khonshu-mp · 5 months
Khonshu shook his head regarding the flowers. "No, green is more her style. Maybe if the flowers were more darker shaded but more of the greenery. Think of her house - it's amazing. There's green plants everywhere, inside and out but it's so everywhere! Vines wrapped around and scattered."
He cleared his throat before rubbing his head. "Money tree. It sounds interesting...I don't want to keep you, you seemed busy when you stopped earlier. Could I have your number maybe? And reach out of I have questions?"
Khonshu wasn't sure how this would go - but either way he was now more educated than when he was when he first sat down with his drink. He stared at the flowers and grew melancholy. "I'm sure Heather will love them."
  He’s searching the wealth of photos on his phone for the one that’s of his friend. It’s a little harder than expected to find a good photo of Heather. Not because he doesn’t look good when he’s stationary. It's just the part about him being stationary long enough for anyone to get a good photo that is a little difficult! He’s always laughing or moving in ninety-eight percent of the photos and when he does manage to sit still either he took the photo himself or it’s the work of someone extremely close to him who has his attention. Dakota stops his search though when the other says that they know Heather
   His eyes lift and there’s a question that lives in them but for the moment he says nothing. Instead he gives a little nod and just pockets his phone again. As he does so, he listens to the rest of what is told to him. Discreet he pretends he didn’t hear the tension in the other’s voice about Heather, nor the mumbling that passed about plants surviving. Dakota is good with plants and he credits it to carefully learning about them over the years.
   Though, if anything, he also credits his skills with them now to the amount of times he failed to care for plants he had in the past. 
  Patient he waits for the other to make his way through sharing that he wants to try and keep a plant to show that he can to someone he cares for. A girlfriend. The dots are coming together slowly to something that Dakota was briefly told by Heather in passing but he doesn’t say anything other than, “I get you. I have this thing where I want to show I can stand on my own if I need to a lot of the time. It’s both saved my ass and at times almost got me killed.”
  The seat is offered and though he does have a bit of a schedule to keep today, he figures it can’t hurt to help a little. He settled down in the seat and then looks to the other man. “Uh..” he starts and then laughs before he dips just a bit again, “I’m Dakota.”
   Then he starts in, “Some of the easiest plants to keep alive are succulents and cacti, but like…it’s basic as hell to have them. Don’t get me wrong, they’re nice and all but when it comes to, I guess, showing interest in her interests, it might go a little better to kick it up a notch. Think..mmm,” he pauses to drum up some plants he knows from memory. “You could get a Cast Iron plant… Or some other type of small indoor tree-like plant. Ooo! Like a Money Tree! They’re kinda cute and grow really well indoors and you only need to water it when the soil goes dry.”
   He stops before he gets swept away, “Or were you thinking more like flowers? Because that’s a whole other ball game and does require a liiiiiiiiitle bit more care.”
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khonshu-mp · 5 months
NSFW; restraint with body, smut
More than anything at the moment he would love for her to mark his body. Nails digging into his flesh, drawing blood. He pushed his lips harder against hers that they made a seal. The only way for him to breathe was via his nose. He took a deep breath in, pushing his hips against hers for a bit of self pleasure. A soft groan escaped his body as he felt any stimulation against his cock. Breathing out heavily against her skill before he backed up a bit.
His breath calm and steady - but heavy. Whatever reason, seeing Hecate bound got him worked up so easily. They hadn't actually slept together since before Khonshu went away to Egypt. They spent Valentine's Day together and were a little intimate, and back in March they had a make out session that stopped abruptly but the God understood.
He looked down at her, the lights illumining her skin. She was everything to him. Khonshu loved her more than the amount of stars in the sky. He continued to stare at her as his mind was flooded with her - everything about her. He was enamored by her, 100%. From the way the lights glowed against her skin, how soft and smooth her skin was. His hand reached up and grazed her face lovingly before he went back in for another kiss.
As he continued to kiss her, he kept putting light pressure against her body with his own. Slowly his kisses moved to the side and down to her neck. He was careful there, soft gentle kisses were peppered all over, but not a single mark was left behind. As he lowered himself, he began to mark her skin. Bites here, suction there. The god found himself blocked by fabric suddenly, and regretted not dealing with it earlier.
Khonshu sat up, eyes darking due to the angle he was at verses where Hecate was. He didn't say anything but carefully moved the wires away from her breasts, above and bleow them, almost framing them with the wires as her bra was keeping her breasts in place. He flexed his hands before reaching for the bra. "Shut up." He spoke in time with one fluid motion, the bra suddenly laying on either side of her chest completely ruined.
He went back down immediately and began kissing the supple skin. His left hand massaged the ignored breast gently as to not over stimulate her - yet. Soft groans could be heard from the god's lips as he released his mouth every so often. His mouth attached over her nipple, sucking softly at first but then got more and more intense. His thighs tightening around her sides to keep her from wiggling and moving.
Lights, Camera, Action! || Heshu
"I'm pokey uh?" Having her face raised by his hand and hence being closer, made Hecate eager to be freed from the cables even more. Khonshu's demeanor and playfulness did bring some annoyance to her, but there was something in it that also refrained Hecate from casting a spell to dissolve the wires against her skin. The goddess's pride urged her to be freed, but her curiosity kept her still. Come off? Hecate had no trouble identifying Khonshu's question as rhetorical. At that moment it was clear that it wouldn't matter how much Hecate would nag, the Egyptian god was set on whatever he planned to do, from the moment he saw the situation at hand.
