months
Bluetooth DOS attack
Script for conducting DOS-attacks on Bluetooth devices for pentest purposes. Installation     sudo apt-get install bluetooth    sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth start    hciconfig    hcitool scan    sudo python3 BluetoothDOS.py sudo apt updatesudo apt install python3sudo git clone https://github.com/jieggiI/BLUETOOTH-DOS-ATTACK-SCRIPT.gitcd BLUETOOTH-DOS-ATTACK-SCRIPT/python3 Bluetooth-DOS-Attack.py
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khalidhusain786 · 5 months
bitb stands for browser in the browser attack . it just a more of the advance phishing techniuqe used to phis the user making them belive that a new third party authentication windows is open . but it is just using <ifram>tag from the html and with magic of some javascript and css , it makes more belivable Note:     this framwork is composed of several popular site cloned pages , which are used…
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khalidhusain786 · 6 months
h2t - (website make it better) Vulnerability check
h2t is a simple tool to help sysadmins to hardening their websites.Until now h2t checks the website headers and recommends how to make it better. Installation git clone https://github.com/gildasio/h2tcd h2tpip install -r requirements.txt./h2t.py -h Or Docker git clone https://github.com/gildasio/h2t cd h2tdocker build -t h2t .docker run –rm h2t -h Usages ./h2t.py -husage: h2t.py [-h]…
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khalidhusain786 · 6 months
Find vulnerability
dirsearch -u (target su domain) nslookup enroll.dap.att.com ping (ip) try nmap (-p) means all ports Again nslookup Try and try more and see see information
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khalidhusain786 · 6 months
Phone number investigation Osint(Ignorant)
ignorant allows you to check if a phone number is used on different sites like snapchat, instagram. Installation pip3 install ignorant Or git clone https://github.com/megadose/ignorant.gitcd ignorant/python3 setup.py install Usage ignorant +91 9045436587
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khalidhusain786 · 6 months
Android app install in kali linux( Waydroid )
Installation   git clone https://github.com/n1lby73/waydroid-installer  cd waydroid-installer  chmod +x *  ./requirements.sh Or one link git clone https://github.com/n1lby73/waydroid-installer && cd waydroid-installer && bash requirements.sh Google play store app echo ANDROID_RUNTIME_ROOT=/apex/com.android.runtime sqlite3 /data/data/com.google.android.gsf/databases/gservices.db “select *…
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khalidhusain786 · 6 months
Wpscan and nikto (Vulnerability)
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khalidhusain786 · 6 months
Network speed reduce
A tool to monitor, analyze and limit the bandwidth (upload/download) of devices on your local network without physical or administrative access.evillimiter employs ARP spoofing and traffic shaping to throttle the bandwidth of hosts on the network. Requirements Linux distributionPython 3 or greaterPossibly missing python packages will be installed during the installation…
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khalidhusain786 · 6 months
Phishing sites and hidden Miners
How to identify phishing sites and hidden miners  😢 While some sites collect information about you, others install malware and steal your data. For example, some sites install viruses that mine cryptocurrencies on your PC.📺 This service completely scans the site and determines how safe it is. Among other things, you will see: information about the domain, hidden redirects, activity on the site…
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khalidhusain786 · 6 months
Trape is an OSINT analysis and research tool, which allows people to track and execute intelligent social engineering attacks in real time. It was created with the aim of teaching the world how large Internet companies could obtain confidential information such as the status of sessions of their websites or services and control their users through their browser, without their knowledge, but It…
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