kibate · 6 months
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RIP Akira Toriyama.
To remember him, I made 4 images that detailed how I came to know this story before actually watching/reading it for the first time. It starts surprising I will say.
(On my twitter uploads of these stories I have also included links to the videos in question, here on tumblr it seemed to embedded the videos instead of just posting a link, so I didn't do it here)
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kibate · 8 months
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A quick(well, it took much longer than I hoped) drawing of Pan and Bra from Dragon Ball GT(aged up)
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kibate · 3 years
Another High Guardian Spice fanart. This time a redesign to make it look like a Shonen anime. At least, that's what I tried to do ;)
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kibate · 3 years
Yeah, I made a High Guardian Spice fanart(uploaded on Deviantart), who would have guessed. But a good design is a good design. And my god i love Amaryllis’ design.
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kibate · 3 years
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Weird story here. I had the premise for this type of story for a looong time now. I always loved time travel stuff, especially meeting your future self ones. Thus as someone who, let's just keep it simple, was affiliated with transgender, I eventually thought "What if suddenly the future self of you comes to your younger self via time travel, but plottwist, you're a woman in the future!"
And now i finally decided to bring that premise to life....but that's just it. I have nothing else but the premise. I have no idea where the story could go from here, but i also feel like it doesn't need to go anywhere. Just these mere three pages are enough.
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kibate · 3 years
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Lapis Lazuli
I tried a slightly different method to draw shading than before, but ultimately it didn't change much. I used Lapis as the model because i happened to rewatch Steven Universe and figured this pretty Gem(pun intended) would be perfect for this test
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kibate · 3 years
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Been a long time since i drew something just for fun.
Of course, after drawing for a while i noticed that THREE other artist did a similar piece before me. Despite now feeling like an unoriginal copycat, i still wanted to finish this piece. Especially because i wanted to draw Samus in this outfit in full color for a while now. (it’s from a Super Metroid strategy guide. You could call it a prototype-zero-suit)
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kibate · 4 years
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Mario & Metroid crossover - Morality
I was just daydreaming, when i was thinking about my Samus x Peach ship story.(which i will very likely never draw, too much work...) So i was thinking what they might be talking about when doing smalltalk, and then i came up with Samus wondering why they don’t just kill Bowser.
It’s the typical “Protagonist kills thousands of random mooks, but then doesn’t kill the final villain because reasons”
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kibate · 4 years
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Now for something completely different. Those who don’t know those One Piece characters have no idea what is going on. Those who do saw the punchline coming a mile away.
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kibate · 4 years
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35 Liters of water, 25 kilograms of carbon, 4 liters of ammonia, 1.5 kilograms of lime, 800 grams of phosphorous, 400 grams of magicikum, 250 grams of salt, 100 grams of saltpeter, 80 grams of sulfur, 7.5 grams of fluorine, 5 grams of iron, 3 grams of silicon, and a little bit of 15 other elements... That’s the total chemical makeup of the average adult witch. Modern magic knows all of this, but there has never been a single example of successful witch creation. It's like there's some missing ingredient..... Witches have been trying to find it for hundreds of years, pouring tons of snails into research, and to this day they don't have a theory. For that matter, the elements found in a witches being is all junk that you can buy in any market with a child's allowence. Witches are pretty cheaply made.
Ever since episode 4 when Luz learned the sigils for doing magic, we in the fandom have made jokes about Full Metal Alchemist Luz. And ever since then, i wanted to draw this scene from Full Metal Alchemist with Luz as Ed, King as Al and Eda as the mother. Of course the original text is a lot heavier, because the connection between the brothers, which of course Luz doesn’t have with King, but well, i think we can all just ignore that ;)
In this story, Eda died. Luz and King try to bring her back, with disastrous results. Luz brings back Kings soul in his bunny plushie, meanwhile Luz gets super magical advanced prosthetic from the Blight family. Luz then join the emperors coven to find a way to get their original bodies back.