Seeing Khonshu get busy with his sleeves, and after taking a second to appreciate the view, Hecate took the chance to shift and try to sit on the bed. The idea was to get on her knees and then balance herself, to ultimately get up from the bed. However, such a plan didn't last long as once Hecate rested her weight on her knees and lightly turned her back to Khonshu, a swift movement caught her off guard.
NSFW Mention of physical aggression, ripping fabric and violence (as a memory)
Khonshu was fast and strong, so much it took Hecate a second to realize what had just happened. "Hey!" Her waist and legs felt colder and where there was a skirt, it was her underwear and skin exposed instead, covered solely by the frail thighs and the cables. "Are you m-" Before Hecate could voice out a very deserving nag, she again felt her body being so easily moved, now being back to lay on her back and Khonshu was already towering her. The goddess could see the eager eyes on him, Khonshu's gaze was so intense and his attitude so imposing, that it almost felt foreign. His intensity along with a feeling of her breath being taken away as she felt her shirt being ripped from her torso, brought memories of the only other moment Khonshu had been so physically controlling over the goddess of witchcraft.
For a brief moment, Hecate recalled how intense he had been. For a second she reminded herself how strong he truly is, the grip of his hand around her neck and life being drained away from her veins. Fear had not been present in her mind since then, but it was inevitable to keep it away in that moment, seeing how easily Khonshu would pursue his hunger. This was the man she loved for centuries now, and yet, also the man that accelerated her breath with one gesture.
But despite the sourness of their past, Hecate's mind also recalled that from the day they left the cave, Khonshu had been nothing but sweet and let them step through life at her preferred pace. They have wronged each other in the past, but there had been nothing but respect and patience in their relationship for months. Both of them were healing together, both of them had been cautious and endearing. Hence why that whole scenario they were experiencing felt so abnormal and yet there she was, indulging in it even if her heart was racing and her skin crawling.
"Khonshu…" The word came out more as a mumble, seeing his hand reach for her bra filled Hecate with an anxious feeling but also excitement, her body was starting to follow his eagerness and her back arched with her legs pressed against each other, trying to keep the sensations at bay. The little composure Hecate held, started to dissipate once she felt his lips on her. These were the lips she had kissed a thousand times before and yet, the kiss still sent sparks down her skin. Hecate was used to be in control not only over him in their daily life but in the bed as well. It was difficult to let go of her pride, so Hecate would still struggle against the grip of the wires, trying to reach for him and turn the tides. Control was her favorite drug and now, it was Khonshu's turn to rejoice on that thrill.
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khonshu-mp · 5 months
Khonshu chuckled lowly as she asked if it was a prank. "No, my dear. It's not a prank" He shook his head before pulling her head up by her chin a bit. "However, I do really enjoy seeing you like this." A grin crept across his face. "You may be pokey some times, but you're not a tree." Winking he stood up and walked around before smacking her bottom. "I think...these clothes need to come off? What do you say?"
tw: mild phsyical aggression (no harm), ripping fabric
"I mean, I don't think it's much of an issue for me...." He pushed his sleeves up past his elbows now only to look at her outfit again. Not really worried about her tights - they'd be dealt with much later. He found an opening and moved quickly - the only sound was the sudden ripping of fabric before the god had to stop to reach past the wires.
A soft groan escaped from his lips once he was finished with the skirt before flipping her over onto her back. His eyes wondered all over her body before he climbed up and over top of the goddess. He knew he'd hear about the fabric - how much it cost, and whatever else she'd rightfully complain about regarding her outfit but he wasn't in the mood for that. He kept quiet before reaching for her shirt. carefully he pulled it away from her body and through the wires bound around her chest before he ripped it off without an issue.
Khonshu watched her body recoil against his movements. Biting his lip he went towards her bra only to hover his hand before moving it beside her head. He was now laying over top of her, just barely above her. "Hm." Mumbling before he locked his lips against hers.
Lights, Camera, Action! || Heshu
~"Well, ye-." Before Hecate could voice out her impertinence towards such an obvious statement, her words got cut off by the feeling of the cables against her body becoming even tighter. Her immediate reaction was not to nag at Khonshu, but to feel shy as she noticed how arched her back was, keeping her chest in a very perked position towards where Khonshu stood. "Not really, the lights aren't that strong." The affectionate name and the way Khonshu spoke made her own voice become calmer, in a way Hecate couldn't understand how.
Seeing Khonshu turning off the lightbulbs, brought some relief to Hecate, as it seemed he finally understood the situation. And yet, there she was, being carried like a gym bag away from the living room. The whole scenario seemed so ridiculous it left Hecate speechless but once she felt the bed under her body, it was time to react. "Khonshu what the hell?" To add to her surprise, the lights were on again, causing Hecate to close her eyes for a second to adjust to the brightness.
Once Hecate's eyes adjusted, the god was so close she could sense his cologne. Her energy was no longer the same, a certain nervousness trailed along his fingers and the feeling of her skin being pulled by him brought Hecate's breath to a small surprised whimper. "What type of prank is this my dear? Do you enjoy seeing me in such a predicament? Posing as a Christmas tree?" Her voice was calm, trying to figure out exactly in what situation the two were in. Her pride and stubbornness clouded her mind to realize it was a game of temptation, a matter of control and she was not the one with the tight grip.
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khonshu-mp · 5 months
"Sorry, I should've mentioned. Yeah, we can be seen...do you ever get that suspicious feeling that you're being watched but no one was there?" He raised an eyebrow before nodding. Khonshu looked towards the house before shaking his head a bit. The garden was outrageous but yet so beautiful that he wished he could explore it like the palace of versailles gardens.
