khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Looking for Active members in Vulpes!
Party Name: Curse Breakers Leader name & ID#: Franko #2618808 Server: ENG Union: Vulpes Contact me on Discord if needed: M i l k i e s#9620 Activity Level: Often; I play constantly; really lenient on inactivity time, kick after 30 days of inactivity without reason. # of spots open: 5-7 at time of posting this Minimum requirements: Play constantly! Not every day, but enough for me to know you’re alive! We try to do a group lux boost at 8pm PST every night if possible, but I don’t enforce it very strictly.
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Looking to join a Top Active Anguis Party
Hello, im looking to join a active party. Im a very active player
Player Name/ ID:  Artorius/2914050
JP Server
Im usually active most of the day
Level 451, i usually make top 100s
Discord: ArtoriusUX#7521
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Recruiting For Active Leopardos Party
Riku Feels
Server: ENG
Union: Leopardos
Leader name & ID #: Marie, #172573
Where to contact you: tumblr @ moiyoko or discord Marie#1402
Activity level:  Hardcore, we lux boost at 8pm PST mainly. Others on different time zones lux boost at 2pm PST. We help each other with setups for HSC, Organization XIII events, and all that fun stuff.
# of spots open: 8
Any minimum requirements to joining? We have minimum lux each week depending on raid bosses and events happening (usually 1 billion). You will always be told in game what it is so it isn’t a surprise. It is preferred if you have Discord or join Discord to chat and make things easier. 
Rankings–> Usually in the top 10 and if not top 20.
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
I’m reblogging my post, to add that we created a Interview Discord to interview potential recruits to our party and I updated the post as well. I also edited my tumblr page for the thalassa souls as well so it’s not messy as it was before. So for some more information look there.
ty for reading
Are you Interested in this Global Anguis Party? :)
Hello Hello! It’s April, anniversary month again, and that means reassessing our party’s overall group and activity. We have some spaces available! 
Party name: Thalassa Souls Leader name & ID #: Stef, 679757 Server: ENG Union: Anguis Where to contact you: Discord; Stef#1242 or here on Tumblr , Please contact us via our Player Interview Discord! https://discord.gg/55qvXYN Activity level: Core to Hardcore # of spots open: 4 Any minimum requirements to joining? Any rankings or plus points you want to add?
We want active and friendly, talkative players.
We strongly encourage having discord or at least often reading and responding to the in-game chat board.
To be there for us during 2pmPST or 8pmPST lux boost for Deluxe Weeks.
Must have a nice pet name, I turn down requests with Spirit pets that have no names.
We rank within top 10 by the end of the week.
We also share our level 10 bosses and event medals to help each other out.
Upon entering the Interview Discord please provide
-a screenshot of your player id, if none, then the player id number at least
-introduce yourself and ur boost time.
After we review your request amongst the admins, we’ll provide you with a link to our discord server to meet your fellow party members! :D 
Please consider us! ;) and thank you for reading.
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
-Party name: XANNAX -Leader name & ID # XANNAX ID#3478238 -Server: ENG -Union: Unicornis -Contact: Discord  yuh#3193 -Activity level: Core/Hardcore -# of spots open: 10 -We are an active group with about 20 members. As long as you log on regularly that would be appreciated. We also have a discord where we joke and chat regularly. Slide in my DM’s and lets have some fun!
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Looking for an active party
Player name & ID #; Z #1906736
Server; Eng
Union; Vulpes
Activity level; Core /hardcore
Level, Current Quest #; Lvl 307, Quest 750, Proud Quest 451
Contact; you can contact me here or in game.
I’m very active and I usually have all the recent medals that come out so I can share them to help others. I do have discord but I need to reinstall it if you need me to for chats. I’m currently in a party that is pretty much dead and no one tends to help out. I just made this account so it’s pretty empty but I’ll add more as I get more things. I’m not the strongest player but I’ll grow with a good party. I’m I’m central time zone but I’ll adjust to different time zones for raids and events.
