kikibixindia · 2 years
Cookies have health benefits too: Myth or fact?
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“Cookies, and healthy? Are you sure?”. For a change, your answer to this question is going to be “Yes, definitely!”. 
“Cookies have health benefits too” is a fact of the age of superfoods. Healthy cookies can be a part of your healthy snacking plan with one simple factor: Low-calories. Gone are the days when cookies simply meant sugar and flour. With the addition of rich ingredients that not only taste amazing but have health aspects too, the nutritional value of cookies has enhanced manifold. 
The low-calorie cookies are termed so for a reason. It’s the wholesomeness of these cookies. This occurs due to the presence of nutrients that are powerhouses of nutrition and wellness.
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Low calories cookies are carefully crafted with a fine fusion. On one side we have ingredients like jowar flour, whole wheat, ragi, oats, and sattu that come from the nutritious cereal background; on the other side, we have ingredients that come from the nourishing nut family, like walnuts and almonds. The magic touch is given with unconventional ingredients like pumpkin seeds, Himalayan pink salts, amazing herbs, and spices. This adds the unique touch of well-being. That’s how the cookie becomes a healthy superfood. 
The best brownie point? These cookies are low on flour!
When you consume these healthy cookies, you experience conscious, guilt-free indulgence.
On a microscopic level, each step while baking healthy cookies is well- thought out. From the choice of ingredients to the packaging. What makes them the better choice for everyone is their inclusivity. Whether you’re a person who likes to indulge in binge snacking or a gym freak who worships fitness. Whether you are a granny who likes to munch something during the evening tea or a 10-year old who just got back from a game of cricket with your friends. Office-going or work-from-home employee. Healthy, low-calorie cookies are for everyone. Why? For a simple reason: they are holistic. You will find the wholesomeness of cereals, the richness of nuts, the luscious taste and goodness of fruits, and most unique of all, the brilliance of herbs and spices.
The recipes of low-calorie cookies are a witness to their health benefits. These recipes are crafted in the most authentic. Just the way a mother makes a healthy homemade snack for a child’s craving. This is the reason that even though the health benefits are so amazing, the ingredients are simply the ones that are available in every mom’s kitchen. This means 100% authenticity and 0% chemicals or additives.
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Another important factor to be noted is the purchase of these cookies. While picking a healthy low-calorie cookie, you need to be careful and choosy. What are the best low-calorie cookies to buy, and which healthy ones are available to buy online; these are things you seriously need to consider. Keeping this aspect in mind, what better choice is there than Kikibix. The perfect concoctions that Kikibix brings for you are not only healthy but authentic, delicious, and well-researched by a pediatrician. 
Kikibix understands a person’s conscious choice to eat the right food. And often, snacking is nowhere near that. So it ensures that your conscious choice is backed by excellent quality, taste, and health factors. Which why it’s the perfect snacking buddy.
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kikibixindia · 2 years
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One can find an abundant variety of cookies available in the market. But the question remains whether they are nutritious or not. Healthy cookies are a rarity. The ones we generally get to buy in shops are highly processed, lacks nutritional value and are just empty calories. The presence of unhealthy maida, extra sugar, artificial flavours and preservatives in cookies lead to obesity and other health disorders.
A cookie can indeed be healthy if the right ingredients are used. In this regard, homemade healthy cookies can be your solution. Home is where mom’s love resides. The knowledge about the ingredients and recipes that have been passed on to generations ensures that the food we eat is good for our health.
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kikibixindia · 2 years
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kikibixindia · 2 years
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kikibixindia · 2 years
Why are vegan cookies healthier?
You could think of all the butter and sugar when you hear the phrase cookies!! However, if cookies are specially crafted to meet your body type, there are several health benefits that you might uncover. This fact is because most homemade healthy cookies get prepared with natural ingredients that have a high nutritional value.
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Specially crafted vegan cookies are a healthier alternative to other harmful food options. Homemade healthy snacks include macronutrients such as proteins, carbs, and fats, which offer energy to the body. You shall reap all of the benefits of ingredients like ragi and oats if you eat such healthy snacks. 
Keeping these factors in mind, below are a few of the health advantages of cookies. Take a look at the merits of consuming vegan healthy cookies!
Benefits of vegan healthy cookies
1. Loss of stubborn kilos
Yes, you read that correctly. You will have a better understanding of this benefit after you better understand how the body operates. When the body receives the correct number of calories for everyday metabolic tasks, you are less likely to overeat. Vegans consume fewer calories yet feel more satisfied than those who consume animal products. Thus, they can manage to maintain an ideal weight more easily. You will also not be wary since you have provided your body with the necessary nutrients. Consuming homemade healthy snacks and vegan healthy cookies will benefit you in losing weight sustainably.    
2. GMO-Free Foods
Genetically modified organisms, or GMOs, have been altered in some way. Plants such as corn, papaya, and soya are highly likely to be genetically modified. It is utilized to help both plants and animals produce better results. This aspect is where healthy cookies in India' derive their nutritional advantages. Non-GMO goods, such as healthy vegan cookies, benefit overall well-being of all people. 
3. Nutrient Content
Vegan healthy cookies might put some people off because they believe it will be hard to meet their daily mineral and vitamin requirements. Vegan desserts are a terrific way to fulfill your sweet appetite while keeping your health in mind. Many vegan healthy cookies are considered a high-protein snack, and the most significant thing is that they are delicious. Artificial sweeteners, preservatives, and colors are not used. As a result, this is also suitable for youngsters. There is hope for those suffering from lifestyle diseases like diabetes and obesity. One can lower the risk of cardiovascular disease with homemade healthy snacks significantly.
4. Protein-Dense healthy snack
The high protein content of homemade healthy cookies is one of its prominent advantages. Your metabolism is responsible for turning these substances into energy. So, if your diet is low in protein, a healthy cookie will more than makeup for it. The protein constituent shall aid in the development of new tissue and muscles. 
5. Gluten-free options
It's important to remember that many of the healthy cookies are gluten-free while evaluating their health benefits. Gluten is a commonly eaten protein found in wheat. All the gluten-allergic persons will be unable to consume wheat containing foods as a result. On the other hand, Kikibix's vegan cookies are gluten-free and hence better to eat.
6. Improved heart Health: 
A happy heart is the key to a happy life. With healthy Avoiding artery-clogging animal fats will aid in the effective pumping of your heart. Consuming vegan healthy cookies will power your heart and add more nourishment to your body.
7. Reduce Your Cancer Risk: 
Plant-based meals include more vitamins and phytochemicals. It help prevent cancer in most cases. Many people are advocating the consumption of healthy cookies in India as they are seen as a eating option to lower the possibility of cancer. 
Our healthy cookies contain the benefits of millets and whole grains such as Jowar, Ragi, Oats, and Sattu, which now have passed on for generations as genuine nutritional powerhouses. These are the perfect companions for your desires and snacking, with a blend of various nuts and seeds, desi ghee, and spices. Kikibix provides you with some of the best healthy cookies in India. We recognize that making the intentional decision to eat well is the first step toward better health. Our team wants to be a part of your journey to achieve this goal. Kikibix is the ideal solution to your hunger pangs, which you may now indulge in guilt-free. Say goodbye to manufactured foods that are high in carbs. Eat well and remain healthy!
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