"You're sure he arrived here, on the side the night he arrived?" Khonshu walked with the other, keeping an eye on all around them. He was interested into knowing more about why Cedric wanted to know more about Will. It was an interesting situation, and it was about to get more messy.
The god worried what kind of mess up would happen if they were to bother something too out of place. He tried climbing up the gazebo carefully and positioned himself in a manner that he was easily hidden. He turned his head to try and find a good angle that his hearing could work at.
If it wasn't the past already, and the fact that they couldn't alert anyone from attention, he would've let his godly form out - or a part of the representation - he would've used his falcon head to see if it could pick up any better hearing than what his mortal body could.
"You're fully prepared to do this?"
Turn Back Time
"It is a personal matter." Cedric nodded his head, acknowledging what Khonshu had just mentioned. "But it is not a secret anymore. It is not a matter that it would be harmful for you to know." Cedric's voice is calm, reassuring, and devoided of emotion when he speaks those words. "It'll bring nothing to your daily life as a god. Just mere dramas from us puny humans, I guess." Cedric shrugged, his last words now spiked with some sourness towards the reality of his family. Before he knows it, Cedric's hand is fidgeting with his necklace's pendant, which is shaped like a knife with a 'W' engraved.
As Khonshu spoke again, Cedric looked at the god with mellow eyes, followed by a bow. "Thank you, I appreciate it Khon- wait. Should I address you formally in any way? Mr. Khonshu?" The question may have sounded out of place considering the amount of times they have spoken before. But wouldn't hurt to ask. After all, gods' pride can be an absurd thing.
Suddenly, the sky above them was no longer still. The speed at which it moved brought some discomfort to Cedric's eyes but the demigod did not refrain from admiring and witnessing Khonshu's powers taking shape around them. And soon, their surroundings felt eerily familiar as Cedric was now before his family's mansion. "I highly doubt I'll have the need for a second time but- noted." Cedric's skin tensed, his breath turned even quieter than usual and he felt like he was about to engage in combat. However, Khonshu's instructions snatched his focus away for a second. "Not get caught? We can be seen??" Cedric did not expect this, expecting their time-traveling to be most an illusion and keeping them invisible.
But Cedric did not wait for an answer, instead gesturing towards the small group of trees that separated the mansion's facade from the parking area. "I remember father dismissed the security patrol that night, keeping only the one at the gate. Most likely not wanting undesired eyes to witness Will's arrival." Cedric scoffed, cursing under his breath.
"But we're already inside the front garden so no need to worry about that." The mansion was your typical British rich family haven, with a pompous garden shaping around the parking area and the driveway that led to the old, iron gate. "We need to go around. Will did not enter from the main hall, which I always found odd. There will be a gazebo we can use to hide and perhaps listen." To anyone who was not familiar with Cedric's past, the house could feel imposing, given its size.
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khonshu-mp · 5 months
Khonshu knew immediately. They embodied Heather perfectly. "They match him very well." He said, confidently, but if one really noticed, there was shame behind his voice. "I know....Heather." He nodded again before staring at the flowers. "That is a very good choice for him." He gave a smile before looking at the plants that were his table mates.
"They survived....I guess I could do this after all...maybe." He mumbled before looking at his phone. "I don't know what kind of plant to get for my first house plant...my girlfriend...she really is into plants but I don't want to ask her because I want to surprise her sort of?" He wasn't making sense, but he had his idea. He didn't want Hecate to have to teach him about this, and that he wanted to do it on his own, for her.
"I want to show her that i'm trying to learn her interests?" He wasn't sure what he was trying to say - it was an attempted to make it sound better but it wasn't working. "What plant would be easy to kill - not kill. NOT. Kill." He rubbed his head before motioning to the seat. "I don't know how long you have but I'd really appreciate the help?"
   The other man asks if the flowers represent his friend well and Dakota chuckles. Heather, much like the flowers, was beautiful and sort whimsical to look at and had many faces to them— but both were strong. Dakota had been privy to a lot of happenings in his friend’s life that many would never know about and he had watched the ways that he had picked up and kept going even when most would fold to life’s pressures. “Yeah, they really do. I’ll show you why when I get them. It’s.. kind of something you only get though when you see them both side by side.”
   Dakota thinks about showing a picture of Heather to the guy but he’s setting down the array of plants he has already and can’t just yet. He’ll do it in a bit when he’s back from the little shop. “Thanks! I’ll be right out! Give me like five minutes.. give or take!”
   And with that Dakota disappears into the shop with his wallet and things, leaving the other man behind with the collection he’s gotten. Quick and true to his word, Dakota emerges not but six minutes later with something wrapped in brown paper and tied off with a bow of twine around its middle. From the top of the wrapped bundle the most beautiful delicate pink-purple blossoms stick out cheekily.
   “Back! I got them! I’ll show you why they remind me of him— one sec, I have this photo…”
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khonshu-mp · 6 months
Khonshu wasn't sure what he should prepare himself to witness, and perhaps he should reiderate before starting: Khonshu would now also bare the same knowlege. "You do recall that I will know what goes on here as well?" It wasn't fair if Cedric didn't remember that and then would regret having Khonshu know.
"Of course, that being said...I won't tell a soul what we have done this night." He looked up at the sky before taking a deep breath in. The cool air was refreshing and the moon's light brought a certain kind of comfort that a old friend comes to visit, or perhaps waking next to one's loved one would be more accurate.