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Looking for a party to join~!
-Player name & ID # Charlee #3058453
-Server (JP or ENG) English
-Union: Leopardos
-Activity level; Leisurely, but most weekdays I will be moderate due to studying. I am a hardcore player who is pretty active. I usually farm almost 3billion+ lux every week if its raid weekend. On raid week, I usually farm about 15billion+ depending what’s going on that week (college student/part time worker). 
-Level, Current Quest #: Level 340/ Current Quest: 750 Proud Mode: 481 (I’m somewhat slacking atm-currently catching up)
- More Info: I’m currently an admin in my current party, but due to feeling out of place (members haven’t been treating me well for unknown reasons), I want to join a party not only to bring the party to the top, but to be with members who actually enjoy the series. I’m not super strong with a lot of tier 8 medals (Equipped with tier 6 and 7 atm), but I farm lux like no other. I’m not always in the top 100 during raid week, but definitely during raid weekend. I go back and forth from F2P and buying VIP each week. 
-Where to contact you: message me on tumblr @charleesaan, but I prefer discord- Charlee #6296 
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Looking for ENG Anguis members!!
Party name: The Droogs
Leader: Ryou ID: 257718
Server: ENG
Union: Anguis
Contact Info: tumblr: monoshiki, discord: monoshiki#7332
Activity level: casual/core
# of spots open: about 20
Requirements: I just ask that you stay somewhat active! It’s okay to go days/a week w/out activity because I understand how life can happen but I don’t want anyone joining and never playing again. If you’re going to quit playing, I ask you to leave the party beforehand. Also having a discord would super since we have a server!!
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Global Unicornis Party
Party name: Light Wielders
Leader name: Tweak
Sever: ENG
Union: Unicornis
Contact: Geminitiger on Discord, Steam; tapeplayerman on skpye
Activity: We do try to have a lot of activity kind moderate right now
# of Spots Available: 15 more may open later
Only requirement is that u are a very active player and love to participate in event like boss raids for lux, sharing in bosses that give bonus coins, etc.
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Vuples party willing to merge
Name of Party: skrill squad
Union: Vulpes
Actives: have over 8 members with 2bil luxx that can boost at 8pm PST preferably. We’re currently ranked at 154 but are dealing with inactivity from people who have went to a more casual approach.
Looking For: Another party to merge with Hardcore players and raiders alike.
Lux Boost: 8PST
–Be active and activate lux boost at our time
We’re a chill and friendly party … just trying to get that shiny armor like the rest of ya.
We have various medals shared. My Id is : 1028482
DM me if interested
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Riku Feels
Server: ENG
Union: Leopardos
Leader name & ID #: Marie, #172573
Where to contact you: tumblr @ moiyoko or discord Marie#1402
Activity level:  Hardcore, we lux boost at 8pm PST mainly. Others on different time zones lux boost at 2pm PST. We help each other with setups for HSC and getting all the crowns.
# of spots open: 2
Any minimum requirements to joining? We have minimum lux each week depending on raid bosses and events happening (usually 1 billion). You will always be told in game what it is so it isn’t a surprise. It is preferred if you have Discord or join Discord to chat and make things easier. (: But if not that’s totally fine too.
Rankings–> Usually in the top 10 and if not top 20.
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Looking for a new party! :)
-Player name & ID #; Zephyr  #164381
-Server; Eng
-Union; Vulpes, but willing to switch if need be!
-Activity level; Casual/Core. But can be incredibly active when need be!
-Level, Current Quest #; Lvl 304, Quest 735
-Contact; Here on tumblr @eye-plague or on discord eyeplague #1689
I’m by no means the strongest player in the world, but I do try my best to keep as strong as I can..!! So all I’m really looking for is a chill, active, and friendly party to hopefully have a great time with :)
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Are you Interested in this Global Anguis Party? :)
Hello Hello! It’s April, anniversary month again, and that means reassessing our party’s overall group and activity. We have some spaces available! 