I don’t intend to ever continue this, i always intended to just draw these 5 pages. It’s been way too long since i’ve drawn some Lumity anyway(because everyone else has jumped on this ship, i kinda lost the drive, you know?)
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kibate · 4 years
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I wanted to try out a new style with drawing linearts, especially eyes, thus decided to try it out on Boscha from The Owl House.
Two things i noticed about Boscha: Her third eye doesn’t have eyelashes; and she doesn’t have any eyebrows!(probably because of the third eye)
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kibate · 5 years
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Eyeball-chan from The Owl House
In the latest episode, we actually hear her talk, something i was wondering if she could do from seeing her in the background in previous episodes. And it turns out her talk is muffled. So i was wondering, why is that? Where is her mouth? So i was thinking that it might be under her eyelid, and she would have to pull her eyelid down to speak properly. But it would also be pretty nightmare fuel if her eyeball had a mouth inside it(among other her brain and whatnot). I was thinking of just making a post “Hey, wouldn’t Eyeball girl have her mouth under her eyelid?” but then thought, i should draw a sketch to illustrate what i meant. Then i thought “She is kinda cute, i should color it” and eventually it ended up like this.
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kibate · 5 years
You are one dumb idiot fool, you and your blog sucks
I replied to this comment, because i thought it was hilarious and wanted everyone to get a good laugh. I really wonder what he thinks sucks and why he considers me “dumb idiot fool”. Is it the lesbian stuff? If so, i take it as a challenge to draw even more gay things.
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kibate · 5 years
Okay, but how much chaos would happen if Sucy was Eda apprentice?
Honestly? None. Eda doesn’t seem to me the type to be interested in teaching anyone magic, regardless they be human or prodigy in plant/poison magic. Thus Sucy would just do what she has done in her own show, just her own little projects that may cause occasional hijinks, nothing more.
I get the feeling that your favorite LWA character is Sucy and want some funny ideas about Sucy with OwlHouse characters, but i have to apologize because Sucy isn’t really interesting to me, thus you’re knocking on the wrong door here i think.
Of course, the one episode that made me interested in Sucy was the one, where it was revealed that she may have some hidden romantic feelings for Akko ;)
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kibate · 5 years
So I love your LWA x Owl House comic, but how do you think Sucy and Willow would get along? I could see Willow possibly being a little freaked out by Sucy but Sucy would be super interested in Willow plant powers.
I was thinking about that as well, trying to come up with some ideas for a potential fourth panel of that comic, but once i realized that Willow is like a fusion of Sucy and Lotte i kinda gave up on trying to come up with something.
But if i had to, i don’t think Willow would be freaked out at all, she would immediately take a liking to Sucys mushroom magic, thinking she found a kindred spirit, albeit one with a peculiar taste.
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kibate · 5 years
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The Owl House & Little Witch Academia - Crossover
It was bound to happen
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kibate · 5 years
God I love how you draw Luz! Um question why do you ship Amity and Luz? Like I'm not being mean I'm kinda curious, Like I kinda ship it too but I'm wonder why this is a popular ship ya know?
Several reasons.
1. Both have appealing looking designs.
2. Due to them being rivals and antagonistic towards each other, they have and will share a lot of screentime. Plus being rivals means they will have a lot of meaningful interactions(which we’ve already seen some of it). That’s why so many rivals are being shipped in fiction, because it doesn’t matter what the actual feelings are, as long as two characters are emotional with each other, means they develop their chemistry with each other. You can see this in pretty much EVERY fandom ever. Rivals will very likely be one of the most popular ships.
3. It’s a fun nod towards the very popular ship of Diana & Akko of Little Witch Academia. Something like “Let’s go for round2″ sorta feeling, you know?
4. In my comics i write Luz as someone who teases Amity, with Amity being tsundere. It’s a funny combination.
5. There is an actual possibility, albeit small, that it becomes canon. I love me some canon ships.
6. And i like girls. So, you know...remember when i drew them as adults in wedding dresses? I wouldn’t have even a quarter of enjoyment of drawing it if i had to draw a character in a tux.
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