He heard the other repeat the dates from before but the full address. It was harder because the distance between them and the actual address was further away than he expected. The God moved the sky backwards, getting faster and faster as the nights reversed. Suddenly the world was blurred only for them to suddenly phase in front of the address. "We have about 2 hours. If needed, we can do multiple sessions...but it will be once in a while." Clearing his throat, indicating that the God was doing his best to control the time from resetting. "We must hurry. We must not get caught."
Turn Back Time
The whole scenario would seem rather odd to anyone passing by. Two men meeting up so late in such a secluded part of the island. A rather conspicuous situation that most people would see in a very bad light. "Is it that obvious?" Cedric asked, feeling ashamed for not keeping his restlessness to himself. "So do I. Bella loves spending time here and it's a quite good alternative to the gym." The demigod tried to make small talk, a sheepish attempt to bring any composure to his presence next to Khonshu.
"Twenty-third of November, two thous-" Cedric got ahead of himself, but cut his own words to make sure he wouldn't totally interrupt Khonshu and for a second, Cedric took his eyes to admire tha starry sky above their heads. "Ah…" He sighed at Khonshu's question, taking a hand to rub his neck and looking away for a brief moment. "I believe it will not change a thing between us. But it might affect the way I see my parents and honestly… I have no issue with that."
Cedric's words did not transpire confidence. Not that he was lying, but the demigod had no idea how his heart would take seeing how his parents truly had treated Will. "Ok let's do this. Twenty-third of November, two thousand and six. Lancaster, …" Cedric proceeded to give Khonshu the full address of his parents' mansion and stood still, waiting for anything to happen.
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khonshu-mp · 6 months
Khonshu reached his hand out and shook the other's hand. "Looking at plants..." The God looked at his phone before shrugging and looking at the other. He watched the other respond and gave a chuckle. He looked towards the window, looking for this plant or flower. "Uh. Sure." He moved some stuff off the table for the plants to make a temp home.
Khonshu was about to go back to his phone before he heard Heather's name. "What?" He stuttered a bit before catching on. "Oh! How interesting? Do they represent h---them well?" The God wasn't stupid, the likely hood it was the same Heather, was very high but he didn't want to think about it. He was still upset at the situation and how everything unfolded.
"I'll be here. Don't worry." He gave a nod and sipped his drink with a interest in the plants now before himself. He started googling the shapes and colours, or anything about the plant he could describe easily to try and figure out what they were and how what he just recently learned was called "hearty" meaning they can survive with a bit of neglect if accidentally forgotten about for a moment.
   “Probably got to do with that weird shape they got. Jack be creepin’.” Dakota answers the question. 
   He’s standing near to the asker, his hands dusting the dirt from one of his plants off his palms. There’s dirty on his jeans and a smudge of it on his face but it does nothing to take away the handsomeness of his features or the friendliness of his smile. Looking down at his hand first Dakota extends it out and gives a slight dip at the waist in greeting. “‘Sup?”
   The plants around him give him away as an enthusiast but even still it’s not every day that someone can recal the look of a plant just by the name. “You fiendin’ for a plant too? I got…”
  He laughs and motions to his collection, “Just a few myself today. I’m eyeing something for a friend of mine too, in that window over there. You wanna watch my babies while I get it?”
   Placing his trust in this stranger with his plants is wild but he’s simply got to get those flowers! “I’ll pay you after I get them. They’re for my friend because his name is Heather and well… they’re Heathers.”
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khonshu-mp · 6 months
Khonshu wanted more plants in his life, seeing Hecate's place with a bunch of greenery made him want to take some too. There were plants that didn't need much attention and he wanted that kind, but some were very pretty as well....but those were more work. He hummed and hawed at the idea of what to buy before even getting to the shop.
Khonshu liked to know plans ahead of time, and wanted to be able to be in and out right away - not bothering anyone for any reason. It was his old stubborn ways. He was outside of the store for a little while. staring at the plants and the flowers in the window before shaking his head.
He was feeling frustrated at the fact that he was so hung up about plants. Centuries ago he wouldn't have cared and just agreed to whatever plants he didn't even look at - in fact he probably wouldn't have any plants at all.
He went to the cafe near by and ordered a drink before taking it outside so he could think. Sitting down he was scrolling through his phone about plants. The god was starting to giggle and cackle at the idea of the plants and their names: Sneezewort, Bear’s Breeches, Dancing Girl Ginger.
"How can you name a plant "Jack-in-the-pulpit" he questioned so egarly. Sipping his drink he started to laugh again.
Greenery - Open Starter!
{{ In which Dakota will most likely drop at least one plant and ruin his whole week - open starter! First come, first serve!}}
   He really doesn’t need more plants. One solid look at the private back garden of Honeypot would tell anyone that. Hell, one solid look at the front of the building would! Dakota had a surprisingly good green thumb that was not talked about too much but made itself obvious when he was on one of his binges again. Like today!
   Today, in the bright sunshine of the afternoon, Dakota is marching his way across town from one of the many spots to buy plants with one potted small tree on his left arm, several hanging plants on his right and some leaves peeking from the open top of his backpack. It’s too much- even for the demigod as he stops for a second and his eyes fall on a floral display in a shop window. 
   “Heather…” he says to no one, thinking very clearly that his friend might like the arrangement. The wheels are turning in his head about how he can juggle all of it in his arms and he’s got that look of determination in his eyes that is worrisome to others.
   Dakota sets the tree down and then the three hanging plants before he pulls out his phone to take a quick picture of the flowers to send off to his friend to ask about. It’s a fools venture to text about them- he’s going to get them either way. Putting his phone back in his pocket Dakota starts to collect the mass of his plants before he’s setting off again. He’ll come back for the flowers.