Party name: Thalassa Souls Leader name & ID #: Stef, 679757 Server: ENG Union: Anguis Where to contact you: Discord; Stef#1242 or here on Tumblr , Please contact us via our Player Interview Discord! https://discord.gg/55qvXYN Activity level: Core to Hardcore # of spots open: 4 Any minimum requirements to joining? Any rankings or plus points you want to add?
We want active and friendly, talkative players.
We strongly encourage having discord or at least often reading and responding to the in-game chat board.
To be there for us during 2pmPST or 8pmPST lux boost for Deluxe Weeks.
Must have a nice pet name, I turn down requests with Spirit pets that have no names.
We rank within top 10 by the end of the week.
We also share our level 10 bosses and event medals to help each other out.
Upon entering the Interview Discord please provide
-a screenshot of your player id, if none, then the player id number at least
-introduce yourself and ur boost time.
After we review your request amongst the admins, we’ll provide you with a link to our discord server to meet your fellow party members! :D 
Please consider us! ;) and thank you for reading.
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khuxparty-blog · 6 years
Recruiting for KHUX!
Party name: Dumpster Fires Leader name & ID #: Shunned 154177 Server : ENG Union: Vulpes Where to contact you: here on tumblr Activity level: our level is Core. We try to stay active and involved in the current events but understanding that not everyone can be daily players (we do not have aspirations of being a top-50 party). We consistently make the 51-300 reward tier during party ranking rewards week, and we are good about sharing raid boss rewards (and not taking them out too early) during events and Weekend Warrior. # of spots open: 5 (as of March 2018)
Any minimum requirements to joining?: We encourage members to have at least 1 mil lux per week as a sign of participation, and members can be kicked for multiple weeks of non-participation (just to keep the party mostly active). Members should be strong enough to hold their own against a raid boss and be able to advance during a raid boss reward challenge. We have a discord for game and general discussion. We have long-standing members who have been very helpful to new members. Please message if you have any questions or if you’d like to join!
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khuxparty-blog · 7 years
Vulpes Party looking for raiders!
Party name: Lux Vulpes
Leader: Fawn      ID# 2034200
Server: ENG
Contact: https://discord.gg/9WQn6QD join our discord server for all the rules and contacting me with any questions.
Activity: Hardcore/core
# of spots: 18
Requirements: Must boost during weekends and week long raid events as well as meet lux rank requirement. Discord required.
Other: we are top 150 party during week long events while being top 50 during regular weeks. As of now, we are rank 50 during the Setzer raiding event. We would love to get more raiders. We love to give advice and are always friendly! 
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khuxparty-blog · 7 years
Leader Name/ID: K1DCAL1 #3867353
Server: ENG
Where to Contact: twitter @ c_sears21 / discord : Coming Soon
Activity Level: Core/Hardcore, Lux boosts throughout the day and plenty of help for weekly missions and raid bosses.
Spots Open: 22
Requirements: Be active at least a couple of times a week, help with raids as much as able to and just have fun!!! No base lux or playtime requirements, just stay active!
Other: Once you’re accepted as a member, you will have access to the Party Discord server that is being set up.
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khuxparty-blog · 7 years
Vulpes Filthy Casuals Recruiting
Party name: Filthy Casuals
Leader name: AdiBeau ID# 3608799
Server: ENG
Union: Vulpes
Where to contact me: You can message me here.
Activity level: Casual/Core
Spots Open: 26
Requirements: Try to be active at least once or twice a week. This group is kinda made for those of us who don’t have a bunch of free time to play but who still wanna join a group. That being said, I’d still like for you to contribute, especially in raid events. Actually interact with us, especially if you’re new and you don’t know how to do some things even if it’s as simple as medal sharing. I don’t mind responding, don’t just avoid me because it ruins the purpose of being in a group.
Additional Info: I’m just at level 256 and I’m at quest #304. Don’t be afraid to contact me with any questions you have before joining.
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