  He gets about a half block away then stops and looks back. But what if the shop closes before he can get back?…. He turns around and starts walking back stopping only when he hears the chuckle of someone seated at an outside table. 
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khonshu-mp · 6 months
Khonshu sat back and thought about the options and the drawings that Hephaestus sketched up. He felt like the greek style, inspired by Helen of Troy, was the better idea. "I think...the helen of troy style stuff." He nodded and pointed to the sketch. "I am willing to pay a heavy price for these stones. If it speeds the process up of getting the stones faster, I am willing to add another zero...or two." He cleard his throat and nodded before looking down at Fotia, only to melt with the sight of how cute she was.
"Hello~" He called out, fawning over the dog and scratching every part of her body to find the sweet spot. "Of course as well I will pay you as well." He nodded looking back up at the other God. "And I want a good price - by that I mean don't give me any discounts or what-have-yous." A stern look came off his face, but some how, it was mixed with kindness. He wanted him to get as much profit as he could - Khonshu wanted to pay full price because it deserves to be full priced.
"Your secret is safe with me," he stated, making a cross my heart sign. "She's not going to know, and I'd love to hear about her reaction to the final product," he added.
He laughed. "Well I am the master craftsman to the gods. My history with my pantheon is only negative in regards to Aphrodite, Ares and Hera. There's only so much in the family that we can deal with," he added. Fotia leaned her head on Khonshus lap, quite pleased with her comfortable spot next to the Egyptian god.
Hephaestus pondered Khonshus opinion. "Well, curses have their own thing. A lot of the time, it's items associated with misfortune and unluckiness. It's similar to the idea of the evil eye amulets that exist because people believe that they ward off malevolent thoughts from them. Cursed items and jewelry are similar," he stated. "I tend to specialize in such items." He added.
The god pondered the others suggestion of balck jasper. "Yes. Black jasper is also doable. It would take some time to procure the right stone and the right amount but it should be doable enough. I have a contact who can get the rarer stones for me," he added. He pondered the ideas. "I think a classic Greek style with an Egyptian flair would be appropriate as a union of both pantheon. We do a lot of gold as well. I think," he grabbed the sketchpad he often had on the table, "we could go a few ways. A classic Egyptian style as inspired by Cleopatra with black jasper as a focus stone with a surrounding of black veined howlite with a Greek design motif," he said sketching out his thought. "Or we could go Greek style, as inspired by Helen of Troy, with black jasper as many stones and a central gold motif of your respective symbols," he added.
"Granted it is up to you," Hephaestus added.
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khonshu-mp · 7 months
Khonshu was pretty relaxed when Cedric arrived. The other, he could tell was a bottle of nerves. The way he spoke gave it away even more. "You can relax, you know?" That probably wasn't reassuring to the demi-god. "We're okay to do it here. We can go further in, if you'd like. I know these woods well."
"The time, date and place. Ideally, would be in the place already, but that seems a bit...risky? and unattainable at the moment." He shrugged before taking his suit jacket off and rolling his sleeves up. Looking up at the sky he started seeing more stars appear. "I remember the stars of every night." He looked back at the demigod before giving a reassuring smile. "Are you ready to know what you've been searching for? Are you sure you want to find this information out? Will it change the outcome of your relationship with him?" He raised his eyebrow, wondering what the other would say.
"This can change a lot of feelings. I just need to know that you're mentally prepared for this."
Turn back time
"Couple more hours." Cedric groaned under his breath but distancing the phone from his face. "Okay. The forest in two hours, got it." His voice was calm and polite, despite how annoyed Khonshu's words made him feel. After hanging up, Cedric took a second to look around and tried to decide what to do for the next hours. Returning home seemed too much of a hassle, Bella would be excited to see Cedric back but being left alone shortly after would be inconvenient. So instead, Cedric headed to MPPD and decided to process some paperwork he had left behind during his previous shift. Workaholic? Perhaps. But it was the most effective way to make time pass by faster.
His phone chimes with the alarm Cedric set, taking no time to glance outside and confirm there were enough stars in the sky to make Khonshu willing to help. Cedric was immensely grateful to the god, but his feeling of urgency sparked a small sense of brattiness here and there. He put his jacket back, said goodbye to the officer taking care of the reception and headed towards the forest.
The night was pleasant, not too cold and ther was no sign of wind. The forest had recently become a familiar place for Cedric, considering he'd visit it often with Bella, so the path was done quickly. There was a glade not far from the forest's entrance, the place most visitors would end up when firstly visiting the wilder side of the island. There was no way to miss it, considering a path had naturally formed with the amount of foot traffic. "Good evening. Thank you for meeting me at such short notice." He greeted once he heard Khonshu pronounce his name.
"So, is there anything I need to do? I'm assuming you need the date and the place? Can't remember if I mentioned it before at Sakura." It was evident Cedric was impatient, fidgeting with a leaf he picked up earlier. "Is it safe to do this here?"
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khonshu-mp · 7 months
His cheeks tinted with red as he heard that Hecate was Hephaestus' favourite person. It was like a middle school crush blush, in fact. It wasn't a light tint. Clearing his throat he looked down to pet the dog that was now laying on him. "It's not that I don't want people to whisper, I just don't want it getting back to her. Y'know?" He shrugged before leaning into the couch to relax.
"I'm sorry it's not...favorable. I figured...since that is your domain you'd have the best knowledge." He gave a frown before listening to the other get into his element. "I don't know - if it ...should be cursed? I guess I assoicate curse with bad...but not all curses are bad?" He gave a confused look before listening to him about the stones. Pulling out his phone he looked at them online. "I don't like the colours of them, but I like what they represent. I was thinking a darker stone...that's more her...and our vibes sort of?"
He shifted carefully to not disturb the dog as best as he could. "I think...black jasper. And a necklace?" He showed a photo of the black jasper. "it's supposed to symbolize safety and stability..." Khonshu didn't want to say much more than that. Hephaestus was smart, so he figured that the other God could figure it out easily.
He pet the dog again, smiling at the affection it was giving him. "What do you think? Do you think we can pull that off?" He wasn't sure how it would be in a greek style. "I do want gold in it...but that comes from Egyptian I believe...but I think you guys wore gold a lot too?"
Khonshu rubbed his head before looking down at his shoes, his hands in time were stuffed into his pockets. "I know. I'm sorry...I guess I was just...urgent?" Clearing his throat he looked back up at the other. "I took...some time off from the island and I lost track of schedules for others so I thought...this would be the best place to find you."
He walked into the living room after taking off his shoes. He wondered over to Fotia, letting her smell him to get used to his scent. "I also don't really...want wandering eyes to see me around - not you...but it's a secret with what I'm needing your help with. Khonshu looked at the god before giving a soft smile.
" I want...to make or gift something to Hecate. We're more serious...an I don't want a ring - I don't think. But I want to give her something to show her I'm more serious." He sat down beside Fotia, trying to get comfortable. " I was hoping to get your advice - and maybe some detail into Greek heritage?"
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khonshu-mp · 7 months
TW: nsfw, or at least implied.
Khonshu tried to keep his grin hidden, but he had a tough time. It's not like he wouldn't help the goddess, he was just occupied with something else. "No. I wasn't...changing exactly." He bent down again, looking at the goddess and how tight the binds were exactly. "My, you really got tangled." He pulled on a rope, pulling the binds tighter only to chuckle as he realized. He didn't pull too tight, so she'd be uncomfortable.
Khonshu grazed his fingers against her cheeks, making eye contact with her through the glowing bulbs against her skin. His eyes narrowed a bit before his hands trailed further down her skin, his fingers pulling at the fabric of her top. "Aren't you warm, darling?" He stood up only to fully examine how she was. He walked over to the wall only to unplug the string. The darkness over took the space easily but the god was still able to navigate no problem.
He picked her up by the cords with one hand, and with ease. A soft flare escaped his nostrils before he moved to the bedroom with his 'package.' Not that Hecate was an item, he just accidentally associated it with carrying groceries, and in that case, Hecate was in fact, the whole meal.
He lightly tossed her onto the bed before plugging the lights in again. The god looked back at the door only to decide to leave it open. There really wasn't any reason to close it - he figured they could leave echoes through the whole apartment.
He walked over and pet her hair, his fingers tangling into the nape of her neck before pulling on it, bending her head back.
"Stunning." He whispered into her ear.
Lights, Camera, Action! || Heshu
"Demanding?" She shot back, in confusion. Khonshu's pace did not match the urgency the situation required in her eyes and it easily got on her nerves. Hecate was not one to be comfortable about being the butt of a joke, even if the circumstances would most likely be perceived as hilarious to anyone but the idiot that got themselves tangled in freaking Christmas lights. But instead of nagging at Khonshu, Hecate simply observed his nonchalant movements, scoffing and rolling her eyes as he put mundane items away.
She expected Khonshu to throw a joke at any moment, to take advantage of the situation and make her the topic of ridicule. It wasn't that serious, but Hecate had no experience to be made fun of and her goddess pride wouldn't take it very well. However, his demeanor was not of someone intending to have a laugh, but Khonshu was still amused by the sight in front of him.
"I tried to take the tree down but didn't notice the cables on the floor. The next thing I know I'm unable to move and I became one with the freaking tree." Her voice shows her obvious annoyance, just wishing Khonshu would finally get a grip and help. Mmhmm? That was it? The god clearly didn't seem to care to assist her and as he minded something else- blinds of all things- Hecate tried to move her body, struggling against the cables but ending up making things worse and every string touching her body tightened even more and causing her to arch her back, raising her chest towards his general direction. "Any time now, Khonshu…"
Hecate was too used to be the bossy one, to be the one in control of everything around her and seeing Khonshu casual poise made her frustrated. Seeing him reach for his belt, Hecate pouted. "Are you seriously going to change clothes first?" Only after she spoke that Hecate noticed how dark the room has become, with the small lamps around her body being the only source of light. As the lights were so close to her face, Hecate could barely look at Khonshu without the glare being an inconvenience.
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khonshu-mp · 8 months
Opening the door, he was immediately greeted with Hecate's plea for help. Raising his eyebrow he looked towards where the voice was coming from. A grin appeared across his face before it vanished - shortly after she demanded he spared the laugh. Turning back to the door he closed and locked it, taking his time.
"Demanding, are we?" Clearing his throat he threw his helmet onto the couch before taking his jacket off, hanging it up on the hook. He took a look at her again before bending down to take off his boots. Khonshu opened the door to the closet to put them away, then grabbed the helmet to store it away as well.
Sauntering over to Hecate, he loosened his tie, only to throw it on the couch then the cuffs of his shirt before rolling them up, just below his elbows. "My." He squatted down to her, looking at the situation. "How did we end up here, Habibti?"* He peered down at her, lifting her head up by her chin, making eye contact with her.
Khonshu was enjoying the sight. He stood up, listening to what she was saying, but not fully paying attention. "Mmhm." Escaped his mouth as he was walking around his apartment, turning lights off and closing the blinds. He made it as dark as possible, so her skin was illuminated by the lights. Walking over to the bound goddess again, he remained standing up, towering over he as he worked on his belt.
It was almost comedic the fact Gods were celebrating a holiday completely outside of their culture or origins, but given how humans turned the date to be a celebration about family and joy, it made sense it would be very welcomed. This year, life smiled at Hecate and she could find herself cherishing the day while embracing Khonshu, rejoicing in his presence whenever he'd be out of work and their newly found tranquillity. But despite the sentiment of calmness, there was still a void between them that only time would fill. Khonshu and Hecate had made amends and voiced their hearts out, but there was still a feeling that more needed to be done to find redemption for their actions. Both of them still carried a lot of guilty, without the other knowing.
December had passed and now amidst January, it was time to take down the decorations Hecate used to surprise her lover, just like Khonshu had done, the Christmas prior. The task wasn't exactly exciting but it was necessary, a small gesture considering how busy Khonshu had been with his business. With her phone chiming, Hecate paused herself and smiled while texting back.
( sms ; Σελήνη μου ) no need to worry babe. just make sure to leave everything organized over there, so they don't bother you when you're back 😊
( sms ; Σελήνη μου ) i kept your decorations at my place for almost half-year, you're okay ㅋㅋㅋ
Putting the device down, Hecate resumed snatching the items back into their box. Most of it was properly packed with only two larger decorations left: the tree and it's Christmas lights. Hecate was rather slim, so scooting behind the tree to star stripping the lights off was rather easy, without noticing her legs were starting to tangle as she went over each layer, mixing the cables mindlessly. She was in a rush and it became the perfect recipe to have the entire cord to roll around Hecate's torso, hips and legs.
Once she noted, it was too late, her annoyance over the Christmas lights only fueled the situation, causing her to tumble over the tree and now having her arms join the chaotic entanglement. Hecate was now strapped down facing the living room from the corner, with the tree pressed behind her and her arms roped against each side of her torso. To add to the ridiculous situation, one of her feet had pressed the switch, now including a light show to Hecate's humiliation.
She couldn't reach for her phone and magic wasn't an option, given how weak she still was from her recent injuries and leaving the usage of her magic for dire situations. And before she started to consider this a dire situation, the sound of the apartment's front door opening made itself heard. "Khonshu! Your timing is perfect, please help me. And spare me the laughs!!" She groaned, annoyed at the scenery she found herself in.
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khonshu-mp · 8 months
Khonshu rubbed his head before looking down at his shoes, his hands in time were stuffed into his pockets. "I know. I'm sorry...I guess I was just...urgent?" Clearing his throat he looked back up at the other. "I took...some time off from the island and I lost track of schedules for others so I thought...this would be the best place to find you."
He walked into the living room after taking off his shoes. He wondered over to Fotia, letting her smell him to get used to his scent. "I also don't really...want wandering eyes to see me around - not you...but it's a secret with what I'm needing your help with. Khonshu looked at the god before giving a soft smile.
" I want...to make or gift something to Hecate. We're more serious...an I don't want a ring - I don't think. But I want to give her something to show her I'm more serious." He sat down beside Fotia, trying to get comfortable. " I was hoping to get your advice - and maybe some detail into Greek heritage?"
hephaestus had taken the day off to just relax and chill at the apartment he called home. there was much to do in the time off he had, cleaning and putting away all the messes he'd accumulated over the holiday season. fotia had taken over the sofa, watching him clean and everytime he was close with the broom, he'd pet her head and fotia just let out soft barks at the attentions she was given.
the sudden knock on the door caused his puppy to rush towards the door and bark at it, notifying the greek god of a visitor. hephaestus wasn't really expecting visitors today of all days, but everyone was welcome. maybe it was arawn coming to complain about his university work, or maybe it was yura, just dropping by to walk Fotia. either way, visitors were always a surprise.
He opened the door, and seeing the Egyptian deity there, he was quite surprised to see him. "Hey Khon, what can I help with?" he asked, stepping aside so that the other god could come in. Fotia once again took up her seat on the sofa in the living room. "It's rare to see you here, normally you'd come by my shop," he stated.
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khonshu-mp · 8 months
&. 𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬.
(  various  dialogue  prompts  to  send  to  your  worst  enemy  (affectionate).  feel  free  to  change  how  you  seem  fit.  )
❛ oh great, it's you again. ❜
❛ you? kill me? that's funny. ❜
❛ for being someone you hate, i'm sure on your mind a lot. ❜
❛ you're the last person i wanted to see, actually. ❜
❛ do us both a favor. stay away from me. ❜
❛ you really are an asshole, you know that? ❜
❛ i'm the asshole? what does that make you then? ❜
❛ sometimes i think you must hate me. ❜
❛ i thought you said you never wanted to see me again. ❜
❛ if you want me to go, then you have to tell me to leave. ❜
❛ well, someone's cranky today. ❜
❛ well, someone needs to shut the fuck up. ❜
❛ just stay out of my way. ❜
❛ of all the idiots in the world, i'm stuck with you. ❜
❛ what is it you want this time? ❜
❛ sometimes i wonder if you're in love with me. ❜
❛ do you honestly think this is easy for me? ❜
❛ why would i ever want to be friends with you? ❜
❛ can we please just talk? ❜
❛ there is nothing for us to talk about. ❜
❛ you can yell at me later. just let me help you. ❜
❛ touch me, and you're dead. ❜
❛ oh, so now you care? ❜
❛ there is something deeply wrong with you. ❜
❛ i know i'm the last person you probably want to see, but... ❜
❛ you don't think we could be friends, do you? ❜
❛ i'm tired of fighting against you. ❜
❛ don't pretend you give a shit about me. ❜
❛ you're an idiot, but... i trust you. ❜
❛ oh, don't be cute. ❜
❛ wait, did you just say that i'm cute? ❜
❛ we're not good for each other. ❜
❛ if i say yes, will you shut up? ❜
❛ don't you have to be stupid somewhere else? ❜
❛ maybe we should kiss just to break the tension. ❜
❛ i'm sorry i can't turn off my feelings as easily as you. ❜
❛ maybe there's a universe out there where we're friends. ❜
❛ how can you be so smart yet so dumb at the same time? ❜
❛ don't think this changes anything between us. ❜
❛ you look ridiculous in that outfit, by the way. ❜
❛ if you die, i'll kill you. ❜
❛ is that a challenge? ❜
❛ ah, so you're not heartless after all. ❜
❛ i don't think i've ever seen you smile. ❜
❛ you never cared about me, so why now? ❜
❛ why didn't you kill me when you had the chance? ❜
❛ i don't even remember why we started fighting. ❜
❛ i don't have time for distractions right now. ❜
❛ you're not as bad as everyone says you are. ❜
❛ enemies make the best lovers, you know. ❜
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khonshu-mp · 8 months
Khonshu had purposely taken a night off, after the busy holiday season. He stayed at home just relaxing and catching up on any TV shows that he missed due to the busy schedule. Just relaxing. He looked towards the living room as he saw his screen light up. Raising his eyebrow he wondered over to the phone before picking it up.
He listened to the other apologise for the disturbance before Cedric got right to the point. "Now?" Khonshu moved to a window, peaking out of the blinds. "Give it a couple more hours...I need the stars." The night was still young, the blue hue hadn't fully darkened quite yet.
"Meet me in the forest..."
Khonshu dressed in his traditional clothing, minus the blue headdress - it was heavy and he wasn't willing to put up with that annoyance. He began heading over to the meeting spot before stopping a eighth of the way there. He returned back into his home before changing into a white suit with gold and blue accents. It was still January after all. He checked his phone as he rounded the corner to finally arrive. "Cedric?"
Turn back time
starter for @khonshu-mp a continuation from a deal they made here.
The Holidays were now over, a new year had started and it was the perfect tempo to mend any loosen heartstrings and exorcise the remaining inner demon inside his head. All of this meaning it was time to bring the deal he had briefly arranged with a certain Egyptian god and even though Cedric had thought to do this before, it was evident Sakura Lounge wasn't giving Khonshu any rest, along with rumours of a major conflict occurring between him and a Greek goddess, Cedric patiently waited for calmer days to come by.
It wasn't that late, but the sun was no longer to be seen. For any observer, he was simply taking a walk by Central Park and even though it was unlikely to see Cedric without Bella such picture didn't bring anyone's extended attention. Central Park was the ideal place to be, in the case Cedric would need to head towards Downton to visit Sakura lounge again, or walk to the Sphinx Apartments. The destination would depend on Khonshu's current location.
But at a closer look, it was evident Cedric was very restless but pensive at the same time. It had been a while since he spoke to Will, even longer since the last time Cedric had seen his sibling. But that night wasn't about seeing Will again, not in present times anyway. Cedric reached for his pocket, retrieving the device and quickly calling Khonshu. It rang a couple of time and Cedric started to think Khonshu would not pick up. Yet the sound of the other side accepting the call could be heard. "Hey. Sorry to bother at this time but, are you free for the next hour? What we spoke before... Could it be now? I'll pay you if necessary."
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khonshu-mp · 8 months
Khonshu looked at the necklace in awe, noticing the details that she spoke of - he was shocked she remembered the first night they shared a kiss. He pulled her closer to help her stay up, working on healing her still. Khonshu began feeling tired but tried to ignore the feeling.
"There is no need to remember you. We are leaving this place." He nodded and shuffled her body into his arms, carrying the goddess, bridal style. He stared at her every soften, trying to watch any damage done to her, that it was working and healing her. "Even if I had to remember you, I wouldn't need anything because I could never forget you." He stared forward, his eyes brimming with clear water.
The god walked around for a while till he recognized where they were. He stopped at the near by water to rinse both of them off, to help hide any blood that had been on them. He hoped that the water would stay on them for long enough to get by without people freaking out about his blood stained garments. Carrying her until they found El-Alamein, he stopped to speak with some street folk. Eventually he dropped several Egyptian pounds into their hands from the one pocket. It wasn't too big of an issue but it wasn't simple either as he was holding the goddess up with his arm, hoping she had enough energy to stand, but even if she didn't, no one would be able to tell as the God was able to hold her up perfectly.
Thanking the pair, he picked up Hecate again and began walking with the one man . Khonshu spoke in Egyptian, unsure if the goddess had practiced any- but even if she did, all he was really talking about were he could get a private room for several weeks without too much trouble. When questioned about the state of Hecate, he told them that she had gotten too much sun and that's why he was headed to a near by hotel instead of trying to return to Alexandria.
Once Khonshu made some calls at the hotel while letting Hecate rest on a couch within eye shot of him, he was able to pay the front desk without a card. Thanking them very cheerfully and with a cleaned up smile he walked back to the goddess to retrieve her. "Do you want a proper bath, or to rest, my love?"
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